Retribution Paladin

Holy Protection Retribution
Stat Min Median Max
Strength 0 47675 62841
Stamina 0 255590 492678
Critical Strike 0 1689 20515
Haste 0 3988 20965
Mastery 0 9276 21689
Versatility 0 15336 24421
Leech 0 865 6798
Dodge 0 0 942
Parry 0 0 12582
Region Bracket Rating Name Realm Faction Race W - L Win %
EU Solo 2917 Bambumbimbom Kazzak Horde Tauren Male 236 - 178 57.0%
EU Solo 2865 Áxyeßwuú Ravencrest Alliance Human Female 354 - 286 55.3%
EU Solo 2851 Luxferre Twisting Nether Alliance Dwarf Male 926 - 788 54.0%
EU Solo 2850 Thelronis Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female 528 - 479 52.4%
EU Solo 2848 Thelronìs Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female 217 - 165 56.8%
EU BG Blitz 3556 Serberen Ravencrest Alliance Human Male 148 - 99 59.9%
EU BG Blitz 3524 Pinkbimbo Argent Dawn Alliance Human Female 121 - 99 55.0%
EU BG Blitz 3505 Uñdefiñed Kult der Verdammten Alliance Human Female 157 - 113 58.1%
EU BG Blitz 3501 Эреан Howling Fjord Horde Blood Elf Female 240 - 221 52.1%
EU BG Blitz 3468 Moön Ravencrest Alliance Human Male 105 - 81 56.5%
EU 2v2 2405 Менталпрешур Gordunni Alliance Human Female 95 - 47 66.9%
EU 2v2 2334 Iwantproblem Ravencrest Alliance Human Male 63 - 23 73.3%
EU 2v2 2276 Crazeddrake Draenor Horde Tauren Male 170 - 143 54.3%
EU 2v2 2251 Fûrÿ Twisting Nether Alliance Human Female 56 - 12 82.4%
EU 2v2 2233 Rycnp Tarren Mill Alliance Dwarf Female 58 - 29 66.7%
EU 3v3 2810 Noìmpact Ravencrest Horde Tauren Female 262 - 193 57.6%
EU 3v3 2804 Ffs Argent Dawn Alliance Human Female 174 - 128 57.6%
EU 3v3 2783 Avengelyn Tarren Mill Horde Tauren Female 175 - 112 61.0%
EU 3v3 2766 Blackmangay Tarren Mill Alliance Human Female 227 - 161 58.5%
EU 3v3 2717 Falconice Burning Legion Horde Blood Elf Female 189 - 133 58.7%
EU RBG 2257 Lambassadeur Sargeras Alliance Human Male 75 - 71 51.4%
EU RBG 2236 Arithel Burning Legion Alliance Human Male 77 - 60 56.2%
EU RBG 2157 Dawbuyob Ravencrest Alliance Human Female 74 - 37 66.7%
EU RBG 2134 Roseros The Maelstrom Alliance Human Female 116 - 80 59.2%
EU RBG 2104 Пигмонстр Gordunni Alliance Human Male 43 - 40 51.8%
US Solo 2859 Leonelmessi Stormrage Alliance Dwarf Female 108 - 65 62.4%
US Solo 2838 Layson Uldum Alliance Human Male 194 - 140 58.1%
US Solo 2832 Hamddadang Tichondrius Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 221 - 160 58.0%
US Solo 2810 Marvinceo Stormreaver Alliance Human Female 215 - 170 55.8%
US Solo 2808 Pikáchú Tichondrius Horde Zandalari Troll Male 200 - 153 56.7%
US BG Blitz 3498 Anticíde Aggramar Horde Blood Elf Female 321 - 217 59.7%
US BG Blitz 3386 Lolwíngs Aggramar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 249 - 172 59.1%
US BG Blitz 3345 Timstah Tichondrius Horde Zandalari Troll Female 266 - 213 55.5%
US BG Blitz 3318 Timsta Tichondrius Horde Zandalari Troll Female 254 - 220 53.6%
US BG Blitz 3316 Capzenitals Tichondrius Alliance Human Male 100 - 63 61.3%
US 2v2 2302 Aoxi Quel'Thalas Alliance Human Female 69 - 41 62.7%
US 2v2 2264 Marvinceo Stormreaver Alliance Human Female 94 - 52 64.4%
US 2v2 2202 Xiaoheizi Nagrand Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 115 - 67 63.2%
US 2v2 2197 Halfzug Sargeras Alliance Human Female 54 - 25 68.4%
US 2v2 2187 Stømpdøwn Tichondrius Horde Blood Elf Female 167 - 118 58.6%
US 3v3 2913 Vanguards Tichondrius Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female 428 - 343 55.5%
US 3v3 2887 Jp Akama Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 221 - 123 64.2%
US 3v3 2821 Zozo Zul'jin Alliance Human Female 245 - 186 56.8%
US 3v3 2820 Vânguards Tichondrius Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 549 - 504 52.1%
US 3v3 2815 Zøzø Zul'jin Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female 417 - 381 52.3%
US RBG 2590 Lolwíngs Aggramar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 94 - 40 70.1%
US RBG 2568 Pogwogs Tichondrius Horde Zandalari Troll Male 115 - 44 72.3%
US RBG 2512 Talio Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male 93 - 40 69.9%
US RBG 2416 Bizaro Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female 75 - 35 68.2%
US RBG 2408 Cheddá Tichondrius Horde Zandalari Troll Male 79 - 72 52.3%

Last updated 08 Feb 2025 13:22:41 UTC

Results above based on ALL Retribution Paladins on the leaderboard of ANY bracket, filtering is available to narrow the scope.