Solo 2v2 3v3 RBG All

Top 5000 2200+ CR 2400+ CR 2700+ CR 3000+ CR

Statistics for EU 3v3

Class Count Percent
Death Knight 92 4.0%
Demon Hunter 146 6.3%
Druid 330 14.3%
Evoker 223 9.7%
Hunter 108 4.7%
Mage 138 6.0%
Monk 114 5.0%
Paladin 200 8.7%
Priest 321 14.0%
Rogue 199 8.7%
Shaman 141 6.1%
Warlock 151 6.6%
Warrior 137 6.0%
Spec Class Count Percent
Affliction Warlock 89 3.9%
Arcane Mage 18 0.8%
Arms Warrior 91 4.0%
Assassination Rogue 144 6.3%
Augmentation Evoker 5 0.2%
Balance Druid 58 2.5%
Beast Mastery Hunter 19 0.8%
Blood Death Knight 3 0.1%
Brewmaster Monk 2 0.1%
Demonology Warlock 37 1.6%
Destruction Warlock 25 1.1%
Devastation Evoker 87 3.8%
Discipline Priest 83 3.6%
Elemental Shaman 61 2.7%
Enhancement Shaman 21 0.9%
Feral Druid 81 3.5%
Fire Mage 93 4.0%
Frost Death Knight 3 0.1%
Frost Mage 27 1.2%
Fury Warrior 45 2.0%
Havoc Demon Hunter 142 6.2%
Holy Priest 134 5.8%
Holy Paladin 65 2.8%
Marksmanship Hunter 60 2.6%
Mistweaver Monk 45 2.0%
Outlaw Rogue 23 1.0%
Preservation Evoker 131 5.7%
Protection Paladin 2 0.1%
Protection Warrior 1 0.0%
Restoration Druid 191 8.3%
Restoration Shaman 59 2.6%
Retribution Paladin 133 5.8%
Shadow Priest 104 4.5%
Subtlety Rogue 32 1.4%
Survival Hunter 29 1.3%
Unholy Death Knight 86 3.7%
Vengeance Demon Hunter 4 0.2%
Windwalker Monk 67 2.9%
Race Count Percent
Blood Elf Female Blood Elf Male 42 1.8%
Dark Iron Dwarf Female Dark Iron Dwarf Male 67 2.9%
Dracthyr Female Dracthyr Male 223 9.7%
Draenei Female Draenei Male 8 0.3%
Dwarf Female Dwarf Male 46 2.0%
Gnome Female Gnome Male 123 5.3%
Goblin Female Goblin Male 6 0.3%
Highmountain Tauren Female Highmountain Tauren Male 5 0.2%
Human Female Human Male 264 11.5%
Kul Tiran Female Kul Tiran Male 5 0.2%
Lightforged Draenei Female Lightforged Draenei Male 1 0.0%
Mag'har Orc Female Mag'har Orc Male 3 0.1%
Mechagnome Female Mechagnome Male 2 0.1%
Nightborne Female Nightborne Male 2 0.1%
Night Elf Female Night Elf Male 938 40.8%
Orc Female Orc Male 339 14.7%
Pandaren Female Pandaren Male 16 0.7%
Tauren Female Tauren Male 45 2.0%
Troll Female Troll Male 12 0.5%
Undead Female Undead Male 124 5.4%
Void Elf Female Void Elf Male 26 1.1%
Worgen Female Worgen Male 2 0.1%
Zandalari Troll Female Zandalari Troll Male 1 0.0%
Faction Count Percent
Alliance 1626 70.7%
Horde 674 29.3%
Realm Region Count Percent
Ravencrest EU 493 23.4%
Tarren Mill EU 173 8.2%
Kazzak EU 149 7.1%
Archimonde EU 146 6.9%
Stormscale EU 116 5.5%
Outland EU 90 4.3%
Twisting Nether EU 89 4.2%
Blackrock EU 79 3.7%
Silvermoon EU 71 3.4%
Dun Modr EU 65 3.1%
Draenor EU 56 2.7%
Blackmoore EU 51 2.4%
Gordunni EU 48 2.3%
Argent Dawn EU 45 2.1%
Aegwynn EU 44 2.1%
Ragnaros EU 31 1.5%
Sylvanas EU 28 1.3%
Hyjal EU 27 1.3%
Sanguino EU 23 1.1%
Ysondre EU 23 1.1%
Nemesis EU 21 1.0%
Blackhand EU 19 0.9%
Howling Fjord EU 18 0.9%
Antonidas EU 17 0.8%
Eredar EU 16 0.8%
Soulflayer EU 15 0.7%
Burning Legion EU 14 0.7%
Blackscar EU 12 0.6%
Stormreaver EU 10 0.5%
Drak'thul EU 10 0.5%
Elune EU 8 0.4%
Zul'jin EU 8 0.4%
Grim Batol EU 7 0.3%
Die Aldor EU 7 0.3%
Sunstrider EU 6 0.3%
Aggra (Português) EU 6 0.3%
Defias Brotherhood EU 6 0.3%
Madmortem EU 5 0.2%
Laughing Skull EU 5 0.2%
Deathguard EU 5 0.2%
Dalaran EU 5 0.2%
Varimathras EU 5 0.2%
Dun Morogh EU 5 0.2%
Dragonblight EU 5 0.2%
Der Rat von Dalaran EU 5 0.2%
Dentarg EU 5 0.2%
Stormrage EU 4 0.2%
Frostwolf EU 4 0.2%
Baelgun EU 4 0.2%
Emerald Dream EU 4 0.2%

Showing only top 50 realms - view all

Guild Realm Faction Count Percent
infamous Ravencrest Alliance 34 8.2%
Viciøus PvP Ravencrest Alliance 23 5.5%
bis Ravencrest Alliance 18 4.3%
French Heroes Archimonde Alliance 18 4.3%
Bonjour Beautiful Baby Ravencrest Alliance 16 3.9%
I Zolo This Noob Ravencrest Alliance 15 3.6%
Noßrain Archimonde Alliance 10 2.4%
OldStyle Nemesis Alliance 7 1.7%
減衰 Blackrock Alliance 7 1.7%
hey im actually not mvp Stormscale Horde 7 1.7%
pog Ravencrest Alliance 6 1.4%
French Heroes Archimonde Horde 6 1.4%
Dynamics Silvermoon Alliance 6 1.4%
Noßrain Archimonde Horde 6 1.4%
Outland Elite Outland Alliance 5 1.2%
Life Changer Ragnaros Horde 5 1.2%
hey im actually not mvp Stormscale Alliance 5 1.2%
WE THEM BOYZ Ravencrest Alliance 5 1.2%
sry cnt Grim Batol Alliance 4 1.0%
Reign Of Kaldorei Archimonde Alliance 4 1.0%
Spanish Heroes Dun Modr Alliance 4 1.0%
ЗЧОО ЕХР Soulflayer Horde 4 1.0%
db Dun Modr Alliance 4 1.0%
Influenza Outland Alliance 4 1.0%
infamous Ravencrest Horde 4 1.0%
Aint No Way Ravencrest Alliance 4 1.0%
The Slicers Tarren Mill Alliance 4 1.0%
Echo Tarren Mill Alliance 4 1.0%
Oùt of Control Outland Alliance 4 1.0%
Slap Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
Simply The Best Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
¹²³@¼±¶÷¾‡¥¦•‰°¢¤¨½ª§®©™ Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
XYLANS Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
R A V E Blackmoore Horde 3 0.7%
WE THEM BOYZ Ravencrest Horde 3 0.7%
Au pire on meld Hyjal Alliance 3 0.7%
냉동 피자의 삶 Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
get a job Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
Melk Trupp Aegwynn Alliance 3 0.7%
Innominatum Twisting Nether Alliance 3 0.7%
I Dont Want Peace Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
OrganisationXII Silvermoon Alliance 3 0.7%
no reason to lose Dun Modr Alliance 3 0.7%
go next Blackmoore Alliance 3 0.7%
Guild TLKNJ Twisting Nether Horde 3 0.7%
神級遊戲玩家 Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
Zapped Girls Cant Say No Twisting Nether Alliance 3 0.7%
Winner POV Draenor Alliance 3 0.7%
Гоблины украли мой велик Gordunni Alliance 3 0.7%
Perplexíty Argent Dawn Horde 3 0.7%
Blackpink Fan Club EU Ravencrest Alliance 3 0.7%
TUU KOITTAA Stormreaver Horde 3 0.7%
rat Ragnaros Alliance 3 0.7%
R A G E Blackmoore Alliance 3 0.7%
CyaThursday Stormscale Alliance 3 0.7%
CRSEVEN Tarren Mill Alliance 3 0.7%
Above Average Elune Alliance 3 0.7%
Heracles Aegwynn Alliance 3 0.7%
Tâvern Kazzak Alliance 3 0.7%
SkyReavers Sanguino Horde 2 0.5%
Smile and Die Dun Modr Alliance 2 0.5%
Adoria Blackrock Horde 2 0.5%
sine cura Dun Modr Alliance 2 0.5%
Snusdealer Outland Alliance 2 0.5%
Resurgence Hyjal Horde 2 0.5%
respawned Baelgun Alliance 2 0.5%
SCOTTISH GANG Argent Dawn Alliance 2 0.5%
redrumGB Kazzak Horde 2 0.5%
shag some keys Tarren Mill Horde 2 0.5%
QATAR Archimonde Alliance 2 0.5%
Axiom Ravencrest Alliance 2 0.5%
put u on early Ravencrest Alliance 2 0.5%
PvP Therapy Nemesis Horde 2 0.5%
PFL Europe Tarren Mill Alliance 2 0.5%
Amazing Stories Blackmoore Alliance 2 0.5%
Player Archimonde Alliance 2 0.5%
PASTIS PETANQUE ARENE Archimonde Alliance 2 0.5%
Patinadoras do Lindrone Aggra (Português) Alliance 2 0.5%
redrumGB Kazzak Alliance 2 0.5%
Spanish Heroes Sanguino Horde 2 0.5%
Offline Ysondre Alliance 2 0.5%
Northstar Ravencrest Alliance 2 0.5%
Offline Chat Ravencrest Alliance 2 0.5%
Moms Little Gladiator Drak'thul Alliance 2 0.5%
La Salière de Durotar Archimonde Alliance 2 0.5%
little kittens uwu Ravencrest Alliance 2 0.5%
Most Hated Eredar Alliance 2 0.5%
Jungle With Movements Ravencrest Alliance 2 0.5%
MACHINEGUNS Dun Modr Alliance 2 0.5%
Infestation Twisting Nether Alliance 2 0.5%
just line it lmao Sylvanas Alliance 2 0.5%
HyperActif Archimonde Alliance 2 0.5%
Horízon Archimonde Alliance 2 0.5%
not toxic btw Sylvanas Horde 2 0.5%
LADDERS POLICE Archimonde Horde 2 0.5%
One of Us Ravencrest Alliance 2 0.5%
GothBoiClique Emerald Dream Alliance 2 0.5%
Guild TLKNJ Twisting Nether Alliance 2 0.5%
Futur Rezuz Archimonde Horde 2 0.5%
Arctic Avengers Kazzak Alliance 2 0.5%

Showing only top 100 guilds

Last updated 23 Jul 2024 09:10:41 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).