Solo 2v2 3v3 RBG

Auchindoun EU Solo Shuffle

384 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
15 2021 Elsajeanx Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Paladin Protection 40 - 20 66.7%
23 2763 Disarmed Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Inceptional 303 - 298 50.4%
36 2592 Trìckster Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship CGRECYA 397 - 359 52.5%
36 1805 Freyjá Auchindoun Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Protection Norrbottens Kerttu 22 - 37 37.3%
38 2670 Agrero Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental TOUCH OF ZEBOY 95 - 96 49.7%
44 2628 Baklavaburst Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 233 - 222 51.2%
65 2560 Agreró Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 163 - 158 50.8%
68 2507 Waziralwaza Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 443 - 435 50.5%
81 2106 Apocallyptic Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Coldfusion 84 - 68 55.3%
102 1222 Alinore Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Death Knight Blood Band Of Laidbacks 30 - 48 38.5%
106 2525 Raku Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire 97 - 63 60.6%
134 384 Tranzan Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Respawned 4 - 13 23.5%
137 2571 Goshimoshi Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 222 - 201 52.5%
150 2511 Thanagor Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 95 - 87 52.2%
179 2406 Magepoonz Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 91 - 89 50.6%
206 2104 Hornykorny Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 54 - 63 46.2%
208 1847 Rivso Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination World of Zug Zug 27 - 45 37.5%
211 2099 Baccthana Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Relentless Elite 317 - 311 50.5%
214 2367 Ekony Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Affliction Down Under 229 - 218 51.2%
220 2352 Naireshift Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Stay Night 51 - 33 60.7%
235 2566 Bandidó Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Krav Maga 102 - 87 54.0%
236 2347 Kyogre Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Bactéria Haters 62 - 69 47.3%
238 2142 Oldboy Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction Klunkeby 45 - 54 45.5%
246 2426 Dödkärring Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 73 - 75 49.3%
248 2293 Badaassmage Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Stands in AoE 494 - 472 51.1%
250 2432 Freekydh Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 352 - 349 50.2%
259 2422 Trìckster Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship CGRECYA 155 - 135 53.4%
262 1813 Nomad Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Death Proof 64 - 69 48.1%
277 2529 Wekings Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Tavern 243 - 198 55.1%
318 2150 Goshimoshi Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 157 - 161 49.4%
320 1820 Badaassmage Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Stands in AoE 59 - 62 48.8%
321 288 Multidrac Auchindoun Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 3 - 3 50.0%
329 2346 Aes Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 77 - 72 51.7%
335 2139 Eazzyy Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Until it Breaks 61 - 54 53.0%
342 2400 Jaromex Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Team Depleto 138 - 124 52.7%
344 2188 Thaderyl Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Immortalîty 260 - 263 49.7%
344 2134 Alenda Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Legend of Zelda 124 - 120 50.8%
349 2131 Nxh Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 46 - 37 55.4%
353 2127 Worstworld Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery watch møvie EARTHLINGS 62 - 61 50.4%
360 2264 Hornykorny Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 122 - 128 48.8%
362 2406 Cydh Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Momentum Mori 62 - 53 53.9%
372 2120 Nemlicius Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Icecream citadel 33 - 37 47.1%
404 2094 Tsimpoukas Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Relentless Elite 725 - 664 52.2%
420 2106 Worstworld Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery watch møvie EARTHLINGS 62 - 55 53.0%
426 1852 Metallicat Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Rebels 84 - 103 44.9%
431 2275 Waziralwazar Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 125 - 124 50.2%
432 1978 Jênny Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Corrupted 28 - 17 62.2%
433 96 Happyz Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 1 - 5 16.7%
438 2090 Ezy Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 45 - 44 50.6%
442 2248 Majestique Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 43 - 17 71.7%
446 2268 Dödkärringz Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Death Knight Unholy Red Dawn 97 - 101 49.0%
473 1645 Yimoo Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Male Mage Arcane 42 - 48 46.7%
482 1603 Dödkärringz Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Death Knight Unholy Red Dawn 19 - 11 63.3%
492 1588 Giefmercy Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 17 - 19 47.2%
493 2061 Shamzzyy Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Band Of Laidbacks 107 - 92 53.8%
511 2396 Stylios Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Red Dawn 175 - 167 51.2%
511 2027 Mariahscary Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology And Imaginary Friends 42 - 36 53.8%
515 2110 Calli Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 217 - 218 49.9%
551 2399 Rosalind Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 367 - 352 51.0%
553 1579 Archmg Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane Wrong Side of Heaven 142 - 143 49.8%
558 2147 Goshii Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 177 - 161 52.4%
572 1988 Jênny Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Corrupted 26 - 8 76.5%
589 2074 Shívah Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy When cows attack 41 - 62 39.8%
592 2085 Ðefeny Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 167 - 150 52.7%
610 1977 Buelars Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival 43 - 47 47.8%
628 2199 Krauserr Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline vernium 72 - 78 48.0%
635 2308 Nancey Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Euphoria 276 - 284 49.3%
641 1364 Bobos Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Male Death Knight Unholy Focus Skull 113 - 127 47.1%
648 2206 Temprador Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms TOUCH OF ZEBOY 107 - 78 57.8%
656 2163 Brutekiller Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Down Under 111 - 96 53.6%
660 1944 Alenda Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Legend of Zelda 122 - 112 52.1%
664 1940 Murobix Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Survival 67 - 60 52.8%
666 2172 Rivso Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination World of Zug Zug 47 - 34 58.0%
667 2285 Frances Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 318 - 287 52.6%
694 1918 Grevmeister Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 49 - 56 46.7%
706 2145 Alenda Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Legend of Zelda 105 - 81 56.5%
710 2103 Balance Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 77 - 73 51.3%
718 1928 Homohexual Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 63 - 58 52.1%
728 2098 Shoriku Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow Corrupted 95 - 80 54.3%
730 1185 Demonsis Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 14 - 24 36.8%
741 2004 Ninja Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 360 - 353 50.5%
768 1622 Brenn Auchindoun Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Feral 19 - 25 43.2%
768 1975 Sobek Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy Until it Breaks 67 - 60 52.8%
777 1847 Yúta Auchindoun Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Demonology Infamous Assasins 31 - 34 47.7%
807 1362 Óras Auchindoun Alliance Pandaren Male Shaman Restoration Defenders of Valor 17 - 14 54.8%
814 1851 Rarakh Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 323 - 321 50.2%
836 2069 Apocadwarf Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Refused 159 - 153 51.0%
842 2020 Ouogabooga Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Relentless Elite 136 - 115 54.2%
851 2110 Worstworld Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery watch møvie EARTHLINGS 44 - 39 53.0%
871 2008 Shruikan Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 50 - 58 46.3%
894 2047 Icecrêam Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 222 - 217 50.6%
901 2095 Taranzhú Auchindoun Horde Mag'har Orc Male Monk Windwalker The Avenger 165 - 144 53.4%
911 2187 Sobek Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy Until it Breaks 75 - 67 52.8%
920 2094 Hx Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Immortalîty 99 - 89 52.7%
949 1917 Mesharu Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 148 - 122 54.8%
964 1428 Archrg Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Shadow District 23 - 29 44.2%
977 2003 Thethiing Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance CosaNostra 52 - 44 54.2%
1016 2108 Absorb Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline HardWorkDedication 61 - 58 51.3%
1024 1901 Evöker Auchindoun Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Apes Together Strong 56 - 45 55.4%
1036 2036 Giefmercy Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 73 - 59 55.3%
1037 1923 Mariahscary Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology And Imaginary Friends 95 - 92 50.8%
1045 1897 Dasmonk Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Mistweaver 31 - 35 47.0%
1049 1343 Mneerå Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety Death Proof 14 - 16 46.7%
1071 1897 Zmutz Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Fat Campers 69 - 65 51.5%
1086 2122 Tríckster Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc CGRECYA 490 - 471 51.0%
1087 2029 Razzel Auchindoun Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 36 - 21 63.2%
1098 1777 Reshpú Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 77 - 69 52.7%
1122 1949 Frenzy Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 40 - 38 51.3%
1127 2016 Modestas Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Social Pub 54 - 52 50.9%
1131 1856 Drakumel Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 27 - 25 51.9%
1145 2115 Cloudbreak Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Red Dawn 816 - 810 50.2%
1145 1862 Bonkha Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver Reality Kings 441 - 437 50.2%
1153 1846 Brozke Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 22 - 34 39.3%
1155 1909 Pbshc Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 108 - 102 51.4%
1190 1839 Vx Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Tavern 26 - 37 41.3%
1221 1844 Durubashi Auchindoun Horde Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver kkokk has friends 210 - 178 54.1%
1235 1909 Shadowmeld Auchindoun Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance 150 - 157 48.9%
1245 1850 Morfen Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 28 - 26 51.9%
1250 1703 Dotcøm Auchindoun Horde Mag'har Orc Female Hunter Survival 23 - 19 54.8%
1271 480 Agila Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 5 - 7 41.7%
1310 1682 Dafuqhunter Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival Relentless Elite 29 - 36 44.6%
1320 1023 Rxa Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety Elite Outcasts 11 - 12 47.8%
1337 288 Ðefeny Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 3 - 3 50.0%
1348 1656 Warzzor Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 23 - 25 47.9%
1357 1932 Deathmonsta Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Invisium 32 - 27 54.2%
1360 1846 Xlk Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Made in ROMANIA 22 - 27 44.9%
1370 367 Teemunator Auchindoun Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Death Knight Frost Yelheim 4 - 7 36.4%
1378 957 Demonsis Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 10 - 32 23.8%
1403 1948 Lowspeed Auchindoun Alliance Kul Tiran Male Rogue Subtlety 92 - 88 51.1%
1410 1926 Darkranger Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 36 - 51 41.4%
1429 1667 Subshaman Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Shaman Restoration Invisium 48 - 52 48.0%
1437 1466 Minnastirra Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Tavern 111 - 101 52.4%
1438 1442 Archwl Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Destruction Ancestral 54 - 72 42.9%
1467 2098 Sóbek Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 117 - 102 53.4%
1475 1911 Murolix Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Male Monk Windwalker 113 - 113 50.0%
1500 1813 Purecardio Auchindoun Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 137 - 121 53.1%
1511 1919 Sip Auchindoun Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Assassination CGRECYA 31 - 29 51.7%
1549 1765 Inlakech Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver Reality Kings 58 - 51 53.2%
1559 1293 Lifesteal Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Fallen Ashbringer 20 - 24 45.5%
1559 1891 Dragonforce Auchindoun Horde Vulpera Male Hunter Marksmanship 38 - 29 56.7%
1575 1805 Grenwood Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 43 - 29 59.7%
1578 672 Lowspeed Auchindoun Alliance Kul Tiran Male Rogue Subtlety 7 - 17 29.2%
1589 1320 Ihateyouguys Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 17 - 22 43.6%
1592 1316 Isetnofret Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Destruction Retail Is Better 19 - 49 27.9%
1599 234 Rabarberpaj Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental We Belong In The Zoo 4 - 10 28.6%
1610 671 Fluffypaws Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Reality Kings 7 - 23 23.3%
1626 1571 Rabarberpaj Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental We Belong In The Zoo 59 - 73 44.7%
1631 1271 Lockthar Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Male Warlock Destruction immune 82 - 82 50.0%
1631 1666 Rosiash Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 26 - 22 54.2%
1649 2045 Waterboyxd Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Red Dawn 65 - 67 49.2%
1652 1976 Healimunati Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 51 - 50 50.5%
1660 1550 Yawé Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental K U S H 18 - 21 46.2%
1692 1717 Gilgamesch Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Red Dawn 26 - 37 41.3%
1703 1861 Efficíent Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Red Dawn 111 - 104 51.6%
1719 1053 Rocco Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 11 - 19 36.7%
1719 1520 Archsh Auchindoun Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Elemental We Are Death 173 - 184 48.5%
1725 1514 Naga Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 22 - 31 41.5%
1764 1790 Oldboy Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction Klunkeby 26 - 40 39.4%
1766 1768 Kasola Auchindoun Horde Undead Female Priest Holy Invicta 36 - 30 54.5%
1791 1843 Cybernecro Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy One More Game 35 - 13 72.9%
1795 1325 Azraelle Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival Coldfusion 33 - 39 45.8%
1799 1315 Amiahunter Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 19 - 21 47.5%
1800 1056 Mariahscary Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology And Imaginary Friends 11 - 7 61.1%
1816 1278 Pticar Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Male Hunter Survival League of Legends 14 - 21 40.0%
1831 1051 Happyk Auchindoun Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warlock Destruction 11 - 13 45.8%
1837 2055 Krauserr Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline vernium 96 - 95 50.3%
1843 2054 Itsdiscobaby Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 67 - 62 51.9%
1853 1563 Sindragosa Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 18 - 17 51.4%
1865 1193 Ténx Auchindoun Horde Mag'har Orc Female Hunter Survival 14 - 12 53.8%
1874 384 Squrty Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Global mvp 4 - 8 33.3%
1875 1888 Estariol Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 31 - 35 47.0%
1881 1514 Multipet Auchindoun Horde Goblin Male Hunter Beast Mastery Single Player Mode 42 - 53 44.2%
1913 1717 Perpetua Auchindoun Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 57 - 47 54.8%
1941 1945 Pugnacious Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms panda exp 280 - 264 51.5%
1947 1762 Prawnhub Auchindoun Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance 271 - 267 50.4%
1949 1924 Floofz Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 116 - 102 53.2%
1953 1823 Wrongtarget Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship And Imaginary Friends 24 - 12 66.7%
1955 1308 Telyor Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Tavern 14 - 21 40.0%
1965 1457 Meethchi Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Band Of Laidbacks 41 - 47 46.6%
1980 1263 Archwr Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Ancestral 36 - 42 46.2%
2010 703 Malord Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Until it Breaks 8 - 6 57.1%
2045 1929 Déadmankek Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Carepolice 758 - 735 50.8%
2048 2020 Kasola Auchindoun Horde Undead Female Priest Holy Invicta 48 - 54 47.1%
2049 1855 Driara Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration CGRECYA 232 - 237 49.5%
2054 288 Lillea Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Final Judgement 3 - 3 50.0%
2054 288 Vonero Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral TOUCH OF ZEBOY 3 - 3 50.0%
2061 1152 Icecrêam Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 12 - 24 33.3%
2075 1943 Tenx Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 61 - 85 41.8%
2076 1728 Shiftalot Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration One More Game 46 - 50 47.9%
2084 1042 Jockebo Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Dark Ritual 13 - 19 40.6%
2088 1656 Dragemànn Auchindoun Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Tavern 93 - 82 53.1%
2096 1664 Spectros Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Priest Shadow HELIX 21 - 17 55.3%
2110 960 Harryportal Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 10 - 14 41.7%
2118 1102 Agila Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 12 - 29 29.3%
2153 1804 Bowjobb Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 56 - 65 46.3%
2161 1321 Amiahunter Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 14 - 10 58.3%
2164 1660 Pòònzý Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 18 - 11 62.1%
2166 1659 Poonzy Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Corrupted 18 - 16 52.9%
2193 1887 Mlins Auchindoun Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 126 - 103 55.0%
2208 864 Grenwood Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
2231 1774 Silentslap Auchindoun Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker Down Under 247 - 243 50.4%
2273 1089 Rekovepop Auchindoun Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 14 - 15 48.3%
2283 192 Spacecoconut Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 192 Møpferal Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 2 - 4 33.3%
2297 1561 Saeyan Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy sIayers 23 - 24 48.9%
2305 1818 Elumørph Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 28 - 32 46.7%
2320 1774 Stabzy Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 29 - 31 48.3%
2328 1585 Dawgydawg Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Priest Shadow 35 - 27 56.5%
2340 864 Irdps Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Tune Up 9 - 3 75.0%
2340 864 Krayzil Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 9 - 9 50.0%
2345 1624 Suidas Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Being Dead So Marvellous 39 - 48 44.8%
2385 1880 Irdps Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Tune Up 35 - 30 53.8%
2385 576 Brutekiller Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Down Under 6 - 6 50.0%
2424 1580 Drakkärring Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Red Dawn 61 - 75 44.9%
2427 1856 Driada Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline CGRECYA 402 - 410 49.5%
2437 384 Dotsontap Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Warlock Affliction Minerva 4 - 8 33.3%
2456 1962 Húlda Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Female Priest Holy Bjarnabófar 108 - 128 45.8%
2495 1517 Happya Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Mistweaver For Azeroth 25 - 40 38.5%
2507 846 Happyz Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 9 - 20 31.0%
2570 1695 Bacpelas Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration Creels Army 23 - 10 69.7%
2570 1944 Healimunati Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 71 - 72 49.7%
2576 1694 Praise Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration 47 - 55 46.1%
2591 1678 Kartusian Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Determination 68 - 68 50.0%
2606 1714 Louthien Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Red Dawn 33 - 27 55.0%
2621 1686 Naga Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 30 - 29 50.8%
2631 672 Eudrazill Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 7 - 5 58.3%
2635 1735 Multikay Auchindoun Horde Goblin Male Death Knight Unholy 31 - 25 55.4%
2668 1677 Healumnati Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Wrong Side of Heaven 70 - 62 53.0%
2690 1698 Archunter Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Until it Breaks 181 - 193 48.4%
2691 1489 Jrakken Auchindoun Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 34 - 30 53.1%
2693 1586 Druditta Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Nefarious 21 - 21 50.0%
2699 576 Jaromex Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Team Depleto 6 - 0 100.0%
2701 384 Virusshadow Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology One More Game 4 - 2 66.7%
2701 1876 Judgemylios Auchindoun Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Exploding Sheep 36 - 45 44.4%
2707 1842 Coôkiedough Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms Naughty By Nature 78 - 79 49.7%
2719 1578 Arelet Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Reality Kings 51 - 55 48.1%
2726 480 Magepoonz Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 5 - 1 83.3%
2737 1374 Happym Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Red Dawn 35 - 56 38.5%
2738 576 Upgraded Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 6 - 6 50.0%
2740 768 Wrongtarget Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship And Imaginary Friends 8 - 10 44.4%
2744 1662 Agila Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 193 - 174 52.6%
2752 1327 Dafuqpriest Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 14 - 16 46.7%
2779 1365 Packu Auchindoun Horde Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver Fallen Ashbringer 78 - 88 47.0%
2811 1439 Drlauren Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 15 - 9 62.5%
2812 1545 Sops Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Ginyu Force 17 - 20 45.9%
2826 1683 Eaker Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Unholy 87 - 87 50.0%
2829 96 Mtonine Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 1 - 5 16.7%
2829 96 Zep Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety CosaNostra 1 - 5 16.7%
2835 1244 Praizejeebus Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Being Dead So Marvellous 13 - 23 36.1%
2843 1837 Ihatedh Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 355 - 332 51.7%
2862 1482 Saldirga Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Male Mage Frost Until it Breaks 102 - 110 48.1%
2872 672 Dragonforce Auchindoun Horde Vulpera Male Hunter Marksmanship 7 - 5 58.3%
2872 480 Kryoon Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Utopia 6 - 10 37.5%
2874 384 Polder Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 4 - 14 22.2%
2875 1728 Buffbloom Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 24 - 46 34.3%
2906 1392 Draceris Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Coldfusion 23 - 49 31.9%
2919 192 Cadezr Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction not toxic btw 2 - 4 33.3%
2930 384 Badaassmage Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Stands in AoE 4 - 2 66.7%
2932 1630 Ultrax Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental SINDICATUL 313 - 322 49.3%
2950 1497 Dudulax Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 57 - 54 51.4%
2961 1353 Multidrac Auchindoun Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 42 - 73 36.5%
2965 1555 Zahal Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 60 - 54 52.6%
2998 1480 Archwdr Auchindoun Alliance Worgen Female Druid Balance Made in ROMANIA 172 - 165 51.0%
3023 1321 Sleazy Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 25 - 26 49.0%
3033 576 Reactiz Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 6 - 6 50.0%
3053 1148 Multipal Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 12 - 18 40.0%
3067 1138 Eclipsy Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 12 - 24 33.3%
3079 1273 Happyz Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 25 - 30 45.5%
3093 1498 Archvm Auchindoun Alliance Void Elf Male Monk Windwalker watch møvie EARTHLINGS 24 - 42 36.4%
3107 192 Vykr Auchindoun Horde Troll Male Hunter Survival World of Zug Zug 2 - 4 33.3%
3110 384 Fraggiz Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Animal Shelter 4 - 8 33.3%
3175 288 Morfen Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 3 - 3 50.0%
3178 1435 Lifesteal Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Fallen Ashbringer 112 - 119 48.5%
3204 1860 Alxzpriest Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Relentless Elite 43 - 39 52.4%
3211 1778 Lillti Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Coldfusion 104 - 108 49.1%
3219 1421 Rocco Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 22 - 20 52.4%
3227 1336 Vazzie Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 14 - 13 51.9%
3240 1334 Tittsguri Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Mage Fire 15 - 25 37.5%
3241 480 Archunter Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Until it Breaks 5 - 13 27.8%
3253 1590 Tairngire Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Virtus Favent 34 - 28 54.8%
3256 1672 Eudrazil Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration One More Game 19 - 17 52.8%
3272 955 Zakzik Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy Murder Inc 10 - 8 55.6%
3288 1338 Azreall Auchindoun Horde Troll Male Druid Balance 34 - 45 43.0%
3293 768 Alxzpriest Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Relentless Elite 8 - 4 66.7%
3304 1341 Xw Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Relentless Elite 14 - 22 38.9%
3312 1055 Rhegal Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 11 - 19 36.7%
3313 864 Mosako Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Mistweaver 9 - 9 50.0%
3333 1802 Bunjinator Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 29 - 20 59.2%
3377 367 Lizkss Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Tavern 4 - 13 23.5%
3387 1312 Avarrish Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction League of Legends 14 - 27 34.1%
3439 1534 Merhunter Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Icecream citadel 16 - 38 29.6%
3441 1441 Profanix Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Corrupted 44 - 55 44.4%
3455 1532 Reactiz Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 17 - 16 51.5%
3470 1642 Shadowmeld Auchindoun Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance 50 - 65 43.5%
3471 384 Eccy Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Revelations 4 - 2 66.7%
3471 1152 Amiriklol Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker One More Game 12 - 19 38.7%
3471 384 Kardurah Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Virtus Favent 4 - 8 33.3%
3473 1528 Amiahunter Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 46 - 49 48.4%
3486 192 Tittsguri Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Mage Fire 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Kaaliss Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 2 - 10 16.7%
3518 1515 Tolgrades Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery Tartarus 66 - 81 44.9%
3536 714 Blåbärskakan Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 9 - 22 29.0%
3557 1501 Parlé Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Team Depleto 16 - 19 45.7%
3561 1499 Blackzor Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Corrupted 17 - 15 53.1%
3563 576 Eudrazili Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline One More Game 6 - 6 50.0%
3575 1483 Elenes Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Until it Breaks 19 - 31 38.0%
3582 1455 Tatal Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration SINDICATUL 279 - 287 49.3%
3583 1489 Sonaa Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 25 - 29 46.3%
3585 1488 Katery Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 33 - 57 36.7%
3589 1453 Óras Auchindoun Alliance Pandaren Male Shaman Restoration Defenders of Valor 37 - 61 37.8%
3612 96 Ekony Auchindoun Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Affliction Down Under 1 - 5 16.7%
3658 655 Alphä Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 7 - 22 24.1%
3661 1619 Mirju Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 38 - 39 49.4%
3686 1055 Nancey Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Euphoria 11 - 7 61.1%
3695 576 Sekreta Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 6 - 6 50.0%
3697 1435 Darknes Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination The Forgotten Warrior 15 - 15 50.0%
3721 192 Hellscreamer Auchindoun Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms The True Warchief 2 - 4 33.3%
3725 1020 Akkin Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 12 - 14 46.2%
3744 543 Cindez Auchindoun Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow wow legends 6 - 5 54.5%
3749 1807 Aerael Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 54 - 39 58.1%
3751 1733 Schmekot Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 24 - 28 46.2%
3752 1004 Ihateyouguys Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 11 - 6 64.7%
3779 288 Isthisfún Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 3 - 3 50.0%
3780 576 Vx Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Tavern 6 - 0 100.0%
3825 1363 Demonsis Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 61 - 72 45.9%
3838 64 Noitcilffa Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Elitists of Azeroth 1 - 3 25.0%
3842 522 Bunji Auchindoun Alliance Draenei Male Paladin Retribution 7 - 12 36.8%
3845 1704 Sethron Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Priest Discipline 101 - 70 59.1%
3860 1703 Vegetassj Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 124 - 139 47.1%
3870 943 Restoline Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Refused 10 - 20 33.3%
3900 1366 Sirtraksalot Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Dragonborns 15 - 17 46.9%
3971 1787 Rekter Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Reality Kings 32 - 25 56.1%
3974 768 Inlakech Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver Reality Kings 8 - 10 44.4%
3994 1318 Rambob Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 37 - 26 58.7%
4057 96 Bainee Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury chaos squad 1 - 11 8.3%
4057 864 Jutler Auchindoun Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Räyhä 9 - 9 50.0%
4063 1685 Necmar Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 71 - 73 49.3%
4066 1266 Lìon Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 56 - 62 47.5%
4067 1742 Brown Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Refused 191 - 182 51.2%
4076 1771 Smutsifox Auchindoun Horde Vulpera Female Priest Holy Fat Campers 22 - 32 40.7%
4081 768 Elijahh Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 8 - 22 26.7%
4081 768 Dotsontap Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Warlock Affliction Minerva 8 - 10 44.4%
4098 384 Eudrazill Auchindoun Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 4 - 2 66.7%
4128 240 Blackzor Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Corrupted 4 - 11 26.7%
4159 192 Penchod Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Darkranger Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Bowjobb Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 10 16.7%
4160 688 Khelora Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost Fist of Legend 8 - 5 61.5%
4169 768 Substitute Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Coldforged 8 - 4 66.7%
4171 1225 Seifér Auchindoun Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Relentless Elite 15 - 11 57.7%
4183 1533 Celyor Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 33 - 39 45.8%
4194 767 Ellanios Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Male Warlock Affliction 8 - 16 33.3%
4255 671 Ivex Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Unbroken alliance 7 - 5 58.3%
4270 1151 Alxzh Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Relentless Elite 12 - 24 33.3%
4275 288 Brown Auchindoun Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Refused 3 - 9 25.0%
4279 288 Edvardt Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver When cows attack 4 - 18 18.2%
4287 618 Fistkärring Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Red Dawn 8 - 13 38.1%
4291 288 Ultranumb Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Call me Derrick 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Zéd Auchindoun Horde Nightborne Female Priest Shadow Our Guild Name Is Too Lo 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 James Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow Ashes to Ashes 3 - 9 25.0%
4305 1708 Lawlbringér Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 27 - 27 50.0%
4321 1649 Demånkärring Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Red Dawn 27 - 42 39.1%
4420 1646 Zeneve Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Murlocs Ate My Boots 229 - 229 50.0%
4470 1052 Meethchi Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Band Of Laidbacks 11 - 25 30.6%
4507 1635 Praizejeebus Auchindoun Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Being Dead So Marvellous 23 - 42 35.4%
4521 480 Chopens Auchindoun Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 5 - 7 41.7%
4521 234 Lilti Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Coldfusion 4 - 10 28.6%
4543 192 Bødega Auchindoun Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Monk Windwalker 2 - 4 33.3%
4562 96 Parlé Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Team Depleto 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Sonaa Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 1 - 5 16.7%
4586 1703 Lillti Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Coldfusion 45 - 42 51.7%
4602 1625 Alxzpriest Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Relentless Elite 48 - 56 46.2%
4605 1441 Honzia Auchindoun Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration Tavern 63 - 72 46.7%
4707 1612 Warea Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Band Of Laidbacks 94 - 117 44.5%
4720 864 Valerìe Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Lollipop Squad 9 - 9 50.0%
4799 1600 Tsimpoukas Auchindoun Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Relentless Elite 147 - 143 50.7%
4802 431 Mt Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Until it Breaks 5 - 6 45.5%
4808 1673 Dilemma Auchindoun Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Holy Tavern 23 - 19 54.8%
4829 384 Jockebo Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Dark Ritual 4 - 8 33.3%
4832 96 Øw Auchindoun Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker One More Game 1 - 5 16.7%
4902 384 Elumørph Auchindoun Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 4 - 2 66.7%
4904 96 Lommeuld Auchindoun Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Klunkeby 1 - 5 16.7%
4910 448 Multilock Auchindoun Horde Undead Female Warlock Affliction 5 - 8 38.5%
4950 384 Noitcilffa Auchindoun Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Elitists of Azeroth 4 - 2 66.7%

Last updated 23 Jul 2024 09:10:41 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).