Affliction Warlock

Affliction Demonology Destruction
Stat Min Median Max
Intellect 0 54590 73381
Stamina 0 246225 362575
Critical Strike 0 443 21472
Haste 0 12321 20600
Mastery 0 1561 22425
Versatility 0 14570 22489
Leech 0 0 5715
Dodge 0 0 0
Parry 0 0 0
Region Bracket Rating Name Realm Faction Race W - L Win %
EU Solo 3024 Satanxoxo Archimonde Alliance Night Elf Female 307 - 196 61.0%
EU Solo 3019 Königsaura Ravencrest Horde Orc Male 250 - 181 58.0%
EU Solo 3003 Oguzok Tarren Mill Alliance Night Elf Female 388 - 283 57.8%
EU Solo 2997 Néthérwálkér Ravencrest Alliance Night Elf Female 481 - 391 55.2%
EU Solo 2993 Ouwll Ravencrest Alliance Void Elf Female 180 - 118 60.4%
EU BG Blitz 3815 Satanxoxo Archimonde Alliance Night Elf Female 213 - 140 60.3%
EU BG Blitz 3686 ßeatrice Burning Legion Alliance Night Elf Female 191 - 130 59.5%
EU BG Blitz 3620 Pëtër Draenor Alliance Night Elf Female 201 - 151 57.1%
EU BG Blitz 3591 Alighierii Draenor Alliance Night Elf Female 140 - 86 61.9%
EU BG Blitz 3560 Johanan Ravencrest Alliance Human Male 127 - 117 52.0%
EU 2v2 2450 Aneel Ravencrest Alliance Void Elf Female 167 - 95 63.7%
EU 2v2 2429 Aneel Burning Steppes Alliance Void Elf Female 113 - 56 66.9%
EU 2v2 2377 Satanxoxo Archimonde Alliance Night Elf Female 174 - 49 78.0%
EU 2v2 2371 Aneel Silvermoon Alliance Void Elf Female 87 - 59 59.6%
EU 2v2 2348 Perceptional Outland Alliance Human Female 163 - 134 54.9%
EU 3v3 3045 Chãn Tarren Mill Alliance Night Elf Female 208 - 35 85.6%
EU 3v3 3006 Chanimalko Tarren Mill Alliance Night Elf Female 250 - 180 58.1%
EU 3v3 2948 Mercetwo Ravencrest Alliance Night Elf Female 194 - 126 60.6%
EU 3v3 2946 Satanxoxo Archimonde Alliance Night Elf Female 306 - 220 58.2%
EU 3v3 2935 Merce Ravencrest Alliance Night Elf Female 157 - 83 65.4%
EU RBG 2594 Satanxoxo Archimonde Alliance Night Elf Female 107 - 20 84.3%
EU RBG 2452 Hyöká Ravencrest Alliance Void Elf Female 574 - 365 61.1%
EU RBG 2392 Dilox Draenor Horde Orc Female 87 - 57 60.4%
EU RBG 2354 Ñâmmîmäññï Ravencrest Alliance Kul Tiran Male 179 - 131 57.7%
EU RBG 2333 Mïta Archimonde Alliance Night Elf Female 114 - 85 57.3%
US Solo 2967 Shardsxo Illidan Alliance Night Elf Female 133 - 52 71.9%
US Solo 2946 Wardin Dragonmaw Alliance Night Elf Female 535 - 448 54.4%
US Solo 2938 Nozomx Stormrage Alliance Dwarf Female 170 - 87 66.1%
US Solo 2932 Shards Illidan Alliance Night Elf Female 175 - 100 63.6%
US Solo 2931 Papajohns Illidan Alliance Void Elf Female 152 - 85 64.1%
US BG Blitz 3548 Maj Andorhal Alliance Night Elf Female 176 - 145 54.8%
US BG Blitz 3534 Stuffs Wyrmrest Accord Alliance Void Elf Female 211 - 172 55.1%
US BG Blitz 3318 Muhamadkboom Bleeding Hollow Alliance Dwarf Male 124 - 87 58.8%
US BG Blitz 3253 Ftïër Ragnaros Alliance Night Elf Female 157 - 123 56.1%
US BG Blitz 3250 Ashlet Kel'Thuzad Alliance Human Female 132 - 107 55.2%
US 2v2 2433 Noegirls Illidan Alliance Night Elf Female 133 - 61 68.6%
US 2v2 2334 Strong Kil'jaeden Alliance Void Elf Female 93 - 33 73.8%
US 2v2 2235 Pledx Tichondrius Alliance Void Elf Female 122 - 89 57.8%
US 2v2 2225 Luckythesimp Illidan Horde Orc Female 91 - 64 58.7%
US 2v2 2220 Rennarlock Tichondrius Alliance Void Elf Female 115 - 66 63.5%
US 3v3 3134 Pd Nathrezim Alliance Night Elf Female 173 - 68 71.8%
US 3v3 3080 Nosfive Bleeding Hollow Horde Orc Male 458 - 388 54.1%
US 3v3 3047 Nostwo Bleeding Hollow Horde Orc Male 378 - 301 55.7%
US 3v3 3017 Shards Illidan Alliance Night Elf Female 238 - 169 58.5%
US 3v3 3012 Nozomx Stormrage Alliance Dwarf Female 595 - 461 56.3%
US RBG 2674 Xtérnal Bleeding Hollow Horde Undead Male 325 - 144 69.3%
US RBG 2586 Lockbop Sargeras Alliance Human Male 64 - 15 81.0%
US RBG 2549 Xxternal Azjol-Nerub Horde Dracthyr Male 280 - 139 66.8%
US RBG 2416 Coviddotsrot Tichondrius Alliance Human Male 168 - 133 55.8%
US RBG 2332 Lotussama Anetheron Alliance Night Elf Female 63 - 61 50.8%

Last updated 18 Feb 2025 13:26:20 UTC

Results above based on ALL Affliction Warlocks on the leaderboard of ANY bracket, filtering is available to narrow the scope.