Spec Leaderboard Rank | Rating | Name | Realm | Faction | Race | Class | Spec | Guild |
82 | 1807 | Nøurs | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
150 | 2413 | Modral | Uldaman | Tombe a Pique | ||||
152 | 1694 | Devrar | Uldaman | |||||
199 | 1818 | Järjârlînks | Uldaman | |||||
211 | 2178 | Rehzvra | Uldaman | |||||
239 | 184 | Hastür | Uldaman | SecretTreaties | ||||
283 | 2381 | Barâkz | Uldaman | WAR MØDE ON | ||||
294 | 2057 | Grobbz | Uldaman | Refuge | ||||
294 | 1849 | Limyè | Uldaman | Lune Arcanique | ||||
317 | 1784 | Yvenne | Uldaman | Raid Trap | ||||
325 | 1586 | Amell | Uldaman | Shoganai | ||||
333 | 2015 | Bgz | Uldaman | |||||
353 | 2133 | Numbskull | Uldaman | Sölstice | ||||
355 | 767 | Thadeusse | Uldaman | LesMeilleursCombattants | ||||
363 | 2167 | Hgz | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
374 | 1895 | Badbreathz | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
382 | 1966 | Gorkta | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
429 | 1684 | Sak | Uldaman | |||||
441 | 2109 | Damnéharius | Uldaman | |||||
463 | 1527 | Galila | Uldaman | Les exaltés du cimetière | ||||
475 | 1142 | Gorkta | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
475 | 1142 | Zackiv | Uldaman | Pick Me Up | ||||
504 | 1818 | Timerunzed | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
511 | 1914 | Pitostrasza | Uldaman | Processes | ||||
516 | 2121 | Swâtsh | Uldaman | Rat | ||||
517 | 1648 | Poupie | Uldaman | |||||
523 | 384 | Headshotdead | Uldaman | |||||
528 | 1813 | Shurak | Uldaman | |||||
543 | 2024 | Dolz | Uldaman | |||||
594 | 576 | Spikill | Uldaman | Satanas et Diabolo | ||||
608 | 1659 | Tusk | Uldaman | |||||
630 | 1601 | Eska | Uldaman | Les anciens du Grûtli | ||||
638 | 1686 | Syik | Uldaman | Avatar | ||||
646 | 2120 | Taoqa | Uldaman | |||||
677 | 1967 | Groba | Uldaman | Refuge | ||||
686 | 1732 | Pbubs | Uldaman | General Draven Fan Club | ||||
697 | 1816 | Spriestz | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
734 | 1685 | Naorgot | Uldaman | Misère et Horde | ||||
737 | 2087 | Økïnhïl | Uldaman | Rock n Troll | ||||
790 | 1605 | Léønie | Uldaman | Soulstorm | ||||
792 | 1976 | Sytiik | Uldaman | Avatar | ||||
844 | 1862 | Moskvä | Uldaman | Craze | ||||
862 | 767 | Meretryn | Uldaman | Veilleurs des Ombres | ||||
884 | 1532 | Nigouki | Uldaman | General Draven Fan Club | ||||
950 | 1826 | Zängdar | Uldaman | Le Secret de Sephuz | ||||
1095 | 1933 | Sak | Uldaman | |||||
1154 | 1505 | Ordus | Uldaman | |||||
1169 | 1619 | Paroxéthine | Uldaman | Avatar | ||||
1196 | 1574 | Almerik | Uldaman | Rïa | ||||
1201 | 1490 | Thadeusse | Uldaman | LesMeilleursCombattants | ||||
1242 | 766 | Zängdarx | Uldaman | Acolyte | ||||
1273 | 1150 | Gavrin | Uldaman | |||||
1348 | 1545 | Azathoth | Uldaman | SecretTreaties | ||||
1399 | 957 | Grizzik | Uldaman | |||||
1450 | 1372 | Blackpony | Uldaman | Other Side | ||||
1534 | 1643 | Eska | Uldaman | Les anciens du Grûtli | ||||
1554 | 767 | Pinox | Uldaman | |||||
1611 | 1607 | Læctra | Uldaman | |||||
1618 | 1537 | Eyel | Uldaman | Oxsso AL PvP | ||||
1626 | 951 | Mazii | Uldaman | ARCÙS CÆLESTÏS | ||||
1645 | 1741 | Poupsie | Uldaman | Vers le cim et au delà | ||||
1737 | 1617 | Taona | Uldaman | |||||
1760 | 1615 | Tsukaima | Uldaman | Minas Morghul | ||||
1950 | 1590 | Jyou | Uldaman | Lamb Of Gød | ||||
1967 | 1482 | Eärthquake | Uldaman | |||||
2002 | 1537 | Ahlukard | Uldaman | Pulsar | ||||
2002 | 1258 | Modrak | Uldaman | Tombe a Pique | ||||
2005 | 1484 | Meuhmeuhtife | Uldaman | Les anciens du Grûtli | ||||
2011 | 1536 | Eldøn | Uldaman | |||||
2028 | 1755 | Norzark | Uldaman | Nashwanz Godz | ||||
2030 | 1723 | Nestÿ | Uldaman | Oxsso AL PvP | ||||
2046 | 384 | Mïstÿe | Uldaman | Bier Of Polaris | ||||
2074 | 1722 | Drengi | Uldaman | Rock n Troll | ||||
2083 | 1297 | Elenem | Uldaman | Roue LIBRE | ||||
2083 | 1599 | Sinouë | Uldaman | |||||
2137 | 1672 | Ôpen | Uldaman | Les Sang Visages | ||||
2182 | 1444 | Leliani | Uldaman | Les exaltés du cimetière | ||||
2250 | 1429 | Jëyzük | Uldaman | Les Cryptomanciens | ||||
2278 | 1580 | Baràkz | Uldaman | |||||
2340 | 1537 | Shairrko | Uldaman | Oxsso AL PvP | ||||
2351 | 1664 | Great | Uldaman | |||||
2369 | 1405 | Modrak | Uldaman | Tombe a Pique | ||||
2379 | 1540 | Brkz | Uldaman | |||||
2478 | 192 | Liuzee | Uldaman | Ðawn | ||||
2524 | 1553 | Blackpony | Uldaman | Other Side | ||||
2538 | 192 | Ravênz | Uldaman | The Raven | ||||
2538 | 192 | Thunderflash | Uldaman | |||||
2564 | 192 | Pøsæ | Uldaman | TOO HIGH TO GET OVER | ||||
2597 | 1631 | Eska | Uldaman | Les anciens du Grûtli | ||||
2598 | 1669 | Eauminerale | Uldaman | Les Cryptomanciens | ||||
2603 | 955 | Náo | Uldaman | NoName | ||||
2712 | 1508 | Teki | Uldaman | Le Secret de Sephuz | ||||
2730 | 1480 | Spikly | Uldaman | |||||
2753 | 576 | Phaazh | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
2845 | 1149 | Eusses | Uldaman | Bankire | ||||
2846 | 1659 | Poupie | Uldaman | |||||
2968 | 1629 | Barøux | Uldaman | Rest in peace | ||||
2987 | 1424 | Kyssaya | Uldaman | Möönguild | ||||
3101 | 576 | Tidus | Uldaman | les copains dabord | ||||
3101 | 576 | Felow | Uldaman | |||||
3171 | 767 | Hastür | Uldaman | SecretTreaties | ||||
3174 | 384 | Taunyøs | Uldaman | Misère et Horde | ||||
3332 | 766 | Barakz | Uldaman | |||||
3373 | 1606 | Burrito | Uldaman | Processes | ||||
3379 | 1603 | Ponyplay | Uldaman | Other Side | ||||
3393 | 767 | Myokhasz | Uldaman | La Mauvaise Troupe | ||||
3397 | 575 | Dispenser | Uldaman | Hors d Eux | ||||
3406 | 1519 | Seïken | Uldaman | OOF | ||||
3412 | 969 | Arøøk | Uldaman | |||||
3454 | 957 | Zülwata | Uldaman | |||||
3502 | 1377 | Stabbath | Uldaman | |||||
3576 | 766 | Pustül | Uldaman | Processes | ||||
3595 | 954 | Slayzqt | Uldaman | |||||
3664 | 1583 | Zeuspal | Uldaman | Addict | ||||
3694 | 1397 | Spiky | Uldaman | |||||
3747 | 384 | Modran | Uldaman | |||||
3747 | 384 | Meuhmeuhtife | Uldaman | Les anciens du Grûtli | ||||
3752 | 1583 | Shen | Uldaman | Symbiosis | ||||
3762 | 576 | Drakkypunky | Uldaman | |||||
3790 | 767 | Yoz | Uldaman | Avatar | ||||
3790 | 767 | Brilis | Uldaman | |||||
3819 | 1472 | Døøt | Uldaman | Les Cryptomanciens | ||||
3899 | 1574 | Xømbii | Uldaman | Nashwanz Godz | ||||
3917 | 1455 | Caredor | Uldaman | |||||
3978 | 958 | Blagrott | Uldaman | |||||
4011 | 1442 | Noxiconox | Uldaman | Oxsso AL PvP | ||||
4041 | 936 | Aeriya | Uldaman | KizeerGang | ||||
4101 | 955 | Zuldram | Uldaman | Tombe a Pique | ||||
4163 | 384 | Throm | Uldaman | Cazüs Belli | ||||
4196 | 955 | Elitehunter | Uldaman | Les Cryptomanciens | ||||
4233 | 1545 | Perlasouris | Uldaman | Etoile d Argent | ||||
4275 | 955 | Babayega | Uldaman | les chevaliers du dragon | ||||
4276 | 384 | Adéène | Uldaman | Out of Time | ||||
4319 | 192 | Kitchiarû | Uldaman | Æxøde | ||||
4319 | 192 | Krovvy | Uldaman | |||||
4319 | 192 | Elna | Uldaman | |||||
4396 | 576 | Looras | Uldaman | Les Sang Visages | ||||
4426 | 1353 | Noxic | Uldaman | Rest in peace | ||||
4503 | 384 | Modran | Uldaman | |||||
4503 | 384 | Cutiepie | Uldaman | Processes | ||||
4503 | 384 | Styllz | Uldaman | TOO HIGH TO GET OVER | ||||
4517 | 1134 | Thadeusse | Uldaman | LesMeilleursCombattants | ||||
4604 | 192 | Thunderflash | Uldaman | |||||
4604 | 192 | Bäräkz | Uldaman | |||||
4604 | 192 | Manchäs | Uldaman | les champions lumineux | ||||
4636 | 575 | Devrar | Uldaman | |||||
4657 | 1135 | Pítø | Uldaman | |||||
4659 | 765 | Dagön | Uldaman | Kommander Of Kaos | ||||
4712 | 766 | Galiistix | Uldaman | |||||
4756 | 766 | Cardans | Uldaman | |||||
4918 | 768 | Ñøk | Uldaman | Squizz | ||||
4928 | 765 | Onclejimbo | Uldaman | Original Red | ||||
4961 | 765 | Bëndover | Uldaman | Oxsso AL PvP |