Retribution Paladin

Holy Protection Retribution
Stat Min Median Max
Strength 224 12513 17723
Stamina 459 51428 73793
Critical Strike 0 866 7417
Haste 0 2392 8640
Mastery 0 3948 9738
Versatility 0 8287 11579
Leech 0 0 1948
Dodge 0 0 54
Parry 0 0 0
Region Bracket Rating Name Realm Faction Race W - L Win %
EU 2v2 2511 Swahadon Stormscale Alliance Human Male 90 - 55 62.1%
EU 2v2 2484 Jeblast Archimonde Horde Tauren Female 74 - 47 61.2%
EU 2v2 2408 Syruplol Blackrock Alliance Human Female 125 - 82 60.4%
EU 2v2 2407 Hódle Silvermoon Alliance Human Female 182 - 170 51.7%
EU 2v2 2407 Crazeddrake Draenor Horde Tauren Male 289 - 299 49.1%
EU 3v3 2834 Ffs Ravencrest Alliance Human Female 177 - 139 56.0%
EU 3v3 2767 Mutatsu Ravencrest Alliance Human Female 151 - 97 60.9%
EU 3v3 2762 Chatdisabled Tarren Mill Alliance Human Female 96 - 61 61.1%
EU 3v3 2752 Budgetcara Stormscale Horde Tauren Female 271 - 189 58.9%
EU 3v3 2749 Spicyhoj Ravencrest Alliance Human Female 151 - 66 69.6%
EU RBG 2506 Schimmelpilz Ravencrest Horde Blood Elf Female 114 - 9 92.7%
EU RBG 2503 Alveras Aegwynn Alliance Human Male 123 - 7 94.6%
EU RBG 2462 Toladin Zul'jin Horde Tauren Male 101 - 20 83.5%
EU RBG 2203 Øtemp Dun Modr Alliance Human Female 77 - 52 59.7%
EU RBG 2150 Isora Twisting Nether Horde Blood Elf Female 104 - 89 53.9%
US 2v2 2461 Perseverance Azgalor Horde Tauren Male 90 - 47 65.7%
US 2v2 2402 Toxicblaine Ysera Alliance Human Male 114 - 68 62.6%
US 2v2 2352 Pandolin Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Male 192 - 197 49.4%
US 2v2 2319 Cryof Illidan Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 63 - 45 58.3%
US 2v2 2311 Actionman Bleeding Hollow Alliance Draenei Female 146 - 131 52.7%
US 3v3 3094 Vanguards Tichondrius Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 367 - 309 54.3%
US 3v3 3092 Vesperbell Illidan Alliance Dwarf Male 152 - 63 70.7%
US 3v3 2959 Marvinceo Stormreaver Alliance Human Male 311 - 243 56.1%
US 3v3 2743 Tuckie Moon Guard Alliance Human Female 112 - 82 57.7%
US 3v3 2731 Sumx Magtheridon Alliance Human Female 166 - 125 57.0%
US RBG 2662 Killaks Bleeding Hollow Horde Blood Elf Female 136 - 41 76.8%
US RBG 2617 Dreamcastx Tichondrius Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 91 - 16 85.0%
US RBG 2614 Furylolz Tichondrius Alliance Human Female 158 - 10 94.0%
US RBG 2509 Líù Area 52 Alliance Dwarf Male 91 - 30 75.2%
US RBG 2496 Lolwíngs Aggramar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male 136 - 101 57.4%

Last updated 23 Jul 2024 09:10:41 UTC

Results above based on ALL Retribution Paladins on the leaderboard of ANY bracket, filtering is available to narrow the scope.