Solo 2v2 3v3 RBG

Kel'Thuzad US 2v2

147 players

Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
23 2568 Softpawz Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration soap 124 - 76 62.0%
23 2568 Windshark Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Arcane Friends of Bill G 143 - 49 74.5%
31 2537 Mikeycomeon Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Various Gray Items 107 - 40 72.8%
44 2513 Jrjr Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Bruh 144 - 71 67.0%
55 2502 Týráñt Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology Verdict 158 - 98 61.7%
72 2482 Yoah Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Ordinary Heroes 130 - 73 64.0%
213 2412 Drukope Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Rosa Parks My Car 98 - 72 57.6%
230 2410 Doah Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 93 - 74 55.7%
230 2410 Envisage Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Rosa Parks My Car 86 - 65 57.0%
230 2410 Jr Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Monk Windwalker Shinigami 93 - 74 55.7%
299 2404 Iulu Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 133 - 83 61.6%
371 2390 Spaca Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nickels For Dimes 240 - 232 50.8%
381 2386 Veilsidesham Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Azra 98 - 54 64.5%
457 2352 Mustardstain Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Cali Girls 162 - 145 52.8%
457 2352 Pandolin Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Cali Girls 192 - 197 49.4%
528 2337 Ctkz Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 146 - 126 53.7%
528 2337 Damiltheone Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 83 - 49 62.9%
567 2330 Dewandoritos Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 197 - 170 53.7%
578 2328 Cameltail Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Cali Girls 130 - 116 52.8%
615 2322 Stÿgían Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury washed up 82 - 48 63.1%
617 2321 Yesjulz Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 153 - 152 50.2%
674 2312 Floofi Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance hi 70 - 40 63.6%
709 2308 Luvox Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Anduril Keepers 174 - 126 58.0%
765 2302 Twotonerebel Kel'Thuzad Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 127 - 108 54.0%
765 2302 Betrayal Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Is cute AF 95 - 81 54.0%
810 2297 Cbd Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 62 - 24 72.1%
821 2296 Hairyleg Kel'Thuzad Alliance Kul Tiran Male Priest Discipline Kultiran Howitzer 92 - 49 65.2%
821 2296 Envisaged Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Unholy Rosa Parks My Car 77 - 46 62.6%
907 2284 Soaphia Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy soap 183 - 154 54.3%
956 2278 Yooadrienne Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy One More Queue 64 - 37 63.4%
969 2276 Pygetwo Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 77 - 68 53.1%
982 2274 Featherbot Kel'Thuzad Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 270 - 274 49.6%
988 2273 Fyne Kel'Thuzad Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 74 - 62 54.4%
1002 2271 Drukoped Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 54 - 33 62.1%
1032 2268 Jacktheyak Kel'Thuzad Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 74 - 54 57.8%
1054 2265 Bombamo Kel'Thuzad Horde Tauren Male Hunter Marksmanship 62 - 35 63.9%
1054 2265 Socialyst Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 112 - 67 62.6%
1118 2258 Hotrecki Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration In The Clouds 75 - 56 57.3%
1128 2257 Guineasaurus Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Disaster Voyeurism 69 - 45 60.5%
1161 2255 Dietcokes Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 80 - 44 64.5%
1201 2251 Carly Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 60 - 5 92.3%
1242 2248 Kam Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 88 - 42 67.7%
1262 2246 Borbizzle Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Borbz Bearz 72 - 59 55.0%
1304 2242 Akujo Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction HARD SERVE 78 - 64 54.9%
1304 2242 Rawp Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Priest Holy swagged up majorly 81 - 56 59.1%
1324 2240 Horsegirls Kel'Thuzad Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy DIMA 77 - 42 64.7%
1368 2235 Grazzers Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 157 - 140 52.9%
1418 2232 Buffchadtype Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Stratton Oakmont 91 - 51 64.1%
1430 2231 Notsinlolx Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline In The Clouds 68 - 35 66.0%
1530 2224 Icehulk Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance In The Clouds 56 - 26 68.3%
1557 2222 Keïth Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc The Old Gods 49 - 21 70.0%
1656 2217 Pompresser Kel'Thuzad Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 95 - 48 66.4%
1677 2216 Flexyoo Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Four Nick Eight 100 - 75 57.1%
1702 2215 Robínhood Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Emperium Invicta 62 - 42 59.6%
1721 2214 Sheeptags Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Potato 107 - 96 52.7%
1721 2214 Changwongpk Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline hi 79 - 49 61.7%
1849 2208 Albw Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Potato 99 - 71 58.2%
1849 2208 Blakegriffin Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Dreadlords 67 - 41 62.0%
1881 2207 Chaotikx Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 173 - 150 53.6%
1969 2204 Bolognapony Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Antifa 96 - 72 57.1%
1990 2203 Althenaz Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation One More Queue 65 - 37 63.7%
1990 2203 Serphentos Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Emperium Invicta 59 - 38 60.8%
2037 2202 Huntingjutsu Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Shuriken Inc 133 - 116 53.4%
2072 2201 Ambassador Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Ambassador 141 - 122 53.6%
2114 2200 Ripling Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Indestructible 62 - 56 52.5%
2114 2200 Cmzakuko Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Casual Misfits 75 - 59 56.0%
2146 2199 Einerjar Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Heartbreakers 58 - 50 53.7%
2146 2199 Monkope Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Mistweaver Rosa Parks My Car 58 - 38 60.4%
2157 2198 Imwashed Kel'Thuzad Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration 70 - 52 57.4%
2244 2192 Brewzleeh Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 128 - 93 57.9%
2244 2192 Hallak Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Indestructible 176 - 112 61.1%
2244 2192 Koshø Kel'Thuzad Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 58 - 30 65.9%
2307 2189 Stiermage Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 57 - 37 60.6%
2362 2186 Zanran Kel'Thuzad Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Rhythm of Fallen 70 - 48 59.3%
2362 2186 Kamron Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 47 - 10 82.5%
2416 2183 Rootable Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 141 - 121 53.8%
2465 2180 Celestiah Kel'Thuzad Alliance Kul Tiran Male Priest Discipline Kultiran Howitzer 54 - 33 62.1%
2485 2179 Meitner Kel'Thuzad Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Disaster Voyeurism 102 - 70 59.3%
2501 2178 Injections Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration hi 56 - 34 62.2%
2501 2178 Lazeepriest Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 75 - 38 66.4%
2557 2176 Bingbingbing Kel'Thuzad Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 50 - 21 70.4%
2592 2174 Lilhotshot Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship soap 89 - 84 51.4%
2613 2173 Reecepack Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline soap 58 - 29 66.7%
2636 2172 Killuajutsu Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Shuriken Inc 93 - 82 53.1%
2636 2172 Fahartz Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Handle It 54 - 41 56.8%
2719 2169 Cpc Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety In The Clouds 77 - 66 53.8%
2771 2167 Ksucc Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 54 - 49 52.4%
2771 2167 Piscoläa Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Poes Ravens 105 - 92 53.3%
2795 2166 Feercetwo Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship In The Clouds 59 - 24 71.1%
2795 2166 Cobradn Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration HARD SERVE 52 - 24 68.4%
2899 2162 Metaphorsx Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 58 - 47 55.2%
2930 2161 Jerp Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 62 - 50 55.4%
2950 2160 Jâck Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline Indestructible 63 - 26 70.8%
2971 2159 Stegp Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Stratton Oakmont 53 - 34 60.9%
3037 2156 Ookris Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Temple of the Sun 185 - 201 47.9%
3037 2156 Simarity Kel'Thuzad Horde Undead Female Monk Mistweaver 81 - 70 53.6%
3072 2155 Bambambilly Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Male Mage Frost BIack Watch 246 - 241 50.5%
3123 2153 Flagiddyflag Kel'Thuzad Horde Goblin Male Priest Discipline The Old Gods 359 - 332 52.0%
3179 2151 Unfortunate Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire you know the vibes 163 - 132 55.3%
3202 2150 Thirtyyrold Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Dragonshart 60 - 27 69.0%
3234 2149 Maico Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 60 - 48 55.6%
3303 2147 Bigmikeyt Kel'Thuzad Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 151 - 120 55.7%
3337 2146 Diviss Kel'Thuzad Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warrior Fury Azeroth ICE 123 - 116 51.5%
3337 2146 Jennaortegax Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline qrf 57 - 50 53.3%
3337 2146 Orignalx Kel'Thuzad Alliance Kul Tiran Male Priest Holy Ordinary Heroes 183 - 194 48.5%
3359 2145 Bakasolo Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Forward 111 - 66 62.7%
3387 2144 Kittyperry Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Antifa 50 - 22 69.4%
3387 2144 Arisperwin Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline chill with the heat 52 - 10 83.9%
3415 2143 Oneten Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery teamKT 72 - 69 51.1%
3482 2141 Drerrdaysur Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Sanctum Gaming 94 - 93 50.3%
3514 2140 Fisetèrr Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 76 - 59 56.3%
3549 2139 Elyndi Kel'Thuzad Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Rhythm of Fallen 84 - 62 57.5%
3593 2138 Novablade Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 56 - 41 57.7%
3593 2138 Nonzy Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc teamKT 83 - 71 53.9%
3593 2138 Fdputa Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy dragons of the mist 77 - 59 56.6%
3695 2135 Chingcannori Kel'Thuzad Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver Azeroth ICE 124 - 119 51.0%
3734 2134 Bahhvoker Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 134 - 126 51.5%
3734 2134 Jelkin Kel'Thuzad Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 47 - 23 67.1%
3760 2133 Donkeyfarts Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration The Old Gods 49 - 25 66.2%
3760 2133 Urmomluvsme Kel'Thuzad Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 158 - 122 56.4%
3760 2133 Betasoldier Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation The Enforcers 65 - 59 52.4%
3842 2131 Hotbar Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration qrf 54 - 37 59.3%
3868 2130 Hymnz Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Exiled Saints 94 - 89 51.4%
3909 2129 Greathing Kel'Thuzad Alliance Worgen Male Warlock Demonology ChapinLandia GT 83 - 75 52.5%
3969 2127 Rxw Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 49 - 35 58.3%
4004 2126 Everdodamage Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ordinary Heroes 60 - 48 55.6%
4181 2121 Sensitivgirl Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Altered Visions 53 - 16 76.8%
4181 2121 Sebaceouslol Kel'Thuzad Horde Pandaren Female Priest Discipline 64 - 46 58.2%
4263 2119 Pesopluma Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Heartbreakers 75 - 49 60.5%
4263 2119 Veraimi Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver The Enforcers 65 - 57 53.3%
4302 2118 Bahhbahh Kel'Thuzad Alliance Void Elf Male Monk Mistweaver 151 - 142 51.5%
4353 2117 Drerrdaytv Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Sanctum Gaming 186 - 172 52.0%
4401 2116 Falsity Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Tax Evasion Specialists 75 - 58 56.4%
4460 2115 Aruul Kel'Thuzad Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement One More Queue 69 - 44 61.1%
4534 2114 Buttercocoa Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival hi 47 - 41 53.4%
4534 2114 Conquerør Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Legendary Elites 55 - 37 59.8%
4608 2113 Bubblenot Kel'Thuzad Horde Undead Male Priest Holy Filthy Cásuals 63 - 49 56.3%
4691 2112 Jreezy Kel'Thuzad Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery Girl Problems 52 - 38 57.8%
4691 2112 Keivarae Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 194 - 202 49.0%
4783 2111 Yams Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Basement Wizards 52 - 43 54.7%
4783 2111 Velvetlurker Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 57 - 45 55.9%
4885 2110 Exah Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Ordinary Heroes 125 - 129 49.2%
4885 2110 Ðøîñt Kel'Thuzad Alliance Kul Tiran Male Hunter Marksmanship Kultiran Howitzer 68 - 66 50.7%
4885 2110 Sambubbles Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy The Old Gods 58 - 45 56.3%
4987 2109 Soupstoohot Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 86 - 86 50.0%
4987 2109 Anomalist Kel'Thuzad Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker drippin out da wazoo 71 - 61 53.8%
4987 2109 Corrosiv Kel'Thuzad Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation In The Clouds 70 - 51 57.9%

Last updated 23 Jul 2024 09:10:41 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).