Solo 2v2 3v3 RBG

Outland EU Solo Shuffle

4960 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
1 2908 Àkròlolz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Oùt of Control 82 - 68 54.7%
1 2960 Jesper Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 87 - 84 50.9%
2 3118 Snupy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral huh 165 - 138 54.5%
2 3147 Akroshalolz Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Oùt of Control 98 - 83 54.1%
3 3068 Yarilolx Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury Words Under My Name 180 - 144 55.6%
3 3169 Àkròlolz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Oùt of Control 94 - 50 65.3%
4 2130 Ptshk Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Guardian Words Under My Name 32 - 15 68.1%
4 3168 Maskøff Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 340 - 306 52.6%
4 3082 Àkròlolz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Oùt of Control 95 - 69 57.9%
5 2943 Obito Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 158 - 130 54.9%
6 2828 Crueh Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Neo Tokyo 122 - 113 51.9%
6 3146 Akroshalolz Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Oùt of Control 143 - 100 58.8%
6 2939 Xanaxgõd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 314 - 304 50.8%
6 2221 Protenjoyer Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Protection 94 - 103 47.7%
6 3042 Realorcake Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 127 - 94 57.5%
7 3011 Wéppz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 104 - 90 53.6%
7 2966 Lilbolts Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost ExplorersOfUranus 170 - 159 51.7%
7 2767 Tao Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation 172 - 139 55.3%
9 3122 Respectino Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Redhawkkk 171 - 134 56.1%
9 2938 Quadfather Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Fury B A D S 198 - 165 54.5%
9 3082 Dwagon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 545 - 477 53.3%
10 2904 Kilstine Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost ExplorersOfUranus 226 - 200 53.1%
10 1957 Trenwho Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc NO TRYHARD NEEDED 57 - 52 52.3%
11 2908 Døk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 190 - 149 56.0%
11 1600 Trashpandá Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver 42 - 50 45.7%
12 3050 Ultrabull Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 158 - 70 69.3%
12 3072 Clickerdh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Influenza 199 - 155 56.2%
13 3025 Grathia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration The Uchiha Clan 133 - 110 54.7%
13 2807 Xanaxgød Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane 206 - 189 52.2%
13 2841 Ørka Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 233 - 188 55.3%
15 3007 Nalumo Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Driver 77 - 51 60.2%
16 2793 Noweedgg Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 215 - 202 51.6%
17 2757 Elmie Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 77 - 61 55.8%
18 2766 Hazzizou Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 153 - 147 51.0%
18 2649 Mornings Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 114 - 108 51.4%
19 2751 Elmîe Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 89 - 74 54.6%
20 2416 Shadowkage Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation 53 - 60 46.9%
21 2966 Respectina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 217 - 189 53.4%
21 2683 Avdødx Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 442 - 432 50.6%
22 2729 Rokobasilisk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 175 - 175 50.0%
22 2364 Dagu Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw 102 - 108 48.6%
22 2960 Wodhunterxdd Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Its Ya Boi Ben 108 - 84 56.3%
23 2739 Kjøttpucken Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Outland Elite 134 - 88 60.4%
23 2779 Juky Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Words Under My Name 112 - 97 53.6%
23 2970 Votth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 101 - 74 57.7%
23 2711 Lcollector Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Demonology 110 - 95 53.7%
24 2548 Serclolz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Oùt of Control 90 - 78 53.6%
24 2935 Seviante Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 345 - 315 52.3%
24 2968 Jimpä Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 110 - 74 59.8%
25 2640 Lhestér Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Destruction 87 - 88 49.7%
25 2763 Raféékí Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance A p a t h y 129 - 123 51.2%
25 2721 Panzerpung Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury B A D S 398 - 385 50.8%
26 2627 Avdød Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 344 - 323 51.6%
26 1643 Momsey Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Druid Restoration Man Dont Care 35 - 39 47.3%
29 2682 Elmezz Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 236 - 229 50.8%
29 2687 Losmaestro Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury B A D S 170 - 119 58.8%
29 2737 Hawkman Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms Outworld 74 - 71 51.0%
30 2698 Trilletrap Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival 103 - 88 53.9%
30 2324 Dwagon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 46 - 44 51.1%
30 2633 Ifinkufreeky Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery 68 - 61 52.7%
31 1693 Hyræ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Protection 52 - 65 44.4%
31 2816 Nilitarrgh Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Outland Elite 167 - 143 53.9%
32 528 Jonbernthal Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 7 - 2 77.8%
33 2612 Risberg Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 79 - 95 45.4%
33 2703 Anheduanna Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 718 - 691 51.0%
35 2801 Trenwho Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc NO TRYHARD NEEDED 329 - 301 52.2%
36 2706 Louana Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms Thunderbluff Molkerei 207 - 195 51.5%
36 384 Radvinz Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 4 - 8 33.3%
36 2454 Vertx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 78 - 80 49.4%
38 2700 Exoldboss Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Exgenius 214 - 209 50.6%
38 2784 Snusdronning Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 143 - 81 63.8%
38 2587 Eilosh Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 101 - 104 49.3%
39 2684 Verti Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 76 - 73 51.0%
39 2449 Sølidsnake Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 77 - 65 54.2%
41 2432 Tiziano Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 414 - 407 50.4%
43 2577 Wodhunterxdd Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Its Ya Boi Ben 62 - 50 55.4%
43 2729 Sickmode Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire i love kate 239 - 237 50.2%
44 2428 Sallesauruus Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane Influenza 351 - 340 50.8%
44 2432 Kazing Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement ExplorersOfUranus 78 - 71 52.3%
45 2673 Mihiko Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 663 - 657 50.2%
46 2651 Stb Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Accidentally Competent 205 - 201 50.5%
48 2648 Trøüpäx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 78 - 51 60.5%
49 2716 Mornings Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 170 - 161 51.4%
49 2853 Useemerolin Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 489 - 471 50.9%
49 2503 Madridistaß Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 706 - 692 50.5%
50 2426 Pitøu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 131 - 111 54.1%
50 2663 Vixia Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 99 - 98 50.3%
50 2613 Gyzmo Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 144 - 142 50.3%
51 2742 Verticax Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 153 - 151 50.3%
52 2165 Twitchprimex Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw Horde Stole My Epics 255 - 216 54.1%
53 2602 Kenaz Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 164 - 154 51.6%
53 1659 Empress Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Vinkelmaffian 22 - 22 50.0%
54 2411 Orloff Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Achievement Hunters 83 - 66 55.7%
55 767 Tynanen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 9 - 13 40.9%
55 2594 Nilitarrgh Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Outland Elite 170 - 172 49.7%
56 2706 Økah Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 96 - 81 54.2%
56 2698 Betterevoker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 70 - 62 53.0%
56 2847 Grimmjowjaja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 266 - 237 52.9%
57 2363 Selky Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 151 - 145 51.0%
59 2354 Simpshrimp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane 338 - 306 52.5%
59 2586 Mornings Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 99 - 83 54.4%
60 1652 Uglie Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Blood Ugli Buglies 25 - 31 44.6%
61 2731 Pïkachû Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 64 - 37 63.4%
61 2055 Hivnyrir Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Afflicted 71 - 81 46.7%
61 2520 Eilosh Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 159 - 132 54.6%
61 1581 Tiguisy Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Sneakattack 29 - 38 43.3%
62 2632 Bannedagian Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 199 - 149 57.2%
63 2630 Drpops Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 101 - 72 58.4%
63 2698 Guvoker Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 79 - 35 69.3%
63 2460 Shadowbolt Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 273 - 271 50.2%
63 2460 Kaïlee Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 71 - 71 50.0%
64 2126 Zuqzwang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 38 - 36 51.4%
66 2539 Aragõrn Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology 156 - 143 52.2%
66 2776 Rmp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 163 - 141 53.6%
67 2565 Shaibazor Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 589 - 516 53.3%
67 2714 Altysfather Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 110 - 68 61.8%
67 2560 Artunisz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 469 - 449 51.1%
69 2600 Sweepdeadxd Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 98 - 72 57.6%
69 2631 Vertx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 66 - 53 55.5%
69 960 Ezaksson Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 10 - 14 41.7%
71 2597 Jetwest Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 216 - 211 50.6%
72 1526 Elixraelis Outland Alliance Draenei Male Death Knight Unholy 62 - 67 48.1%
73 2096 Zr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Outland Elite 50 - 39 56.2%
73 2548 Héffer Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 93 - 81 53.4%
73 2622 Wisdomtooth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Mystery Wings 86 - 57 60.1%
73 2279 Astersky Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 173 - 146 54.2%
75 2086 Kirakage Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 36 - 47 43.4%
75 2486 Takés Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 47 - 43 52.2%
75 2281 Joeyexe Outland Horde Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 130 - 129 50.2%
76 2508 Lhestér Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Destruction 277 - 275 50.2%
76 2520 Røllingsênse Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Ransom 242 - 227 51.6%
76 2601 Kjøttpucken Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Outland Elite 115 - 78 59.6%
77 2290 Snàkê Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 139 - 149 48.3%
79 2286 Grifika Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 73 - 72 50.3%
79 2589 Zhoti Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms A p a t h y 86 - 82 51.2%
79 2736 Radrox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination NetflixandKillGasm 308 - 301 50.6%
80 2587 Strugglebus Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Priest Discipline 225 - 191 54.1%
81 2522 Mörty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Ancient Empire 82 - 46 64.1%
82 2731 Hakanpekmez Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 123 - 98 55.7%
82 2565 Thyraz Outland Alliance Worgen Male Druid Balance Legio Mortis 819 - 786 51.0%
82 96 Nedchonk Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker 1 - 5 16.7%
82 2563 Marketshare Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 255 - 249 50.6%
82 2608 Tamisra Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 959 - 932 50.7%
82 2584 Radiantfury Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 123 - 107 53.5%
82 2421 Haszard Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral UnlimitedX 178 - 164 52.0%
82 2608 Vertii Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy 199 - 201 49.8%
84 2434 Noorie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 103 - 76 57.5%
85 2236 Mmrkleptér Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Arcane 91 - 87 51.1%
86 2101 Vakko Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Blood Bath 172 - 143 54.6%
87 2510 Wirtun Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 102 - 71 59.0%
88 2039 Crackjaxonn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 213 - 201 51.4%
88 576 Lallárn Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Protection 6 - 18 25.0%
88 2450 Ñíklâs Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms 68 - 56 54.8%
89 2445 Blixd Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery 201 - 185 52.1%
90 2080 Pai Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Death Knight Frost Honor Capped 33 - 22 60.0%
90 2479 Ultrasense Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver Eternal 301 - 297 50.3%
91 2533 Styggtryne Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 155 - 130 54.4%
91 2595 Whysosrs Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 83 - 52 61.5%
91 2603 Øqah Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 165 - 146 53.1%
92 2744 Taurvid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 116 - 79 59.5%
94 2560 Ballepresten Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline Outland Elite 154 - 150 50.7%
95 2633 Flæys Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 102 - 84 54.8%
95 2475 Jessecash Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 191 - 182 51.2%
95 2615 Purgedez Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Virtuoso 90 - 58 60.8%
96 2199 Dorimilol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 96 - 104 48.0%
96 2055 Dæthknight Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost Honor Capped 199 - 207 49.0%
97 2649 Ðeuterium Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 82 - 65 55.8%
99 2193 Dorimi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 41 - 54 43.2%
99 2548 Selky Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 102 - 65 61.1%
100 2580 Maxto Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Synergia 155 - 153 50.3%
100 480 Beertonak Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Achievement Hunters 5 - 8 38.5%
100 1774 Periodblood Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 64 - 69 48.1%
100 1235 Aksevn Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Blood 48 - 72 40.0%
101 2516 Månemannen Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Outland Elite 69 - 68 50.4%
101 2516 Lilpumpz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 143 - 135 51.4%
101 2187 Czd Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost The Eternal 69 - 71 49.3%
102 352 Sixhérøashzx Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance IN CASH WE TRUST 4 - 12 25.0%
102 2496 Sunåoxd Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 75 - 56 57.3%
102 2537 Offtheperc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 125 - 91 57.9%
103 2179 ßlinkmaster Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane 42 - 10 80.8%
104 2466 Vertx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 105 - 108 49.3%
105 2538 Àâäàâàääâàâà Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 101 - 52 66.0%
105 2451 Arenadeux Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 194 - 161 54.6%
107 2430 Macrolaim Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Legio Mortis 304 - 307 49.8%
108 2612 Evazhang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Outland Elite 57 - 39 59.4%
108 2156 Gonster Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Afflicted 76 - 52 59.4%
108 2600 Crueh Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Neo Tokyo 241 - 208 53.7%
109 2445 Albtar Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 385 - 365 51.3%
110 2477 Wollfer Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 58 - 46 55.8%
110 2517 Serclolz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Oùt of Control 64 - 45 58.7%
110 2561 Eyaste Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Insanoglu 258 - 216 54.4%
112 384 Bigbob Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warrior Arms 4 - 2 66.7%
112 2579 Eldu Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Outland Elite 186 - 169 52.4%
112 2563 Phrek Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Influenza 263 - 245 51.8%
113 2415 Benomore Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Elite Of Sweden 157 - 133 54.1%
113 2312 Mîuz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 74 - 65 53.2%
113 2405 Madridismo Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warlock Destruction 220 - 218 50.2%
114 2163 Änanké Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Six Eggs 34 - 26 56.7%
114 2453 Salvatoriy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Azeroth Defence Force 408 - 368 52.6%
114 2421 Bèárgrylls Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 119 - 106 52.9%
115 2303 Mîrxy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 61 - 47 56.5%
116 2296 Scorey Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral Oxymore 53 - 39 57.6%
116 2424 Baincapital Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 83 - 51 61.9%
117 2442 Fròzty Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Resisposse 159 - 124 56.2%
117 2569 Plesa Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 227 - 184 55.2%
117 2403 Madridismoxß Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 68 - 62 52.3%
117 2611 Bricarter Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 246 - 228 51.9%
117 2463 Simiann Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 144 - 147 49.5%
118 2418 Kurdo Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival 64 - 57 52.9%
118 2610 Zeroshots Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 93 - 78 54.4%
118 2462 Shambulansa Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration Sneakattack 68 - 58 54.0%
120 2588 Shabbat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Smash Platoon 241 - 243 49.8%
120 2434 Stê Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 63 - 62 50.4%
121 2432 Tiziano Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 468 - 438 51.7%
122 2612 Empress Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Vinkelmaffian 94 - 65 59.1%
122 2587 Funrunqt Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Priest Shadow NetflixandKillGasm 288 - 252 53.3%
122 2443 Cassen Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warlock Destruction CRANKIN MY HOG 62 - 57 52.1%
123 1981 Nolíferx Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Outland Elite 128 - 110 53.8%
123 480 Lifermi Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Protection 5 - 1 83.3%
124 2419 Bullykingx Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 69 - 37 65.1%
125 2582 Cornflays Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow Member Berries 121 - 114 51.5%
126 2416 Redb Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 978 - 955 50.6%
126 2566 Supershenron Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 285 - 224 56.0%
128 2427 Djpleb Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 93 - 53 63.7%
128 2471 Lilbolts Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost ExplorersOfUranus 61 - 51 54.5%
128 288 Smoksa Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Protection Britney Spears Fan Club 3 - 3 50.0%
129 2256 Jubita Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 418 - 404 50.9%
129 2542 Jimpæ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 85 - 80 51.5%
131 2424 Weåfy Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Akademien 84 - 80 51.2%
131 2502 Skagi Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Outworld 157 - 166 48.6%
131 2586 Drakona Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 218 - 199 52.3%
131 2696 Bestpolska Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration TBE 145 - 115 55.8%
132 2471 Skñ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 55 - 49 52.9%
132 2411 Jayvej Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Influenza 121 - 116 51.1%
133 2501 Jayvej Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Influenza 60 - 64 48.4%
134 2488 Vitaminb Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 91 - 94 49.2%
135 2426 Dwtd Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 120 - 103 53.8%
135 2420 Jukyzz Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 68 - 56 54.8%
136 2467 Yanya Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Wardance 171 - 145 54.1%
136 2101 Hungover Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 44 - 50 46.8%
136 2442 Bjoernwaldur Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Sneakattack 60 - 50 54.5%
137 2430 Mazîkeen Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Achievement Hunters 388 - 356 52.2%
137 2486 Spectré Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Fragments 158 - 182 46.5%
138 2406 Warlash Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 70 - 58 54.7%
139 2440 Sunaoxd Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 135 - 139 49.3%
139 2570 Chêckpvp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 133 - 84 61.3%
140 2483 Mode Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 182 - 159 53.4%
140 2092 Kongzero Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 43 - 16 72.9%
141 2422 Timzør Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Outland Elite 227 - 217 51.1%
141 2229 Julyfourth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Outland Elite 79 - 77 50.6%
142 2393 Ayjay Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 230 - 223 50.8%
142 2480 Amÿêøñg Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 56 - 39 58.9%
142 2519 Parcee Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 370 - 349 51.5%
143 2564 Bèárgrylls Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 196 - 163 54.6%
143 2415 Yåfa Outland Horde Undead Female Monk Mistweaver 251 - 196 56.2%
143 2089 Lurtax Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 90 - 87 50.8%
144 2412 Thornyberryx Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 210 - 203 50.8%
145 2451 Littlestone Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 55 - 47 53.9%
146 2514 Lurtaxs Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 123 - 104 54.2%
146 2103 Ziao Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost 47 - 49 49.0%
146 2477 Season Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 219 - 186 54.1%
146 2377 Fredshoots Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery esport jk blizzard 98 - 98 50.0%
147 2513 Saywutxlol Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 284 - 267 51.5%
148 2443 Sickmood Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire GET REKT SON 93 - 85 52.2%
149 2528 Esorlxa Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 114 - 68 62.6%
150 2194 Søñîc Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 44 - 34 56.4%
151 2456 Mawray Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Nödraketen 148 - 137 51.9%
151 288 Annyhllight Outland Alliance Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 3 - 3 50.0%
151 2469 Rhaeox Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 361 - 350 50.8%
153 2406 Hearten Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 186 - 185 50.1%
155 2055 Njs Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Rofl So Bad 85 - 86 49.7%
156 2402 Malowix Outland Alliance Draenei Male Warlock Demonology KBROS 67 - 76 46.9%
157 192 Ñíklâs Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms 2 - 10 16.7%
157 2094 Artunisz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 37 - 40 48.1%
158 2414 Shewank Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Blood Bath 132 - 117 53.0%
158 2340 Sûnaoxd Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 79 - 51 60.8%
158 2512 Yoyalos Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy Oxymore 159 - 161 49.7%
159 2404 Johntraboltá Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 390 - 367 51.5%
160 2401 Djmäkish Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 111 - 117 48.7%
161 2649 Randømnerd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration TBE 511 - 516 49.8%
162 1895 Rubyrosee Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 53 - 50 51.5%
164 2462 Indîcâ Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Outland Elite 741 - 733 50.3%
165 2389 Calipse Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 188 - 184 50.5%
165 2566 Djtkoqtx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Free Onlyfans 167 - 142 54.0%
165 2508 Omnipod Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Priest Shadow 98 - 76 56.3%
166 2442 Jabbari Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 184 - 174 51.4%
166 2033 Benchance Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Rustlers 87 - 83 51.2%
167 2416 Tiziano Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 144 - 125 53.5%
168 2421 Meblue Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Rofl So Bad 121 - 69 63.7%
169 2458 Melontwo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Forgotten Legion 183 - 188 49.3%
169 2506 Owpex Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Les Suppôts Dzu Soir 376 - 358 51.2%
172 2503 Itsonlyagame Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 620 - 611 50.4%
172 2637 Móx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 80 - 64 55.6%
172 2408 Radiantfury Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 116 - 116 50.0%
173 1874 Klaríx Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Outland Elite 65 - 69 48.5%
175 2538 Trípleog Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Habibi come to Dagestan 71 - 31 69.6%
175 2367 Dystopia Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 105 - 81 56.5%
176 2316 Trullzac Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 81 - 99 45.0%
179 2508 Eilosh Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 85 - 68 55.6%
180 2407 Sickomodex Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 193 - 189 50.5%
180 2407 Fredé Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction We Were Not Prepared 111 - 113 49.6%
181 1875 Stfico Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw The Green Falcon 65 - 44 59.6%
181 2531 Møøgødx Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 81 - 74 52.3%
184 2289 Respectina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 58 - 57 50.4%
184 536 Sovietputinn Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Brute Force NL 6 - 22 21.4%
184 2124 Icebláde Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Wardance 393 - 389 50.3%
185 2287 Axehead Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 51 - 63 44.7%
186 928 Peppapigsdad Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Pepe Silvia 10 - 12 45.5%
187 1871 Elunaria Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 111 - 93 54.4%
187 2284 Lenoire Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival huh 71 - 79 47.3%
188 2411 Okunø Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration 437 - 429 50.5%
188 2403 Sellhigh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 57 - 50 53.3%
190 2469 Rïzzgøðx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 70 - 44 61.4%
190 2276 Ðeuterium Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 108 - 112 49.1%
191 2458 Minkadudukaa Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 103 - 89 53.6%
192 96 Scarlettjo Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 1 - 5 16.7%
192 2612 Elmaa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 84 - 51 62.2%
193 2341 Notknown Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 120 - 131 47.8%
193 2043 Sunâoxd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 83 - 60 58.0%
194 2516 Mazonisti Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Taikaolennot 102 - 107 48.8%
195 2451 Líar Outland Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow 101 - 72 58.4%
195 2339 Ironmikë Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 64 - 90 41.6%
195 2441 Tamisra Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 89 - 83 51.7%
195 2420 Swaazy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 62 - 53 53.9%
196 2388 Underscore Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 273 - 265 50.7%
196 2514 Normbutt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 278 - 277 50.1%
196 2514 Rïna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Achievement Hunters 340 - 329 50.8%
196 2397 Ermí Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Zhulený Kobry 265 - 236 52.9%
197 2471 Sniperzam Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Wardance 199 - 166 54.5%
197 2471 Sunaøxd Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 167 - 140 54.4%
197 2396 Lhestér Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Destruction 83 - 74 52.9%
198 2280 Noitoved Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Outland Elite 71 - 77 48.0%
198 2395 Nekrofille Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 136 - 116 54.0%
199 2380 Liga Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 168 - 158 51.5%
201 2330 Quayee Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 88 - 80 52.4%
201 2448 Kenaze Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 70 - 45 60.9%
202 2274 Jimcarry Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Outland Elite 190 - 179 51.5%
203 2438 Xferrari Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Rofl So Bad 61 - 25 70.9%
203 2383 Fredeé Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 75 - 26 74.3%
203 96 Bubbasd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Taikaolennot 1 - 5 16.7%
203 2030 Comefightmé Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 43 - 46 48.3%
204 1990 Quabina Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 253 - 260 49.3%
205 2512 Holykek Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 1054 - 1022 50.8%
207 479 Dmon Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Blood Fragments 5 - 1 83.3%
207 2401 Lavadog Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 248 - 228 52.1%
208 2445 Schízø Outland Horde Undead Female Death Knight Unholy 95 - 73 56.5%
209 2433 Remudr Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Milk Me 102 - 85 54.5%
211 1837 Cryroth Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Gorgeous 45 - 34 57.0%
211 2311 Icesockdix Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 96 - 88 52.2%
212 1978 Wirtun Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 89 - 97 47.8%
213 2429 Recksus Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Oxymore 162 - 155 51.1%
213 1842 Cillitbang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 145 - 162 47.2%
214 2366 Envvy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Monster Cat 78 - 60 56.5%
215 2413 Kevert Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Carpal Tunnel 132 - 76 63.5%
217 2008 Inject Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 35 - 42 45.5%
217 2434 Hazsard Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Fragments 212 - 197 51.8%
217 2428 Luzy Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 71 - 48 59.7%
218 2448 Desmondx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 456 - 442 50.8%
218 2454 Myllyttäjä Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Resisposse 171 - 137 55.5%
218 2471 Nytalzki Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Legio Mortis 712 - 732 49.3%
219 2428 Suzpendet Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 133 - 137 49.3%
219 2495 Zamiren Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 181 - 177 50.6%
221 2303 Jessecasham Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 131 - 111 54.1%
221 2586 Kaiøxx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration TBE 80 - 70 53.3%
221 2433 Rvrsl Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Genetics 428 - 408 51.2%
222 2298 Strugglebusx Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 125 - 140 47.2%
222 2416 Milkmanmonk Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 122 - 112 52.1%
223 2424 Imperiux Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Oxymore 153 - 150 50.5%
225 1951 Sprocker Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Arcane 250 - 220 53.2%
226 1995 Cillitbang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 62 - 76 44.9%
227 1827 Mogrèin Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost We Were Not Prepared 101 - 91 52.6%
227 2337 Aestus Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 244 - 241 50.3%
227 2333 Astrisz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 66 - 52 55.9%
227 2055 Banana Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Order Of Assassins 349 - 335 51.0%
227 2296 Eccotwok Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Make Outland Great Again 102 - 78 56.7%
228 2482 Lawrii Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 59 - 25 70.2%
228 2443 Finwe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc The Committee 164 - 167 49.5%
229 2429 Iessei Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow 103 - 99 51.0%
229 2415 Incaplol Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 123 - 78 61.2%
230 2310 Sinnermonkk Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 82 - 90 47.7%
231 2428 Saltèd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 100 - 85 54.1%
232 96 Arogane Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 1 - 5 16.7%
232 96 Ergott Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 1 - 5 16.7%
232 96 Ankalim Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian Achievement Hunters 1 - 5 16.7%
233 2300 Olimist Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Outland Elite 100 - 97 50.8%
234 2317 Sondremage Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 93 - 85 52.2%
234 2405 Dyroxs Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Wardance 128 - 122 51.2%
236 2413 Reelaxyyz Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker PLSNERFWW 194 - 206 48.5%
237 2328 Tmbigfrigid Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire 82 - 80 50.6%
237 2455 Ripchicken Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy Wipealot 86 - 67 56.2%
237 2214 Ðeüterium Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 63 - 36 63.6%
238 2404 Slâfs Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 77 - 87 47.0%
241 1817 Snubrød Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 121 - 116 51.1%
241 2259 Imfíne Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 73 - 53 57.9%
241 2557 Arogane Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 399 - 396 50.2%
244 2451 Sacerdotini Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 218 - 209 51.1%
244 2210 Kongharáld Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Oxymore 50 - 30 62.5%
245 2554 Lilpumpz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 134 - 121 52.5%
245 2317 Noorie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 87 - 67 56.5%
245 2421 Imøndiet Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 52 - 20 72.2%
246 2216 Makkezug Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 139 - 129 51.9%
247 2416 Dopâmîne Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 117 - 94 55.5%
248 2450 Xnun Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Female Priest Holy Oxymore 88 - 80 52.4%
248 2463 Weekly Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Make Outland Great Again 55 - 40 57.9%
248 2415 Ganglitty Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 125 - 96 56.6%
250 2419 Executebot Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 80 - 39 67.2%
250 2126 Engineer Outland Horde Troll Male Warlock Destruction 67 - 51 56.8%
251 1967 Presskidney Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Wipealot 191 - 203 48.5%
251 2394 Jerhym Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Absolute 64 - 35 64.6%
251 2449 Tanly Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline We Were Not Prepared 67 - 71 48.6%
252 2307 Gyzmo Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 110 - 106 50.9%
252 2304 Smlx Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 487 - 505 49.1%
252 2409 Saodiseng Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker The Eternal 81 - 69 54.0%
252 2413 Hrhværen Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 67 - 52 56.3%
253 2125 Chaosxd Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Destruction Exorcists 439 - 442 49.8%
254 2256 Illumina Outland Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution Ascendum 120 - 117 50.6%
254 2205 Lilsnuss Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 72 - 75 49.0%
254 2424 Sûnaoxd Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 62 - 35 63.9%
254 2267 Emlöses Outland Alliance Worgen Male Monk Mistweaver Ancient Empire 177 - 173 50.6%
254 288 Bolyar Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Zeus 3 - 9 25.0%
254 2205 Ärtëmis Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Para Bellum 189 - 161 54.0%
254 288 Gashi Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 3 - 15 16.7%
255 1896 Swarve Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 33 - 40 45.2%
256 2204 Lágåta Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Ascendum 49 - 61 44.5%
256 1814 Sorrow Outland Alliance Gnome Female Death Knight Frost 32 - 31 50.8%
256 1814 Tjutjanne Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Frost Tinkoff club 24 - 30 44.4%
256 2418 Quadfather Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Fury B A D S 77 - 74 51.0%
257 2280 Gonster Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Afflicted 92 - 73 55.8%
257 2448 Vùlcain Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Allurium 62 - 46 57.4%
258 2238 Nargøf Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 69 - 71 49.3%
258 2445 Töxìc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 101 - 70 59.1%
258 2413 Manuelakanji Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 62 - 54 53.4%
260 2410 Darkssoul Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 137 - 130 51.3%
261 2412 Floyreya Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow SevenDeadlySins 173 - 159 52.1%
263 2539 Moonie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 222 - 201 52.5%
263 2410 Tmnewho Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 82 - 69 54.3%
264 2409 Vliegemepper Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Influenza 59 - 46 56.2%
266 2415 Lilzerker Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 252 - 227 52.6%
266 2408 Claryzilla Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Virtuoso 132 - 95 58.1%
266 1883 Teslashock Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement Ostatnie Przymierze 61 - 64 48.8%
267 2244 Pekkadin Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 84 - 76 52.5%
268 2251 Trónìq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Otherland 57 - 63 47.5%
270 2416 Lmiliønvalpt Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Oxymore 101 - 90 52.9%
270 2249 Søting Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 85 - 94 47.5%
270 2217 Nekrofille Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 47 - 55 46.1%
271 2357 Mischkonsum Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 205 - 202 50.4%
272 431 Eldu Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Outland Elite 5 - 12 29.4%
273 2442 Økza Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 224 - 192 53.8%
273 2406 Mzi Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 48 - 24 66.7%
273 2245 Smehonk Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Curry Curry Nam Nam 85 - 71 54.5%
275 2188 Føj Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 54 - 65 45.4%
275 2259 Envvy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Monster Cat 134 - 139 49.1%
276 2242 Hajlong Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 101 - 98 50.8%
276 384 Muzoker Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 4 - 14 22.2%
277 2404 Exiluminate Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation The Eternal 560 - 483 53.7%
278 2414 Blixtsnabb Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 122 - 88 58.1%
279 2412 Cleganehound Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 215 - 222 49.2%
279 2257 Äntigood Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost Pure Chaos 163 - 166 49.5%
280 1865 Oçelotl Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 40 - 55 42.1%
280 2403 Shadowvoice Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Akademien 219 - 218 50.1%
281 2302 Shamavulin Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Restoration Honor Capped 74 - 64 53.6%
281 2253 Dorimi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 126 - 125 50.2%
281 2232 Asaf Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Outland Elite 204 - 162 55.7%
282 2401 Høka Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 340 - 322 51.4%
282 1914 Subtothemies Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety Oxymore 59 - 52 53.2%
282 1914 Subtlexd Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 28 - 37 43.1%
283 2400 Truculent Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker BACKPADDLE 524 - 461 53.2%
283 2400 Fadedgodx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 91 - 85 51.7%
284 2236 Belärus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Pain of the Forgotten 208 - 204 50.5%
284 2420 Tacobellxx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Its Ya Boi Ben 162 - 146 52.6%
284 2268 Madridismoxß Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 252 - 231 52.2%
285 2171 Hannuní Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Fragments 377 - 359 51.2%
286 1981 Vylerea Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 80 - 84 48.8%
286 1857 Madppl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement JFK was flagged for AFK 216 - 223 49.2%
286 2208 Hexualna Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Ostatnie Przymierze 141 - 147 49.0%
288 2442 Boriss Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Achievement Hunters 84 - 82 50.6%
288 2402 Mihiko Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 180 - 192 48.4%
290 2229 Oggixx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Outland Elite 92 - 103 47.2%
290 2167 Uel Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival 54 - 33 62.1%
292 2227 Wiwâ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Carry Skill 307 - 323 48.7%
292 2172 Sunaøxd Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 79 - 69 53.4%
293 2410 Noitoved Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Outland Elite 212 - 221 49.0%
293 2401 Sammaru Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 106 - 90 54.1%
297 2515 Besteuropa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration TBE 413 - 345 54.5%
297 2391 Kungfujetlii Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Oxymore 93 - 87 51.7%
297 1896 Rïna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Achievement Hunters 23 - 13 63.9%
297 2515 Tynalda Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 106 - 98 52.0%
298 2234 Xìna Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Achievement Hunters 478 - 444 51.8%
299 2309 Htaewkitty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 300 - 291 50.8%
299 1838 Pørthub Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane TIMMAHH 121 - 108 52.8%
300 2165 Respectino Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Redhawkkk 37 - 32 53.6%
300 2232 Astersky Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 170 - 160 51.5%
302 2220 Sonicspeed Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 89 - 90 49.7%
302 2200 Mxç Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 48 - 38 55.8%
302 2306 Madrubert Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Curry Curry Nam Nam 48 - 49 49.5%
302 1964 Forgarman Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 304 - 304 50.0%
305 2155 Coviddarboha Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 62 - 54 53.4%
305 2376 Bukurije Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 126 - 114 52.5%
305 2247 Mcdotalnds Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction verniumpresents 56 - 42 57.1%
306 2430 Pittsy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 138 - 130 51.5%
307 1785 Katadikos Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Wardance 24 - 24 50.0%
307 2371 Evocatus Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 494 - 471 51.2%
310 1956 Catfine Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Outland Elite 60 - 54 52.6%
310 2425 Kinjihakari Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Oùt of Control 245 - 228 51.8%
310 2226 Wisdomtooth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Mystery Wings 73 - 71 50.7%
311 2225 Håtemebaby Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 78 - 66 54.2%
311 2191 Artunisz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 103 - 95 52.0%
311 2404 Monnee Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Conspiracy Theory 191 - 192 49.9%
312 2367 Kaffeturken Outland Horde Undead Male Monk Windwalker Djungelpatrullen 105 - 100 51.2%
312 2403 Thefantasy Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 318 - 302 51.3%
313 2094 Twisterlend Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 152 - 134 53.1%
313 2222 Hambones Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Fire Outland Elite 182 - 173 51.3%
315 2151 Äkaïs Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Survival Eternal 42 - 35 54.5%
316 2413 Sickmodex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc i love kate 72 - 63 53.3%
316 2358 Rócat Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Outland Elite 95 - 104 47.7%
318 2210 Dogfather Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Deja Vu 259 - 243 51.6%
319 2129 Bitarid Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury The Safe Haven 134 - 122 52.3%
321 2373 Alfaböna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline NO TRYHARD NEEDED 1010 - 1024 49.7%
321 288 Sneezedragon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Outland Elite 3 - 3 50.0%
323 2353 Pu Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Outland Elite 95 - 95 50.0%
324 2420 Yåsmiñe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 259 - 216 54.5%
327 2144 Klarix Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Outland Elite 49 - 59 45.4%
327 2261 Skreewu Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 70 - 70 50.0%
331 2402 Lilyivanova Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 236 - 205 53.5%
332 2156 Cursemon Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology 40 - 32 55.6%
332 1703 Rosadiazz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw UnlimitedX 38 - 44 46.3%
333 1940 Vakl Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 51 - 62 45.1%
333 2123 Beznacaj Outland Horde Tauren Male Warrior Fury Oxymore 71 - 45 61.2%
334 2308 Ecovoker Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 107 - 123 46.5%
336 2277 Planche Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 221 - 219 50.2%
336 2139 Wendybaby Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 79 - 85 48.2%
338 2255 Fastownu Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Lucky 535 - 522 50.6%
338 2330 Hàléx Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Immortalz 529 - 519 50.5%
338 2216 Vhw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 152 - 132 53.5%
338 2137 Blixtsnabb Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 664 - 641 50.9%
339 2154 Frrostshockk Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 38 - 38 50.0%
340 1856 Idsapdatx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 25 - 23 52.1%
340 2399 Ùnstoppable Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 83 - 75 52.5%
341 2425 Jkantwo Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution EZ KATKA 80 - 61 56.7%
341 2145 Vénéficus Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 79 - 70 53.0%
342 2191 Stormageqt Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 116 - 106 52.3%
342 2158 Dabomb Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Ace Hood 769 - 749 50.7%
342 2135 Trolarina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Wardance 370 - 361 50.6%
343 2319 Voidemperor Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow Wardance 91 - 92 49.7%
344 1691 Kyo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 106 - 127 45.5%
346 2420 Lilrufio Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 103 - 104 49.8%
347 2272 Gandhijones Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Fragments 199 - 189 51.3%
348 2201 Auryuz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Eternal 47 - 44 51.6%
348 2377 Macrolaim Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Legio Mortis 183 - 173 51.4%
350 2471 Deliveru Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 247 - 211 53.9%
353 2181 Nalumo Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Driver 99 - 121 45.0%
354 2047 Klaríix Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 173 - 169 50.6%
354 2143 Fancyboi Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Elemental 67 - 32 67.7%
356 2142 Dampeners Outland Horde Pandaren Female Shaman Elemental Awful Discipline 70 - 55 56.0%
356 2307 Umbraesei Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 65 - 63 50.8%
357 2202 Patreek Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 72 - 40 64.3%
358 2339 Töxìc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 69 - 60 53.5%
358 1914 Déxion Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 116 - 98 54.2%
359 2142 Zelimeth Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire 34 - 26 56.7%
359 2300 Salvatory Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Honor Capped 129 - 104 55.4%
361 2114 Devilpanic Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Eternal Damnatíon 50 - 40 55.6%
361 2040 Chb Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction ComeHonorFaces 77 - 67 53.5%
363 2459 Cam Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 91 - 107 46.0%
364 2237 Burgercatx Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 138 - 138 50.0%
364 2113 Vìrtun Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 163 - 146 52.8%
365 2458 Lifeisbloomx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 310 - 273 53.2%
365 2282 Felhunter Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 88 - 61 59.1%
366 2348 Xzmiq Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Influenza 493 - 475 50.9%
368 2405 Snubbeldemon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Otherland 259 - 239 52.0%
368 2406 Tiazx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 84 - 80 51.2%
369 1709 Øqah Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 21 - 21 50.0%
369 2233 Ethixx Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration DØØM 140 - 142 49.6%
371 1905 Xxyo Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 540 - 521 50.9%
372 2132 Rimmyjiddler Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Outland Elite 48 - 31 60.8%
372 2128 Ayoubz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Victory or Valhalla 96 - 89 51.9%
372 1811 Thundercall Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Enhancement Eternal Damnatíon 57 - 36 61.3%
374 192 Hazsard Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Fragments 2 - 4 33.3%
374 192 Brel Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 2 - 4 33.3%
374 192 Hatsuli Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Legio Mortis 2 - 4 33.3%
374 2336 Gränky Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 92 - 63 59.4%
374 2253 Coolnickname Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 129 - 110 54.0%
375 2120 Renamedlol Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Demonology Royal Trust 122 - 110 52.6%
376 2334 Corrupth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 194 - 178 52.2%
376 2448 Funnyjoker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 489 - 469 51.0%
377 2230 Vinvin Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 107 - 107 50.0%
378 2176 Mëlisândre Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 437 - 440 49.8%
378 2270 Poppen Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 287 - 274 51.2%
378 2402 Classtraíner Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 618 - 597 50.9%
379 2356 Carritoscrms Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Achievement Hunters 250 - 265 48.5%
379 2118 Zevish Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival TNW 98 - 64 60.5%
380 2128 Henuajr Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Wardance 53 - 51 51.0%
383 2418 Morreu Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 55 - 45 55.0%
384 96 Superdavé Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 2 - 1 66.7%
384 1823 Schrottbott Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 126 - 116 52.1%
385 2017 Mendaxy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Virtuoso 97 - 75 56.4%
385 2446 Ziwoz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration November Rain 127 - 70 64.5%
386 2445 Haszard Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral UnlimitedX 105 - 93 53.0%
387 2319 Awstrom Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Carl XVI Gustafs Armé 267 - 215 55.4%
388 2444 Melonmanx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Forgotten Legion 311 - 300 50.9%
388 1806 Nöker Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 100 - 88 53.2%
388 2345 Ocbpapers Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 108 - 97 52.7%
388 2224 Zøka Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 199 - 199 50.0%
389 2402 Nitroxygen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 200 - 186 51.8%
389 1748 Znacaj Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane Oxymore 27 - 25 51.9%
389 2112 Eisaizwadi Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Wardance 250 - 259 49.1%
389 2410 Callmetrek Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 274 - 279 49.5%
391 1745 Bombiddybb Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Arcane 81 - 83 49.4%
391 2343 Randythered Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms NO TRYHARD NEEDED 94 - 88 51.6%
391 1820 Pspspsps Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 73 - 68 51.8%
392 2011 Zyakra Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 243 - 252 49.1%
392 1640 Sanerryk Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 22 - 23 48.9%
392 2179 Antia Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Honor Capped 144 - 110 56.7%
393 2442 Seharbaz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 97 - 82 54.2%
393 2408 Zedgodx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy 98 - 65 60.1%
393 2408 Yúnalesca Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 118 - 84 58.4%
393 1687 Victura Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Zeus 23 - 19 54.8%
394 1639 Bacardilover Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Subtlety Children of Valhalla 28 - 46 37.8%
394 2308 Kathja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Ascendum 139 - 125 52.7%
394 2256 Peppapigsdad Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Pepe Silvia 153 - 109 58.4%
394 2401 Pitøu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 166 - 124 57.2%
395 1685 Altaär Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Frost 21 - 27 43.8%
396 2441 Sxynix Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 125 - 109 53.4%
396 1877 Sphèria Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 450 - 451 49.9%
396 2113 Freeztime Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Aro 95 - 88 51.9%
397 1816 Namntopp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 36 - 42 46.2%
398 1683 Raihor Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 43 - 57 43.0%
398 2175 Öxygen Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 56 - 35 61.5%
398 2400 Richï Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 64 - 55 53.8%
399 2152 Jbravojr Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 46 - 50 47.9%
400 2305 Buraniss Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Virtuoso 324 - 301 51.8%
400 2218 Apexe Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 118 - 118 50.0%
400 2109 Jumskerbolts Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction CKMI 69 - 48 59.0%
401 2111 Hambones Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Fire Outland Elite 60 - 57 51.3%
401 2224 Nîckster Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 468 - 456 50.6%
403 1873 Hordezai Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 93 - 93 50.0%
405 2305 Dæthknight Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost Honor Capped 76 - 78 49.4%
405 2105 Impxgodx Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 69 - 70 49.6%
406 2243 Friedwings Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 40 - 14 74.1%
408 1721 Meepmorphzee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 18 - 18 50.0%
408 1794 Jedicubbie Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 142 - 130 52.2%
410 2241 Dracnuni Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 51 - 18 73.9%
411 2105 Whitefrog Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 89 - 86 50.9%
414 2103 Drakona Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 52 - 62 45.6%
415 2142 Feydrin Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Outland Elite 88 - 81 52.1%
416 2269 Lairs Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 54 - 46 54.0%
416 2412 Hotchíck Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 162 - 157 50.8%
418 1859 Carakal Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Wardance 199 - 186 51.7%
421 2317 Zhreystorm Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Arms 46 - 49 48.4%
422 2140 Mürphys Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Windwalker 346 - 329 51.3%
423 2208 Sbm Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Zeus 345 - 320 51.9%
425 2070 Warriur Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Lost Soul 42 - 33 56.0%
425 2290 Priestlol Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 305 - 295 50.8%
426 1800 ßabaýaga Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety 48 - 48 50.0%
426 2239 Nomnomnonmon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 228 - 217 51.2%
427 2411 Øcaz Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 62 - 49 55.9%
429 1650 Fantaná Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy The Green Falcon 87 - 85 50.6%
429 2289 Antîsøcîal Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 112 - 86 56.6%
429 2424 Achmedhot Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration The Green Falcon 252 - 229 52.4%
430 1697 Ninjaki Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Fire 84 - 74 53.2%
431 2146 Xuean Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost Chersterfield 56 - 57 49.6%
432 2313 Killzone Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 639 - 616 50.9%
432 1694 Grandrasen Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 117 - 130 47.4%
432 1978 Salvatoriy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Azeroth Defence Force 30 - 30 50.0%
433 2235 Czdlol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 233 - 225 50.9%
433 96 Lurtaxs Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 1 - 5 16.7%
434 1599 Flappyleaks Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 64 - 64 50.0%
435 1693 Grimxxq Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 114 - 127 47.3%
438 2084 Netrinkuet Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Outland Elite 55 - 52 51.4%
438 2343 Coffeeßoy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 50 - 21 70.4%
438 2084 Bluefrøg Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Man Dont Care 51 - 42 54.8%
440 2409 Bigdamjudg Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution EZ KATKA 57 - 57 50.0%
440 2102 Shammyspam Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Honor Capped 117 - 95 55.2%
442 2128 Shafthandler Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Flemish Elite 49 - 54 47.6%
442 2100 Bôwdan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 60 - 65 48.0%
444 2212 Fredýmercury Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Ancient Empire 52 - 25 67.5%
444 2127 Yóungthug Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 115 - 77 59.9%
444 1785 Akira Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Nox Aeterna 428 - 426 50.1%
445 2132 Kaffeturken Outland Horde Undead Male Monk Windwalker Djungelpatrullen 40 - 50 44.4%
445 2147 Qwenger Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 54 - 44 55.1%
446 1736 Bakakas Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement fat boi 156 - 181 46.3%
449 1633 Nerun Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost 18 - 30 37.5%
450 2081 Capitaö Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 115 - 105 52.3%
451 2242 Levimitchell Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 97 - 82 54.2%
451 2407 Halioz Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Starboy 63 - 55 53.4%
452 1579 Loznah Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 19 - 14 57.6%
452 2210 Strasza Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 157 - 103 60.4%
455 2093 Dahunteer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 45 - 38 54.2%
456 2071 Spellhaze Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 116 - 109 51.6%
456 2135 Updel Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost NO TRYHARD NEEDED 62 - 68 47.7%
456 1667 Futpolic Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 29 - 31 48.3%
457 2256 Skadus Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 272 - 259 51.2%
457 2256 Imacup Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 235 - 203 53.7%
458 2134 Mürphy Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost We Were Not Prepared 112 - 105 51.6%
458 2091 Yuhabahha Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Survival NetflixandKillGasm 128 - 129 49.8%
460 2141 Lockheedbao Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Girl Scouts 106 - 109 49.3%
460 2255 Chickwithbow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 199 - 199 50.0%
460 2122 Hÿper Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 132 - 113 53.9%
461 2415 Ziwó Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 181 - 185 49.5%
461 2063 Crilliara Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 33 - 28 54.1%
461 2045 Howtoclick Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 29 - 13 69.0%
462 2071 Twobolts Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 54 - 38 58.7%
463 1707 Buffénhance Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 25 - 16 61.0%
463 2060 Gossipgirlz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 39 - 51 43.3%
463 2189 Ünbalanced Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Outland Elite 151 - 145 51.0%
466 2253 Lilsnuss Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 154 - 130 54.2%
466 2405 Phix Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 273 - 256 51.6%
467 2253 Getmilked Outland Horde Tauren Female Death Knight Unholy 71 - 43 62.3%
468 1613 Frostjuggen Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Cleaving with the stars 53 - 52 50.5%
468 2118 Dabeefchief Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Provoked Awakenings 56 - 58 49.1%
470 2413 Dj Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 90 - 50 64.3%
472 2060 Apexesir Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 46 - 57 44.7%
472 2129 Ziao Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost 76 - 61 55.5%
472 1947 Phulip Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 49 - 51 49.0%
473 2123 Miup Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Mistweaver 252 - 249 50.3%
474 2303 Youcrymydear Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Say Bye Bye 100 - 109 47.8%
474 2404 Dyna Outland Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution Oxymore 51 - 39 56.7%
475 2181 Heothix Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Outland Elite 144 - 153 48.5%
475 2412 Beasteh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Legio Mortis 183 - 184 49.9%
475 2116 Ðevotion Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 199 - 200 49.9%
477 2246 Sockersot Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 63 - 53 54.3%
477 2246 Boozinga Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship NO TRYHARD NEEDED 439 - 414 51.5%
477 2246 Hyp Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 129 - 108 54.4%
479 2299 Çløåk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 54 - 53 50.5%
479 2127 Quabina Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 89 - 75 54.3%
481 1762 Yasu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 41 - 42 49.4%
481 1820 Brãd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Meet At Smite 46 - 36 56.1%
483 2218 Shakehips Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Fragments 84 - 82 50.6%
483 2126 Swèetcandy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 42 - 32 56.8%
484 2279 Avalin Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms Thunderbluff Molkerei 48 - 45 51.6%
486 2128 Johanus Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 223 - 202 52.5%
486 2045 Salvaline Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 42 - 35 54.5%
487 2204 Tayswiftxd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Its Ya Boi Ben 169 - 169 50.0%
487 2052 Blekspel Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology Aversions Crown 116 - 114 50.4%
489 2378 Lilbrofist Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 64 - 42 60.4%
492 2275 Aïnur Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms The Committee 69 - 57 54.8%
492 2174 Barnameco Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 135 - 138 49.5%
492 2275 Baincapital Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 57 - 59 49.1%
492 2375 Exola Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Exgenius 229 - 217 51.3%
493 2027 Imfiñe Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 77 - 71 52.0%
494 1750 Snabbgrabb Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 199 - 213 48.3%
495 2239 Alynara Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Svea Rikes Livgarde 138 - 130 51.5%
495 2317 Saftflickan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Carpal Tunnel 109 - 90 54.8%
495 2047 Mariofart Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival 57 - 32 64.0%
496 2372 Noserenity Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 96 - 89 51.9%
497 2120 Fastcandy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Carl XVI Gustafs Armé 106 - 87 54.9%
497 2371 Afkhealerr Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 114 - 77 59.7%
498 2169 Elemzer Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 44 - 48 47.8%
499 2172 Heysiri Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Achievement Hunters 170 - 170 50.0%
499 2314 Illiwonka Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Zeus 273 - 277 49.6%
499 2124 Makkez Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 55 - 41 57.3%
499 2249 Kabelorm Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 79 - 66 54.5%
501 2045 Shall Outland Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Survival FATES EMBRACE 173 - 160 52.0%
502 1740 Bacardilover Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Subtlety Children of Valhalla 108 - 124 46.6%
502 2023 Báshx Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Outland Elite 175 - 172 50.4%
503 1737 Wenganz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Norway is a PvP Zone 56 - 58 49.1%
504 2034 Kbtmagus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 58 - 43 57.4%
506 1919 Illzelot Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Order Of Assassins 47 - 51 48.0%
506 2114 Birgitbuddha Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 73 - 72 50.3%
506 2166 Ripwow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 70 - 56 55.6%
507 2235 Dannyvye Outland Alliance Draenei Male Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 198 - 189 51.2%
508 2039 Hircîne Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 66 - 47 58.4%
510 2232 Ðeüterium Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 47 - 37 56.0%
512 2206 Kungfupandå Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 334 - 307 52.1%
512 2048 Xqlusivez Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Oxymore 197 - 189 51.0%
512 2033 Therrow Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 44 - 34 56.4%
513 1667 Arhyon Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Azeroth Postal Bank 63 - 71 47.0%
514 2111 Siamesedream Outland Horde Undead Female Monk Mistweaver 231 - 228 50.3%
514 2117 Pølåris Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost 76 - 79 49.0%
514 1730 Lakrids Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety 23 - 27 46.0%
515 2028 Wirtun Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 50 - 50 50.0%
515 2393 Neverbubble Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 79 - 35 69.3%
516 2404 Matteps Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Restoration 94 - 81 53.7%
517 1802 Caèlas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Honor Capped 49 - 54 47.6%
517 2360 Scartay Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy huh 75 - 76 49.7%
517 1611 Mállén Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane Ascendum 130 - 140 48.1%
518 2045 Azmerloth Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 39 - 29 57.4%
519 2262 ßiggie Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 125 - 122 50.6%
519 2035 Ðeuterium Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 39 - 9 81.3%
519 2240 Oggixxp Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 616 - 596 50.8%
521 1727 Zuqzwang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 19 - 21 47.5%
521 2153 Åsse Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 69 - 52 57.0%
521 2105 Rovercow Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy Outland Elite 162 - 156 50.9%
521 2261 Niicey Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 336 - 323 51.0%
524 1726 Thesappening Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 39 - 45 46.4%
524 2020 Buttercuq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 58 - 48 54.7%
525 2019 Demospîrît Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Demonology The Venomspit 144 - 143 50.2%
526 2108 Dizzyo Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 38 - 49 43.7%
528 2354 Claryfonisk Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Ransom 102 - 91 52.8%
529 2383 Rushwtfskill Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 123 - 99 55.4%
529 2256 Lipschitz Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Ovnen te Kenneth 68 - 61 52.7%
530 2159 Öhlinsi Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 44 - 27 62.0%
532 2158 Levatias Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 293 - 259 53.1%
532 2254 Làwow Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 331 - 298 52.6%
533 2154 Noschez Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 251 - 252 49.9%
534 2401 Doopamine Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 97 - 103 48.5%
534 1652 Reihorqt Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 306 - 297 50.7%
534 1719 Eframx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Baltic Boys 26 - 30 46.4%
535 2154 Ttvmirohjai Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 36 - 17 67.9%
535 1539 Rotmysock Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 17 - 25 40.5%
536 2110 Tömmy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost NO TRYHARD NEEDED 86 - 66 56.6%
540 2004 Zatter Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Accidentally Competent 44 - 49 47.3%
540 1480 Idefblindpog Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 49 - 61 44.5%
541 2292 Demigød Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 739 - 732 50.2%
541 2009 Pyromancerr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Ascendum 289 - 270 51.7%
541 2003 Epaturken Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Det var symbolik 66 - 76 46.5%
541 2136 Drakslynan Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Good Old Company 98 - 80 55.1%
542 2152 Zham Outland Horde Troll Female Shaman Restoration 85 - 85 50.0%
542 2227 Avane Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Shadow Fragments 50 - 56 47.2%
544 2209 Lilmink Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 111 - 103 51.9%
545 2362 Bigdamjudgee Outland Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution Oxymore 92 - 87 51.4%
546 2019 Lilayjay Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 38 - 28 57.6%
546 2016 Meluna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 129 - 102 55.8%
546 1642 Ragnarloth Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Fragments 21 - 21 50.0%
547 1893 Thiccbolts Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 33 - 27 55.0%
547 2108 Mazuto Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 65 - 45 59.1%
548 2016 Noturtle Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 157 - 144 52.2%
548 2016 Ahahahunt Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 58 - 38 60.4%
549 2107 Onlylock Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 263 - 256 50.7%
550 1774 Niplez Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Svea Rikes Livgarde 22 - 8 73.3%
551 1461 Bálldy Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw Legio Mortis 18 - 30 37.5%
551 2399 ßigfoot Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 190 - 183 50.9%
552 1996 Pivius Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 90 - 84 51.7%
552 2353 Nerdkan Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution EZ KATKA 176 - 179 49.6%
553 2223 Sacerdotini Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 96 - 95 50.3%
553 2004 Faceoff Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 39 - 45 46.4%
554 1889 Bisacodyl Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 191 - 184 50.9%
555 2285 Tynanen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 57 - 33 63.3%
555 2094 Hazeqt Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Legio Mortis 454 - 444 50.6%
555 2144 Creamz Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Smells Like Chloroform 100 - 65 60.6%
557 1634 Riptided Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement 21 - 21 50.0%
557 2206 Flowzone Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 146 - 100 59.3%
557 2237 Imthehacker Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Thunderbluff Molkerei 72 - 46 61.0%
559 2104 Swarve Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 149 - 144 50.9%
559 2100 Jimmydicks Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Friday Night Jazz Club 47 - 37 56.0%
560 2230 Djjake Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 48 - 45 51.6%
560 2000 Dorimi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 33 - 27 55.0%
561 2145 Jinkaza Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 112 - 98 53.3%
561 2154 Failormoon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Outland Elite 113 - 111 50.4%
563 1571 Bluefrøg Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Man Dont Care 168 - 180 48.3%
564 1883 Cursecannon Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Destruction 72 - 73 49.7%
564 2144 Djcaspt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 51 - 40 56.0%
566 1439 Tokuø Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 15 - 10 60.0%
566 2104 Cocacoil Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Foreign Exchange Trader 74 - 44 62.7%
567 2142 Bboypärädicé Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Make Outland Great Again 125 - 99 55.8%
567 2088 Hojimalive Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy NO TRYHARD NEEDED 92 - 85 52.0%
570 2179 Temråx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Achievement Hunters 55 - 44 55.6%
570 1881 Bónz Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 36 - 37 49.3%
571 2086 Ancker Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 95 - 71 57.2%
571 2336 Lásyran Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy NO TRYHARD NEEDED 178 - 185 49.0%
573 2338 Hÿp Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 232 - 202 53.5%
574 2003 Júne Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Outland Elite 42 - 24 63.6%
574 1994 Äntigood Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost Pure Chaos 37 - 35 51.4%
575 2335 Trashedd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 483 - 466 50.9%
576 2101 Evilonion Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction I Do What I Want 45 - 36 55.6%
576 2360 Solvéd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Best Friends Forever 128 - 123 51.0%
576 2145 Avane Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Shadow Fragments 43 - 40 51.8%
576 2098 Sweetcandy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 44 - 40 52.4%
578 2144 Djezus Outland Horde Troll Male Priest Shadow 253 - 240 51.3%
579 1551 Uchihameexon Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Mage Arcane 81 - 91 47.1%
579 2139 Windfuhrerx Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 98 - 71 58.0%
580 2137 Dupÿ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Horde Stole My Epics 92 - 71 56.4%
581 2100 Boblazar Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 47 - 29 61.8%
581 1550 Goosify Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 50 - 58 46.3%
581 2088 Biebs Outland Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 41 - 31 56.9%
581 2333 Mewdi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 121 - 124 49.4%
581 1744 Jåkeferalta Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 23 - 17 57.5%
582 2172 Fubed Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Ascendum 61 - 59 50.8%
582 2172 Korié Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker hey im proccing 344 - 353 49.4%
583 2196 Dizzler Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 158 - 126 55.6%
585 1614 Halvnød Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 26 - 34 43.3%
585 1421 Blaablao Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 38 - 52 42.2%
586 2091 Knifetalk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 68 - 58 54.0%
586 2075 Penthxoxo Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 25 - 20 55.6%
587 2134 Deetee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 838 - 821 50.5%
587 1446 Naraxx Outland Alliance Worgen Male Death Knight Unholy 106 - 95 52.7%
588 2219 Floom Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination ingen aning 74 - 53 58.3%
589 1444 Swòósh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Frost 17 - 24 41.5%
589 1985 Mëlisândre Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 51 - 56 47.7%
590 1873 Sónicx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction 72 - 72 50.0%
590 2218 Iddo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 82 - 70 53.9%
592 2216 Broogue Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 70 - 54 56.5%
592 1409 Ninjáki Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Rogue Assassination 31 - 35 47.0%
592 1982 Canttouchmee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Influenza 31 - 25 55.4%
592 2131 Nobödy Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Feral Make Outland Great Again 261 - 231 53.0%
593 2092 Kaldun Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Crabby 112 - 73 60.5%
593 2166 Idiot Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker idiot 83 - 86 49.1%
595 1971 Varhammer Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Atreides 59 - 57 50.9%
596 1736 Axola Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Influenza 48 - 76 38.7%
598 2164 Macneji Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 52 - 36 59.1%
598 1871 Géeer Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Taikaolennot 27 - 33 45.0%
599 2213 Sunâoxd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 99 - 84 54.1%
601 2220 Chargexd Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms would u like some juice 108 - 106 50.5%
601 2333 Elwenyss Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Ceskoslovenska banda 279 - 263 51.5%
601 2220 Kunaga Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 96 - 85 53.0%
602 2173 Naraxx Outland Alliance Worgen Male Death Knight Unholy 80 - 82 49.4%
603 2332 Kevert Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Carpal Tunnel 100 - 71 58.5%
603 1730 Bruttofaget Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 104 - 95 52.3%
603 2211 Klíngan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 96 - 68 58.5%
603 1974 Quabina Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 29 - 36 44.6%
604 2133 Sunil Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 86 - 65 57.0%
605 1977 Pèshy Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 127 - 102 55.5%
606 2128 Çløwd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance The Destroyer 56 - 45 55.4%
607 2187 Phuxsalot Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 232 - 221 51.2%
609 1522 Shreddedx Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost 16 - 26 38.1%
610 1864 Asapswappy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Testotorskar 40 - 24 62.5%
610 2083 Wizdoom Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 124 - 115 51.9%
612 2185 Nerfhunt Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 141 - 147 49.0%
612 1723 Feralnoheals Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Influenza 25 - 20 55.6%
614 1670 Pichpich Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 198 - 210 48.5%
614 2311 Kekman Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Chaos of BULA 248 - 217 53.3%
614 1722 Clovér Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration DØØM 70 - 78 47.3%
614 2063 Dirèctor Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver Go Big Or Go Gnome 55 - 62 47.0%
614 2250 Wheats Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 326 - 319 50.5%
616 2310 Ykäsonní Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Resisposse 161 - 134 54.6%
616 2321 Clovér Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration DØØM 237 - 249 48.8%
616 1965 Håtemebaby Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 29 - 19 60.4%
618 1720 Corrupthz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 24 - 30 44.4%
619 2073 Dreadyas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 43 - 43 50.0%
619 2057 Violetxflow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 140 - 119 54.1%
619 2116 Smaugz Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Oxymore 109 - 85 56.2%
621 2056 Dhopsy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Honor Capped 63 - 68 48.1%
621 2154 Kàrapuce Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 67 - 50 57.3%
625 2123 Forren Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 166 - 125 57.0%
625 2213 Getemderry Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms 91 - 74 55.2%
626 1943 Kàjah Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Conflict And Strife 35 - 36 49.3%
626 1499 Emaex Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane DINGIR 37 - 40 48.1%
627 1337 Lysyzbarrens Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Outlaw 14 - 22 38.9%
627 2176 Hávoc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Virtuoso 46 - 37 55.4%
627 2176 Impxgodx Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 183 - 175 51.1%
627 1960 Stoychav Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire DTA Death to All 144 - 142 50.3%
628 2303 Alloüt Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution we wanna be liek psY 116 - 117 49.8%
629 2051 Poltergëist Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire NO TRYHARD NEEDED 88 - 84 51.2%
629 2212 Heffér Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 51 - 60 45.9%
631 2043 Superverse Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 481 - 445 51.9%
631 1578 Cracklord Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental The Venomspit 38 - 40 48.7%
631 2211 Overrage Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Virtuoso 61 - 50 55.0%
636 1958 Sêèn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 28 - 31 47.5%
636 1958 Eventloop Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival Eastern Cobras Mafia 44 - 28 61.1%
636 2189 Cantseeme Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 74 - 34 68.5%
637 1948 Ziao Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost 32 - 34 48.5%
638 1976 Voltages Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 52 - 40 56.5%
638 2154 Kevla Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Afflicted 89 - 85 51.1%
638 2039 Beefcrusher Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy E M P I R E 49 - 58 45.8%
639 2121 Ialpho Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance We Angered the Chef 140 - 104 57.4%
641 1474 Shallblast Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Arcane FATES EMBRACE 58 - 79 42.3%
641 1652 Katapaw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 130 - 116 52.8%
642 1949 ßiggie Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 63 - 62 50.4%
642 2153 Dmxloltwo Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 64 - 60 51.6%
643 2185 Iowlq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety OMEGALUL SQUAD 122 - 108 53.0%
644 2184 Aëstus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 133 - 133 50.0%
644 2184 Roggixx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 322 - 300 51.8%
644 2238 Spheria Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 449 - 425 51.4%
645 1948 Beertonak Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Achievement Hunters 300 - 301 49.9%
647 2167 Bossmanhunt Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Pew Pew Kitten Knights 103 - 87 54.2%
648 1648 Diwethaf Outland Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety 74 - 58 56.1%
649 2146 Büffww Outland Alliance Gnome Female Monk Windwalker 48 - 35 57.8%
649 2034 Bronimia Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy The Exiled Army 93 - 83 52.8%
650 2044 Mistraz Outland Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver Ascendum 486 - 470 50.8%
653 2056 Sshhaaddooww Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 58 - 50 53.7%
654 2043 Junku Outland Alliance Draenei Male Monk Mistweaver 101 - 78 56.4%
654 1691 Anorixx Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral Het Gemeenteplein 24 - 46 34.3%
654 1949 Mercciless Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival 107 - 94 53.2%
654 2305 Feararenaone Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 63 - 81 43.8%
655 2116 Letsgodisco Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Erudite 141 - 141 50.0%
656 1948 Mismiro Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Wipealot 36 - 47 43.4%
656 2292 Shionne Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Fragments 600 - 571 51.2%
656 1940 Furyman Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Outland Elite 34 - 38 47.2%
656 2189 Lásyran Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy NO TRYHARD NEEDED 101 - 113 47.2%
657 1936 Wedothis Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 32 - 15 68.1%
657 1936 ßäkeð Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Fire 54 - 60 47.4%
661 1917 Fezk Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 35 - 47 42.7%
663 2113 Dotzey Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline E M P I R E 34 - 41 45.3%
664 2186 Valadarys Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 83 - 95 46.6%
664 1295 Juuzou Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 14 - 19 42.4%
665 2104 Zezus Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 94 - 71 57.0%
665 2277 Jessecashpal Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 100 - 91 52.4%
665 2277 Walterlight Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 204 - 181 53.0%
667 2171 Ooze Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 56 - 42 57.1%
670 1429 Alyz Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Arcane Atreides 21 - 24 46.7%
670 1954 Noitshot Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery SlashFlex 95 - 90 51.4%
672 2169 Tofita Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 81 - 78 50.9%
672 1837 Arenadeux Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 23 - 20 53.5%
672 2115 Kongzero Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 62 - 37 62.6%
672 2169 Snàkê Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 151 - 149 50.3%
673 2021 Aideno Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 315 - 286 52.4%
673 2113 Sajah Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 125 - 113 52.5%
675 1531 Bakakius Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement Fragments 27 - 53 33.8%
676 1635 Óoo Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety kkokk has friends 21 - 37 36.2%
676 1635 Insîdîas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety November Rain 48 - 48 50.0%
676 1949 Synergi Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 318 - 302 51.3%
677 2028 Frozenqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Ace Hood 82 - 77 51.6%
679 1676 Elixraeilis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Honor Capped 37 - 40 48.1%
680 2165 Kyo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 83 - 69 54.6%
680 2295 ßinno Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 258 - 238 52.0%
683 2153 Desitats Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 76 - 56 57.6%
683 2153 Jessecashunt Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 136 - 137 49.8%
687 1517 Samolse Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 59 - 68 46.5%
687 2030 Räyh Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Mistweaver Taikaolennot 76 - 74 50.7%
688 2151 Coviddarboha Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 63 - 40 61.2%
689 2136 Sinziter Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker kkokk has friends 162 - 145 52.8%
690 1921 Vertooshka Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 32 - 38 45.7%
691 2096 Imperiux Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Oxymore 240 - 225 51.6%
692 2215 Sompka Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Hüljatud 51 - 57 47.2%
692 2105 Mindspiker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Afflicted 62 - 60 50.8%
692 2105 Hötchick Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 112 - 106 51.4%
694 2111 Bloodhonorz Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Weapon X 34 - 31 52.3%
696 2035 Huffthepaint Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction 42 - 16 72.4%
697 2106 Cowmooflagee Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 99 - 79 55.6%
697 2106 Doxlol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 38 - 14 73.1%
700 2010 Saclol Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy would u like some juice 39 - 42 48.1%
700 2104 Capzollo Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 251 - 218 53.5%
702 1943 Sniperzam Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Wardance 72 - 70 50.7%
703 2158 Schaufelrog Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Rogue Subtlety 46 - 33 58.2%
708 1940 Imfiné Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 37 - 38 49.3%
708 2170 Covidisc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 91 - 84 52.0%
708 2104 Treesty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 87 - 75 53.7%
708 1497 Zèroh Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement Outland Elite 16 - 16 50.0%
709 2016 Storrmy Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost 306 - 304 50.2%
711 2281 Necrofille Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 345 - 338 50.5%
711 2281 Kathja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Ascendum 152 - 162 48.4%
713 1891 Lildotandrun Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Nocturnal 30 - 18 62.5%
714 1930 Windspêaker Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 30 - 29 50.8%
714 2013 Blínks Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 347 - 334 51.0%
714 1930 Andrexyz Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Outland Elite 55 - 45 55.0%
715 1933 Angiella Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Achievement Hunters 100 - 94 51.5%
716 2101 Sarkaron Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Cleaving with the stars 179 - 161 52.6%
717 1898 Héffér Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 67 - 51 56.8%
718 1211 Artuane Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination vikingbloods 13 - 21 38.2%
719 1653 Yecatarina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 87 - 85 50.6%
722 2023 Mxçî Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 29 - 19 60.4%
722 2278 Heiligx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 59 - 47 55.7%
723 1612 Futsümi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 24 - 42 36.4%
723 2139 Patrashkovva Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 71 - 50 58.7%
724 2276 Tmnewho Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 62 - 62 50.0%
724 2153 Afodux Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 105 - 97 52.0%
725 2275 Sadäla Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 50 - 38 56.8%
726 1819 Merrciless Outland Alliance Draenei Male Warlock Destruction Achievement Hunters 153 - 144 51.5%
726 1907 Pabooklz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 40 - 25 61.5%
726 2016 Darkzeke Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Honor Capped 84 - 99 45.9%
727 2242 Zekrut Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 108 - 65 62.4%
728 2001 Vojda Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy Take last dying breath 150 - 121 55.4%
728 2204 Zinzia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 100 - 76 56.8%
729 2098 Ajorex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 63 - 78 44.7%
730 2203 Dtt Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 212 - 202 51.2%
730 1894 Muabba Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Fire 93 - 88 51.4%
730 2135 Martiparty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Outland Elite 217 - 198 52.3%
730 2135 Dogwatcher Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 99 - 103 49.0%
731 2019 Milliôti Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Eternal 52 - 55 48.6%
732 1999 Cruewu Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 27 - 15 64.3%
733 2096 Eilleen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Fragments 270 - 256 51.3%
733 1876 Meganlocks Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction 36 - 36 50.0%
734 1904 Palav Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Survival Take last dying breath 28 - 15 65.1%
734 2104 Variablelol Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 60 - 72 45.5%
736 2161 Zaedia Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Outland Elite 60 - 78 43.5%
736 2134 Hylzen Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Hüljatud 208 - 221 48.5%
736 2147 Strdrzz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 81 - 80 50.3%
738 2160 Flæys Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 74 - 62 54.4%
738 1152 Drdaggersalt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 12 - 24 33.3%
738 1152 Jupitr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 12 - 12 50.0%
740 2070 Lizardguy Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 33 - 30 52.4%
741 1917 Kaiimsh Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Amsterdam Genetics 86 - 98 46.7%
741 2016 Mâgë Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 34 - 26 56.7%
742 1292 Fütsuü Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Frost 15 - 49 23.4%
743 1915 Cracklord Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental The Venomspit 72 - 67 51.8%
743 1915 Goodlifex Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Ascendum 20 - 10 66.7%
744 2036 Ducktracy Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 316 - 294 51.8%
745 2010 Síamesedream Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 74 - 53 58.3%
745 2090 Minipilsen Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Ovnen te Kenneth 116 - 102 53.2%
746 1992 Crupth Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 82 - 95 46.3%
747 2144 Apt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 45 - 47 48.9%
748 2009 Axilane Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Fragments 298 - 276 51.9%
748 2089 Trauller Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Influenza 33 - 15 68.8%
749 2067 Hrhværen Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 106 - 77 57.9%
750 1896 Quashawn Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Foreign Exchange Trader 23 - 13 63.9%
750 2085 Mseal Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 56 - 45 55.4%
751 1170 Sovietputinn Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Brute Force NL 19 - 59 24.4%
752 2084 Potminatorz Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow EVO GAMING 88 - 73 54.7%
753 1168 Getmilked Outland Horde Tauren Female Death Knight Unholy 13 - 6 68.4%
753 1895 Fyxxo Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Ancient Empire 39 - 42 48.1%
754 2156 Tanly Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline We Were Not Prepared 110 - 135 44.9%
756 1888 Omfgrage Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Protection NO TRYHARD NEEDED 22 - 14 61.1%
757 1893 Knokkelmann Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival Atleast We Have Farm 29 - 27 51.8%
757 2011 Loombee Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction YOU KNOW WHOS ME 343 - 334 50.7%
757 2167 Ñíklâs Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms 61 - 76 44.5%
758 2236 Rightlight Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 491 - 477 50.7%
758 1158 Luccii Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Rageborne 25 - 53 32.1%
758 2263 Wolferr Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 49 - 35 58.3%
758 1892 Infidelíx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 204 - 200 50.5%
759 2140 Sanerryk Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 181 - 153 54.2%
759 2261 Auntbessy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Fragments 157 - 147 51.6%
760 1891 Flazana Outland Horde Troll Female Hunter Survival 117 - 119 49.6%
760 2122 Gripyamum Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 93 - 77 54.7%
760 2155 Eliverax Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Ceskoslovenska banda 356 - 346 50.7%
761 1246 Bigbuffboy Outland Horde Tauren Male Mage Fire Buried Alive 14 - 15 48.3%
762 2100 Dränkarn Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Nödraketen 77 - 104 42.5%
762 1624 Stilbon Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance POGGIES 64 - 56 53.3%
762 2100 Vargosh Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 184 - 140 56.8%
762 2100 Alikir Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Shaman Restoration The Order Of The Chicken 56 - 63 47.1%
763 1873 Mistakenot Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Fire Achievement Hunters 48 - 43 52.7%
765 1855 Pvetryhard Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 29 - 31 48.3%
765 2128 Deettee Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 184 - 171 51.8%
768 2153 Kohen Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Weapon X 243 - 251 49.2%
768 1992 Bluefrøg Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Man Dont Care 36 - 35 50.7%
768 2080 Darigaãz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 87 - 56 60.8%
770 1853 Shadowmex Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 76 - 98 43.7%
771 1903 Mív Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Influenza 148 - 160 48.1%
771 2052 Lolikärmeuwu Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Taikaolennot 59 - 62 48.8%
771 2073 Blasterbeth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 150 - 139 51.9%
772 1869 Ninjaki Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Fire 78 - 57 57.8%
773 2051 Yimox Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 223 - 199 52.8%
774 2096 Martusciello Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 43 - 44 49.4%
774 2118 Barbaradka Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 62 - 64 49.2%
776 2214 Habeebee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 54 - 35 60.7%
776 2255 Stêjb Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 48 - 36 57.1%
776 1135 Bolyar Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Zeus 36 - 35 50.7%
777 1847 Hauhau Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Demonology 103 - 84 55.1%
778 2075 Jwrldx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 50 - 34 59.5%
779 1971 Babybeater Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Wang 75 - 96 43.9%
779 1971 Lightjuggler Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 39 - 35 52.7%
779 1081 Aesíra Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Faith 94 - 102 48.0%
779 1846 Ebok Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 30 - 39 43.5%
780 2125 Realbigwilly Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 84 - 80 51.2%
780 1988 Idno Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 51 - 39 56.7%
780 2125 Skyhun Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 258 - 218 54.2%
781 1116 Rakastan Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Death Knight Frost Milk Me 13 - 25 34.2%
782 1056 Stabmaster Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 11 - 13 45.8%
782 2253 Prayxlol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 81 - 66 55.1%
782 1056 Shadowyij Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 11 - 1 91.7%
782 1056 Nocapucci Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 11 - 1 91.7%
783 1987 Comportement Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Menage à trois 33 - 36 47.8%
783 1987 Nothx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 44 - 34 56.4%
783 1987 Rbý Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 218 - 208 51.2%
783 2210 Clâstrô Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 259 - 236 52.3%
783 2044 Peppapigsdad Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Pepe Silvia 106 - 86 55.2%
784 1896 Loslobøs Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Wipealot 57 - 46 55.3%
788 1995 Nyaagna Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver The Alliance Royalty 34 - 38 47.2%
788 1874 Lasrever Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Warrior Fury 29 - 25 53.7%
788 1572 Zedox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ace Hood 19 - 16 54.3%
788 1611 Zevis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral TNW 18 - 23 43.9%
789 2160 Jimcarry Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Outland Elite 397 - 408 49.3%
790 1878 Skyhun Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 63 - 51 55.3%
793 2122 Focushunter Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 42 - 46 47.7%
793 2069 Crísps Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 189 - 152 55.4%
794 1055 Stepdan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Fragments 11 - 13 45.8%
794 1055 Baneflame Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 11 - 13 45.8%
795 2037 Daeneryschic Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 183 - 128 58.8%
797 1173 Alktraz Outland Horde Troll Male Mage Fire Pure Chaos 13 - 13 50.0%
797 2120 Iniquex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 395 - 383 50.8%
800 1605 Rawrï Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Honor Capped 68 - 87 43.9%
801 2064 Easywin Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Achievement Hunters 42 - 42 50.0%
802 2011 Infidelix Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 199 - 182 52.2%
803 1152 Ilovepaige Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane The Fleece Party 13 - 15 46.4%
803 2114 Controlchaos Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Outland Elite 95 - 82 53.7%
805 2113 Gökû Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 209 - 193 52.0%
806 1963 Pissop Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 93 - 95 49.5%
806 2127 Yasu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 92 - 75 55.1%
806 1854 Klenas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Drastic Measures 45 - 40 52.9%
807 2062 Redyogurt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Golddiggerz 87 - 85 50.6%
807 1867 Euph Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Influenza 36 - 25 59.0%
807 2244 Strugglebus Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Priest Discipline 56 - 45 55.4%
807 2117 Klarix Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Outland Elite 88 - 92 48.9%
807 2217 Nathanielb Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 62 - 54 53.4%
810 2125 Noodleswoop Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination A C E 114 - 84 57.6%
811 1599 Nerfmydmg Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Fragments 262 - 260 50.2%
812 2116 Anathagoras Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 137 - 112 55.0%
813 2060 Mackiica Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Reckoning 52 - 38 57.8%
814 1597 Cubswansón Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Virtuoso 39 - 47 45.3%
815 2142 Kvasiir Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 128 - 115 52.7%
815 1144 Capz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 12 - 18 40.0%
816 1595 Udonothing Outland Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Feral 20 - 13 60.6%
816 2214 Barspala Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 50 - 38 56.8%
816 1878 Klaric Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental Outland Elite 133 - 120 52.6%
817 1551 Pinacollada Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination The people of Quraish 19 - 19 50.0%
820 1096 Lmaohaha Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 13 - 21 38.2%
821 2114 Opovyv Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival Order Of Assassins 176 - 142 55.3%
822 2056 Anânké Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 49 - 23 68.1%
822 1592 Zephí Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Outland Elite 19 - 17 52.8%
824 2152 Squartz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms Taikaolennot 49 - 47 51.0%
824 2026 Jimpad Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 59 - 46 56.2%
825 2045 Moozol Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow Ransom 75 - 72 51.0%
827 1056 Hahayeah Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane idiot 11 - 7 61.1%
829 2053 Ulgozab Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 249 - 217 53.4%
829 2025 Rapper Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 297 - 250 54.3%
829 991 Inject Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 11 - 12 47.8%
829 1783 Muzlock Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 56 - 55 50.5%
829 2237 Jumbypri Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Outlands Realist 98 - 85 53.6%
831 1860 Anørien Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival We Were Not Prepared 32 - 46 41.0%
831 1975 Ristetløg Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Danish Raiders Reborn 28 - 32 46.7%
832 1992 Armeniuska Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction ARROGANT SCUMBAGS 128 - 105 54.9%
833 1995 Flamebot Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 25 - 11 69.4%
834 1582 Tremorse Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 33 - 29 53.2%
835 1874 Éliøk Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental IgniSoul Gaming 142 - 116 55.0%
835 1990 Salvatoríy Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Affliction 56 - 42 57.1%
835 2138 Bonern Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline Outland Elite 39 - 39 50.0%
836 2111 Katadikos Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Wardance 96 - 103 48.2%
836 1876 Lilstrider Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 20 - 16 55.6%
836 2170 Merciliess Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 139 - 131 51.5%
837 1538 Nirvána Outland Alliance Gnome Female Rogue Subtlety 266 - 262 50.4%
837 2050 Incarn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 37 - 29 56.1%
839 2068 Brex Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 58 - 55 51.3%
840 2041 Pepelnik Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow hi im daisy 127 - 120 51.4%
840 2041 Calipsó Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 86 - 75 53.4%
840 1054 Orbie Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 11 - 19 36.7%
841 2234 Oggixxp Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 208 - 166 55.6%
842 2137 Dlfï Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Feu Vert 78 - 64 54.9%
843 1535 Critmakèr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Fragments 16 - 20 44.4%
843 2110 Vakko Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Blood Bath 83 - 75 52.5%
847 1986 Klaríix Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 268 - 262 50.6%
847 1769 Zêngâ Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Santa Maria 44 - 34 56.4%
850 959 Klíngan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 10 - 20 33.3%
853 2106 Óox Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver Smells Like Chloroform 41 - 37 52.6%
855 2166 Foxxyx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 120 - 123 49.4%
855 2231 Fatherlou Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 48 - 31 60.8%
856 2045 ßelieve Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 57 - 45 55.9%
856 2045 Melancholy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Dewellerrer 122 - 98 55.5%
857 1821 Aaraxe Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Virtuoso 23 - 23 50.0%
858 1984 Periodblood Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 61 - 45 57.5%
858 1851 Krimskrams Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 22 - 22 50.0%
858 1559 Savageash Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 69 - 61 53.1%
860 2043 Wèppz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 29 - 19 60.4%
860 2107 Thiccgal Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Legio Mortis 116 - 79 59.5%
860 2133 Umbraesei Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 86 - 79 52.1%
860 2203 Doordio Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 74 - 75 49.7%
861 1248 Bombaclot Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 13 - 17 43.3%
864 1956 Salvaline Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 49 - 54 47.6%
866 2031 Heffer Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 44 - 45 49.4%
867 2114 Ziibáh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 85 - 54 61.2%
867 2114 Inject Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 107 - 108 49.8%
867 2178 Möm Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Nox Aeterna 280 - 238 54.1%
868 1847 Caelas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Otherland 34 - 26 56.7%
868 2228 Bashmaddox Outland Alliance Worgen Male Priest Discipline PVPMANIA 193 - 162 54.4%
869 2041 Corrupthz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 106 - 110 49.1%
870 1845 Tchill Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms 27 - 33 45.0%
871 1954 Ariessa Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Hüljatud 41 - 39 51.2%
871 1979 Jergintarth Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Oxymore 39 - 34 53.4%
872 1508 Havelyn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 19 - 23 45.2%
872 2227 Boyliker Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 358 - 340 51.3%
872 2113 Araysh Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Assassination Unseen Brotherhood 42 - 28 60.0%
872 2103 Cringemonk Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 78 - 46 62.9%
872 1859 Neverdie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 35 - 32 52.2%
872 2113 Pøpsmoke Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 161 - 128 55.7%
873 905 Slobz Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw Hong Kong Warriors 11 - 29 27.5%
873 1940 Snowsie Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Ace Hood 170 - 158 51.8%
874 2130 Dotzey Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline E M P I R E 47 - 48 49.5%
875 2103 Unholyspîrît Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy Fragments 152 - 154 49.7%
875 2105 Headhunteer Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 153 - 110 58.2%
875 2105 Tróniq Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 92 - 78 54.1%
876 2038 Zmira Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 659 - 657 50.1%
876 2055 Zizko Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 185 - 181 50.5%
878 1959 Prioress Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Drastic Measures 37 - 43 46.3%
879 2025 Comptonzity Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 175 - 155 53.0%
879 1231 Nämielle Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement 13 - 23 36.1%
880 1951 Aeternitaz Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Legio Mortis 235 - 251 48.4%
880 2129 Madrobert Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy Curry Curry Nam Nam 46 - 53 46.5%
881 2196 Nowingnolife Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Mom said I am handsome 63 - 57 52.5%
882 1937 Plowztikis Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 48 - 30 61.5%
882 2036 Xtree Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 103 - 81 56.0%
884 1972 Shadowmex Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 73 - 53 57.9%
886 1936 Smeh Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Curry Curry Nam Nam 32 - 55 36.8%
886 1950 Smlx Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 29 - 42 40.8%
887 1971 Bónz Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 42 - 51 45.2%
887 2050 Køsmøkoza Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 46 - 16 74.2%
888 1827 Phigen Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Eastern Cobras Mafia 48 - 42 53.3%
889 1954 Shiveri Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 46 - 44 51.1%
889 864 Magegôd Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane Mage Class Trainer 9 - 15 37.5%
889 2021 Eclipsegødz Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 87 - 83 51.2%
890 2127 Wynda Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 56 - 52 51.9%
890 1947 Mlti Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost NO TRYHARD NEEDED 29 - 25 53.7%
892 1838 Jessìe Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Consideration 20 - 27 42.6%
892 1838 Faolán Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 61 - 67 47.7%
892 2136 Battusai Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Honor Capped 369 - 348 51.5%
893 1853 Mintí Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 29 - 17 63.0%
894 2098 Ialpha Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy We Angered the Chef 44 - 40 52.4%
894 1931 Hörse Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution mebs 91 - 96 48.7%
895 1747 Ermí Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Zhulený Kobry 25 - 17 59.5%
895 2108 Namntopp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 213 - 204 51.1%
895 1945 Freeztime Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Aro 54 - 46 54.0%
897 2192 Bloodax Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 125 - 137 47.7%
898 1485 Belzùbub Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Subtlety 22 - 43 33.8%
899 1951 Minnara Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 202 - 186 52.1%
901 1966 Mystikek Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 183 - 177 50.8%
901 1813 Shadowppl Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology JFK was flagged for AFK 69 - 84 45.1%
901 1848 Tótemdave Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 113 - 81 58.2%
901 1943 Whitefrog Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 42 - 42 50.0%
902 1834 Oneinchwilly Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 44 - 37 54.3%
904 2133 Blademasterx Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Warrior Arms 107 - 90 54.3%
905 2043 Porl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 56 - 51 52.3%
905 1965 Mjabowf Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Ovnen te Kenneth 94 - 108 46.5%
906 2100 Dahunteer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 99 - 92 51.8%
906 1847 Stormage Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Less Friends More PVP 30 - 41 42.3%
910 1964 Inanisfear Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 37 - 34 52.1%
911 1736 Buttercuq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 25 - 26 49.0%
911 2015 Gashipr Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 78 - 58 57.4%
912 2089 Brewswain Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 132 - 126 51.2%
912 1810 Bónníe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 97 - 101 49.0%
912 815 Ziibáh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 9 - 2 81.8%
912 2131 Raigrz Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 205 - 182 53.0%
913 1526 Dubakoo Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Saints n Sinners 17 - 25 40.5%
913 2024 Jafjaf Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Allurium 115 - 102 53.0%
914 2215 Mazon Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy Taikaolennot 149 - 126 54.2%
914 2089 Rubyrosee Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 71 - 72 49.7%
914 1845 Dänièl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 28 - 28 50.0%
914 2039 Karlurban Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Curry Curry Nam Nam 30 - 38 44.1%
917 1993 Dragono Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 43 - 40 51.8%
917 1926 Healzbro Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 284 - 281 50.3%
921 768 Youcrymydear Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Say Bye Bye 8 - 4 66.7%
921 2183 Hÿper Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 89 - 56 61.4%
923 2130 Noskillclass Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 41 - 43 48.8%
923 1960 Zandari Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 57 - 52 52.3%
923 2093 Jäinenool Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Hüljatud 52 - 34 60.5%
924 1937 Emaex Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane DINGIR 88 - 70 55.7%
924 1729 Neckrodimos Outland Alliance Worgen Male Warlock Destruction Honor Capped 21 - 31 40.4%
925 2120 Bubblediinó Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Taikaolennot 127 - 82 60.8%
927 2129 Schaufel Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 201 - 200 50.1%
927 2129 Recklesslol Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warrior Arms 43 - 45 48.9%
928 2156 Kéybee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 41 - 43 48.8%
928 2018 Maldrine Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 103 - 79 56.6%
928 2009 Deusdominus Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow Outland Elite 108 - 92 54.0%
928 2018 Cubswansón Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Virtuoso 67 - 59 53.2%
928 1818 Dhopsy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Honor Capped 23 - 13 63.9%
928 768 Shewank Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Blood Bath 8 - 10 44.4%
930 2181 Heavensfang Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Smells Like Chloroform 93 - 86 52.0%
931 1946 Gàrchomp Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 374 - 368 50.4%
931 1946 Reboi Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 270 - 248 52.1%
934 1938 Yokichi Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Monk Mistweaver 150 - 153 49.5%
934 1935 Drnutsacksx Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost 109 - 118 48.0%
934 1119 Sunaoxd Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 13 - 15 46.4%
935 1839 Ragnaross Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 122 - 117 51.0%
936 2087 Villiers Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship The Flat Azeroth Society 80 - 63 55.9%
936 2080 Vafangulo Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Blood Bath 190 - 169 52.9%
938 2030 Skyléxia Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Wipealot 99 - 82 54.7%
940 2148 Focusdh Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 262 - 257 50.5%
941 2127 Frâg Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 71 - 74 49.0%
941 2149 Swaazy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 102 - 67 60.4%
942 2210 Eclipsegødz Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 287 - 269 51.6%
942 1815 Plafzy Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire WE R PRO K 46 - 44 51.1%
943 1722 Hòbó Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction kkokk has friends 26 - 33 44.1%
944 766 Ucantseeme Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 8 - 10 44.4%
945 797 Armamax Outland Alliance Draenei Male Death Knight Unholy PVPMANIA 9 - 17 34.6%
946 2004 Foxley Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 375 - 386 49.3%
946 1918 Adamer Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Order Of Assassins 54 - 48 52.9%
947 768 Kakkáhousu Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 8 - 10 44.4%
947 768 Skitidet Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy 8 - 22 26.7%
948 2126 Devilpanic Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Eternal Damnatíon 49 - 41 54.4%
950 1835 Camsham Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Elemental 28 - 16 63.6%
953 1715 Møzøl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction WORST SEASON EVER 19 - 14 57.6%
954 2074 Fantaná Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy The Green Falcon 56 - 38 59.6%
957 1915 Knoche Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 47 - 44 51.6%
958 1934 Viloras Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 90 - 68 57.0%
959 2007 Likrodru Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 65 - 76 46.1%
959 1800 Desrak Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 29 - 27 51.8%
961 672 Akroshalolz Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Oùt of Control 7 - 11 38.9%
961 672 Bigsaper Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 17 29.2%
961 672 Áleana Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination ProTwinks 7 - 11 38.9%
961 672 Grimmjowjaja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 11 38.9%
962 1972 Remudr Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Milk Me 59 - 55 51.8%
963 1480 Sniffgrus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 37 - 40 48.1%
963 2140 Ingegärd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 71 - 58 55.0%
963 2140 Mercib Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 124 - 130 48.8%
966 1817 Wéékly Outland Horde Goblin Male Warrior Fury Guards Of Destiny 22 - 20 52.4%
966 2204 Leffie Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Hüljatud 103 - 89 53.6%
967 2088 Shivitty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Afflicted 112 - 101 52.6%
968 736 Freeztime Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Aro 8 - 8 50.0%
969 2173 Npkk Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Smells Like Chloroform 96 - 90 51.6%
970 2087 Glust Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Fool 438 - 398 52.4%
970 1927 Turbonic Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 97 - 90 51.9%
971 714 Sabrinä Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane Outland Elite 12 - 20 37.5%
971 2004 Nalgesin Outland Alliance Worgen Female Druid Balance 96 - 82 53.9%
971 1809 Casperu Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire Virtuoso 43 - 34 55.8%
972 2139 Mischkonsum Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 90 - 70 56.3%
972 1418 Zbx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 73 - 99 42.4%
973 1047 Vomncho Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 11 - 13 45.8%
973 2137 Misbehave Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Influenza 71 - 81 46.7%
973 2137 Zeroiqclass Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 204 - 163 55.6%
975 2085 Subtothemies Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety Oxymore 63 - 46 57.8%
976 2066 Hascyr Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy 59 - 57 50.9%
976 1468 Dupy Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 17 - 16 51.5%
977 1817 Skaffah Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Survival Honor Capped 50 - 57 46.7%
980 672 Jellykiller Outland Horde Pandaren Female Mage Arcane 7 - 5 58.3%
980 1461 Nepptune Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Dawn of the Alliance 200 - 232 46.3%
980 672 Wisdomtooth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Mystery Wings 7 - 11 38.9%
980 672 Xuean Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost Chersterfield 7 - 5 58.3%
980 672 Trickish Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 7 - 17 29.2%
980 1924 Gayvoker Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 46 - 40 53.5%
981 2067 Steelarrow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 37 - 41 47.4%
982 2000 Taykaloocat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 107 - 90 54.3%
982 1827 Hexlol Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 122 - 115 51.5%
984 2201 Madrobért Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy WE DPS ARINA TOOTAUSEND 62 - 64 49.2%
984 990 Vadpasarici Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 11 - 15 42.3%
985 2135 Råwrr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 174 - 136 56.1%
985 1941 Mendaxy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Virtuoso 250 - 227 52.4%
986 2062 Senpaiza Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 199 - 194 50.6%
987 2080 Shank Outland Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 55 - 40 57.9%
989 1997 Ablactatiønx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 29 - 30 49.2%
990 1965 Evocatus Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 52 - 27 65.8%
990 2169 Wexxify Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 54 - 52 50.9%
991 1939 Yesthx Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 63 - 61 50.8%
992 2135 Rusenov Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Fragments 195 - 211 48.0%
992 2059 Mønkk Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 153 - 132 53.7%
993 1824 Diliges Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental executioners 36 - 41 46.8%
994 2199 Cutegf Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 258 - 232 52.7%
996 1830 Phuxsalot Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 32 - 34 48.5%
996 1830 Lännennopein Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery IRON DYNASTY 29 - 31 48.3%
996 2133 Vothh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 31 - 16 66.0%
997 2134 Dogmon Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc kkokk has friends 445 - 408 52.2%
998 2073 Flappyleaks Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 98 - 89 52.4%
998 2061 Skjutkänslan Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Outland Elite 83 - 80 50.9%
998 1802 Impact Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Fire PwnStar Cops 125 - 110 53.2%
1001 1912 Meetweeva Outland Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver Man Dont Care 74 - 63 54.0%
1001 1917 Spellhaze Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 151 - 134 53.0%
1004 2196 Maah Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 137 - 134 50.6%
1005 1441 Gojafluffy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 19 - 23 45.2%
1006 2129 Óhshift Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 84 - 103 44.9%
1006 2110 Insanieqtlol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Allurium 100 - 108 48.1%
1008 671 Cahilo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 32 17.9%
1008 1990 Feralspîrît Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Eternal 50 - 37 57.5%
1009 1911 Màdameboon Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver IRON DYNASTY 41 - 25 62.1%
1009 1915 Dabomb Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Ace Hood 169 - 157 51.8%
1010 1800 Wudy Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire Oxymore 35 - 29 54.7%
1011 1688 Cobraq Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 67 - 65 50.8%
1011 1905 Freshpussyx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 48 - 48 50.0%
1011 2109 Easly Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline All for one 100 - 99 50.3%
1012 2053 Chinerox Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 59 - 58 50.4%
1012 1914 Silleria Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Virtuoso 156 - 131 54.4%
1014 1687 Beysis Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 42 - 27 60.9%
1016 2193 Louiepr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 49 - 46 51.6%
1016 1798 Gonster Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Afflicted 49 - 38 56.3%
1016 1819 Sværku Outland Horde Tauren Male Shaman Elemental 68 - 53 56.2%
1016 2108 Kaspariän Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 119 - 107 52.7%
1018 2130 Khabibx Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Oxymore 54 - 42 56.3%
1018 2065 Otorï Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 73 - 59 55.3%
1018 2052 Bmislame Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship E M P I R E 28 - 14 66.7%
1021 2064 Röguelol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Virtuoso 154 - 144 51.7%
1021 1930 Lóckydávé Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 121 - 120 50.2%
1021 1434 Gaivan Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 63 - 86 42.3%
1022 1973 Icêheat Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 119 - 93 56.1%
1022 1910 Gledivh Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Guardians of Lothar 22 - 21 51.2%
1023 2044 Buldozerr Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 94 - 95 49.7%
1023 1929 Dolanpls Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Naga Stole Mah Bike 110 - 115 48.9%
1025 1758 Pancrelock Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Make Outland Great Again 36 - 31 53.7%
1025 1905 Shakehips Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Fragments 77 - 45 63.1%
1026 2050 Lenoire Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival huh 30 - 18 62.5%
1026 864 Weedonysham Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 9 - 15 37.5%
1027 1795 Smehma Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 25 - 25 50.0%
1027 2042 Arxan Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Six Eggs 51 - 42 54.8%
1029 1679 Nekrofille Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 22 - 20 52.4%
1030 1898 Muzoker Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 67 - 53 55.8%
1031 1804 Ronta Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival 51 - 52 49.5%
1032 1978 Meldonbush Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 25 - 18 58.1%
1032 618 Gagaj Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 10 - 7 58.8%
1034 2160 Schizophrenc Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 209 - 189 52.5%
1034 2005 Slimshammi Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Rofl So Bad 49 - 59 45.4%
1035 1977 Weddingcakex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 105 - 86 55.0%
1036 2159 Deusfriend Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Virtuoso 90 - 83 52.0%
1036 2036 Opswronghole Outland Alliance Gnome Female Death Knight Unholy Member Berries 44 - 40 52.4%
1037 1748 Eatmychaoss Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Ace Hood 33 - 45 42.3%
1037 1906 Goosify Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 129 - 101 56.1%
1037 1967 Kathja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Ascendum 28 - 28 50.0%
1037 2122 Dyroxs Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Wardance 199 - 184 52.0%
1037 1814 Kongzero Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 19 - 11 63.3%
1039 1905 Blastx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 20 - 10 66.7%
1040 1921 Hasterzz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 247 - 244 50.3%
1041 2112 Gig Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms GAMESENSE 245 - 223 52.4%
1042 1800 Verikan Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Accidentally Competent 46 - 50 47.9%
1043 2045 Cravoss Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Allurium 71 - 44 61.7%
1043 2056 Oldhabit Outland Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 73 - 53 57.9%
1045 1897 Antrophyx Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Stoned Raiderz 50 - 60 45.5%
1045 1948 Dhreedrake Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 125 - 85 59.5%
1045 1743 Stifflicks Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology 60 - 65 48.0%
1046 2040 Gwaundes Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Fragments 338 - 340 49.9%
1047 1972 Injêct Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 29 - 28 50.9%
1048 2126 Ilosx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 47 - 36 56.6%
1049 1800 Sneeks Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Ace Hood 67 - 61 52.3%
1052 2119 Cubswansón Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Virtuoso 39 - 47 45.3%
1053 1889 Thatt Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation PVPMANIA 147 - 132 52.7%
1054 1781 Telpin Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Old Men Gaming 22 - 29 43.1%
1055 1969 Phuuckkyouu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 76 - 91 45.5%
1055 2118 Midnytee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 61 - 56 52.1%
1056 2000 Henuajr Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Wardance 53 - 39 57.6%
1057 2101 Zenquick Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Outland Elite 271 - 247 52.3%
1057 1662 Iel Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 20 - 27 42.6%
1058 1877 Broduun Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 49 - 59 45.4%
1059 2038 Zangyr Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 55 - 35 61.1%
1059 1891 Nedchonk Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker 44 - 42 51.2%
1060 1914 Øtøri Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 45 - 34 57.0%
1061 576 Immodeath Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 6 - 18 25.0%
1061 576 Henuaqt Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy PRKL 6 - 0 100.0%
1061 576 Elixraelis Outland Alliance Draenei Male Death Knight Unholy 6 - 6 50.0%
1062 2100 Jaxxonn Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy 257 - 208 55.3%
1062 2100 Aiwassx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 37 - 41 47.4%
1063 2049 Secondbest Outland Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 29 - 27 51.8%
1063 1773 Shewank Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Blood Bath 25 - 11 69.4%
1064 2151 Stormenson Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 55 - 50 52.4%
1066 1794 Jaxxoo Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Survival 24 - 21 53.3%
1067 2182 Kimino Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 45 - 44 50.6%
1068 2124 Trashdogx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 303 - 273 52.6%
1068 768 Ethixx Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration DØØM 8 - 10 44.4%
1068 1331 Ziibáh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 14 - 10 58.3%
1068 768 Durekverret Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 8 - 16 33.3%
1068 768 Shamaneo Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement A Secret Sausage Society 8 - 16 33.3%
1070 1994 Ouécgreg Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Virtuoso 32 - 25 56.1%
1070 1726 Muzlock Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 22 - 20 52.4%
1071 2099 Shdx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 107 - 106 50.2%
1073 1963 Milkydáve Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 52 - 54 49.1%
1076 1381 Hobbss Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 26 - 49 34.7%
1076 1324 Shevcat Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 28 - 54 34.1%
1077 2113 Qyili Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Sneakattack 336 - 323 51.0%
1077 2107 Creativenot Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 59 - 71 45.4%
1077 2107 Omfgrage Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Protection NO TRYHARD NEEDED 105 - 93 53.0%
1078 1379 Blackfòx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 27 - 38 41.5%
1078 1656 Firedeamon Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 78 - 84 48.1%
1079 2031 Pabooklz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 101 - 76 57.1%
1080 1785 Eppíx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 22 - 8 73.3%
1081 1909 Wùtøpix Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 70 - 56 55.6%
1083 1372 Meskisali Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 43 - 71 37.7%
1084 2040 Snabbgrabb Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 125 - 117 51.7%
1084 2177 Goofdookie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Wipealot 423 - 421 50.1%
1086 1883 Kimurasan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 188 - 178 51.4%
1090 2095 Harmónia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 44 - 46 48.9%
1092 2110 Frae Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Influenza 516 - 455 53.1%
1093 1933 Teekarus Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 1580 - 1594 49.8%
1093 2020 Wareyzbadx Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 42 - 37 53.2%
1096 2121 Wùyø Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 79 - 67 54.1%
1098 2104 Preliator Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Six Eggs 36 - 40 47.4%
1099 2033 Blackedstar Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination BerEnnDæ 135 - 123 52.3%
1099 1776 Beelzabub Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 28 - 25 52.8%
1101 1904 Benomous Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Oxymore 74 - 73 50.3%
1101 2108 Ørigín Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 48 - 48 50.0%
1101 1773 Annihelletor Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Honor Capped 97 - 91 51.6%
1101 2108 Ecological Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 42 - 60 41.2%
1103 1875 Djsqx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 28 - 28 50.0%
1103 2032 Símplé Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Influenza 82 - 75 52.2%
1103 1875 Megasita Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 29 - 25 53.7%
1109 2107 Nightwarrior Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 66 - 60 52.4%
1111 2012 Epichirmu Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy A p a t h y 31 - 23 57.4%
1113 1338 Reco Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Guardian 191 - 217 46.8%
1113 480 Fluffych Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination We Come Honor Face 5 - 13 27.8%
1114 1951 Cracklöffel Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 34 - 26 56.7%
1114 1770 Øvêrshøt Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival 32 - 28 53.3%
1114 1951 Yuhor Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration We Were Not Prepared 37 - 43 46.3%
1114 1765 Kâôs Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Virtuoso 71 - 91 43.8%
1115 1981 Monktraîner Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 31 - 40 43.7%
1118 1634 Vengidotcom Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 47 - 47 50.0%
1119 480 Aristarco Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Outland Elite 5 - 1 83.3%
1119 480 Ðxs Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 5 - 6 45.5%
1119 480 Muzage Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 5 - 13 27.8%
1119 480 Highbornlir Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Ace Hood 5 - 7 41.7%
1119 480 Maronnè Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Ace Hood 5 - 19 20.8%
1120 1937 Vajainap Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Outland Elite 35 - 37 48.6%
1120 2027 Moulinrouged Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 104 - 82 55.9%
1121 1900 Tchad Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 176 - 173 50.4%
1121 1767 Pewpewfloom Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival ingen aning 50 - 28 64.1%
1122 1949 Swopes Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Crème fraîche 69 - 69 50.0%
1123 2105 Zyneste Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Gnomeland Securíty 86 - 49 63.7%
1125 1948 Prõud Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 167 - 141 54.2%
1125 2166 Clericatus Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 105 - 91 53.6%
1125 2017 Muaba Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 69 - 79 46.6%
1126 688 Haromm Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 8 - 11 42.1%
1127 2137 Lightsguard Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Hüljatud 44 - 43 50.6%
1128 1761 Båshor Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Chest Hunters 121 - 128 48.6%
1129 672 Brizzles Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Debauchery Tea Party 7 - 11 38.9%
1129 672 Rálphé Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Legio Mortis 7 - 5 58.3%
1130 1853 Siavjcs Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 29 - 31 48.3%
1130 2015 Nylemitchell Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery miese bois 40 - 34 54.1%
1130 1739 Fastcandy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Carl XVI Gustafs Armé 94 - 66 58.8%
1131 2016 Slàder Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker EVO GAMING 47 - 55 46.1%
1131 1758 Muzarrior Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 30 - 24 55.6%
1132 1629 Jumskerbolts Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction CKMI 20 - 30 40.0%
1132 2007 Hailion Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Timelost 77 - 88 46.7%
1133 1855 Mmöklöö Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 66 - 59 52.8%
1134 543 Thepunishér Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 6 - 5 54.5%
1135 1851 Kumbubble Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution The Reach Around 25 - 23 52.1%
1136 2082 Nomnomnonmon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 139 - 139 50.0%
1136 2103 Freiyja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Sneakattack 98 - 95 50.8%
1137 2014 Klaríc Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 394 - 383 50.7%
1138 1852 Spikelance Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation 37 - 43 46.3%
1138 2005 Kraynos Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Six Eggs 47 - 43 52.2%
1139 1755 Jorgnu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 52 - 49 51.5%
1139 1735 Sprocker Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Arcane 22 - 10 68.8%
1140 1931 Zibah Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 27 - 19 58.7%
1141 1941 Zerofakes Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Balance Blood Bath 32 - 13 71.1%
1141 1796 Shamavulin Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Restoration Honor Capped 21 - 21 50.0%
1142 1749 Syllogism Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury The Eternal 34 - 38 47.2%
1145 2134 Huggepung Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Influenza 41 - 42 49.4%
1145 1862 Teekster Outland Horde Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver 131 - 118 52.6%
1145 1871 Lilzeé Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Dream Hunters 1841 - 1842 50.0%
1145 2115 Brokendh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc NO TRYHARD NEEDED 32 - 28 53.3%
1146 2102 Bicke Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 77 - 29 72.6%
1147 2020 Áleana Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination ProTwinks 85 - 86 49.7%
1147 1850 Chárizárd Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Virtuoso 26 - 27 49.1%
1148 1940 Krikajl Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Original Copies 34 - 18 65.4%
1148 480 Slisklocket Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost Gräv där du står 5 - 7 41.7%
1148 480 Vïrgïn Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost 5 - 7 41.7%
1148 480 Frénzyzíp Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost 5 - 7 41.7%
1149 1847 Limyohwan Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 175 - 190 47.9%
1152 1746 Lylaei Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury NO TRYHARD NEEDED 110 - 120 47.8%
1152 1748 Jaèger Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Achievement Hunters 269 - 278 49.2%
1153 2017 Gordi Outland Alliance Gnome Male Rogue Assassination 55 - 39 58.5%
1153 2160 Romstable Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 69 - 67 50.7%
1154 1747 Chápó Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 36 - 36 50.0%
1154 2000 Henuaqt Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy PRKL 34 - 20 63.0%
1157 1796 Patrashkovva Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 24 - 18 57.1%
1158 1936 Shandrella Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 35 - 30 53.8%
1158 2114 Baochaos Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Achievement Hunters 239 - 212 53.0%
1158 1936 Fewalkitty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 75 - 59 56.0%
1158 1936 Pøggers Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 42 - 18 70.0%
1159 1867 Updogx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Honor Capped 26 - 33 44.1%
1160 2007 Hÿperen Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 46 - 26 63.9%
1161 671 Vratch Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Restoration Ascendum 7 - 17 29.2%
1161 1891 Kàjah Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Conflict And Strife 78 - 80 49.4%
1161 1788 Apexe Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 25 - 29 46.3%
1161 671 Gashih Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 7 - 11 38.9%
1163 2014 Suß Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 62 - 48 56.4%
1164 1723 Frozenqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Ace Hood 26 - 26 50.0%
1164 1934 Stinkywang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Pepe Silvia 49 - 46 51.6%
1164 1792 Medioker Outland Horde Undead Male Hunter Beast Mastery 28 - 24 53.8%
1165 1866 Jepsenduvet Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Oxymore 24 - 21 53.3%
1166 1888 Destruckted Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 31 - 38 44.9%
1169 1720 Hezï Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 89 - 90 49.7%
1169 1844 Leiladragon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation The Green Falcon 48 - 54 47.1%
1172 1212 Xsjado Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Fragments 14 - 18 43.8%
1173 2001 Jungletime Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Influenza 37 - 29 56.1%
1176 2130 Hogmodig Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 86 - 68 55.8%
1176 1990 Himumimdead Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 47 - 51 48.0%
1176 2130 Zealotspirit Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Oldies Goldies 115 - 111 50.9%
1178 1783 Dannyvyeele Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Elemental Outland Elite 56 - 53 51.4%
1179 1885 Twisterlend Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 35 - 42 45.5%
1179 1840 Bbullet Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Achievement Hunters 130 - 149 46.6%
1180 2069 Zedgodx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy 50 - 35 58.8%
1180 1673 Tinydude Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Demonology i just elwynn forest 76 - 80 48.7%
1182 1930 Murphýs Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 123 - 131 48.4%
1182 2129 Hafize Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 130 - 120 52.0%
1184 1841 Dracxx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Achievement Hunters 37 - 35 51.4%
1185 2093 Fastdruid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 157 - 119 56.9%
1186 1928 Ayàhuasca Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 171 - 166 50.7%
1187 2066 Darkcontrol Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy fat boi 225 - 192 54.0%
1189 576 Ziibah Outland Horde Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 6 - 12 33.3%
1189 576 Atzavana Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement 6 - 12 33.3%
1189 2000 Eryna Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 69 - 73 48.6%
1189 1777 Pengpara Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 245 - 248 49.7%
1189 1912 Pancrea Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow 30 - 29 50.8%
1191 2110 Blankdh Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Best of Us 416 - 404 50.7%
1192 1776 Fatfredsham Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 55 - 42 56.7%
1193 1895 Flamebot Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 68 - 68 50.0%
1193 1895 Drugman Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 61 - 66 48.0%
1194 1837 Deusfriend Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Virtuoso 97 - 87 52.7%
1195 1837 Devokér Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 30 - 18 62.5%
1199 1984 Thardwoddey Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Children of Valhalla 44 - 40 52.4%
1199 2127 Stormageqt Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 81 - 79 50.6%
1200 2153 Vàrjo Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 47 - 43 52.2%
1202 2004 Wùtyø Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 65 - 61 51.6%
1202 1990 Eepii Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Honor Capped 52 - 46 53.1%
1202 2085 Stinkywang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Pepe Silvia 51 - 45 53.1%
1204 415 Ayjayr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 5 - 3 62.5%
1205 1834 Xavierre Outland Horde Tauren Female Paladin Holy 86 - 79 52.1%
1208 1602 Lilbolty Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction 17 - 25 40.5%
1208 1951 Johntraboltá Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 60 - 47 56.1%
1208 2108 Karsek Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 72 - 37 66.1%
1210 384 Wenganz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Norway is a PvP Zone 4 - 8 33.3%
1210 1833 Ruforious Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 32 - 35 47.8%
1210 384 Psherõ Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Outlaw 4 - 2 66.7%
1210 1890 Theredpepper Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 104 - 96 52.0%
1210 384 Urvil Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 6 - 16 27.3%
1210 384 Spankyroar Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw Influenza 4 - 20 16.7%
1210 384 Yasu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 4 - 2 66.7%
1211 1980 Unw Outland Horde Undead Female Death Knight Unholy 122 - 132 48.0%
1212 2058 Zenheal Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 78 - 60 56.5%
1213 384 Rumple Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Frost Fragments 4 - 2 66.7%
1213 384 Mithrandil Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 4 - 2 66.7%
1213 1232 Óøø Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Guardian XolesteroL 13 - 23 36.1%
1213 384 Erkro Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire 4 - 2 66.7%
1213 1720 Roadsick Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Squanch Squad 21 - 27 43.8%
1213 384 Crypdex Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane Wardance 4 - 2 66.7%
1214 1993 Heavensfury Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Kings of Legend 78 - 56 58.2%
1214 2084 Zeppo Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms BIG 82 - 80 50.6%
1215 1832 Lightswiss Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy We Were Not Prepared 79 - 61 56.4%
1215 1889 Toniqq Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 38 - 28 57.6%
1216 1831 Snusdronning Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 23 - 19 54.8%
1217 1720 Timbervvolf Outland Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Survival 18 - 12 60.0%
1219 2001 Dodge Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 21 - 9 70.0%
1219 1903 Uglydisco Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Wipealot 79 - 70 53.0%
1222 2107 Demion Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 159 - 155 50.6%
1222 2124 Stavrosy Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 113 - 115 49.6%
1226 1876 Hòbó Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction kkokk has friends 48 - 48 50.0%
1227 2148 Hastegodx Outland Horde Troll Male Priest Holy 78 - 57 57.8%
1227 1717 Miåsma Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 21 - 21 50.0%
1228 1988 Monkarapacho Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 76 - 88 46.3%
1229 1716 Xallis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival IRON DYNASTY 24 - 24 50.0%
1232 1883 Malowux Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation KBROS 33 - 31 51.6%
1233 1943 Raste Outland Horde Troll Female Shaman Restoration 124 - 87 58.8%
1238 1851 Smehma Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 20 - 15 57.1%
1239 1908 Imapelicanx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral kinda PENG THO 36 - 40 47.4%
1239 431 Nerzhúl Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 5 - 6 45.5%
1239 1942 Dwarfdream Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 186 - 190 49.5%
1241 1872 Lilhmm Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction 38 - 22 63.3%
1243 1761 Sharkky Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 98 - 104 48.5%
1243 2076 Makkezug Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 84 - 76 52.5%
1244 2069 Zolved Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Best Friends Forever 99 - 105 48.5%
1245 1870 Xueses Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Life is good 26 - 28 48.1%
1247 1118 Raltgar Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 12 - 17 41.4%
1250 1744 Vadpasarici Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 48 - 67 41.7%
1250 1849 Aristarco Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Outland Elite 27 - 33 45.0%
1251 1869 Zêngâ Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Santa Maria 166 - 158 51.2%
1251 1743 Bboypärädicé Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Make Outland Great Again 43 - 41 51.2%
1254 1631 Thiccbolts Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 17 - 13 56.7%
1255 1824 Bulldozeru Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 68 - 61 52.7%
1256 384 Vanilladremz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Frost 4 - 14 22.2%
1256 384 Buldozerr Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 5 - 5 50.0%
1256 384 Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost 4 - 14 22.2%
1257 1690 Oyeex Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Fire 30 - 30 50.0%
1257 1988 Zedox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ace Hood 190 - 165 53.5%
1260 1821 Caraxe Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 33 - 32 50.8%
1260 1968 Trolshot Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 99 - 93 51.6%
1263 1753 Infidelíx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 61 - 67 47.7%
1265 1986 Stóvóbro Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Honor Capped 99 - 96 50.8%
1266 1935 Angelofearth Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Fragments 138 - 139 49.8%
1266 1684 Eddiee Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 32 - 28 53.3%
1269 1869 Mzi Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 28 - 20 58.3%
1269 1696 Huntahrw Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Hunter Survival kkokk has friends 23 - 24 48.9%
1269 1696 Hórney Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 26 - 22 54.2%
1271 480 Ilovelili Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental Chif 5 - 13 27.8%
1271 480 Prísonmike Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Restoration 5 - 7 41.7%
1271 480 Rockmela Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 5 - 7 41.7%
1273 2056 Shiftycentzz Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 282 - 266 51.5%
1273 2119 Emloses Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 35 - 31 53.0%
1273 1964 Lickthebow Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship We Were Not Prepared 472 - 454 51.0%
1274 1958 Herrwalter Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 105 - 110 48.8%
1275 1971 Dayl Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 89 - 85 51.1%
1276 2047 Hérune Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Union 65 - 54 54.6%
1276 1056 Grimmjowjaja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 11 - 13 45.8%
1277 1829 Mitwiva Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 137 - 171 44.5%
1277 1693 Nilsconny Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Man Dont Care 23 - 13 63.9%
1279 1145 Tierundelfee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Influenza 15 - 20 42.9%
1279 2102 Tiaotiaohu Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 162 - 152 51.6%
1280 1688 Kringg Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 82 - 98 45.6%
1281 1970 Mürphys Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Windwalker 54 - 66 45.0%
1282 1861 Chb Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction ComeHonorFaces 122 - 127 49.0%
1284 1981 Onlysapsx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 70 - 49 58.8%
1285 2053 Jpsmet Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Restoration kkokk has friends 178 - 138 56.3%
1285 1969 Doomspeaker Outland Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Monk Windwalker 31 - 32 49.2%
1286 1691 Bogovski Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival Fragments 26 - 24 52.0%
1286 1819 Wexxify Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 25 - 17 59.5%
1287 1860 Madridismo Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warlock Destruction 35 - 36 49.3%
1287 1860 Smui Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 29 - 30 49.2%
1288 2101 Felspîrît Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc The Venomspit 102 - 106 49.0%
1290 1882 Pfred Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 97 - 98 49.7%
1290 1882 Shivaso Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Make Outland Great Again 74 - 63 54.0%
1290 1740 Hyp Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 21 - 13 61.8%
1293 1722 Koregg Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Fragments 196 - 211 48.2%
1294 1881 Zevispr Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow TNW 141 - 150 48.5%
1295 1677 Wölfgång Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Legio Mortis 117 - 96 54.9%
1295 1818 Lightppl Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy The Exiled Army 80 - 91 46.8%
1295 2136 Riptile Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 85 - 87 49.4%
1295 2136 Date Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 108 - 58 65.1%
1299 1957 Carpo Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship The Gits 77 - 63 55.0%
1302 1977 Gluelf Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 364 - 322 53.1%
1304 1956 Meluna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 98 - 83 54.1%
1304 1949 Maltreaty Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy hey im farmer 132 - 113 53.9%
1304 2135 Poogie Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 65 - 44 59.6%
1305 2039 Bannedagian Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 40 - 24 62.5%
1306 1613 Vodookiller Outland Horde Troll Male Warlock Affliction 84 - 89 48.6%
1307 1878 Fatherlou Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 33 - 32 50.8%
1309 1815 Helvamjestok Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 97 - 91 51.6%
1311 2134 Jumbydisc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Ace Hood 56 - 54 50.9%
1313 1608 Kyonshi Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology Fatally Flawed 24 - 28 46.2%
1314 2037 Iessei Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow 47 - 46 50.5%
1315 2059 Redrandy Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 44 - 37 54.3%
1316 372 Zipporah Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Faith 8 - 14 36.4%
1318 1731 Orinata Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Ascendum 49 - 37 57.0%
1319 1873 Preyy Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 118 - 123 49.0%
1320 1730 Killthat Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Survival Chest Hunters 118 - 112 51.3%
1320 2114 Xiryzsan Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 147 - 139 51.4%
1321 1666 Muzage Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 21 - 27 43.8%
1321 2035 Stealtsøul Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 37 - 45 45.1%
1322 1957 Oxily Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker 106 - 85 55.5%
1324 1943 Menethyl Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy EVO GAMING 46 - 44 51.1%
1326 1871 Usw Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 148 - 139 51.6%
1327 1819 Chilexion Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker 50 - 44 53.2%
1327 2097 Illidanlolxd Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 87 - 73 54.4%
1328 1889 Declawn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance The Shadow Ravens 92 - 88 51.1%
1328 1889 Gunnds Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 113 - 107 51.4%
1329 1949 Silentserena Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Oxymore 79 - 66 54.5%
1330 1708 Jaystorm Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental NO TRYHARD NEEDED 19 - 26 42.2%
1330 1807 Leyca Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Honor Capped 61 - 74 45.2%
1330 1835 Zomk Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Brunzbuschn Zaumduschn 117 - 110 51.5%
1333 1055 Kevert Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Carpal Tunnel 11 - 7 61.1%
1333 1868 Awengel Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 53 - 44 54.6%
1334 1723 Timec Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Outland Elite 24 - 24 50.0%
1334 995 Djjake Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 15 - 14 51.7%
1335 1707 Zarkardon Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Cleaving with the stars 59 - 74 44.4%
1335 2037 Murphýs Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 712 - 683 51.0%
1336 426 Burstboom Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 6 - 6 50.0%
1336 1946 Gledy Outland Alliance Gnome Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 49 - 48 50.5%
1336 1834 Lilsorceress Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost 39 - 25 60.9%
1337 288 Pølåris Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost 3 - 3 50.0%
1337 288 Onlymage Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 3 - 9 25.0%
1337 288 Kilstine Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost ExplorersOfUranus 3 - 3 50.0%
1337 288 Gitlab Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 3 - 3 50.0%
1337 288 Dragunar Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 3 - 3 50.0%
1337 288 Spelltrick Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Synergia 3 - 3 50.0%
1337 2055 Reenba Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Achievement Hunters 249 - 250 49.9%
1337 288 Radiantfury Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 3 - 3 50.0%
1338 1818 Gwaundes Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Fragments 119 - 107 52.7%
1338 1659 Lilsib Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury 22 - 14 61.1%
1338 1818 Winchesterca Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Monk Windwalker Reckoning 85 - 89 48.9%
1338 1886 Torvaldina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Fragments 71 - 62 53.4%
1338 1531 Destrumorxz Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 17 - 11 60.7%
1342 288 Averiana Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw Legio Mortis 3 - 9 25.0%
1342 288 Bullykingg Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 3 - 3 50.0%
1342 1833 Emusnoc Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 27 - 27 50.0%
1342 288 Stealthyslut Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 3 - 3 50.0%
1343 1912 Bjärkasham Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 94 - 73 56.3%
1346 415 Sunåoxd Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 5 - 6 45.5%
1347 1526 Serlok Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction SEA MEN 32 - 29 52.5%
1348 1656 Zevisw Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury TNW 47 - 58 44.8%
1348 960 Injéct Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 10 - 14 41.7%
1349 1943 Grytax Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Horde Stole My Epics 28 - 38 42.4%
1349 2053 Gnomlovemeat Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 48 - 41 53.9%
1351 1942 Huntahrw Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Hunter Survival kkokk has friends 41 - 50 45.1%
1352 1941 Levisha Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 78 - 63 55.3%
1353 393 Sugosusham Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 6 - 7 46.2%
1353 1521 Jarraxus Outland Alliance Draenei Female Warlock Destruction 62 - 71 46.6%
1353 1948 Ikickkids Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 33 - 24 57.9%
1354 1655 Defernatus Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Blood Bath 97 - 92 51.3%
1354 384 Zarkardon Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Cleaving with the stars 4 - 8 33.3%
1354 384 Cryrothx Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Shaman Enhancement Accidentally Competent 4 - 8 33.3%
1358 1879 Decacy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 27 - 18 60.0%
1358 1831 Maxprox Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost A R E N A J U N K I E S 29 - 25 53.7%
1360 1939 Uel Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival 64 - 58 52.5%
1361 1841 Thyregas Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 48 - 57 45.7%
1362 1656 Killthat Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Survival Chest Hunters 87 - 82 51.5%
1363 1805 Kikók Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 46 - 47 49.5%
1363 1645 Alktraz Outland Horde Troll Male Mage Fire Pure Chaos 103 - 102 50.2%
1363 1805 Bullbrittan Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 31 - 39 44.3%
1364 1957 Hèffer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 41 - 46 47.1%
1364 1957 Menajerie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Silent Assasin 45 - 45 50.0%
1366 959 Cowardrogue Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety Outland Elite 10 - 14 41.7%
1368 1653 Karton Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 22 - 20 52.4%
1369 1561 Professordöd Outland Horde Undead Female Warlock Demonology 30 - 28 51.7%
1370 367 Xanthrazar Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 4 - 13 23.5%
1371 960 Bonji Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Dawn of the Alliance 10 - 14 41.7%
1372 1839 Louiekin Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 50 - 39 56.2%
1372 1839 Noideawhy Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 76 - 62 55.1%
1374 1804 Wanderwaiz Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 50 - 46 52.1%
1374 1691 Dizap Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Elemental 73 - 77 48.7%
1375 2108 Míká Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution November Rain 152 - 137 52.6%
1375 1557 Salvatoriy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Azeroth Defence Force 18 - 27 40.0%
1375 2108 Fôxì Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Ascendum 84 - 83 50.3%
1376 1508 Kurohitsugí Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Misär 17 - 15 53.1%
1378 330 Riotorious Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 5 - 7 41.7%
1378 1874 Vylerea Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 36 - 27 57.1%
1380 1646 Nèssa Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Hüljatud 21 - 21 50.0%
1382 1922 Klaríx Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Outland Elite 146 - 145 50.2%
1383 1921 Vtmn Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Hüljatud 96 - 93 50.8%
1384 2025 Luziaa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline All for one 60 - 60 50.0%
1384 2107 Retroret Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Achievement Hunters 712 - 687 50.9%
1385 2018 Drwobble Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 237 - 204 53.7%
1386 1540 Craqi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 26 - 21 55.3%
1388 288 Rekers Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 3 - 9 25.0%
1388 2121 Tsagaki Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Virtuoso 109 - 90 54.8%
1388 288 Béán Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy Legio Mortis 3 - 3 50.0%
1388 288 Muzdk Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 3 - 3 50.0%
1388 288 Vodookiler Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 3 - 3 50.0%
1388 288 Tzamina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Holographic 3 - 3 50.0%
1388 2121 Rainbowdrop Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 117 - 97 54.7%
1388 288 Norian Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Influenza 3 - 9 25.0%
1388 288 Nifllheimr Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Reckoning 3 - 9 25.0%
1388 1827 Cistic Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Outlands Realist 45 - 44 50.6%
1388 288 Weékly Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Achievement Hunters 3 - 3 50.0%
1389 959 Czm Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 10 - 20 33.3%
1389 959 Êëê Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Virtuoso 10 - 14 41.7%
1392 1919 Floofster Outland Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Death Knight Unholy Blood Bath 59 - 52 53.2%
1393 1634 Annihylatus Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire Honor Capped 40 - 47 46.0%
1393 2017 Cyctucyctam Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 33 - 48 40.7%
1394 1826 Hidrax Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 80 - 72 52.6%
1394 1936 Drlivesèy Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 23 - 42 35.4%
1395 2079 Bergziege Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 105 - 106 49.8%
1395 2106 Ålynalol Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Fragments 70 - 45 60.9%
1397 2015 Nihash Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 39 - 39 50.0%
1397 2022 Ronnygmafkr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy GAMESENSE 198 - 187 51.4%
1398 1928 Tupalax Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 107 - 116 48.0%
1398 1486 Blekspel Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology Aversions Crown 16 - 17 48.5%
1398 1679 Haromm Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 88 - 88 50.0%
1398 1801 Bizonjr Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy boosted 47 - 37 56.0%
1398 1935 Sigh Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker 71 - 67 51.4%
1399 1704 Réyéz Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 26 - 36 41.9%
1400 1631 Ráhun Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 17 - 7 70.8%
1401 1783 Korvi Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 27 - 29 48.2%
1402 2105 Crisswyn Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 66 - 71 48.2%
1403 1824 Serclolz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Oùt of Control 25 - 11 69.4%
1403 1948 Coronaplus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 31 - 11 73.8%
1405 2039 Incité Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Great Success 74 - 62 54.4%
1406 2038 Dreamaway Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warrior Arms Outland Elite 140 - 142 49.6%
1408 2013 Wizår Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Influenza 167 - 178 48.4%
1409 1932 Gõrillaz Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Windwalker NO TRYHARD NEEDED 30 - 30 50.0%
1409 1637 Bengtengen Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 32 - 32 50.0%
1409 1699 Martiparty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Outland Elite 23 - 31 42.6%
1410 1946 Zboka Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 110 - 102 51.9%
1410 1698 Luertz Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Fragments 40 - 38 51.3%
1411 2104 Holyslash Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 227 - 211 51.8%
1412 1627 Moodo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 17 - 13 56.7%
1412 2118 Kâiøxx Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 195 - 155 55.7%
1413 878 Ämf Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 10 - 12 45.5%
1413 1931 Iaremonk Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker StarGaze 42 - 35 54.5%
1413 2019 Rosieyy Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Azeroth Defence Force 59 - 63 48.4%
1414 1945 Dreuph Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Influenza 30 - 22 57.7%
1414 1823 Spelltrick Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Synergia 31 - 36 46.3%
1415 1829 Wuto Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 55 - 64 46.2%
1415 943 Bearmantlé Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Guardian Influenza 10 - 25 28.6%
1416 1924 Kpnut Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 32 - 22 59.3%
1417 1842 Adssdfhjgh Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Dekadens 75 - 62 54.7%
1417 2074 Juccy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Honor Capped 40 - 38 51.3%
1417 864 Loznah Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 9 - 3 75.0%
1419 1695 Plaýs Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Kill Adds 29 - 36 44.6%
1419 1836 Ebok Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 128 - 115 52.7%
1419 2018 Toritsuna Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Fragments 34 - 26 56.7%
1420 2034 Ataghan Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 65 - 51 56.0%
1423 1694 Gxxshi Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival 45 - 43 51.1%
1426 1941 Sapfapkill Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 33 - 20 62.3%
1428 1926 Vrathen Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 155 - 149 51.0%
1429 1827 Haibodon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Virtuoso 46 - 52 46.9%
1429 1839 Bulldozerú Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy 51 - 36 58.6%
1430 864 Salvagã Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 9 - 9 50.0%
1430 864 Xècat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Fragments 9 - 15 37.5%
1430 1692 Wozzh Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery 24 - 24 50.0%
1432 2031 Olek Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury NO TRYHARD NEEDED 110 - 90 55.0%
1434 2004 Tôrmêñtêd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 34 - 30 53.1%
1436 2015 Elämänkiku Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Fragments 100 - 93 51.8%
1437 1922 Woushou Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Influenza 69 - 47 59.5%
1438 1860 Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance No Longer Happy 123 - 112 52.3%
1440 1820 Sõlõ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane 36 - 32 52.9%
1440 1800 Woushou Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Influenza 142 - 135 51.3%
1440 1800 Teavendor Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 23 - 34 40.4%
1441 1689 Ínu Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Good Old Company 48 - 54 47.1%
1443 1660 Bachlava Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Velopezo 22 - 22 50.0%
1444 1920 Quavohunchø Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 46 - 42 52.3%
1447 1687 Defai Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Wardance 35 - 34 50.7%
1448 1919 Xfist Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 35 - 35 50.0%
1448 1835 Redje Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow Korgall refugees 134 - 144 48.2%
1448 1915 Hircîne Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 58 - 52 52.7%
1450 2000 Stayalive Outland Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Restoration 189 - 181 51.1%
1450 1609 Ozgoroth Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 34 - 31 52.3%
1453 1914 Ruperthood Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 157 - 131 54.5%
1455 1652 Postih Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Wardance 35 - 41 46.1%
1455 1834 Focuspriest Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Discipline 116 - 105 52.5%
1456 1651 Aèvìi Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental The Green Falcon 44 - 46 48.9%
1456 1913 Shall Outland Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Survival FATES EMBRACE 235 - 231 50.4%
1456 1917 Hitmonphil Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Achievement Hunters 127 - 130 49.4%
1457 1916 Corneelio Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker We Angered the Chef 34 - 20 63.0%
1457 2012 Lecznikt Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow kkokk has friends 290 - 288 50.2%
1457 1625 Freedh Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 17 - 13 56.7%
1460 1902 Nuadar Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 55 - 61 47.4%
1460 1902 Leriens Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 64 - 60 51.6%
1460 1902 Noccobro Outland Alliance Draenei Female Death Knight Unholy Wardance 42 - 35 54.5%
1461 1912 Isimh Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 46 - 40 53.5%
1462 1915 Craqt Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Ancient Empire 58 - 46 55.8%
1462 1855 Addyenjoyer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 29 - 15 65.9%
1463 2011 Romstable Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 99 - 84 54.1%
1465 1647 Rálphé Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Legio Mortis 19 - 21 47.5%
1467 319 Bigmantingg Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement Honor Capped 4 - 2 66.7%
1470 860 Druidotroll Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Balance 9 - 9 50.0%
1472 1929 Hertyso Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 54 - 45 54.5%
1472 288 Pepesham Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement PEPE GAMING 3 - 9 25.0%
1472 288 Lehit Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 3 - 9 25.0%
1472 288 Windspêaker Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 3 - 3 50.0%
1472 288 Zamii Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 3 - 9 25.0%
1472 288 Kääbikx Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental los pepes 3 - 9 25.0%
1472 1643 Sugosusham Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 91 - 112 44.8%
1473 831 Zèph Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 9 - 14 39.1%
1473 1600 Uchihameexon Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Mage Arcane 79 - 92 46.2%
1476 1851 Fruit Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 29 - 16 64.4%
1477 1744 Nerfmeplze Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 22 - 32 40.7%
1478 1883 Dinosaurer Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 84 - 84 50.0%
1478 1883 Jaylah Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Plug Inc 40 - 44 47.6%
1479 1413 Premocan Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction Fragments 15 - 21 41.7%
1481 2094 Adamer Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Order Of Assassins 70 - 64 52.2%
1482 1741 Uwvuitkering Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 211 - 217 49.3%
1482 1620 Króm Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 24 - 36 40.0%
1482 2058 Idobigdmg Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 94 - 80 54.0%
1483 1987 Kremhelt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 59 - 66 47.2%
1483 1593 Acx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 17 - 7 70.8%
1484 1411 Özil Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 22 - 26 45.8%
1485 1815 Kharduk Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation En kaffe på det då 109 - 91 54.5%
1485 1849 Dambam Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 35 - 20 63.6%
1485 1849 Gluqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Skills that pay bills 152 - 150 50.3%
1487 2018 Murandin Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 159 - 165 49.1%
1487 1896 Altforsyk Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 30 - 30 50.0%
1487 768 Nëverënder Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 9 - 18 33.3%
1487 1986 Restolol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Golddiggerz 53 - 56 48.6%
1487 768 Someøne Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Hüljatud 8 - 16 33.3%
1489 1848 Qtel Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Atreides 53 - 58 47.7%
1490 234 Duskvenom Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ancient Empire 4 - 10 28.6%
1491 2111 Dotzey Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline E M P I R E 42 - 48 46.7%
1491 2111 Twh Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 43 - 48 47.3%
1491 2111 Fomstable Outland Alliance Draenei Male Priest Holy 123 - 135 47.7%
1492 1600 Lilandra Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Mega Porcs 21 - 15 58.3%
1496 2089 Åssenisse Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Zeus 49 - 54 47.6%
1497 1673 Hazemðñstêrx Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 126 - 130 49.2%
1497 1673 Hollabackgrl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 80 - 79 50.3%
1498 192 Iywen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw NO TRYHARD NEEDED 2 - 4 33.3%
1498 192 Katapaw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 2 - 10 16.7%
1498 192 Dreamybull Outland Alliance Worgen Male Rogue Outlaw Zeus 2 - 4 33.3%
1498 192 Hertyso Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 2 - 12 14.3%
1498 768 Okie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 8 - 4 66.7%
1498 192 Slasherr Outland Horde Goblin Male Rogue Outlaw 2 - 10 16.7%
1498 192 Snusmannen Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw 2 - 4 33.3%
1498 192 Backstabgirl Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination 2 - 4 33.3%
1498 192 Onehitwanda Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 2 - 4 33.3%
1498 192 Ämf Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 2 - 4 33.3%
1498 192 Shinrow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 2 - 4 33.3%
1499 1577 Ahy Outland Horde Nightborne Female Mage Fire 23 - 34 40.4%
1500 1813 Ybndrake Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 29 - 28 50.9%
1500 1813 Meningevo Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 24 - 29 45.3%
1500 1905 Jonbernthal Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 31 - 22 58.5%
1501 1595 Boozinga Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship NO TRYHARD NEEDED 254 - 264 49.0%
1503 265 Spellhaze Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 5 - 13 27.8%
1504 1771 Bubbleanlol Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Genetics 101 - 96 51.3%
1504 1771 Kblarsson Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 39 - 52 42.9%
1505 1825 Stifflipp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Honor Capped 146 - 119 55.1%
1508 1355 Ankhedevil Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 28 - 32 46.7%
1511 1571 Bus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Xtrema 48 - 67 41.7%
1511 1873 Lortriddaren Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Riksdagen 36 - 35 50.7%
1512 1824 Nîghtmare Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Affliction Exorcists 31 - 12 72.1%
1513 1720 Tremmérz Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Outland Elite 24 - 23 51.1%
1513 1720 Jackspice Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation The Flat Azeroth Society 24 - 18 57.1%
1513 1976 Ðamagedealer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 41 - 22 65.1%
1518 1917 Bigjb Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 136 - 127 51.7%
1520 2082 Dopedripper Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 71 - 74 49.0%
1521 1373 Sarckardon Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Cleaving with the stars 41 - 56 42.3%
1524 1342 Knödelrider Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Honor Capped 14 - 10 58.3%
1524 1822 Nelthos Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 93 - 88 51.4%
1525 1885 Zerodisease Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Ace Hood 98 - 73 57.3%
1525 2001 Boostéd Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 197 - 163 54.7%
1525 1810 Evooke Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 31 - 35 47.0%
1526 1899 Infidelíx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 141 - 114 55.3%
1526 1842 Shupx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 68 - 60 53.1%
1526 1811 Ninjaki Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Fire 73 - 71 50.7%
1526 223 Updogx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Honor Capped 3 - 5 37.5%
1528 1898 Palav Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Survival Take last dying breath 33 - 33 50.0%
1529 192 Ráhun Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 2 - 4 33.3%
1529 192 Juicee Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Arcane Make Outland Great Again 3 - 6 33.3%
1529 192 Sallè Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Arcane Honor Capped 2 - 4 33.3%
1529 192 Yennéfér Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Noctis 2 - 4 33.3%
1529 192 Sickmind Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane 2 - 10 16.7%
1529 1340 Sverigeslock Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology 14 - 16 46.7%
1529 192 Tmneqt Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 2 - 4 33.3%
1529 192 Kârl Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Atreides 2 - 4 33.3%
1529 192 Lumisä Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 2 - 4 33.3%
1531 1339 Unitarylock Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 14 - 16 46.7%
1531 1339 Bitcoinmíner Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology 14 - 22 38.9%
1531 1360 Wfredd Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Virtuoso 18 - 26 40.9%
1532 2000 Stridersx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Horde Stole My Epics 28 - 8 77.8%
1533 767 Datemike Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 8 - 10 44.4%
1533 1897 Haestvalp Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship OMGWHATTHEHELLAREYOUDOIN 129 - 116 52.7%
1533 2010 Pivius Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 186 - 187 49.9%
1533 1897 Chápó Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 78 - 65 54.5%
1533 767 Cubster Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 8 - 13 38.1%
1534 1768 Muaba Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 81 - 88 47.9%
1536 1820 Satanyahu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 67 - 39 63.2%
1543 1590 Jumbysmash Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 19 - 23 45.2%
1544 1837 Realname Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Druid Feral Brothers Of The Alliance 44 - 32 57.9%
1546 1866 Andrexyz Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Outland Elite 35 - 31 53.0%
1547 2106 Anøx Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 194 - 182 51.6%
1547 1909 Saazish Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 35 - 19 64.8%
1550 1818 Dyngful Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Wipealot 42 - 36 53.8%
1550 1703 Lorthraxion Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Gremory 26 - 22 54.2%
1552 1343 Hobbzs Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Fragments 14 - 16 46.7%
1553 1818 Oofta Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology 39 - 31 55.7%
1555 765 Epikrizata Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety 8 - 16 33.3%
1557 1805 Greenlotus Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Temple of Three Winds 119 - 114 51.1%
1557 2105 Africano Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Holy 152 - 113 57.4%
1558 1583 Alxqt Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 20 - 28 41.7%
1559 1906 Zèph Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 86 - 71 54.8%
1562 1965 Greylotus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 52 - 50 51.0%
1564 1887 Lotuc Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker 33 - 39 45.8%
1564 1833 Czm Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 55 - 44 55.6%
1564 2005 Barrygale Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Achievement Hunters 240 - 213 53.0%
1565 2068 Djanyx Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Sørkjosen 167 - 172 49.3%
1565 1964 Burrd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration T Time 52 - 51 50.5%
1567 192 Noxer Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Death Knight Frost 2 - 4 33.3%
1567 192 Deathredbull Outland Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost 2 - 4 33.3%
1567 192 Gashi Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 2 - 4 33.3%
1567 192 Menethyl Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy EVO GAMING 2 - 4 33.3%
1568 2038 Boøtyhunter Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 58 - 62 48.3%
1570 704 Scarbangs Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination huh 8 - 14 36.4%
1572 1862 Alnaddaf Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Victory or Valhalla 27 - 38 41.5%
1572 1748 Holybiscuit Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy Death is Hereditary 30 - 38 44.1%
1572 1748 Sangriul Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Fragments 20 - 22 47.6%
1572 1748 Cocainplug Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 49 - 51 49.0%
1573 672 Broodie Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 7 - 22 24.1%
1573 1832 Subtile Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 53 - 41 56.4%
1573 672 Meliodaas Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Clover Kingdom 7 - 11 38.9%
1573 672 Sylox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 7 - 12 36.8%
1574 2037 Uvx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Left Hand Path 262 - 240 52.2%
1576 1831 Nawty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 33 - 21 61.1%
1578 672 Infect Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 5 58.3%
1578 672 Astii Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 7 - 11 38.9%
1578 1990 Brespacklarn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Achievement Hunters 64 - 57 52.9%
1578 672 Moulinrouged Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 11 38.9%
1578 672 Drgréên Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 7 - 5 58.3%
1580 1813 Heffersp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 22 - 20 52.4%
1582 2036 Sweåfy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 47 - 46 50.5%
1582 1804 Yennéfér Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Noctis 122 - 103 54.2%
1584 1546 Dabrute Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 34 - 26 56.7%
1584 1871 Dashone Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 25 - 35 41.7%
1585 1860 Callum Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 27 - 31 46.6%
1585 1829 Willhealer Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 34 - 44 43.6%
1586 1898 Katapaw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 172 - 158 52.1%
1588 2060 Zeky Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 110 - 95 53.7%
1590 1959 Anori Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 80 - 70 53.3%
1590 1828 Ferocioús Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Ace Hood 116 - 101 53.5%
1590 1828 Dzia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 31 - 28 52.5%
1591 2059 Hydange Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 64 - 67 48.9%
1591 1798 Oogabuga Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 25 - 39 39.1%
1591 1814 Corfel Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 128 - 122 51.2%
1591 2059 Pexugadepavo Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 61 - 36 62.9%
1593 1245 Kurohitsugí Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Misär 13 - 23 36.1%
1594 1534 Dopeez Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival 16 - 8 66.7%
1596 1638 Azgah Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Taikaolennot 22 - 26 45.8%
1597 1827 Chookitydru Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 23 - 19 54.8%
1598 2001 Dexter Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Infamous 101 - 100 50.2%
1601 1985 Shaihuludata Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 259 - 250 50.9%
1605 1528 Realbigwilly Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 16 - 20 44.4%
1605 1747 Fredbelushi Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver 37 - 31 54.4%
1606 1741 Rudolfbre Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 191 - 177 51.9%
1606 1791 Binný Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 53 - 50 51.5%
1608 192 Fàkecast Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement Order Of Assassins 2 - 10 16.7%
1608 2055 Obsidyen Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution ihtiyar heyeti 57 - 56 50.4%
1608 192 Deumzi Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 2 - 4 33.3%
1608 192 Svamm Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 2 - 4 33.3%
1608 1877 Zwefaz Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 158 - 150 51.3%
1609 1881 Poatan Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 132 - 139 48.7%
1610 1578 Shamuz Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 24 - 40 37.5%
1612 1866 Spåcegøåt Outland Alliance Draenei Female Death Knight Unholy 46 - 43 51.7%
1613 1876 Catsco Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker APES 149 - 147 50.3%
1616 1800 Betzr Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Frost Eastern Cobras Mafia 36 - 37 49.3%
1616 1502 Updogx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Honor Capped 17 - 20 45.9%
1618 1631 Fritzi Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Oùt of Control 17 - 13 56.7%
1618 1823 Namncat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 135 - 149 47.5%
1619 1878 Imfiné Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 33 - 33 50.0%
1620 1786 Vodooheal Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 143 - 99 59.1%
1620 1951 Beastey Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 179 - 159 53.0%
1621 2028 Seventko Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 125 - 126 49.8%
1624 1279 Mèrlìn Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Destruction 14 - 15 48.3%
1625 1735 Cøffey Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Honor Capped 57 - 65 46.7%
1626 1798 Gitlab Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 109 - 110 49.8%
1626 1997 Smésh Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 35 - 24 59.3%
1628 1887 Apranik Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Oxymore 37 - 17 68.5%
1630 1733 Delecé Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 25 - 41 37.9%
1630 1979 Frigidtwo Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 37 - 40 48.1%
1631 1947 Nîckster Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 90 - 90 50.0%
1631 2024 Mesmer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 194 - 183 51.5%
1631 1797 Craqz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 45 - 33 57.7%
1631 1822 Snabeltiger Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Chaos of BULA 37 - 30 55.2%
1632 1780 Jylini Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 91 - 69 56.9%
1633 1492 Sheepchief Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 16 - 25 39.0%
1634 1532 Tjorva Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 47 - 63 42.7%
1635 1664 Dragesteinen Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 23 - 16 59.0%
1635 618 Dupÿ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Horde Stole My Epics 9 - 13 40.9%
1635 1875 Pèshy Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 36 - 29 55.4%
1637 1729 Kvitrafnyo Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 27 - 27 50.0%
1637 1853 Tracus Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Enhancement Atreides 124 - 138 47.3%
1638 1862 Rekers Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 101 - 77 56.7%
1640 1626 Vengigodx Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 22 - 38 36.7%
1640 576 Fbiopenup Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 6 - 12 33.3%
1640 576 Ninjaaki Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 6 - 6 50.0%
1640 576 Chookitydru Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 6 - 6 50.0%
1640 576 Weeklysferal Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Achievement Hunters 6 - 0 100.0%
1641 1262 Notsogirthy Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Destruction 15 - 29 34.1%
1644 2092 Fixyóu Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 51 - 52 49.5%
1644 1882 Zayøn Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination 28 - 39 41.8%
1645 1977 Zunniva Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 192 - 161 54.4%
1646 1792 Cheeku Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Fragments 162 - 149 52.1%
1646 1792 Mäkmeister Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 25 - 33 43.1%
1646 1248 Dreadyas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 13 - 11 54.2%
1652 1850 Psychobarbie Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 197 - 203 49.3%
1652 1493 Annihilative Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Hunter Survival Make Outland Great Again 46 - 26 63.9%
1653 1868 Mönkgodx Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 32 - 39 45.1%
1653 1819 Sugosu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Achievement Hunters 25 - 32 43.9%
1653 1802 Porshecabrio Outland Horde Orc Female Priest Shadow 29 - 29 50.0%
1655 1940 Hotties Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 65 - 53 55.1%
1655 1940 Crísps Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 86 - 62 58.1%
1655 1940 Corrupthz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 83 - 81 50.6%
1655 1553 Himikó Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental 20 - 36 35.7%
1656 2044 Retvin Outland Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution Outlanded 62 - 51 54.9%
1656 2044 Valórr Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Fragments 82 - 73 52.9%
1656 1652 Narfkosomak Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 75 - 79 48.7%
1661 1730 Tupperxx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 57 - 40 58.8%
1662 1858 Vlax Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 82 - 57 59.0%
1663 1460 Trickish Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 113 - 117 49.1%
1665 1877 Myzxia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Fragments 45 - 51 46.9%
1665 1877 Eizan Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Bucovina 38 - 28 57.6%
1666 2089 Hantu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 74 - 70 51.4%
1666 1768 Infidelix Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 130 - 129 50.2%
1666 1546 Echolayser Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 17 - 18 48.6%
1667 1767 Dragonpus Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 62 - 39 61.4%
1667 1800 Halamadridßß Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 33 - 32 50.8%
1667 1806 Covidbolt Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Fragments 22 - 34 39.3%
1669 1974 Lótus Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Eat Sleep Own Repeat 64 - 66 49.2%
1670 1844 Toteminatorz Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 87 - 66 56.9%
1670 1844 Ssully Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 31 - 35 47.0%
1672 1646 Lurvhøn Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Outland Elite 22 - 17 56.4%
1672 1242 Chezboz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 13 - 17 43.3%
1673 1866 Earnzie Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship PressDown 382 - 370 50.8%
1674 1876 Meyellow Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Rofl So Bad 20 - 10 66.7%
1674 1720 Makrashpvp Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 80 - 90 47.1%
1675 1798 Puresp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 23 - 14 62.2%
1676 1816 Cyctucyctam Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 24 - 18 57.1%
1676 2016 Nerini Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 85 - 81 51.2%
1676 1763 Evoggixx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 65 - 64 50.4%
1678 1056 Mazuto Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 11 - 13 45.8%
1678 1056 Branderodod Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 11 - 13 45.8%
1678 1875 Twoinchwilly Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 64 - 60 51.6%
1680 1863 Lilnirvana Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 29 - 20 59.2%
1681 1782 Magept Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Fragments 74 - 62 54.4%
1681 1933 Xerxës Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 43 - 63 40.6%
1681 1725 Saltfiend Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Fragments 63 - 55 53.4%
1681 1933 Liquis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Sneakattack 34 - 23 59.6%
1682 1719 Hano Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Wardance 40 - 32 55.6%
1682 1498 Epicrage Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Achievement Hunters 170 - 157 52.0%
1683 1443 Popsie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 16 - 46 25.8%
1686 1761 Jeppo Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 37 - 37 50.0%
1686 1970 Bashmaddox Outland Alliance Worgen Male Priest Discipline PVPMANIA 27 - 12 69.2%
1686 1795 Dubbelnelson Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow Landsmännen 70 - 77 47.6%
1686 2084 Wiwzi Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 236 - 214 52.4%
1687 2015 Soloîst Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 151 - 143 51.4%
1687 576 Swipper Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 6 - 12 33.3%
1688 1723 Óox Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver Smells Like Chloroform 22 - 22 50.0%
1690 1984 Tegelvägg Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 37 - 30 55.2%
1691 2037 Decláwn Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 68 - 67 50.4%
1691 1532 Shamshock Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Influenza 28 - 38 42.4%
1692 1814 Zevis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral TNW 33 - 33 50.0%
1693 1438 Hexojs Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Eastern Cobras Mafia 15 - 15 50.0%
1694 2083 Antiloop Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Taikaolennot 62 - 62 50.0%
1694 1777 Óoj Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Rofl So Bad 30 - 32 48.4%
1697 1813 Karagach Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance We Were Not Prepared 24 - 26 48.0%
1702 1802 Gravediggerr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Ace Hood 100 - 89 52.9%
1702 1802 Afflictsoinz Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Affliction 173 - 170 50.4%
1703 96 Zebras Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 1 - 5 16.7%
1703 96 Zitro Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw Kings of Legend 2 - 13 13.3%
1703 1982 Bwtpr Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 64 - 61 51.2%
1703 96 Dariki Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Rogue Outlaw Fragments 1 - 5 16.7%
1704 1757 Strx Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 41 - 31 56.9%
1705 1055 Fütsumi Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 11 - 31 26.2%
1707 1966 Lothyf Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline French Connection 146 - 138 51.4%
1707 1432 Neverdie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 17 - 8 68.0%
1707 159 Hidrax Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 2 - 3 40.0%
1708 1631 Rouch Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 22 - 38 36.7%
1708 1811 Groomkin Outland Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Balance kkokk has friends 48 - 44 52.2%
1710 1182 Hypërn Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 13 - 13 50.0%
1711 1965 Vèsper Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 44 - 45 49.4%
1712 2079 Jyystöhöylä Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Resisposse 96 - 80 54.5%
1712 1427 Bebepuding Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Virtuoso 15 - 21 41.7%
1713 1837 Shadrain Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration 82 - 82 50.0%
1715 1430 Snifis Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Taikaolennot 25 - 17 59.5%
1715 1810 Baylïfe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 37 - 16 69.8%
1716 1470 Nerdø Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury 16 - 22 42.1%
1716 1787 Fininho Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow 27 - 23 54.0%
1717 1856 Navyz Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 41 - 38 51.9%
1718 1768 Mioli Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost The Green Falcon 31 - 36 46.3%
1718 1922 Êëê Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Virtuoso 272 - 249 52.2%
1718 1922 Rãvèn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Smells Like Chloroform 26 - 10 72.2%
1720 1713 Palpation Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 25 - 27 48.1%
1721 2032 Psychedelice Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 110 - 100 52.4%
1723 1855 Seniorchangz Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Windwalker 639 - 625 50.6%
1724 1705 Bagværk Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 40 - 49 44.9%
1725 1751 Plesa Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 227 - 221 50.7%
1726 1463 Ruzyhd Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Case i Stormwind 19 - 17 52.8%
1726 1784 Xnúmb Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Outland Elite 28 - 32 46.7%
1728 1513 Reihorqt Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 253 - 281 47.4%
1730 1920 Claralax Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 110 - 94 53.9%
1730 96 Muabba Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Fire 1 - 5 16.7%
1730 96 Lìnnea Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Mage Arcane Nox Aeterna 1 - 5 16.7%
1730 96 Fastcandy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Carl XVI Gustafs Armé 1 - 5 16.7%
1730 1750 Olibuzy Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation November Rain 23 - 13 63.9%
1730 96 Garava Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Arcane Reckoning 1 - 5 16.7%
1730 96 Kinyõ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Eternal 1 - 5 16.7%
1730 96 Drnutsacksx Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost 1 - 5 16.7%
1730 96 Annihylatus Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire Honor Capped 1 - 5 16.7%
1731 2075 Celldve Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 198 - 185 51.7%
1731 1782 Deliant Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline 22 - 12 64.7%
1731 1024 Dreadyas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 11 - 23 32.4%
1733 1808 Søifon Outland Horde Troll Female Druid Balance 37 - 40 48.1%
1733 1710 Muzonk Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 25 - 13 65.8%
1734 1764 Gagaj Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 28 - 24 53.8%
1734 1960 Cdnp Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 72 - 71 50.3%
1736 2074 Hötchick Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 175 - 160 52.2%
1736 1856 Ushibow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 173 - 166 51.0%
1736 1780 Muzpriest Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 27 - 21 56.3%
1738 1798 Sónicx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction 62 - 83 42.8%
1739 2028 Källost Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Livgardét 45 - 47 48.9%
1739 2028 Annyhllight Outland Alliance Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 72 - 70 50.7%
1741 1702 Andersonn Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy Has your IP 169 - 154 52.3%
1747 1859 Uniks Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 41 - 43 48.8%
1748 2006 Dryblade Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc EVO GAMING 40 - 35 53.3%
1750 1364 Phatfred Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 15 - 17 46.9%
1751 1706 Inthepoopa Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Eternal 21 - 21 50.0%
1752 1858 Sigmass Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ancient Empire 198 - 186 51.6%
1752 1957 Hjerteløs Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Fragments 103 - 88 53.9%
1753 480 Tettesòde Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral VELENO 5 - 13 27.8%
1753 480 Awylia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 5 - 7 41.7%
1753 480 Obeseferal Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 5 - 7 41.7%
1753 480 Slackness Outland Alliance Worgen Male Druid Restoration Honor Capped 5 - 7 41.7%
1753 480 Willhealer Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 6 - 3 66.7%
1753 480 Mâjordomus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 5 - 1 83.3%
1753 1583 Jaydal Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 18 - 22 45.0%
1754 960 Demodoge Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Demonology 10 - 2 83.3%
1754 1806 Shredlölqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Mom said I am handsome 31 - 19 62.0%
1754 1582 Scapellotto Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 35 - 40 46.7%
1755 1442 Gueriax Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury DragonLivesMatter 17 - 21 44.7%
1757 1356 Théïa Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 15 - 18 45.5%
1758 1705 Fortytwo Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver Achievement Hunters 31 - 31 50.0%
1760 1849 Monkmonkmonk Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Windwalker Fragments 25 - 11 69.4%
1760 1849 Leeblind Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Brewmaster kkokk has friends 55 - 43 56.1%
1761 1856 Blaablao Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 96 - 99 49.2%
1761 1439 Decapitatëd Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury disarming warlock 15 - 16 48.4%
1761 1913 Ríckyßobby Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration thing from the past 606 - 635 48.8%
1763 1972 Slapy Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 431 - 402 51.7%
1764 96 Dkimpaler Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Rank One Boosters 1 - 5 16.7%
1764 96 Faeskata Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost 1 - 5 16.7%
1765 2003 Bambatross Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 208 - 187 52.7%
1766 1848 Oldmanmonk Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker DragonLivesMatter 31 - 23 57.4%
1766 1848 Ogb Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 35 - 22 61.4%
1766 1768 Fedæx Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 37 - 47 44.0%
1766 1848 Sallesnusk Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Neurosis 22 - 32 40.7%
1766 1955 Nyxem Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 34 - 38 47.2%
1768 1703 Trashpandá Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver 86 - 73 54.1%
1770 1438 Attila Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 16 - 26 38.1%
1771 1788 Cobraq Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 83 - 71 53.9%
1771 1970 Qzmito Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Pro pizde 171 - 158 52.0%
1772 2067 Saltèd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 46 - 29 61.3%
1772 1754 Czd Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost The Eternal 22 - 27 44.9%
1772 2067 Hypnosia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Wardance 81 - 85 48.8%
1772 2067 Imsorry Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 105 - 89 54.1%
1773 1845 Vodookiler Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 141 - 133 51.5%
1776 1483 Lúnch Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Make Outland Great Again 68 - 54 55.7%
1778 96 Zeismic Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement Fragments 1 - 5 16.7%
1778 2001 Pavadi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Free Onlyfans 40 - 35 53.3%
1779 1341 Skumrask Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Damööb 14 - 28 33.3%
1781 574 Smermüla Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Wipealot 6 - 6 50.0%
1781 1852 Beautyorc Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Squanch Squad 43 - 25 63.2%
1783 2066 Mialayy Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Priest Discipline 88 - 60 59.5%
1784 1692 Pansaren Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 20 - 34 37.0%
1784 1605 Schismxx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 19 - 27 41.3%
1784 1692 Saintluke Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Wardance 21 - 29 42.0%
1785 2000 Camtheman Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc The Hierarchy 101 - 78 56.4%
1787 1968 Manilrad Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 69 - 76 47.6%
1787 543 Éxíle Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Honor Capped 6 - 17 26.1%
1788 1699 Firiona Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Allurium 34 - 44 43.6%
1791 1847 Gbpusd Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 42 - 47 47.2%
1791 1847 Miåsma Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 164 - 142 53.6%
1795 1998 Demoncan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Silenced 53 - 64 45.3%
1797 1842 Cröm Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 35 - 37 48.6%
1800 2016 Zevpa Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution TNW 61 - 41 59.8%
1801 1779 Vèra Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Gangster club 82 - 70 53.9%
1801 1459 Spirituell Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Blood Bath 131 - 115 53.3%
1804 480 Fluffych Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination We Come Honor Face 5 - 7 41.7%
1804 480 Kýraz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 5 - 13 27.8%
1804 480 Onetrick Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety Synergia 5 - 7 41.7%
1804 2062 Nightfearqt Outland Horde Goblin Female Priest Discipline 62 - 56 52.5%
1804 480 Ethxreal Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 5 - 18 21.7%
1804 480 Blackedstar Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination BerEnnDæ 5 - 1 83.3%
1804 480 Zayøn Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination 5 - 7 41.7%
1804 480 Rmp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 5 - 7 41.7%
1804 480 Kyo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 5 - 1 83.3%
1804 480 Sheldorr Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety The Green Falcon 5 - 19 20.8%
1805 1426 Filbunke Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Fury Ace Hood 15 - 27 35.7%
1808 1752 Mpisso Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Wardance 62 - 57 52.1%
1808 1948 Exola Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Exgenius 22 - 21 51.2%
1810 2015 Plebkick Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 151 - 149 50.3%
1810 1994 Neverdry Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 73 - 34 68.2%
1811 1846 Eliriene Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 145 - 125 53.7%
1814 1684 Kaigege Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 94 - 103 47.7%
1814 2014 Dominerar Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Achievement Hunters 122 - 132 48.0%
1817 42 Zeroesc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Hide 2 - 7 22.2%
1817 1964 Syllogism Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury The Eternal 39 - 50 43.8%
1818 1720 Myydzz Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Virtuoso 178 - 164 52.0%
1818 2059 Lilmathea Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 31 - 33 48.4%
1822 1774 Lcollector Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Demonology 23 - 19 54.8%
1825 1582 Sovngard Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 43 - 33 56.6%
1826 864 Momentro Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 9 - 9 50.0%
1826 1681 Beðwulf Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution GET REKT SON 24 - 42 36.4%
1826 864 Mystikek Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 9 - 3 75.0%
1826 16 Zedox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ace Hood 1 - 0 100.0%
1827 1248 Iloveluna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Snusdealer 13 - 5 72.2%
1827 1745 Goodvibes Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 39 - 52 42.9%
1828 1791 Poomii Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Wardance 97 - 99 49.5%
1829 1991 Móná Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc go kitty go 42 - 48 46.7%
1830 1962 Nèssa Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Hüljatud 77 - 82 48.4%
1832 1247 Swapzy Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 13 - 11 54.2%
1833 1399 Confliction Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Ulduar Removal Service 21 - 20 51.2%
1837 1790 Proxxyvi Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 103 - 121 46.0%
1843 1307 Astereea Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 36 - 59 37.9%
1844 1677 Artigon Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Otherland 23 - 25 47.9%
1845 1739 Rezzart Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Holy Legio Mortis 33 - 30 52.4%
1845 1027 Arziella Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Drastic Measures 43 - 52 45.3%
1845 1769 Jorgnia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 122 - 123 49.8%
1846 1959 Choppydave Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 192 - 176 52.2%
1847 1940 Ziibahp Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 41 - 27 60.3%
1847 1988 Xrogonja Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Eye of storm 39 - 38 50.6%
1847 1787 Tremorse Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 91 - 78 53.8%
1848 477 Anzari Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Synergia 5 - 7 41.7%
1848 1007 Oneshotolock Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction 11 - 18 37.9%
1849 2009 Lmaohehe Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 83 - 75 52.5%
1851 1291 Srsronemage Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire NetflixandKillGasm 17 - 16 51.5%
1852 1527 Fyxxo Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Ancient Empire 16 - 20 44.4%
1852 1786 Ðefiance Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance I lost my potato 80 - 56 58.8%
1853 1958 Tchill Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms 73 - 63 53.7%
1855 2051 Doochepriest Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy PwnStar Cops 36 - 36 50.0%
1855 2051 Uglydisco Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Wipealot 444 - 436 50.5%
1855 1840 Rmpisfine Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Influenza 29 - 31 48.3%
1856 1766 Lîlíth Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 44 - 34 56.4%
1858 1957 Faolán Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 120 - 119 50.2%
1860 1678 Ashirama Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Provoked Awakenings 93 - 81 53.4%
1861 1710 Drakslynan Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Good Old Company 57 - 61 48.3%
1862 1214 Jäinenool Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Hüljatud 13 - 22 37.1%
1862 1764 Premocan Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction Fragments 123 - 126 49.4%
1863 1782 Kløriglufsa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 24 - 22 52.2%
1863 1984 Potatodemon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc And What Guldan 50 - 44 53.2%
1864 1408 Shammango Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Elemental Smells Like Chloroform 18 - 24 42.9%
1864 1408 Dwarftys Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 49 - 55 47.1%
1867 1732 Mongobengan Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Priest Holy 179 - 170 51.3%
1868 1818 Cmeptunyoram Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 65 - 56 53.7%
1869 1835 Skyh Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 25 - 25 50.0%
1869 1763 Stifflicks Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology 42 - 35 54.5%
1870 1829 Nixxondixon Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 53 - 49 52.0%
1872 1835 Devastatoare Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Blood Influenza 58 - 53 52.3%
1873 1936 Syukax Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Priest Holy Man Dont Care 404 - 395 50.6%
1873 1936 Zibah Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 48 - 36 57.1%
1874 2005 Insaneswapqt Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 81 - 74 52.3%
1874 384 Shredlölqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Mom said I am handsome 4 - 14 22.2%
1874 384 Immortalzx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Ace Hood 4 - 8 33.3%
1874 384 Cloneclownqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 7 36.4%
1874 384 Iesei Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 4 - 2 66.7%
1874 384 ßigfoot Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 2 66.7%
1874 384 Lîfêbâlánçê Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 4 - 2 66.7%
1874 384 Hëstía Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral We Were Not Prepared 4 - 8 33.3%
1874 384 Kattfizk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Outland Elite 4 - 2 66.7%
1877 31 Smolmage Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Fire Achievement Hunters 1 - 7 12.5%
1877 1255 Burningbrain Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire NO TRYHARD NEEDED 128 - 124 50.8%
1878 1837 Comefightmé Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 33 - 33 50.0%
1879 1834 Wozzh Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery 47 - 39 54.7%
1879 1725 Flybeezy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 24 - 24 50.0%
1881 1248 Astersky Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 13 - 5 72.2%
1883 2003 Myjoyyb Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution Laurantai kerho 114 - 103 52.5%
1884 1535 Backesteye Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Ace Hood 31 - 37 45.6%
1887 1833 Guddess Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 22 - 19 53.7%
1888 1151 Gledy Outland Alliance Gnome Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 12 - 12 50.0%
1888 1706 Viserione Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 25 - 29 46.3%
1888 1836 Davosslol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ceskoslovenska banda 30 - 19 61.2%
1889 1342 Niicey Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 14 - 16 46.7%
1891 863 Chezboz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 9 - 21 30.0%
1892 1532 Gharløk Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 36 - 45 44.4%
1892 1953 Varhammer Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Atreides 155 - 127 55.0%
1893 2044 Xtentactwo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 56 - 48 53.8%
1893 2002 Delecé Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 177 - 164 51.9%
1896 1978 Gigasloth Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Six Eggs 39 - 39 50.0%
1896 1952 Decapitatëd Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury disarming warlock 112 - 108 50.9%
1897 1722 Myal Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost TNW 86 - 78 52.4%
1897 1774 Sugarspoison Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance NO TRYHARD NEEDED 24 - 18 57.1%
1900 1882 Ralfis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Wipealot 47 - 40 54.0%
1900 1661 Keilas Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 82 - 101 44.8%
1901 1814 Conservator Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Legio Mortis 87 - 96 47.5%
1904 1721 Silverfate Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 18 - 8 69.2%
1904 1243 Forstonic Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 13 - 29 31.0%
1905 1241 Flybeezy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 15 - 23 39.5%
1907 1931 Upsbro Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Queued for Shuffle 53 - 38 58.2%
1909 1336 Punksnotdead Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Warlords of Doom 14 - 17 45.2%
1909 1657 Ketman Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Wipealot 52 - 56 48.1%
1910 31 Frostevil Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost November Rain 1 - 1 50.0%
1910 1880 Mowl Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 115 - 84 57.8%
1911 1522 Spyrotdragon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Wardance 17 - 16 51.5%
1911 1753 Scousinator Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Honor Capped 25 - 35 41.7%
1912 1831 Elixraelis Outland Alliance Draenei Male Death Knight Unholy 58 - 68 46.0%
1913 1717 Mackde Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow filthy casuals 40 - 32 55.6%
1915 1494 Oucloj Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 111 - 102 52.1%
1915 1494 Orosburak Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Achievement Hunters 35 - 32 52.2%
1919 768 Necrotech Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Oxymore 8 - 16 33.3%
1919 1751 Knödelrider Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Honor Capped 31 - 19 62.0%
1919 768 Vikxy Outland Horde Goblin Female Warlock Demonology Phantom Rats 8 - 10 44.4%
1920 1511 Spyrogodx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 17 - 21 44.7%
1923 1928 Healheal Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 477 - 485 49.6%
1924 1830 Miztix Outland Alliance Gnome Female Death Knight Unholy Bulwark 44 - 39 53.0%
1926 1997 Smehpala Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 30 - 30 50.0%
1927 1876 Smî Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 29 - 45 39.2%
1928 1971 Chivâ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc We Were Not Prepared 111 - 101 52.4%
1930 2039 Bloodanglee Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 57 - 49 53.8%
1931 1696 Insaneiqtl Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 82 - 84 49.4%
1933 1927 Necrofille Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 58 - 47 55.2%
1936 1713 Spheroine Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Otherland 34 - 38 47.2%
1937 1764 Ankalim Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian Achievement Hunters 50 - 46 52.1%
1939 864 Hauhau Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Demonology 9 - 21 30.0%
1939 864 Chaosbôlt Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Fel lord 9 - 9 50.0%
1939 864 Malowix Outland Alliance Draenei Male Warlock Demonology KBROS 9 - 9 50.0%
1939 864 Bónníe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 9 - 15 37.5%
1940 2038 Aîu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 91 - 59 60.7%
1940 1873 Chenarius Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 37 - 35 51.4%
1942 1712 Alktraz Outland Horde Troll Male Mage Fire Pure Chaos 125 - 130 49.0%
1942 1712 Ghostfx Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost THE RATSLAYERS 210 - 186 53.0%
1943 1745 Ðjfearalot Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction WØLFPACK 25 - 33 43.1%
1948 1177 Nalama Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 13 - 31 29.5%
1948 1828 Deathppl Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Plug Inc 105 - 111 48.6%
1949 1829 Noobsaiibot Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination MC DDoS 36 - 31 53.7%
1949 1820 Shjinzhu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 54 - 53 50.5%
1949 1829 Madridistaßß Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 31 - 35 47.0%
1949 1809 Stoneburst Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement November Rain 31 - 32 49.2%
1949 1295 Bigbob Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warrior Arms 24 - 26 48.0%
1950 1707 Africano Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Holy 23 - 18 56.1%
1951 1743 Twobolts Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 20 - 12 62.5%
1953 416 Backstroke Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety The Green Falcon 5 - 11 31.3%
1953 1823 Bazukabob Outland Horde Goblin Male Hunter Marksmanship 32 - 28 53.3%
1955 1709 Ballzout Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost YEARS BEHIND 24 - 24 50.0%
1961 1284 Testonator Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 15 - 16 48.4%
1963 1645 Xmatic Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 46 - 44 51.1%
1963 1741 Bisacodyl Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 28 - 20 58.3%
1964 1152 Liga Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 12 - 6 66.7%
1965 384 Darknessyy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 4 - 14 22.2%
1965 384 Minicon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 4 - 8 33.3%
1965 1279 Raznaros Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury EZ KATKA 14 - 12 53.8%
1965 384 Sniffeclit Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 4 - 8 33.3%
1965 384 Rev Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 4 - 2 66.7%
1965 384 Skyyjaadis Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination PVP Bosses 4 - 8 33.3%
1965 384 Roggixx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 4 - 8 33.3%
1965 384 Youcrymydear Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Say Bye Bye 4 - 2 66.7%
1965 384 Abduzlam Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety Curry Curry Nam Nam 4 - 2 66.7%
1965 384 Gílgámesh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 4 - 2 66.7%
1965 1465 Olibuzy Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation November Rain 16 - 16 50.0%
1965 2034 Toinds Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow Landsmännen 40 - 20 66.7%
1967 1922 Earnzy Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Salvation Army 415 - 423 49.5%
1968 2033 Wewewewew Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 39 - 39 50.0%
1968 1817 Gnomefisted Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver Virtuoso 54 - 52 50.9%
1969 1705 Hnzz Outland Alliance Worgen Female Mage Frost 68 - 64 51.5%
1970 1921 Mindspiker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Afflicted 50 - 40 55.6%
1971 1807 Levarázsol Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Oxymore 29 - 30 49.2%
1971 1987 Lüxio Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Golddiggerz 55 - 39 58.5%
1972 1280 Alikir Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Shaman Restoration The Order Of The Chicken 26 - 40 39.4%
1973 1452 Trapsmcgee Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 31 - 53 36.9%
1975 1753 Mvpx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 75 - 66 53.2%
1978 1265 Riido Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury RÖyal Army 65 - 77 45.8%
1978 1960 Bellerophoni Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Hüljatud 78 - 88 47.0%
1978 1960 Néss Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 61 - 44 58.1%
1978 1821 Hazemðñstêrx Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 170 - 152 52.8%
1981 1806 Giantstones Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Honor Capped 24 - 29 45.3%
1981 1867 Kúrdo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 242 - 242 50.0%
1981 1022 Launcher Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 13 - 10 56.5%
1982 2030 Vibéz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 36 - 22 62.1%
1982 863 Eatmychaoss Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Ace Hood 10 - 18 35.7%
1982 1752 Psziáci Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance rngg 24 - 29 45.3%
1982 2030 Bukurije Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 42 - 35 54.5%
1985 1984 Prixts Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 376 - 355 51.4%
1985 1824 Schrottbott Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 174 - 151 53.5%
1985 1824 Talharu Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 33 - 28 54.1%
1987 1000 Shacklex Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Hunter Survival 13 - 32 28.9%
1988 1150 Celestinià Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost 12 - 12 50.0%
1990 1916 Tocsick Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Awful Discipline 71 - 80 47.0%
1990 1916 Lunåå Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 262 - 264 49.8%
1990 1735 Sugosulol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 112 - 104 51.9%
1990 1149 Gagaj Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 12 - 9 57.1%
1990 1916 Surdej Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 80 - 54 59.7%
1997 960 Lébronjames Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival 10 - 2 83.3%
1997 960 Thefantasy Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 10 - 8 55.6%
1998 1915 Flèalol Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 124 - 119 51.0%
1998 1700 Catabra Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Wardance 143 - 149 49.0%
2002 714 Zerogain Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 10 - 12 45.5%
2004 1863 Taj Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Influenza 52 - 40 56.5%
2005 1143 Valsorim Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 12 - 12 50.0%
2009 1956 Lacerater Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 154 - 148 51.0%
2009 1956 Demonvhael Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Andare 82 - 103 44.3%
2010 1979 Efyé Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 38 - 20 65.5%
2010 1645 Floatyboy Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 21 - 14 60.0%
2010 1979 Sadgeqt Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 122 - 97 55.7%
2010 1139 Roslinda Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Fire Oxymore 44 - 52 45.8%
2010 1635 Teekadin Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 30 - 57 34.5%
2011 1803 Eightmile Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration Taikaolennot 19 - 23 45.2%
2011 1698 Muzage Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 47 - 37 56.0%
2012 1913 Inurwalls Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Eastern Cobras Mafia 36 - 20 64.3%
2012 1821 Badppl Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 48 - 50 49.0%
2013 1244 Mxkx Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental Atreides 13 - 11 54.2%
2013 1644 Sugosumo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Wipealot 331 - 325 50.5%
2015 672 Scousinator Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Honor Capped 7 - 5 58.3%
2015 672 Vèra Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Gangster club 7 - 11 38.9%
2015 672 Premocan Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction Fragments 7 - 17 29.2%
2016 829 Soulreapa Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction NetflixandKillGasm 10 - 4 71.4%
2018 1423 Soleriza Outland Alliance Gnome Female Hunter Beast Mastery Wardance 59 - 52 53.2%
2022 1119 Magibóy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Outland Elite 12 - 11 52.2%
2023 1815 Bigbmhunter Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Smells Like Chloroform 42 - 30 58.3%
2023 1815 Mangofever Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Legio Mortis 30 - 22 57.7%
2026 1824 Drainern Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 40 - 17 70.2%
2027 1683 Voiderruptor Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow Ostatnie Przymierze 21 - 9 70.0%
2027 1819 Karlxxvi Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 31 - 39 44.3%
2030 1692 Smilez Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Frost 483 - 486 49.8%
2031 1951 Myjoyj Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Laurantai kerho 75 - 69 52.1%
2031 803 Leesah Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction PVPMANIA 10 - 23 30.3%
2032 2022 Reggintq Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 164 - 127 56.4%
2034 1669 Bräntbröd Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 18 - 15 54.5%
2034 336 Eooz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian Livgardét 5 - 4 55.6%
2035 1640 Jademyst Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver in MYSelf i Trust 85 - 138 38.1%
2036 959 Ventrist Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Order Of Assassins 10 - 2 83.3%
2037 1085 Hauwen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost High Rated Girls 12 - 5 70.6%
2038 1724 Impiré Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction NO TRYHARD NEEDED 224 - 220 50.5%
2038 1678 Selathiel Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow Achievement Hunters 328 - 321 50.5%
2040 1739 Fatfreya Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 20 - 16 55.6%
2042 1199 Njs Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Rofl So Bad 13 - 16 44.8%
2043 1949 Kless Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 64 - 51 55.7%
2043 1949 Omgdhlol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 54 - 50 51.9%
2043 1813 Néíth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship We Were Not Prepared 30 - 18 62.5%
2044 1856 Iesei Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 32 - 22 59.3%
2045 1629 Gtchp Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 22 - 19 53.7%
2045 1629 Skubbelidubb Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 33 - 21 61.1%
2046 1907 Frälsarn Outland Horde Troll Female Priest Shadow Oxymore 85 - 73 53.8%
2046 1807 Jerold Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 20 - 16 55.6%
2046 1800 Gudruk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Brothers Of The Alliance 39 - 39 50.0%
2047 768 Dreamdaisy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction DUNGEON PLUS RBG 8 - 4 66.7%
2047 768 Lîlíth Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 8 - 10 44.4%
2048 1822 Küai Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 29 - 24 54.7%
2048 1817 Wenganz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Norway is a PvP Zone 98 - 103 48.8%
2050 304 Cattiqa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 4 - 3 57.1%
2052 1687 Táxy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Achievement Hunters 59 - 60 49.6%
2053 1628 Meganx Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Synergia 20 - 28 41.7%
2053 1628 Akako Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Honor Capped 107 - 121 46.9%
2054 1806 Bjärsa Outland Alliance Worgen Male Monk Windwalker Torggrillen 50 - 40 55.6%
2054 288 Jorgnie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 3 - 9 25.0%
2054 288 Zia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Influenza 3 - 5 37.5%
2054 288 Tiktook Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 3 - 3 50.0%
2055 1199 Cowboyyardy Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury November Rain 14 - 13 51.9%
2056 1927 Buranis Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Arena Samurai 28 - 25 52.8%
2056 1927 Testonator Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 184 - 176 51.1%
2057 1395 Rohandar Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery Honor Capped 33 - 46 41.8%
2058 1812 Caelas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Otherland 55 - 40 57.9%
2060 1391 Uel Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival 15 - 24 38.5%
2061 1852 Druidtrainër Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 32 - 42 43.2%
2061 1733 Júly Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Roastbeef 58 - 45 56.3%
2063 1634 Högmodig Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 22 - 11 66.7%
2063 1805 Chilexion Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker 56 - 45 55.4%
2064 1390 Ghétto Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Order Of Assassins 23 - 25 47.9%
2064 1684 Bærghet Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost French Connection 78 - 85 47.9%
2065 1151 Nöker Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 12 - 12 50.0%
2065 1821 Arctis Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Blood Mighty Flame 40 - 35 53.3%
2066 1904 Salvatory Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Honor Capped 46 - 38 54.8%
2067 1815 Irøndwærf Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 153 - 157 49.4%
2068 2016 Saltery Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 40 - 40 50.0%
2070 1660 Awtysm Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 19 - 22 46.3%
2073 1717 Buttercuq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 40 - 30 57.1%
2075 1943 Talamacus Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Oxymore 42 - 60 41.2%
2076 1924 Narkokriger Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 73 - 69 51.4%
2077 1631 Khayzz Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 17 - 13 56.7%
2077 1157 Pappajimmi Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 14 - 21 40.0%
2079 1049 Mcfire Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 11 - 25 30.6%
2079 1820 Naebrix Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Death Knight Unholy Hootsforce 41 - 45 47.7%
2080 1795 Uwulink Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 31 - 19 62.0%
2080 1795 Shufflo Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 140 - 131 51.7%
2081 1715 Valerinoo Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 100 - 98 50.5%
2082 1343 Lytra Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Zeus 14 - 16 46.7%
2082 864 Bricarter Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 9 - 3 75.0%
2082 864 Bramméh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 9 - 9 50.0%
2082 1667 Sabena Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 23 - 36 39.0%
2082 1680 Koqtaa Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Frost 23 - 37 38.3%
2083 1622 Zundala Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 25 - 27 48.1%
2084 1968 Babybeater Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Wang 41 - 43 48.8%
2085 1149 Njawte Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 12 - 6 66.7%
2086 2014 Sickmyduckq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 114 - 103 52.5%
2089 1803 Muogo Outland Alliance Mechagnome Male Monk Windwalker Xtrema 110 - 107 50.7%
2089 1809 Cringelobby Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 36 - 31 53.7%
2089 1370 Claracare Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 15 - 13 53.6%
2091 1901 Kristina Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 44 - 44 50.0%
2092 1341 Vokerdave Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Akatuskii 14 - 17 45.2%
2092 1368 Rarrm Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 28 - 30 48.3%
2097 1802 Ninjakii Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 64 - 47 57.7%
2101 1710 Langoskanone Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction 85 - 68 55.6%
2103 1808 Istanbulx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 39 - 29 57.4%
2103 1808 Jaffacaké Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Wowers 27 - 33 45.0%
2106 1937 Sua Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 479 - 465 50.7%
2107 1674 Erkro Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire 18 - 17 51.4%
2107 1810 Jekin Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Chest Hunters 153 - 157 49.4%
2107 1674 Celestinià Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost 27 - 18 60.0%
2109 1844 Ssjnunu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 156 - 126 55.3%
2110 960 Mörty Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Ancient Empire 10 - 2 83.3%
2110 960 Sickblink Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 10 - 2 83.3%
2110 960 Toxile Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire Blood Bath 10 - 8 55.6%
2110 960 Caliburns Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Fire 10 - 8 55.6%
2110 960 Xìna Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Achievement Hunters 10 - 8 55.6%
2112 1615 Lightmyst Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution in MYSelf i Trust 34 - 50 40.5%
2115 1318 Brel Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 150 - 133 53.0%
2117 1786 Goodlifex Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Ascendum 19 - 11 63.3%
2117 1786 Thorges Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 26 - 22 54.2%
2118 1807 Córelly Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 55 - 53 50.9%
2121 1142 Malacatth Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Battlecrew 12 - 18 40.0%
2122 1343 Klarix Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Outland Elite 14 - 22 38.9%
2124 1705 Trancex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 24 - 36 40.0%
2127 1342 Gledy Outland Alliance Gnome Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 14 - 10 58.3%
2128 1612 Laurían Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Fairy Trail 92 - 103 47.2%
2128 1620 Atwonlong Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Crème fraîche 18 - 21 46.2%
2128 1961 Ibubbleqt Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution POKEMONZ 142 - 151 48.5%
2129 1933 Bevan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 37 - 37 50.0%
2131 1072 Jukyy Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 12 - 7 63.2%
2132 2008 Djmommy Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Agile Society 136 - 94 59.1%
2132 1710 Nèéyo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 18 - 12 60.0%
2133 1610 Mèlly Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 51 - 47 52.0%
2133 1894 Comptonzity Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 68 - 75 47.6%
2134 1796 Nedchonk Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker 48 - 49 49.5%
2135 1619 Gorg Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Monk Mistweaver Honor Capped 69 - 74 48.3%
2135 863 Archivx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Zeus 9 - 9 50.0%
2136 1841 Vengí Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 65 - 62 51.2%
2137 1056 Låssølënny Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 11 - 7 61.1%
2137 1781 Eini Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Oxymore 44 - 56 44.0%
2137 1056 Dränkarn Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Nödraketen 11 - 13 45.8%
2137 1056 Zëngä Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental Santa Maria 11 - 13 45.8%
2138 576 Onlylock Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 6 - 6 50.0%
2138 576 Fredé Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction We Were Not Prepared 6 - 6 50.0%
2138 576 Jumbybolt Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Plug Inc 6 - 0 100.0%
2139 1609 Meatywings Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 26 - 21 55.3%
2139 1915 Akaige Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms The Eternal 555 - 544 50.5%
2143 1701 Caelys Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 69 - 69 50.0%
2144 959 Alsmo Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Fire 10 - 14 41.7%
2145 1806 Slymo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Good Old Company 47 - 66 41.6%
2145 1794 Rumppumis Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 31 - 47 39.7%
2147 2006 Rpriest Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy funny players 30 - 24 55.6%
2149 1617 Thorsír Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Mistweaver 31 - 32 49.2%
2149 1247 Sdragastabbe Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 13 - 5 72.2%
2150 1664 Valsorim Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 101 - 97 51.0%
2151 1778 Majórsam Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Friday Night Jazz Club 36 - 27 57.1%
2162 1243 Bratual Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 13 - 11 54.2%
2162 1803 Kagedo Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Reckoning 54 - 53 50.5%
2162 799 Riffleman Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Red thunder 9 - 17 34.6%
2162 957 Magìsk Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire TNW 10 - 26 27.8%
2163 1704 Boomatron Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Wardance 82 - 76 51.9%
2163 1640 Milaraki Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 73 - 95 43.5%
2163 1956 Mihaell Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Achievement Hunters 81 - 69 54.0%
2164 1316 Rajmera Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 34 - 38 47.2%
2168 1911 Chunchunmaru Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 79 - 84 48.5%
2168 1911 Dundulinka Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Take last dying breath 38 - 29 56.7%
2170 372 Slobz Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw Hong Kong Warriors 7 - 8 46.7%
2170 1837 Meorange Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration Rofl So Bad 30 - 26 53.6%
2172 768 Creedncali Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Ace Hood 8 - 4 66.7%
2175 1657 Stinkoo Outland Alliance Mechagnome Male Mage Frost Torggrillen 73 - 90 44.8%
2175 1802 Sammehuntx Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 28 - 20 58.3%
2175 1802 Jorgnu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 57 - 48 54.3%
2175 1802 Bogovski Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival Fragments 109 - 106 50.7%
2176 1610 Chiheal Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 130 - 134 49.2%
2176 1610 Kungfupandå Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 27 - 23 54.0%
2177 351 Zimpexr Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety Make Outland Great Again 4 - 7 36.4%
2177 1804 Lilbackstab Outland Alliance Gnome Male Rogue Assassination 27 - 8 77.1%
2179 1049 Stayboi Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 11 - 14 44.0%
2179 1771 Tupperware Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 94 - 101 48.2%
2183 2002 ßeatitudes Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy mebs 155 - 162 48.9%
2185 1770 Ørøchý Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Blood Bath 41 - 68 37.6%
2187 1888 Heiligx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 28 - 23 54.9%
2191 1654 Dhdk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Frost 19 - 17 52.8%
2192 1922 Hypetrain Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 40 - 38 51.3%
2193 1887 Fatherlou Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 38 - 50 43.2%
2195 1055 Felradon Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury 11 - 19 36.7%
2196 319 Deltamush Outland Horde Vulpera Male Rogue Subtlety 4 - 15 21.1%
2197 1594 Gingerqt Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 20 - 31 39.2%
2200 1921 Fugue Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 23 - 25 47.9%
2201 1593 Lightsblade Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 31 - 37 45.6%
2201 1651 Zeropain Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost 53 - 55 49.1%
2202 1152 Worstaugx Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 12 - 6 66.7%
2204 288 Deaddogcry Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety November Rain 3 - 4 42.9%
2204 288 Uniks Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 3 - 3 50.0%
2204 1689 Fear Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Nox Aeterna 84 - 66 56.0%
2204 1650 Thvv Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 23 - 16 59.0%
2204 288 Krevax Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Rénegade 3 - 9 25.0%
2204 288 Arshasp Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 3 - 15 16.7%
2204 288 Cantseeme Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 3 - 3 50.0%
2204 288 Toober Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety 3 - 3 50.0%
2204 288 Blackspice Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination NO TRYHARD NEEDED 3 - 9 25.0%
2204 288 Öx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 3 - 3 50.0%
2204 288 Rbnz Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety B a n d i t o s 3 - 9 25.0%
2204 288 Ninjáki Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Rogue Assassination 3 - 3 50.0%
2208 864 Musiala Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 9 - 15 37.5%
2208 864 Iyesu Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
2208 864 Spelltrick Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Synergia 10 - 6 62.5%
2208 864 Tömmy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost NO TRYHARD NEEDED 9 - 3 75.0%
2208 864 Koqtaa Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Frost 9 - 15 37.5%
2209 1688 Hobbzs Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Fragments 24 - 13 64.9%
2210 1626 Donbadastab Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow 20 - 22 47.6%
2210 1799 Qzma Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 132 - 123 51.8%
2210 1696 Dakers Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 84 - 66 56.0%
2211 1695 Shoofles Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 36 - 42 46.2%
2212 1885 Zephie Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 75 - 54 58.1%
2213 1054 Narkokriger Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 11 - 7 61.1%
2213 1800 Urvil Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 58 - 44 56.9%
2218 1903 Beertonak Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Achievement Hunters 308 - 312 49.7%
2220 1264 Madcats Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery The Blue 14 - 31 31.1%
2221 1917 Mopar Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Ascendum 78 - 71 52.3%
2221 1998 Príèst Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Priest Holy 425 - 408 51.0%
2221 1151 Algea Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 13 - 9 59.1%
2225 1799 Psychodevil Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 84 - 83 50.3%
2225 1796 Hunteed Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 43 - 37 53.8%
2228 1619 Upsbro Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Queued for Shuffle 19 - 23 45.2%
2229 1775 Deuxmonk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Ace Hood 23 - 19 54.8%
2231 1150 Flaxadin Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Virtuoso 12 - 12 50.0%
2231 1644 Ellenri Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 23 - 15 60.5%
2231 1691 Salvaga Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Azeroth Defence Force 18 - 20 47.4%
2231 1774 Tjocknorris Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Konsolsport Grabbarna 31 - 35 47.0%
2232 1618 Eeatmyfear Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 18 - 17 51.4%
2233 1828 Tarshish Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Shadow Hammer 27 - 31 46.6%
2234 959 Ëaë Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Virtuoso 10 - 20 33.3%
2235 1996 Fedeko Outland Horde Tauren Female Priest Holy 39 - 26 60.0%
2236 1797 Imfine Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 35 - 43 44.9%
2237 1643 Arcaneghost Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost 62 - 57 52.1%
2238 1943 Rumpnissens Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 58 - 55 51.3%
2240 992 Yurnero Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Influenza 11 - 16 40.7%
2242 1581 Vdk Outland Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution Death is Hereditary 27 - 21 56.3%
2242 1682 Roverlock Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 25 - 45 35.7%
2245 1615 Vengthebeast Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 24 - 20 54.5%
2245 719 Lobinwood Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival 8 - 9 47.1%
2246 1622 Deviljho Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation A p a t h y 20 - 10 66.7%
2246 1641 Bombiddybb Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Arcane 18 - 12 60.0%
2248 1613 Noremorse Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow 254 - 248 50.6%
2249 1794 Elpáco Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Blood Bath 59 - 45 56.7%
2249 714 Onevsthree Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Snusdealer 9 - 13 40.9%
2249 671 Maies Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction The Safe Haven 7 - 17 29.2%
2251 1911 Løumie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Ascendum 48 - 39 55.2%
2251 543 Iel Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 6 - 11 35.3%
2252 1899 Solpadeine Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Outland Elite 37 - 41 47.4%
2252 1825 Zenkillers Outland Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Restoration 27 - 24 52.9%
2253 1940 Aratâr Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 37 - 38 49.3%
2258 1910 Hórnpub Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Otherland 153 - 148 50.8%
2259 1640 Popsie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 56 - 70 44.4%
2259 1609 Flensens Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Smells Like Chloroform 44 - 49 47.3%
2260 1877 Healda Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Priest Discipline All for one 44 - 45 49.4%
2262 1684 Alfurianâ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Honor Capped 93 - 92 50.3%
2264 1099 Hatsuli Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Legio Mortis 12 - 13 48.0%
2265 655 Vèra Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Gangster club 7 - 16 30.4%
2266 672 Drviix Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 7 - 17 29.2%
2266 672 Kagedo Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Reckoning 7 - 11 38.9%
2267 1097 Milaraki Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 14 - 21 40.0%
2267 511 Snubbellock Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Conflict And Strife 6 - 2 75.0%
2267 1791 Snubrød Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 25 - 17 59.5%
2270 1676 Pekenina Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction epic hero 18 - 16 52.9%
2271 1789 Backfirex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Virtuoso 36 - 37 49.3%
2272 863 Yénnie Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 9 - 9 50.0%
2273 1822 Xfndly Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 63 - 51 55.3%
2273 896 Zeismic Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement Fragments 10 - 13 43.5%
2275 1896 Dúo Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Blood Bath 28 - 32 46.7%
2275 1675 Dèadpool Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 60 - 65 48.0%
2276 1585 Arnisalty Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 53 - 53 50.0%
2277 1603 Yrna Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Priest Shadow IgniSoul Gaming 31 - 29 51.7%
2277 1614 Yaraxes Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 27 - 33 45.0%
2278 480 Lhester Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 5 - 7 41.7%
2278 480 Yolodotx Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Fragments 5 - 7 41.7%
2278 864 Forren Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 9 - 3 75.0%
2278 480 Qwenger Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 5 - 7 41.7%
2278 480 Lockheedbao Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Girl Scouts 5 - 7 41.7%
2278 864 Whitewólf Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 9 - 3 75.0%
2278 480 Elulu Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Old Stockholm City 5 - 7 41.7%
2278 480 Aspas Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 5 - 7 41.7%
2280 1808 Determed Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 64 - 57 52.9%
2283 192 Ripanewone Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 3 - 18 14.3%
2283 192 Starflyer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Synergia 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 192 Milraw Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Druid Feral Mount of Warcraft 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 192 Tysonboom Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Brute Force NL 2 - 16 11.1%
2283 192 Drudulicious Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Influenza 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 192 Balgus Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Gooped 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 192 Previously Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 192 Bigmandruid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 2 - 9 18.2%
2283 1760 Dirim Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Goetia 25 - 26 49.0%
2283 192 Stopwatching Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Outland Elite 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 192 Kittyconcarn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance NO TRYHARD NEEDED 2 - 4 33.3%
2283 1056 Óoe Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 11 - 17 39.3%
2283 1751 Stormage Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Less Friends More PVP 29 - 40 42.0%
2285 1873 Riptile Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 35 - 40 46.7%
2286 1935 Holyshtako Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution Het Gemeenteplein 26 - 22 54.2%
2286 1782 Yexiby Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 53 - 49 52.0%
2286 1782 Kekvv Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Jaat BEgot 137 - 151 47.6%
2286 1635 Redjé Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Korgall refugees 20 - 23 46.5%
2288 1759 Fluric Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 27 - 27 50.0%
2289 1611 Eliza Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 56 - 52 51.9%
2291 576 Tmaz Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 6 - 0 100.0%
2291 576 Xpetrificus Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Zeus 6 - 18 25.0%
2291 1634 Mamen Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 158 - 150 51.3%
2291 576 Bigdeeps Outland Horde Troll Female Warlock Affliction 6 - 0 100.0%
2291 576 Undeadbabe Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 6 - 6 50.0%
2291 576 Bitcoinmíner Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology 6 - 12 33.3%
2291 576 Desrak Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 6 - 6 50.0%
2292 1671 Madridistaß Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 23 - 16 59.0%
2292 1757 Zevisww Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker TNW 22 - 32 40.7%
2295 1579 Bloodangl Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 18 - 29 38.3%
2298 1755 Nesjr Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Monk Windwalker IS A BRO 19 - 22 46.3%
2299 1807 Lilservant Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 26 - 17 60.5%
2300 1986 Fmldmg Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 171 - 138 55.3%
2301 1578 Rucev Outland Horde Tauren Male Monk Mistweaver 22 - 26 45.8%
2306 1871 Âlígés Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Pure Chaos 28 - 36 43.8%
2306 1631 Hyrrïé Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 17 - 19 47.2%
2306 1871 Luzia Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline All for one 43 - 35 55.1%
2306 1576 Lizardwang Outland Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 402 - 414 49.3%
2308 950 Wiro Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 10 - 14 41.7%
2309 1745 Gingerdward Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 49 - 39 55.7%
2309 1892 Lolipopz Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Timelost 48 - 42 53.3%
2312 1055 Dragkween Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 11 - 13 45.8%
2313 1775 Tulipman Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 50 - 48 51.0%
2313 1776 Ghøßt Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Oùt of Control 26 - 10 72.2%
2314 784 Yagglybuff Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Say Bye Bye 9 - 10 47.4%
2315 768 Timzør Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Outland Elite 8 - 4 66.7%
2315 1816 Bellanaris Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Flemish Elite 40 - 20 66.7%
2315 768 Mithrandil Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 8 - 4 66.7%
2315 768 Nosheep Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Outland Elite 8 - 10 44.4%
2316 1774 Shildrey Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 104 - 100 51.0%
2317 1671 Vodokill Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 94 - 114 45.2%
2317 1983 Imprøved Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 252 - 228 52.5%
2318 1773 Bówyóurfácé Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 28 - 36 43.8%
2322 1806 Deathredbull Outland Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost 24 - 30 44.4%
2324 1746 Sugosumo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Wipealot 51 - 54 48.6%
2324 1152 Hanterica Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 12 - 12 50.0%
2325 1815 Druidbender Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Honor Capped 42 - 35 54.5%
2327 1050 Raynewooney Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 11 - 25 30.6%
2330 1814 Spectere Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Outland Elite 41 - 40 50.6%
2332 1769 Réyéz Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 62 - 69 47.3%
2333 1744 Kungfukush Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Countdown 27 - 30 47.4%
2336 1743 Eonve Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker Ascendum 139 - 142 49.5%
2340 864 Boomslash Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Children of Valhalla 9 - 9 50.0%
2340 864 Possumestari Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 9 - 9 50.0%
2340 1805 Sorrow Outland Alliance Gnome Female Death Knight Frost 49 - 35 58.3%
2341 1767 Daggerz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 74 - 66 52.9%
2342 1767 Scapellotto Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 216 - 215 50.1%
2342 1151 Svorlag Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 12 - 12 50.0%
2342 1151 Guddess Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 12 - 12 50.0%
2343 859 Wnsx Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Oxymore 9 - 15 37.5%
2343 1980 Tobý Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy Pew Pew Kitten Knights 33 - 27 55.0%
2343 1667 Sylox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 52 - 55 48.6%
2344 1927 Némesis Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Influenza 62 - 65 48.8%
2345 1979 Idrogi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy We Angered the Chef 52 - 38 57.8%
2345 1979 Czdlol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 120 - 126 48.8%
2350 1738 Obzelete Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration kkokk has friends 19 - 7 73.1%
2351 1740 Babagumba Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 93 - 98 48.7%
2353 1866 Naphelia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Hootsforce 35 - 24 59.3%
2356 960 Aknologiya Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Take last dying breath 10 - 8 55.6%
2356 1739 Trensomnia Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 145 - 137 51.4%
2357 1811 Teddyshape Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Virtuoso 25 - 21 54.3%
2358 1738 Nolo Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 67 - 70 48.9%
2358 1886 Ironballs Outland Horde Tauren Male Warrior Arms The Mental Institute 39 - 42 48.1%
2360 1656 Vodookiller Outland Horde Troll Male Warlock Affliction 79 - 78 50.3%
2362 1895 Jabulan Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Lost Soul 20 - 10 66.7%
2364 1662 Niandraladex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 68 - 87 43.9%
2365 768 Oldbôss Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Cloud Gamer 8 - 4 66.7%
2365 1760 Stealthizer Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Otherland 49 - 35 58.3%
2366 1864 Bloodanglee Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 55 - 60 47.8%
2366 1864 Adssdfhjgh Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Dekadens 36 - 30 54.5%
2368 1976 Astralscare Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Wardance 76 - 74 50.7%
2369 1759 Someøne Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Hüljatud 60 - 54 52.6%
2369 1759 Angryluna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination rngg 20 - 8 71.4%
2370 1567 Shadmind Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 34 - 50 40.5%
2373 1894 Elidris Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 73 - 59 55.3%
2374 1661 Ninjaaki Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 40 - 31 56.3%
2376 1733 Bigdåddy Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 19 - 30 38.8%
2378 1975 Diva Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy Hüljatud 206 - 172 54.5%
2383 1862 Truthspeaker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 22 - 14 61.1%
2383 1862 Valyreon Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 29 - 31 48.3%
2384 1619 Maronnè Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Ace Hood 45 - 55 45.0%
2384 1808 Gagawa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 116 - 110 51.3%
2384 1974 Perinéum Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 32 - 34 48.5%
2385 1649 Dharilorian Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Victory or Valhalla 64 - 74 46.4%
2385 576 Bojango Outland Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Survival IRON DYNASTY 6 - 6 50.0%
2385 576 Baopao Outland Horde Nightborne Female Hunter Marksmanship 6 - 12 33.3%
2385 576 Grq Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 6 - 12 33.3%
2386 1102 Warhunti Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 33 - 39 45.8%
2389 1559 Shadowtosser Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Virtuoso 44 - 42 51.2%
2395 1646 Kurohitsugí Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Misär 51 - 42 54.8%
2395 1890 Jnic Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Allurium 96 - 96 50.0%
2398 959 Jylini Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 10 - 2 83.3%
2400 1528 Feddoor Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 56 - 64 46.7%
2401 1802 Mobberen Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Danish Raiders Reborn 19 - 19 50.0%
2401 1802 Frostjuggen Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Cleaving with the stars 94 - 103 47.7%
2401 1889 Kungenn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 23 - 31 42.6%
2401 1806 Laedruid Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 55 - 67 45.1%
2401 1615 Dbxstyle Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost 40 - 45 47.1%
2402 1547 Darknessmann Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Genetics 72 - 85 45.9%
2405 1751 Arrowmane Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 49 - 39 55.7%
2409 1888 Fbiiopenup Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 47 - 37 56.0%
2411 1613 Whipuqt Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 17 - 9 65.4%
2412 1056 Realbigwilly Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 11 - 7 61.1%
2412 1056 Nylemitchell Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery miese bois 11 - 13 45.8%
2415 447 Badastab Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 5 - 12 29.4%
2416 1549 Noserenity Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 18 - 23 43.9%
2417 1875 Unidropout Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 60 - 52 53.6%
2418 927 Îmissmop Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 11 - 9 55.0%
2419 1721 Isÿ Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker D o A 31 - 14 68.9%
2423 1546 Darkuss Outland Alliance Draenei Male Priest Shadow Virtuoso 18 - 23 43.9%
2426 1720 Twotapjohn Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 50 - 49 50.5%
2430 1055 Unholiae Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Otherland 11 - 19 36.7%
2430 1579 Hatsuli Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Legio Mortis 17 - 19 47.2%
2430 1519 Rightlight Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 27 - 38 41.5%
2433 672 Hidrax Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 7 - 5 58.3%
2433 672 Dorimilol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 7 - 5 58.3%
2433 672 Hyrrïé Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 7 - 5 58.3%
2433 672 Eramagic Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire 7 - 11 38.9%
2435 1607 Tmbigfrigid Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire 19 - 33 36.5%
2435 1607 Acx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 43 - 47 47.8%
2435 1638 Shildead Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Affliction Ascendum 23 - 12 65.7%
2436 1800 Sephulcer Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 64 - 68 48.5%
2436 1800 Johankoo Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy The Venomspit 74 - 80 48.1%
2436 1800 Asp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Horde Stole My Epics 97 - 78 55.4%
2437 384 Roguemains Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 4 - 8 33.3%
2437 384 Novemberxii Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology 4 - 19 17.4%
2437 384 Merrciless Outland Alliance Draenei Male Warlock Destruction Achievement Hunters 4 - 2 66.7%
2437 384 Zymn Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Ram Ranch Cowboys 4 - 8 33.3%
2437 384 Stoods Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 4 - 2 66.7%
2437 384 Tizianolol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Exgenius 4 - 8 33.3%
2437 384 Vegangains Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Fragments 4 - 2 66.7%
2439 1517 Álèc Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 16 - 20 44.4%
2439 1517 Uniqed Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Protection Valàr Morghùlis 16 - 8 66.7%
2440 768 Ratsniffer Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms KBROS 8 - 10 44.4%
2440 768 Randythered Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms NO TRYHARD NEEDED 8 - 4 66.7%
2441 1637 Sõber Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Hüljatud 24 - 34 41.4%
2441 1606 Boomfrost Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost Children of Valhalla 37 - 43 46.3%
2444 1964 Xxks Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 56 - 33 62.9%
2445 864 Dragoneass Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 9 - 9 50.0%
2447 1738 Galloglaigh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 19 - 20 48.7%
2451 1531 Vrathen Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 48 - 63 43.2%
2451 1534 Montiz Outland Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow 16 - 32 33.3%
2453 1883 Xcrj Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 96 - 85 53.0%
2454 1053 Fascia Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 11 - 7 61.1%
2454 1715 Riptided Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement 98 - 96 50.5%
2455 703 Slasket Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 8 - 18 30.8%
2456 1962 Påskmùst Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy 109 - 91 54.5%
2458 672 Barnameco Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 7 - 5 58.3%
2458 672 Vratch Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Restoration Ascendum 7 - 17 29.2%
2458 1530 Daddyjuicexd Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Priest Shadow 27 - 39 40.9%
2458 672 Deadwölf Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Nafig from the Beach 7 - 11 38.9%
2458 672 Vanabo Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental A Secret Sausage Society 7 - 17 29.2%
2458 672 Elementguy Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Shaman Elemental 7 - 12 36.8%
2459 1712 Daffiy Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 28 - 29 49.1%
2459 1869 Warriorsuksx Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms s e n t r o p e 32 - 40 44.4%
2460 240 Xgazz Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety 3 - 6 33.3%
2461 1634 Vondepew Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 294 - 291 50.3%
2466 1908 Jjiimmyy Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution Rofl So Bad 28 - 25 52.8%
2467 1734 Stifflix Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Gruesome 33 - 38 46.5%
2468 234 Garrygliter Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 4 - 8 33.3%
2468 1868 Tjorva Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 77 - 86 47.2%
2468 234 Töbu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 4 - 4 50.0%
2468 234 Nerozx Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Panzerknacker 4 - 5 44.4%
2469 1800 Lillemöschen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 119 - 110 52.0%
2469 1800 Viggez Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 31 - 53 36.9%
2469 1525 Skillmw Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Outland Elite 17 - 22 43.6%
2470 1642 Qzia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Atreides 37 - 27 57.8%
2472 1849 Eclipsegødz Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 37 - 39 48.7%
2473 1710 Shockedz Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 47 - 41 53.4%
2475 1600 Beautygf Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost 61 - 69 46.9%
2475 1600 Jeynna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 31 - 46 40.3%
2479 1737 Trolarina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Wardance 22 - 32 40.7%
2483 1736 Mclargehuge Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Carpal Tunnel 28 - 33 45.9%
2486 496 Locknéss Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 6 - 7 46.2%
2486 1706 Monkybonk Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 27 - 21 56.3%
2487 480 Kàjah Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Conflict And Strife 5 - 1 83.3%
2487 480 Easyfear Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Ransom 5 - 7 41.7%
2487 480 Lóckydávé Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 5 - 1 83.3%
2487 480 Tomriddle Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 5 - 19 20.8%
2487 480 Scousinator Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Honor Capped 5 - 7 41.7%
2487 1628 ßritneyfears Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 35 - 35 50.0%
2487 480 Salvatoríy Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Affliction 5 - 7 41.7%
2487 1958 Flæys Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 28 - 16 63.6%
2487 480 Brattysis Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction Fallen Immortals 5 - 1 83.3%
2492 1518 Asdffgasdfas Outland Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 19 - 30 38.8%
2492 1797 Obeseferal Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 27 - 48 36.0%
2492 1728 Cornixia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 21 - 20 51.2%
2493 192 Bucksaa Outland Alliance Worgen Male Rogue Subtlety Battle Brothers 2 - 4 33.3%
2493 192 Cphenke Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 2 - 4 33.3%
2493 192 Scuffedwash Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 2 - 4 33.3%
2493 192 Critomaker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Fragments 2 - 4 33.3%
2493 192 Shank Outland Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 2 - 4 33.3%
2493 192 Shinjii Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 2 - 4 33.3%
2494 1709 Rálphé Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Legio Mortis 38 - 48 44.2%
2495 1877 Gullwis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 57 - 42 57.6%
2497 1594 Muabba Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Fire 20 - 24 45.5%
2501 1956 Danina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 36 - 42 46.2%
2501 1956 Ryûzaki Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 27 - 21 56.3%
2503 1501 Mylar Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 23 - 26 46.9%
2506 1902 Fourbatz Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 39 - 41 48.8%
2507 1632 Êëê Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Virtuoso 54 - 65 45.4%
2507 1625 Kaoskvadrat Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology Kurland Warriors 18 - 8 69.2%
2509 1491 Byfar Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 77 - 69 52.7%
2511 1844 Dyngful Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Wipealot 118 - 110 51.8%
2513 1554 Ätreus Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Para Bellum 23 - 25 47.9%
2513 1631 Léxypanterra Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Booty Shake Twerk Club 18 - 15 54.5%
2517 1503 Monksta Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Ancient Empire 24 - 20 54.5%
2521 1704 Denshion Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Ascendum 20 - 13 60.6%
2521 1630 Snepaz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Smells Like Chloroform 48 - 64 42.9%
2524 1952 Nomnomnonmon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 122 - 115 51.5%
2524 1873 Antía Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 38 - 26 59.4%
2525 1899 Endlight Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 77 - 79 49.4%
2525 1586 Illuphior Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Order Of Assassins 17 - 18 48.6%
2526 1585 Didub Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Golddiggerz 30 - 29 50.8%
2526 1702 Shmores Outland Horde Troll Female Shaman Restoration 239 - 216 52.5%
2526 1729 Foxxybabeex Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Ridskolan 47 - 46 50.5%
2527 1697 Burstingfart Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker Ancient Empire 80 - 82 49.4%
2530 768 Tottilotski Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 8 - 16 33.3%
2530 768 Déimos Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 8 - 4 66.7%
2532 480 Lmiliønvalpt Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Oxymore 5 - 13 27.8%
2532 480 Axered Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 5 - 1 83.3%
2532 480 Beastialash Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Absolute 5 - 19 20.8%
2532 480 Twilletwap Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Survival 5 - 1 83.3%
2533 1727 Pommespinnes Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 102 - 86 54.3%
2533 1720 Stabish Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 38 - 55 40.9%
2534 1584 Fütsuü Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Frost 40 - 58 40.8%
2534 1841 Reggintq Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 36 - 10 78.3%
2539 1950 Darkcontrol Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy fat boi 123 - 102 54.7%
2539 1898 Superverse Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 70 - 46 60.3%
2540 1788 Neumos Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration All for one 74 - 96 43.5%
2541 608 Stee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 7 - 9 43.8%
2542 1719 Xanic Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination filthy casuals 21 - 21 50.0%
2543 1787 Letsgodisco Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Erudite 29 - 52 35.8%
2543 1858 Sigmundsdotr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms 162 - 163 49.8%
2545 1618 Sarckardon Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Cleaving with the stars 24 - 36 40.0%
2548 1725 Akseven Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Hunter Marksmanship 264 - 264 50.0%
2548 1490 Bruschete Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 19 - 27 41.3%
2548 1725 Phukjieuw Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 21 - 27 43.8%
2549 576 Maronnè Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Ace Hood 6 - 12 33.3%
2549 576 Yoúng Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 6 - 12 33.3%
2549 576 Kalt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 6 - 6 50.0%
2549 1699 Noccotaste Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration Eastern Cobras Mafia 55 - 57 49.1%
2549 576 Dhdk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Frost 6 - 6 50.0%
2550 1687 Anqan Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Honor Capped 26 - 29 47.3%
2550 959 Tbàg Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Dark Phoeníx 10 - 10 50.0%
2552 1947 Morgama Outland Horde Nightborne Female Priest Discipline Lost Soul 42 - 40 51.2%
2552 1947 Hehebeamuwu Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 56 - 36 60.9%
2557 1946 Burnalot Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Priest Discipline Chronos 41 - 37 52.6%
2559 1867 Demoncasts Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 37 - 45 45.1%
2561 1894 Illumina Outland Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution Ascendum 51 - 57 47.2%
2562 1723 Vengigodx Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 119 - 116 50.6%
2562 1723 Díesel Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 21 - 27 43.8%
2564 1759 Istrollet Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Death Knight Frost Influenza 35 - 38 47.9%
2565 1481 Senjurama Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 108 - 105 50.7%
2565 1683 Zipy Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 27 - 21 56.3%
2565 1696 Oddbeard Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Da bois 29 - 19 60.4%
2567 576 Tonymacaroni Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 6 - 12 33.3%
2567 576 Riptided Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement 6 - 6 50.0%
2567 576 Ròadhog Outland Horde Tauren Male Shaman Elemental Bevendo Monster 6 - 18 25.0%
2570 672 Cutemama Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Danish Raiders Reborn 7 - 5 58.3%
2571 1682 Zogzogz Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 255 - 254 50.1%
2574 1613 Deviene Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Sneakattack 40 - 44 47.6%
2579 1619 Stuncyclone Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Honor Capped 17 - 25 40.5%
2582 1836 Priêst Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Outland Elite 38 - 34 52.8%
2582 1836 Authùmn Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 26 - 28 48.1%
2583 1714 Sølidsnake Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 21 - 15 58.3%
2583 1714 Gnat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 19 - 22 46.3%
2583 1891 Greyard Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution Children of Valhalla 102 - 109 48.3%
2583 1854 Galathron Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms hey im farmer 181 - 177 50.6%
2583 1532 Lickevoker Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 63 - 62 50.4%
2585 938 Thefantasy Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 12 - 25 32.4%
2585 1679 Snippypg Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Influenza 24 - 48 33.3%
2586 1692 Drygolin Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Fragments 31 - 23 57.4%
2588 96 Droodood Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 1 - 12 7.7%
2588 1752 Tzamina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Holographic 33 - 31 51.6%
2588 96 Fjärîll Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance The Green Falcon 1 - 5 16.7%
2588 96 Fatcatexe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 1 - 5 16.7%
2588 96 Floxky Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Virtuoso 1 - 5 16.7%
2588 96 Bigfang Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 1 - 5 16.7%
2588 96 Babaee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Taikaolennot 1 - 5 16.7%
2588 96 Bitez Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 1 - 5 16.7%
2588 96 Brått Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 1 - 5 16.7%
2588 96 Drtörval Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 1 - 5 16.7%
2591 1835 Míndcontrol Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 108 - 99 52.2%
2592 1691 Lavapumper Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 20 - 22 47.6%
2593 1778 Camburger Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 27 - 19 58.7%
2593 1468 Immortállce Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 613 - 663 48.0%
2595 767 Dragön Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 8 - 22 26.7%
2596 1453 Flamepala Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Vision of Extinction 25 - 40 38.5%
2596 1677 Pltr Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 21 - 24 46.7%
2607 1458 Zebrak Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Weeks Behind 66 - 84 44.0%
2607 905 Whíspér Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Ancient Valor 12 - 17 41.4%
2607 905 Kagedo Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Reckoning 12 - 17 41.4%
2607 1458 Sazkul Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Mistweaver 105 - 124 45.9%
2608 1523 Jackspice Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation The Flat Azeroth Society 57 - 57 50.0%
2610 1938 Pennywîse Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 56 - 54 50.9%
2610 1774 Kløriglufsa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 37 - 14 72.5%
2611 1744 Pai Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Death Knight Frost Honor Capped 26 - 25 51.0%
2612 1852 Riginden Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 24 - 18 57.1%
2616 1886 Aslight Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 49 - 56 46.7%
2616 864 Xzmiq Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Influenza 10 - 5 66.7%
2616 864 Cravoss Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Allurium 9 - 3 75.0%
2616 864 Coolhuntswee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 9 - 3 75.0%
2616 864 Seviante Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 9 - 9 50.0%
2616 864 Wéekly Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Female Hunter Survival 9 - 3 75.0%
2618 1603 Vénéficus Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 20 - 28 41.7%
2620 1438 Tuby Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 15 - 33 31.3%
2622 1602 Wfredd Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Virtuoso 135 - 126 51.7%
2622 1602 Exilee Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Honor Capped 46 - 47 49.5%
2622 1772 Swilken Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Restoration kkokk has friends 29 - 19 60.4%
2623 1936 Dathanosp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 60 - 55 52.2%
2623 1936 Harmónia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 28 - 24 53.8%
2623 1858 Inabitza Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 50 - 29 63.3%
2624 703 Charizzard Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation We Were Not Prepared 8 - 18 30.8%
2627 1885 Milkmanron Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Milk Men 25 - 23 52.1%
2629 688 Lizardguy Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 8 - 5 61.5%
2631 672 Operetta Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Legio Mortis 7 - 5 58.3%
2631 1429 Antalgïque Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline 15 - 9 62.5%
2632 1600 Yvykraft Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Danish Raiders Reborn 24 - 30 44.4%
2633 1849 Bulldoozeru Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Protection NO TRYHARD NEEDED 105 - 107 49.5%
2633 1849 Rägeover Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 34 - 55 38.2%
2633 1736 Rammlied Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 31 - 51 37.8%
2636 1684 Bwes Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration TNW 26 - 30 46.4%
2636 1768 Partyhat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 51 - 59 46.4%
2637 1604 Dudinka Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance SLAVEIKOV 27 - 28 49.1%
2638 1665 Hitfacefast Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 64 - 65 49.6%
2638 1709 Kongharáld Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Oxymore 24 - 11 68.6%
2639 1511 Pleaseheal Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 35 - 46 43.2%
2639 1934 Lunåå Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 189 - 160 54.2%
2640 1552 Shreddedx Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost 17 - 19 47.2%
2640 319 Mechanique Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 4 - 4 50.0%
2641 1664 Injct Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker The Legendary Warriors 22 - 20 52.4%
2645 1510 Bloodflight Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Virtuoso 54 - 74 42.2%
2645 1830 Zeroskillz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline epic hero 194 - 186 51.1%
2646 1933 Kpro Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 41 - 13 75.9%
2646 1663 Vidfamne Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker SFR 21 - 21 50.0%
2646 1708 Phatfred Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 40 - 32 55.6%
2647 1766 Shandrella Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 111 - 133 45.5%
2648 288 Undeadbabe Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 3 - 3 50.0%
2648 288 Phulip Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 3 - 3 50.0%
2648 288 Mazîkeen Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Achievement Hunters 3 - 3 50.0%
2648 288 Misswixen Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Demonology Warlords of Doom 3 - 9 25.0%
2648 288 Corpheus Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Destruction 3 - 3 50.0%
2648 288 Hòbó Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction kkokk has friends 3 - 3 50.0%
2648 288 Agredouce Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology Order Of Assassins 3 - 3 50.0%
2651 1701 Factzz Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Rogue Assassination 56 - 47 54.4%
2652 1847 Mårley Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 33 - 27 55.0%
2652 1847 Mitsusuke Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 89 - 91 49.4%
2661 1728 Aphyhos Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Blood 73 - 74 49.7%
2661 1659 Dritfult Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 26 - 34 43.3%
2670 1419 Skiller Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 34 - 31 52.3%
2671 1701 Coolhuntswee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 20 - 10 66.7%
2671 1418 Acetix Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 45 - 59 43.3%
2672 447 Sugosulol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 5 - 12 29.4%
2673 1698 Pinacollada Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination The people of Quraish 39 - 43 47.6%
2674 384 Satantrapbot Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival My Main Is Horde 4 - 2 66.7%
2674 384 Seviante Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 4 - 2 66.7%
2674 384 Wendybaby Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 4 - 8 33.3%
2674 384 Hyp Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 5 - 5 50.0%
2674 384 Joril Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 4 - 2 66.7%
2674 384 Filaliel Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 4 - 2 66.7%
2674 384 Ðeüterium Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 4 - 2 66.7%
2676 1675 Awumbahway Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 22 - 26 45.8%
2676 1761 Insaneiqtlol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Allurium 62 - 71 46.6%
2676 1725 Anxietyman Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Unholy s e n t r o p e 28 - 32 46.7%
2679 431 Óop Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction 5 - 6 45.5%
2680 1414 Bfeqhv Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Corrupted Dawn 15 - 15 50.0%
2684 1927 Hjns Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 204 - 187 52.2%
2685 1699 Svh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Arena Samurai 61 - 55 52.6%
2685 1588 Trïsh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 24 - 18 57.1%
2685 1850 Sakur Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Mandalorians 50 - 42 54.3%
2687 1535 Mmrkleptér Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Arcane 16 - 21 43.2%
2690 607 Exxe Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 7 - 7 50.0%
2699 1586 Mechanique Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 19 - 29 39.6%
2699 576 Bulldoozeru Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Protection NO TRYHARD NEEDED 6 - 12 33.3%
2699 1403 Dimplex Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 60 - 65 48.0%
2699 576 Postworkout Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 6 - 12 33.3%
2699 576 Overrage Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Virtuoso 6 - 0 100.0%
2699 576 Akilez Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Warrior Fury kkokk has friends 6 - 6 50.0%
2701 384 Ðjchåøsx Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction 4 - 8 33.3%
2701 384 Onlylock Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 4 - 2 66.7%
2701 384 Riviah Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction 4 - 2 66.7%
2701 384 Vénéficus Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 4 - 2 66.7%
2701 384 Warjoint Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Warlock Affliction 5 - 11 31.3%
2701 384 Aragõrn Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology 4 - 8 33.3%
2701 384 Branderodod Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 4 - 2 66.7%
2702 522 Swemagus Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire WØLVES 9 - 7 56.3%
2703 857 Thebigboom Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Temple of Óðinn 12 - 9 57.1%
2704 1399 Prixts Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 136 - 116 54.0%
2707 1842 Ogiwankenogi Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Protection Ascendum 80 - 72 52.6%
2707 1689 Ëêë Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 103 - 105 49.5%
2709 1755 Sñk Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 34 - 65 34.3%
2709 480 Kaiduo Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration UniFigthers 5 - 19 20.8%
2709 480 Shockerzz Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental gib 5 - 7 41.7%
2713 512 Xoxoxoxoxó Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 6 - 4 60.0%
2713 1580 Druidotroll Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Balance 35 - 31 53.0%
2714 1583 Navern Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Affliction 28 - 42 40.0%
2716 1529 Trickish Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 385 - 405 48.7%
2716 1342 Zewash Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow Influenza 14 - 10 58.3%
2717 640 Azorgaron Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Phantom Rats 8 - 8 50.0%
2719 639 Võlurike Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Hüljatud 7 - 12 36.8%
2723 810 Cubswanson Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 10 - 21 32.3%
2724 1753 Shiftyceent Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Restoration kkokk has friends 26 - 28 48.1%
2724 1753 Darkklady Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 27 - 26 50.9%
2724 1753 Tattaryaana Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Honor Capped 97 - 82 54.2%
2724 1576 Cattiqa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 19 - 23 45.2%
2726 1840 Éliøkor Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Arms IgniSoul Gaming 33 - 39 45.8%
2726 480 Filento Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Mage Fire 5 - 7 41.7%
2726 480 Rezzyjj Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Fire Rofl So Bad 5 - 7 41.7%
2726 480 Klárix Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Outland Elite 5 - 7 41.7%
2726 480 Kinyõ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Eternal 6 - 3 66.7%
2726 480 Blastx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 5 - 1 83.3%
2726 480 Fikky Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire UnlimitedX 6 - 9 40.0%
2726 480 Smashhed Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Fragments 5 - 7 41.7%
2726 480 Adnwtheslime Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Fire 5 - 1 83.3%
2726 480 Ðxs Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 5 - 1 83.3%
2726 480 Dbxstyle Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost 5 - 7 41.7%
2728 1846 Ninjaakii Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 104 - 107 49.3%
2729 1399 Misskswissy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 26 - 64 28.9%
2732 1872 Chuckycheeze Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Virtuoso 31 - 25 55.4%
2733 1752 Jorgnie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 49 - 60 45.0%
2734 1708 Gashi Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 44 - 62 41.5%
2735 1394 Voodoofistu Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 22 - 29 43.1%
2735 1574 Wizår Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Influenza 21 - 35 37.5%
2736 1578 Fütsumi Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 85 - 102 45.5%
2738 576 Crupthz Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 6 - 6 50.0%
2738 576 Nyxía Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 8 - 5 61.5%
2738 576 Strx Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 6 - 6 50.0%
2739 1577 Jeezi Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 47 - 58 44.8%
2739 1751 Nidskd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 85 - 102 45.5%
2740 768 Hufters Outland Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Beast Mastery Rockstar 8 - 16 33.3%
2740 768 Bricarter Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 8 - 4 66.7%
2740 768 Dahunteer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 8 - 4 66.7%
2740 1918 Truthspeaker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 39 - 29 57.4%
2743 1845 Vidåla Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 91 - 97 48.4%
2743 1845 Iskeke Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 30 - 24 55.6%
2744 1388 Healsaton Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 72 - 84 46.2%
2745 1466 Beamingjuice Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Achievement Hunters 25 - 34 42.4%
2746 1704 Faeskata Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost 18 - 18 50.0%
2749 1917 Leykemia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Wardance 179 - 168 51.6%
2750 1749 Kockara Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration hi im daisy 46 - 75 38.0%
2753 1679 Daqqer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 77 - 83 48.1%
2760 1915 Discoplines Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Sneakattack 69 - 56 55.2%
2760 1748 Rëdbûll Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 57 - 46 55.3%
2760 1869 Nikibrahboi Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 62 - 76 44.9%
2761 1820 Smokingcråck Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 167 - 170 49.6%
2762 1837 Kaf Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Outland Elite 37 - 55 40.2%
2764 1628 Lìdsprìdaren Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker SADDLY 21 - 15 58.3%
2766 1565 Catsgomeow Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 73 - 88 45.3%
2767 1514 Mackduffis Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost filthy casuals 36 - 31 53.7%
2770 1657 Flurpz Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 36 - 24 60.0%
2773 1819 Mindgamesqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 47 - 38 55.3%
2773 1656 Fjällräv Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 36 - 45 44.4%
2775 1674 Xsjado Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Fragments 53 - 42 55.8%
2776 1746 Dres Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Ridskolan 79 - 88 47.3%
2776 1560 Mårde Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 26 - 27 49.1%
2777 1680 Tovalish Outland Horde Goblin Male Hunter Marksmanship Blood Bath 66 - 61 52.0%
2779 1343 Âtom Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 15 - 21 41.7%
2779 1559 Nozmyz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Eternal 95 - 79 54.6%
2782 1842 Celar Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 67 - 71 48.6%
2782 1842 Halamadridx Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 195 - 192 50.4%
2782 159 Iowlq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety OMEGALUL SQUAD 2 - 3 40.0%
2784 1655 Dherio Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 27 - 18 60.0%
2785 1912 Holyshadøws Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy Zeus 43 - 47 47.8%
2785 1743 Zevis Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral TNW 21 - 26 44.7%
2787 1692 Slisklocket Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost Gräv där du står 54 - 64 45.8%
2788 1555 Woltes Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 18 - 24 42.9%
2788 1866 Bashx Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 30 - 28 51.7%
2792 1691 Deadbløød Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 23 - 13 63.9%
2795 1553 Ergott Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 49 - 61 44.5%
2797 1564 Zerogain Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 46 - 38 54.8%
2798 1268 Rølpetroll Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Ascendum 14 - 24 36.8%
2800 1741 Louieform Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 22 - 26 45.8%
2801 63 Sóulbóund Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 2 - 4 33.3%
2802 1834 Sanguisx Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms NO TRYHARD NEEDED 56 - 48 53.8%
2802 1834 Nonmerci Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 71 - 67 51.4%
2804 1652 Kswíss Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Honor Capped 50 - 50 50.0%
2805 48 Alistår Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 1 - 2 33.3%
2806 1675 Ninjakí Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Hunter Marksmanship 35 - 42 45.5%
2807 1440 Shadowkage Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation 15 - 21 41.7%
2809 1739 Krattos Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 48 - 38 55.8%
2810 1909 Lilp Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 37 - 23 61.7%
2812 1559 Bitcoinmíner Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology 59 - 59 50.0%
2813 1342 Nehis Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver Man Dont Care 16 - 11 59.3%
2814 1686 Starkachips Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Carpal Tunnel 20 - 34 37.0%
2818 1737 Hornychicken Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 24 - 29 45.3%
2818 1908 Ouray Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy Last Sun 302 - 297 50.4%
2819 1673 Teeser Outland Alliance Draenei Male Hunter Marksmanship Synergia 39 - 37 51.3%
2820 1665 Éxíle Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Honor Capped 375 - 364 50.7%
2820 1839 Deepóc Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Wowers 25 - 29 46.3%
2821 1649 Ëaë Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Virtuoso 116 - 114 50.4%
2823 1340 Scarkos Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver Outland Elite 14 - 10 58.3%
2827 1325 Hysteria Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy The Silver Hands 14 - 16 46.7%
2828 1648 Hílfiger Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 118 - 120 49.6%
2829 96 Jekin Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Chest Hunters 1 - 5 16.7%
2829 96 Áleana Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination ProTwinks 1 - 5 16.7%
2829 96 Foresstt Outland Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 1 - 5 16.7%
2829 96 Szabina Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Outland Elite 1 - 5 16.7%
2829 96 Glust Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Fool 1 - 5 16.7%
2833 1832 Badastàb Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 21 - 22 48.8%
2833 1832 Bogotaqt Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 28 - 26 51.9%
2834 1681 Ronisize Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Honor Capped 41 - 27 60.3%
2834 1861 Ayjayx Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 29 - 13 69.0%
2835 1610 Shïvä Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker A Perfect Circle 31 - 33 48.4%
2837 31 Kløriglufsa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 1 - 1 50.0%
2839 1734 Owlcitylife Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 54 - 50 51.9%
2840 1310 Lickmyfeet Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 14 - 21 40.0%
2843 574 Óóo Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 7 - 12 36.8%
2847 1551 Amphetalock Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Honor Capped 34 - 37 47.9%
2847 1607 Saltfiend Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Fragments 43 - 45 48.9%
2848 1533 Zia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Influenza 31 - 29 51.7%
2852 1661 Baguettebro Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 23 - 22 51.1%
2853 1547 Branderodod Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 18 - 25 41.9%
2855 1484 Snotball Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Arcane Third International 35 - 46 43.2%
2856 447 Realmadridx Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 5 - 6 45.5%
2857 1904 Närgie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 35 - 31 53.0%
2859 1531 Zydrudz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 17 - 31 35.4%
2860 1813 Ahbe Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline POKEMONZ 72 - 70 50.7%
2861 1530 Swiftcläw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Eternal 41 - 41 50.0%
2861 1601 Usuey Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Windwalker 35 - 40 46.7%
2862 1730 Juhato Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 25 - 35 41.7%
2864 480 Eliza Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 5 - 7 41.7%
2864 480 Drakoducko Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 5 - 1 83.3%
2864 480 Monnes Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Order Of Assassins 5 - 19 20.8%
2864 480 Mxdragon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Wardance 5 - 1 83.3%
2864 1309 Ninjakii Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 19 - 33 36.5%
2864 480 Bräntbröd Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 5 - 1 83.3%
2864 480 Jumbyfly Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Outlands Realist 5 - 7 41.7%
2866 1600 Cognack Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker SEA MEN 94 - 102 48.0%
2866 1663 Hnxx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 24 - 24 50.0%
2870 1284 Plebkick Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 15 - 12 55.6%
2870 336 Beahnt Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery Legio Mortis 4 - 11 26.7%
2870 495 Beasterbunny Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 6 - 8 42.9%
2872 480 Shiityhead Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Warrior Fury Oxymore 5 - 13 27.8%
2872 480 Berree Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Eternal 5 - 7 41.7%
2872 480 Yorage Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 5 - 7 41.7%
2872 672 Phatfred Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 7 - 5 58.3%
2872 480 Hyræ Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Protection 5 - 7 41.7%
2872 480 Lucíus Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury AnderGraunÐz 5 - 7 41.7%
2872 480 Avocadogrill Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury 5 - 1 83.3%
2872 480 Cuthrøat Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Age Quod Agis 5 - 19 20.8%
2873 1834 Consumemagic Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 24 - 21 53.3%
2873 1834 Takingover Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 115 - 95 54.8%
2873 1598 Ninjamunkki Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Brewmaster Taikaolennot 17 - 30 36.2%
2874 384 Hnx Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 4 - 8 33.3%
2874 384 Splendead Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Oxymore 5 - 11 31.3%
2874 1198 Holyspent Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline 13 - 16 44.8%
2874 384 Svamm Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 4 - 8 33.3%
2874 384 Zandalarian Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 4 - 14 22.2%
2875 1542 Dæh Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Affliction 31 - 46 40.3%
2878 1856 Cutebabe Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 85 - 89 48.9%
2878 1524 Alistår Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 39 - 45 46.4%
2878 1524 Tarâkings Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance EVO GAMING 44 - 20 68.8%
2878 1657 Lilitheonia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Afflicted 22 - 25 46.8%
2882 1661 Moonfizz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Ascendum 90 - 96 48.4%
2883 1833 Alsaher Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 50 - 52 49.0%
2885 288 Rumpelstilts Outland Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Marksmanship 3 - 3 50.0%
2885 288 Dannyvye Outland Alliance Draenei Male Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 3 - 3 50.0%
2885 288 Syoreji Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival NO TRYHARD NEEDED 3 - 3 50.0%
2885 288 Freddebass Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Hardhaus 3 - 3 50.0%
2887 1474 Snifis Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Taikaolennot 36 - 46 43.9%
2888 1537 Cdark Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 29 - 42 40.8%
2891 256 Lîlíth Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 4 - 0 100.0%
2895 1658 Ärtëmis Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Para Bellum 23 - 17 57.5%
2898 1397 Cubswansonx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 29 - 51 36.3%
2899 1519 Caèlas Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Honor Capped 53 - 61 46.5%
2900 1534 Qena Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Taikaolennot 158 - 150 51.3%
2900 1725 Yoocool Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Nox Aeterna 139 - 120 53.7%
2902 1827 Bigbanz Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 28 - 30 48.3%
2902 1517 Ripanewone Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 16 - 20 44.4%
2906 1724 Penpop Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 317 - 314 50.2%
2908 1247 Doñkappa Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Achievement Hunters 13 - 17 43.3%
2909 1651 Ninjáki Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Rogue Assassination 50 - 40 55.6%
2910 1531 Soulreapa Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction NetflixandKillGasm 45 - 59 43.3%
2912 1462 Cubmagi Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Arcane 24 - 44 35.3%
2912 1462 Ankhemagic Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Mage Frost Eternal 17 - 11 60.7%
2917 1830 Zëx Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 34 - 30 53.1%
2919 192 Drjpeterson Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Shadow Hammer 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Vhw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Watchmedott Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Outlandish Lies 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Tää Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction Taikaolennot 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Locknéss Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Clarahaunt Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Clara 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Xaton Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Demonology 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Dreamdaisy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction DUNGEON PLUS RBG 2 - 4 33.3%
2919 192 Gravediggerr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Ace Hood 2 - 4 33.3%
2922 1808 Amitofo Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Discipline 111 - 126 46.8%
2927 1575 Xsydemonk Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 19 - 27 41.3%
2927 1895 Painz Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 321 - 319 50.2%
2930 384 Mállén Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane Ascendum 4 - 8 33.3%
2930 384 Futpolic Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 4 - 2 66.7%
2930 1247 Risbrg Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 13 - 11 54.2%
2930 384 Valyrean Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire 4 - 8 33.3%
2930 384 Filthonacid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane Achievement Hunters 4 - 2 66.7%
2930 384 Yennéfér Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Noctis 4 - 9 30.8%
2930 384 Froztynuts Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 4 - 8 33.3%
2930 384 Onlymage Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 4 - 2 66.7%
2930 384 Cheeku Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Fragments 4 - 2 66.7%
2931 1825 Verikan Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Accidentally Competent 58 - 47 55.2%
2932 351 Ðjfearalot Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction WØLFPACK 5 - 3 62.5%
2934 1720 Òomkin Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration Taikaolennot 28 - 32 46.7%
2935 1572 Agn Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 20 - 25 44.4%
2936 1645 Persës Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 69 - 60 53.5%
2938 1807 Roniwiisli Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline NO TRYHARD NEEDED 121 - 118 50.6%
2938 1807 Shadmind Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 219 - 223 49.5%
2940 1500 Shallboom Outland Alliance Worgen Male Druid Balance FATES EMBRACE 29 - 41 41.4%
2943 1652 Flúké Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Virtuoso 19 - 23 45.2%
2947 1651 Nobiggie Outland Alliance Gnome Female Death Knight Unholy Svea Rikes Livgarde 51 - 54 48.6%
2947 1824 Sobbo Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 63 - 52 54.8%
2949 1363 Laeroar Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 15 - 18 45.5%
2950 1650 Andrastá Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 27 - 26 50.9%
2950 1892 Yeas Outland Alliance Mechagnome Male Priest Holy 324 - 301 51.8%
2950 1650 Honeona Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Death Knight Unholy 22 - 26 45.8%
2950 1628 Rázil Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 25 - 22 53.2%
2950 1520 Domeijlock Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Niplez 16 - 8 66.7%
2950 1718 Feelingdizzy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 49 - 36 57.6%
2957 1827 Byakuyo Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 91 - 83 52.3%
2957 1626 Hemsedal Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Ace Hood 40 - 33 54.8%
2958 1823 Itsnasty Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 52 - 44 54.2%
2960 1716 Àlí Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Eastern Cobras Mafia 37 - 71 34.3%
2965 1555 Mydmgnerf Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Fragments 25 - 34 42.4%
2965 1715 Momsey Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Druid Restoration Man Dont Care 97 - 78 55.4%
2965 1715 Eldrelia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 18 - 18 50.0%
2967 288 Kaldun Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Crabby 3 - 3 50.0%
2967 288 Oksanna Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Zeus 3 - 3 50.0%
2967 288 Badastab Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 3 - 3 50.0%
2967 288 Galardodric Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction Taikaolennot 3 - 3 50.0%
2967 288 Bluume Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 3 - 3 50.0%
2967 288 Craqi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 3 - 3 50.0%
2969 1642 Nvb Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship November Rain 21 - 16 56.8%
2969 1440 Pukx Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost 17 - 13 56.7%
2975 1713 Psychobeast Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 535 - 507 51.3%
2976 1506 Bolívia Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Afflicted 19 - 15 55.9%
2976 1088 Hattiwattì Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Resisposse 13 - 7 65.0%
2979 1341 Mxdragon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Wardance 14 - 4 77.8%
2981 1622 Napalmqt Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Svea Rikes Livgarde 49 - 49 50.0%
2985 1712 Grea Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 21 - 27 43.8%
2987 1821 Diggnee Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 30 - 28 51.7%
2988 1638 Yourmomie Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 78 - 66 54.2%
2991 1437 Milokr Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost 15 - 9 62.5%
2991 1502 Vraccoo Outland Alliance Mechagnome Female Warlock Affliction 113 - 117 49.1%
2991 1502 Corpheus Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Destruction 55 - 65 45.8%
2995 1501 Timekill Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 103 - 133 43.6%
2996 1846 Holyeuph Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Influenza 24 - 18 57.1%
2997 1637 Rdevill Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 19 - 23 45.2%
2999 1207 Excutus Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver NO TRYHARD NEEDED 42 - 54 43.8%
3004 1709 Weexino Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Let The Angels Guard Us 29 - 19 60.4%
3004 1709 Kitingalways Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Wardance 21 - 13 61.8%
3006 1845 Kaigege Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 221 - 220 50.1%
3007 1803 Wiwzi Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 35 - 41 46.1%
3007 1803 Lilpriestess Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Priest Discipline 30 - 17 63.8%
3008 1194 Brofistmw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 15 - 25 37.5%
3008 1194 Rabitdroping Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 14 - 16 46.7%
3008 1329 Drakepaul Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 15 - 21 41.7%
3009 1617 Teekerina Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 412 - 421 49.5%
3009 1630 Easyh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination xdding 17 - 19 47.2%
3009 1533 Laspion Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Windwalker Half of Legend 27 - 46 37.0%
3012 1823 Demonrich Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Ace Hood 98 - 106 48.0%
3012 1168 Remaru Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy Oxymore 13 - 12 52.0%
3015 1844 Gotthejuice Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 27 - 21 56.3%
3015 1844 Almightythor Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 109 - 98 52.7%
3015 1055 Valerica Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 11 - 13 45.8%
3022 1629 Stealthyslut Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 17 - 7 70.8%
3026 1706 Zmira Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 27 - 51 34.6%
3033 576 Karton Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 6 - 0 100.0%
3033 576 Hisok Outland Alliance Gnome Female Hunter Marksmanship 6 - 24 20.0%
3033 576 Krooghan Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Make Outland Great Again 6 - 6 50.0%
3034 384 Theredpepper Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 4 - 8 33.3%
3034 384 Oogabuga Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 4 - 8 33.3%
3034 384 Vhaalar Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 4 - 2 66.7%
3034 384 Golward Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Laughing Popcorns 4 - 2 66.7%
3034 384 Hazsard Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Fragments 4 - 2 66.7%
3034 384 Sneezedragon Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Outland Elite 4 - 8 33.3%
3034 384 Malowux Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation KBROS 4 - 2 66.7%
3036 1151 Paladinblack Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Fragments 12 - 6 66.7%
3041 1151 Emra Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Monk Mistweaver 12 - 6 66.7%
3041 1047 Fitebarj Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 11 - 7 61.1%
3044 1623 Quokky Outland Alliance Draenei Female Death Knight Unholy Ceskoslovenska banda 17 - 25 40.5%
3046 1800 Verti Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 24 - 17 58.5%
3052 1620 Raihor Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 95 - 99 49.0%
3054 1454 Berrebo Outland Horde Troll Female Druid Balance 41 - 26 61.2%
3055 1518 Donkiller Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Atreides 19 - 25 43.2%
3055 1150 Crinjilmao Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Achievement Hunters 12 - 6 66.7%
3057 1624 Loum Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 18 - 20 47.4%
3058 1878 Electricbat Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow 32 - 21 60.4%
3062 1799 Kjeveløs Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 77 - 69 52.7%
3062 1799 Hötchick Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 26 - 29 47.3%
3068 1137 Aztec Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy 12 - 18 40.0%
3070 1839 Abelone Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Nox Aeterna 128 - 128 50.0%
3070 1839 Palindia Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 73 - 74 49.7%
3072 988 Klerra Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Six Eggs 11 - 11 50.0%
3074 1815 Záge Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 19 - 23 45.2%
3074 1507 Boudewijn Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker NO TRYHARD NEEDED 127 - 123 50.8%
3075 1144 Bizchaz Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 12 - 12 50.0%
3078 1275 Mmöklöö Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 28 - 26 51.9%
3079 960 Döpräst Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 10 - 9 52.6%
3079 1617 Niamhi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Honor Capped 17 - 22 43.6%
3081 1838 Sbmx Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Zeus 27 - 29 48.2%
3081 1838 Eirikki Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Svea Rikes Livgarde 36 - 37 49.3%
3081 1698 Decks Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration ComeHonorFaces 74 - 83 47.1%
3082 48 Defyus Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Eternal 1 - 2 33.3%
3083 1623 Sensill Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Ascendum 18 - 24 42.9%
3085 1797 Aurèlia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Fragments 37 - 30 55.2%
3085 1814 Torpus Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 70 - 37 65.4%
3087 42 Stare Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 3 - 7 30.0%
3087 42 Ourlastnight Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 2 - 7 22.2%
3088 239 Moonfizz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Ascendum 3 - 2 60.0%
3088 1611 Daimonkiller Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Peace Is Offline 22 - 38 36.7%
3089 1622 Rudimudi Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 309 - 328 48.5%
3090 330 Iluvcookie Outland Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Shaman Elemental kkokk has friends 5 - 5 50.0%
3092 1096 Ilovemia Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Influenza 13 - 29 31.0%
3095 1837 Kawakii Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution kkokk has friends 98 - 82 54.4%
3098 224 Durtyy Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Survival Skill Issue 3 - 13 18.8%
3098 1609 Dksim Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Society 132 - 124 51.6%
3099 1602 Vadpasarici Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 23 - 42 35.4%
3099 1695 Drkoala Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 18 - 29 38.3%
3100 1251 Drakoducko Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 30 - 41 42.3%
3101 1817 Noccostyle Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc November Rain 40 - 34 54.1%
3101 1248 Snôwmìxî Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 13 - 29 31.0%
3101 1817 Lilskillidan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 24 - 20 54.5%
3105 1068 Xurdenai Outland Alliance Draenei Male Paladin Retribution 38 - 43 46.9%
3105 1068 Galyxia Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy No 12 - 21 36.4%
3106 31 Xkebyzlobg Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Subtlety Honor Capped 1 - 1 50.0%
3107 288 Iddoz Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 288 Totemkillen Outland Horde Troll Male Shaman Elemental 3 - 9 25.0%
3107 192 Patrashkovva Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 4 33.3%
3107 288 Highfalstad Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 3 - 9 25.0%
3107 192 Steelarrow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 10 16.7%
3107 288 Goldva Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 288 Joeyexe Outland Horde Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 288 Bloodclaat Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Elemental 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 288 Cmeptunyoram Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 288 Monktraîner Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 288 Bakakiri Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 3 - 9 25.0%
3107 192 Knoxröd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 2 - 4 33.3%
3107 288 Swapxy Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 192 Clydefrog Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 4 33.3%
3107 288 Grimssly Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Man Dont Care 3 - 9 25.0%
3107 1607 Dlfïi Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Feu Vert 19 - 10 65.5%
3107 192 Bigchibrax Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 4 33.3%
3107 192 Bossmanhunt Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Pew Pew Kitten Knights 2 - 4 33.3%
3107 192 Therrow Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 2 - 4 33.3%
3107 288 Prísonmike Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Restoration 3 - 3 50.0%
3107 288 Nämielle Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement 3 - 9 25.0%
3110 1873 Nilvanilla Outland Horde Vulpera Female Priest Holy 144 - 144 50.0%
3110 384 Dersky Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Ascendum 4 - 8 33.3%
3110 384 Jagärfarlig Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Honor Capped 4 - 2 66.7%
3110 384 Vetaa Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 4 - 2 66.7%
3110 384 Høvdingen Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Outland Elite 4 - 8 33.3%
3110 384 Hawkman Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms Outworld 4 - 2 66.7%
3110 384 Reenba Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Achievement Hunters 4 - 2 66.7%
3110 384 Beaán Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Legio Mortis 4 - 8 33.3%
3111 1432 Drussim Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Society 35 - 40 46.7%
3112 1598 Thrôn Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 29 - 32 47.5%
3112 1598 Aevlynn Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental 47 - 37 56.0%
3112 1606 Muzdk Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 20 - 25 44.4%
3114 959 Oiwotsit Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline And What Guldan 10 - 2 83.3%
3114 959 Sonicx Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 10 - 20 33.3%
3116 1816 Ivanovska Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 45 - 42 51.7%
3116 1816 Dhfine Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 76 - 74 50.7%
3116 1816 Darktaximen Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 83 - 77 51.9%
3121 1480 Louie Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker Ancient Empire 164 - 161 50.5%
3122 1604 Injdk Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 26 - 22 54.2%
3122 1792 Tsagaki Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Virtuoso 209 - 195 51.7%
3122 1609 Futsümi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 36 - 50 41.9%
3125 1603 Thearthas Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 96 - 119 44.7%
3130 1426 Dathanoszszs Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 15 - 21 41.7%
3132 1608 Mercyã Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Dark Ages 17 - 13 56.7%
3133 1055 Pandre Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver 11 - 1 91.7%
3133 1811 Whitewòlf Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Arms 27 - 17 61.4%
3144 1054 Reiti Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Ancient Empire 11 - 13 45.8%
3145 1419 Reco Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Guardian 19 - 29 39.6%
3146 1605 Thatsucked Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Achievement Hunters 17 - 13 56.7%
3146 1605 Smokeyx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Horde Stole My Epics 22 - 30 42.3%
3146 1230 Baeliz Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Children of Valhalla 119 - 133 47.2%
3148 1416 Baox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 15 - 21 41.7%
3149 1053 Monkness Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 11 - 28 28.2%
3152 1222 Gluenvok Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 15 - 52 22.4%
3153 1589 Forgrim Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 74 - 83 47.1%
3158 1832 Doomhornqt Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 274 - 271 50.3%
3159 1785 Ryûzaki Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 64 - 74 46.4%
3162 1586 Leerox Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Virtuoso 18 - 27 40.0%
3163 1813 Paizana Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Achievement Hunters 21 - 17 55.3%
3163 1354 Tindomiel Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Frost 63 - 55 53.4%
3163 1813 Inksanity Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 38 - 42 47.5%
3163 1354 Uchihameexon Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Mage Arcane 74 - 96 43.5%
3172 96 Klaríix Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 3 - 2 60.0%
3172 96 Løstsoul Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 1 - 5 16.7%
3172 96 Vidfamnes Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology 1 - 5 16.7%
3172 96 Sugosulol Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 1 - 5 16.7%
3172 1035 Nalkyra Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Monk Windwalker Reckoning 12 - 32 27.3%
3175 288 Soulreapr Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Whiny Old Men 3 - 12 20.0%
3175 288 Frøstnight Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire 3 - 9 25.0%
3175 288 Tallboy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Honor Capped 3 - 3 50.0%
3175 288 Sickßlink Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 3 - 9 25.0%
3175 1607 Ashigarami Outland Horde Undead Male Hunter Marksmanship 26 - 24 52.0%
3175 288 Fossberget Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire Atreides 3 - 9 25.0%
3175 288 Sondremage Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 3 - 3 50.0%
3175 288 Pablitocobar Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire 3 - 9 25.0%
3175 288 Smolmage Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Fire Achievement Hunters 3 - 9 25.0%
3175 288 Lumisä Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 3 - 3 50.0%
3176 864 Crazysarkius Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow 10 - 17 37.0%
3176 1812 Rénacaiton Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 41 - 43 48.8%
3176 864 Darkcontrol Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy fat boi 9 - 9 50.0%
3176 1783 Deformator Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Peace Is Offline 131 - 131 50.0%
3180 1831 Kàdj Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Escadron du Crépuscule 28 - 20 58.3%
3181 1808 Shearstress Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 38 - 40 48.7%
3181 1808 Turbodream Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 22 - 14 61.1%
3182 1682 Doffex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 54 - 40 57.4%
3187 1862 Smehp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Curry Curry Nam Nam 33 - 27 55.0%
3189 1344 Xawokem Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Frost 14 - 4 77.8%
3191 1581 Nobundó Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 57 - 54 51.4%
3193 1171 Dragön Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 40 - 79 33.6%
3194 1811 Klaríxx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 61 - 66 48.0%
3194 1861 Willenskraft Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 33 - 31 51.6%
3194 1006 Lightll Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 11 - 19 36.7%
3195 1166 Sdragastabbe Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 14 - 16 46.7%
3196 1580 Terezah Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration PROBLEM OFFICER 35 - 44 44.3%
3196 1430 Løstsoul Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 15 - 9 62.5%
3198 1343 Elmagoloco Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 14 - 4 77.8%
3198 1343 Narcomaagi Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 14 - 13 51.9%
3198 1343 Crocki Outland Alliance Mechagnome Female Mage Frost 93 - 120 43.7%
3200 1577 Zagoôo Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 25 - 32 43.9%
3200 1679 Eziodruid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 103 - 126 45.0%
3203 1001 Astonoth Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 14 - 35 28.6%
3205 1576 Reapersbones Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 210 - 185 53.2%
3207 1577 Dagoremus Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration 94 - 117 44.5%
3207 1678 Ðárcý Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Confidential 19 - 11 63.3%
3208 1810 Sürena Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 30 - 50 37.5%
3208 1382 Gagawa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 17 - 25 40.5%
3210 960 Vidfamne Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker SFR 10 - 20 33.3%
3210 960 Fhengwei Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver Leveling 10 - 2 83.3%
3217 960 Bizb Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 10 - 2 83.3%
3220 1858 Ëë Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy November Rain 151 - 131 53.5%
3221 1809 Poisondamage Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 240 - 231 51.0%
3226 1676 Sugosu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Achievement Hunters 42 - 44 48.8%
3227 1574 Ørøçhý Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Pure Chaos 41 - 64 39.0%
3234 1360 Kissu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance SEA MEN 59 - 71 45.4%
3235 1805 Jorgna Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 157 - 135 53.8%
3238 1775 Tayswiftxd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Its Ya Boi Ben 49 - 49 50.0%
3238 1775 Skilldisc Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Outland Elite 24 - 26 48.0%
3240 1401 Zerosec Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 17 - 13 56.7%
3241 480 Jhonnymelabo Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery kkokk has friends 5 - 7 41.7%
3241 480 Makazradon Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Honor Capped 5 - 1 83.3%
3241 480 Ezzo Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 5 - 8 38.5%
3241 480 Samme Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Svea Rikes Livgarde 5 - 7 41.7%
3241 480 Imacup Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 5 - 7 41.7%
3241 480 Scatter Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Unseen Brotherhood 5 - 1 83.3%
3246 1855 Mianka Outland Alliance Draenei Female Priest Holy 114 - 117 49.4%
3249 1580 Havelyn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Nox Aeterna 20 - 30 40.0%
3251 1327 Devined Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost PVPMANIA 98 - 99 49.7%
3252 1557 Necronen Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 42 - 40 51.2%
3254 1826 Leoxander Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 74 - 79 48.4%
3258 288 Slator Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 3 - 15 16.7%
3258 288 Goofballx Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 3 - 9 25.0%
3258 288 Drlord Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 3 - 9 25.0%
3259 234 Oceanaa Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 4 - 4 50.0%
3263 1343 Seharbaz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 14 - 10 58.3%
3265 1574 Npkx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination UnlimitedX 18 - 25 41.9%
3270 1564 Törsk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 34 - 48 41.5%
3272 955 Carasul Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution kinda PENG THO 10 - 38 20.8%
3272 816 Fearocityx Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 9 - 12 42.9%
3275 223 Meganlocks Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction 3 - 5 37.5%
3279 192 Delkeeper Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warlock Destruction 2 - 10 16.7%
3279 192 Gozrot Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology Eternal 2 - 4 33.3%
3279 192 Antia Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Honor Capped 2 - 4 33.3%
3279 192 Gyzmo Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 2 - 4 33.3%
3279 192 Hululi Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Taikaolennot 2 - 10 16.7%
3279 192 Corpheus Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Destruction 2 - 4 33.3%
3279 1348 Dbbk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 21 - 35 37.5%
3279 192 Htaew Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction InstinctA 2 - 4 33.3%
3279 192 Destruckted Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 2 - 4 33.3%
3280 1344 Swas Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 14 - 22 38.9%
3284 948 Strûgglebûs Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 14 - 21 40.0%
3284 1802 Bitterbones Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury The Meg 25 - 35 41.7%
3284 1802 Gzúz Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 27 - 27 50.0%
3291 1577 Kremalol Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 21 - 31 40.4%
3293 768 Sleepyholy Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 8 - 10 44.4%
3293 768 Filen Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Discipline 8 - 4 66.7%
3293 768 ßeatitudes Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy mebs 8 - 10 44.4%
3295 1849 Aiwassx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 32 - 28 53.3%
3295 1575 Legoolass Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 23 - 28 45.1%
3300 1297 Wealldiee Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost 68 - 83 45.0%
3300 1532 Dufackerikke Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Rolig Records 16 - 20 44.4%
3301 906 Yuwong Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver 11 - 18 37.9%
3302 1823 Heavensroar Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Accidentally Competent 69 - 73 48.6%
3302 1823 Tylarin Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Cookie Monsters 32 - 41 43.8%
3302 1823 Hanc Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Influenza 95 - 82 53.7%
3304 1767 Pfred Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 49 - 27 64.5%
3310 96 Evthegoth Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival Make Outland Great Again 1 - 5 16.7%
3312 1289 Alliscums Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 60 - 62 49.2%
3313 864 Opoviv Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 9 - 15 37.5%
3314 1803 Volvor Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Vengeance Ascendum 188 - 166 53.1%
3317 864 Bigdamtonk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy NO TRYHARD NEEDED 9 - 3 75.0%
3317 864 Retnw Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 9 - 9 50.0%
3317 864 Lankkarip Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 9 - 15 37.5%
3317 864 Hairam Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 9 - 21 30.0%
3320 1526 Catronic Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 17 - 32 34.7%
3323 1846 Outhealz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 31 - 29 51.7%
3326 1337 Blackaneze Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Monk Windwalker 14 - 10 58.3%
3327 42 Gunnd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 2 - 7 22.2%
3329 1660 Watchmereju Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 18 - 28 39.1%
3331 1845 Holymurderx Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 142 - 145 49.5%
3331 1845 Darkrays Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Holy THINK IN GREEN 170 - 157 52.0%
3332 1565 Áv Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Influenza 238 - 230 50.9%
3335 1342 Locknéss Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 14 - 10 58.3%
3336 1543 Rédjé Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 38 - 42 47.5%
3337 1556 Averiana Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw Legio Mortis 250 - 249 50.1%
3338 1542 Grasen Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration ZaddyDeathwingsBabyGirls 50 - 50 50.0%
3339 1763 Høydeløs Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline Ace Hood 28 - 25 52.8%
3342 1801 Sugosudemon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 80 - 88 47.6%
3344 1317 Aghnostic Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 55 - 77 41.7%
3346 1340 Clarahaunt Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Clara 14 - 10 58.3%
3350 1310 Meiven Outland Alliance Mechagnome Male Monk Windwalker 14 - 22 38.9%
3351 1040 Varrianni Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation The Green Falcon 11 - 22 33.3%
3353 1248 Pertypurr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 13 - 11 54.2%
3353 223 Shmavne Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Lets Do One More 3 - 5 37.5%
3355 1842 Glorfíndél Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Otherland 251 - 241 51.0%
3355 1290 Almudaifa Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Balance 15 - 12 55.6%
3356 1536 Swapxy Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 16 - 14 53.3%
3358 1558 Npkhunt Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 17 - 21 44.7%
3360 192 Risresto Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 2 - 4 33.3%
3360 192 Rázil Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 2 - 4 33.3%
3360 192 Tadendå Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Eye of storm 2 - 4 33.3%
3360 192 Pandaz Outland Horde Pandaren Male Shaman Elemental 2 - 10 16.7%
3360 192 Jylino Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 2 - 4 33.3%
3360 192 Strikeqt Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 2 - 4 33.3%
3360 192 Statikznba Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 2 - 10 16.7%
3360 192 Porl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 2 - 4 33.3%
3360 192 Ziibah Outland Horde Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 2 - 4 33.3%
3360 192 Purgecity Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 4 - 7 36.4%
3361 1287 Vithnar Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance We Were Not Prepared 15 - 18 45.5%
3362 1022 Jayvoke Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 12 - 14 46.2%
3362 1760 Slappajävel Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 80 - 67 54.4%
3363 863 Darthjab Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver Absolute 9 - 3 75.0%
3363 863 Berkozverko Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver Virtuoso 10 - 17 37.0%
3364 1654 Bigsnuff Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration The Unexpendables 24 - 40 37.5%
3365 1278 Brewteaful Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 14 - 15 48.3%
3367 1285 Antuza Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 161 - 173 48.2%
3370 1547 Flatworld Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 93 - 110 45.8%
3370 1554 Jaydal Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 25 - 41 37.9%
3375 1819 Maddex Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Protection Eye of storm 188 - 167 53.0%
3377 1248 Yiddo Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker i get mad gash 13 - 23 36.1%
3377 1530 Simón Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Restoration Sneakattack 16 - 8 66.7%
3377 1530 Ourlad Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 17 - 28 37.8%
3377 1799 Bráindhéadh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 50 - 53 48.5%
3378 1839 Donbadastab Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow 27 - 29 48.2%
3379 1652 Willferull Outland Alliance Worgen Male Druid Restoration Genetics 24 - 45 34.8%
3381 1818 Kvitrafnyo Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 52 - 40 56.5%
3381 1818 Kerrex Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 65 - 68 48.9%
3381 1818 Fazerax Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 30 - 30 50.0%
3381 1818 Madhox Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 34 - 31 52.3%
3382 767 Dzikaszyszka Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 8 - 10 44.4%
3384 351 Bmimax Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Fury 5 - 7 41.7%
3385 1264 Lyrastress Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Army Of Doom 25 - 43 36.8%
3388 1244 Frostgodx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 14 - 14 50.0%
3391 859 Asttred Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy Oxymore 9 - 15 37.5%
3392 1542 Onlyfansftw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 22 - 20 52.4%
3395 1754 Craftfive Outland Alliance Draenei Female Priest Shadow Influenza 69 - 68 50.4%
3399 1837 Frälsarn Outland Horde Troll Female Priest Shadow Oxymore 121 - 115 51.3%
3400 1526 Njawte Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 32 - 37 46.4%
3400 1241 Dannyvyemage Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Outland Elite 13 - 11 54.2%
3400 1544 Cataleýà Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 18 - 25 41.9%
3404 1817 Jbravó Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 22 - 8 73.3%
3404 832 Copìl Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 9 - 19 32.1%
3405 1791 Kosio Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 56 - 41 57.7%
3405 320 Earny Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Svea Rikes Livgarde 4 - 6 40.0%
3405 1649 Siwelsiw Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Legio Mortis 24 - 23 51.1%
3408 1836 Cdnp Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 33 - 39 45.8%
3409 1248 Madbuddy Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Blood Bath 13 - 11 54.2%
3412 1790 Bigzé Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 24 - 18 57.1%
3413 704 Harmónia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 8 - 14 36.4%
3419 1247 Kitingalways Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Wardance 13 - 5 72.2%
3419 1835 Pzyl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Priest Holy 59 - 49 54.6%
3419 1793 Bethuwu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Honor Capped 21 - 15 58.3%
3419 1247 Zulrája Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Guardian Phantom Rats 13 - 11 54.2%
3419 1247 Ehlajna Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 13 - 11 54.2%
3419 1247 Milkproducer Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 13 - 11 54.2%
3420 768 Karmasutrà Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver Weapon X 8 - 16 33.3%
3421 672 Nukey Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 7 - 5 58.3%
3421 288 Thourlun Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Zulu Tribesmen 3 - 3 50.0%
3421 672 Dragoljub Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Children of Valhalla 7 - 11 38.9%
3421 288 Tegelvägg Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 3 - 3 50.0%
3421 288 Gnofaz Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 3 - 3 50.0%
3421 672 Pmberx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 7 - 5 58.3%
3421 672 Kaspariän Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 7 - 11 38.9%
3421 672 Lecznikt Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow kkokk has friends 7 - 17 29.2%
3421 288 Squartz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms Taikaolennot 3 - 3 50.0%
3421 672 Psykatri Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Wardance 7 - 11 38.9%
3421 1751 Elind Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline 25 - 41 37.9%
3421 288 Spekas Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Virtuoso 3 - 3 50.0%
3421 288 Wroth Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms Xtrema 3 - 9 25.0%
3421 1816 Bulldozeru Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 42 - 38 52.5%
3426 1453 Rutkomutko Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 72 - 78 48.0%
3426 1646 Lemónde Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 22 - 34 39.3%
3427 1259 Xpetrificus Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Zeus 14 - 30 31.8%
3428 1787 Barbaar Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warrior Arms Afflicted 39 - 45 46.4%
3429 1535 Sempah Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 16 - 8 66.7%
3431 1532 Rozmainx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 16 - 8 66.7%
3431 1749 Hollymolls Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Priest Holy 48 - 61 44.0%
3432 768 Míká Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution November Rain 8 - 10 44.4%
3432 768 Elmeliciouz Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 8 - 10 44.4%
3432 768 Solitudence Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 8 - 10 44.4%
3432 768 Marijane Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Death is Hereditary 8 - 10 44.4%
3433 1246 Banana Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Order Of Assassins 13 - 11 54.2%
3438 1748 Ashwell Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Discipline 20 - 13 60.6%
3439 1645 Gandhijones Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Fragments 36 - 34 51.4%
3440 957 Superdragon Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Oxymore 10 - 14 41.7%
3441 1788 Coeursurtoi Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 46 - 45 50.5%
3442 1784 Executant Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 39 - 33 54.2%
3442 63 Isimh Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 0 100.0%
3445 1210 Físter Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 14 - 11 56.0%
3447 1209 Incapme Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 13 - 16 44.8%
3448 42 Frublygd Outland Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Survival 2 - 9 18.2%
3449 1510 Orchemist Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 33 - 49 40.2%
3451 1509 Tamié Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental Fragments 35 - 43 44.9%
3453 1831 Balølski Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy Wheelbarrow 32 - 18 64.0%
3456 1246 Lockydavé Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction kkokk has friends 13 - 11 54.2%
3458 1241 Althes Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Influenza 13 - 11 54.2%
3458 926 Shinpuru Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 10 - 32 23.8%
3459 31 Sekscihunter Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival YEARS BEHIND 1 - 2 33.3%
3459 31 Milbarkb Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Ace Hood 1 - 1 50.0%
3459 31 Opovyv Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival Order Of Assassins 1 - 1 50.0%
3460 1745 Ottokatz Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Priest Discipline Nighthawks at the Diner 150 - 152 49.7%
3460 415 Rudimudi Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 5 - 21 19.2%
3464 1643 Inquestos Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 74 - 77 49.0%
3468 1783 Threathunt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Order Of Assassins 51 - 59 46.4%
3469 1522 Klento Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Skill Issue 22 - 42 34.4%
3469 1501 Kårmir Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 24 - 41 36.9%
3471 384 Taapio Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 4 - 8 33.3%
3471 384 Ghõst Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 4 - 2 66.7%
3471 384 Anesteria Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery WORST SEASON EVER 4 - 8 33.3%
3471 384 Frublygd Outland Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Survival 4 - 8 33.3%
3471 1244 Paleandfrail Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 13 - 11 54.2%
3471 384 Legeman Outland Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Beast Mastery Man Dont Care 4 - 14 22.2%
3471 384 Badend Outland Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Marksmanship 4 - 20 16.7%
3472 1744 Hjns Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 96 - 94 50.5%
3473 1232 Inbloom Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Xtrema 14 - 32 30.4%
3474 893 Blowiee Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 18 - 28 39.1%
3476 1243 Ðjchåøsx Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction 13 - 17 43.3%
3478 1781 Paradîse Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Azeroth Defence Force 35 - 45 43.8%
3478 1527 Crithead Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 19 - 14 57.6%
3480 1779 Ismashx Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 24 - 22 52.2%
3481 870 Hizzt Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 12 - 25 32.4%
3482 864 Óoe Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 9 - 9 50.0%
3482 864 Rìs Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 9 - 9 50.0%
3482 1526 Barettaa Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship Forces of Lunatic Monkey 46 - 51 47.4%
3483 1780 Aíz Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Ascendum 252 - 245 50.7%
3485 1828 Harmônia Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy Legio Mortis 58 - 55 51.3%
3486 192 Jaykayk Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Citchi Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Fire 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Reeleezee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Updel Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost NO TRYHARD NEEDED 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Shokolad Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Fire 2 - 10 16.7%
3486 192 Wealldiee Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Miliin Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Outland Elite 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Grimxxq Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 2 - 4 33.3%
3486 192 Boomfrost Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost Children of Valhalla 2 - 4 33.3%
3488 1494 Skillèr Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 59 - 27 68.6%
3491 192 Majkdra Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 2 - 4 33.3%
3493 767 Irtanknorly Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy Meme Machine 8 - 10 44.4%
3493 1158 Penguinbirdy Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 26 - 37 41.3%
3493 1811 Wallsorim Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 74 - 68 52.1%
3493 1811 Bagneeded Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 47 - 45 51.1%
3497 1741 Coolzie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 23 - 11 67.6%
3498 1521 Trømblon Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Achievement Hunters 22 - 24 47.8%
3503 1519 Raïssa Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship PVPMANIA 137 - 128 51.7%
3504 1416 Armamax Outland Alliance Draenei Male Death Knight Unholy PVPMANIA 52 - 55 48.6%
3505 1208 Mouthforwar Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance PVPMANIA 33 - 44 42.9%
3506 1509 Stepdan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Fragments 20 - 23 46.5%
3508 766 Kurdén Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 8 - 16 33.3%
3512 1195 Tysonboom Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Brute Force NL 39 - 75 34.2%
3514 1404 Ghiblim Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 392 - 411 48.8%
3514 1191 Uchiihamexon Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 47 - 70 40.2%
3516 1773 Panzerpung Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury B A D S 20 - 21 48.8%
3518 1773 Suuzp Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 23 - 6 79.3%
3521 1635 Asude Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 77 - 63 55.0%
3525 1149 Misskswissy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 12 - 24 33.3%
3527 863 Arenacoach Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 9 - 9 50.0%
3533 719 Lilpiggy Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 8 - 3 72.7%
3534 1388 Ratinstealer Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 17 - 28 37.8%
3534 1148 Mistakenot Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Fire Achievement Hunters 12 - 24 33.3%
3535 1170 Haythus Outland Alliance Worgen Male Druid Balance 31 - 40 43.7%
3535 1509 Krimskrams Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 16 - 9 64.0%
3535 1737 Jumbydisc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Ace Hood 28 - 18 60.9%
3542 1152 Dupy Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 12 - 12 50.0%
3543 1506 Strulpelle Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Virtuoso 25 - 35 41.7%
3549 1495 Cahilo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 81 - 90 47.4%
3550 1118 Vodoomonk Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 14 - 28 33.3%
3550 1140 Blínkér Outland Alliance Mechagnome Male Mage Arcane Legio Mortis 12 - 12 50.0%
3553 672 Nvrlose Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 7 - 5 58.3%
3553 672 Ilovehotpot Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 7 - 5 58.3%
3553 672 Astralscares Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Wardance 7 - 5 58.3%
3556 672 Restochi Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver 7 - 17 29.2%
3556 672 Dingdangdöng Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 7 - 11 38.9%
3556 672 Obuzan Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 8 - 19 29.6%
3556 672 Afkmw Outland Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver 7 - 11 38.9%
3562 1733 Rezzart Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Holy Legio Mortis 41 - 37 52.6%
3563 576 Àâäàâàääâàâà Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 6 - 6 50.0%
3563 576 Wanupuikko Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Taikaolennot 6 - 7 46.2%
3563 576 Honorvendor Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 6 - 6 50.0%
3563 576 Spanctuary Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Priest Shadow 6 - 18 25.0%
3563 576 Téchsuppórt Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Priest Holy 6 - 6 50.0%
3564 768 Nergigånte Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation A p a t h y 8 - 10 44.4%
3564 768 Bigdargonyes Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 8 - 4 66.7%
3564 1466 Goldva Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 118 - 139 45.9%
3564 1466 Sugosusham Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 28 - 39 41.8%
3570 1820 Rainmakerx Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 35 - 31 53.0%
3570 1820 Goodppl Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy JFK was flagged for AFK 42 - 38 52.5%
3572 1461 Fiteshame Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Female Shaman Elemental 71 - 92 43.6%
3578 1150 Dödspatrull Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 12 - 12 50.0%
3580 1149 Ðrjones Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Influenza 12 - 12 50.0%
3582 1730 Vexxdd Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Fragments 56 - 63 47.1%
3585 1478 Obbexd Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination Temple of Óðinn 66 - 75 46.8%
3587 1056 Chenli Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Monk Windwalker Neurosis 11 - 19 36.7%
3587 1056 Shågané Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 11 - 13 45.8%
3587 1056 Räyh Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Mistweaver Taikaolennot 11 - 13 45.8%
3589 138 Bourselot Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction 3 - 5 37.5%
3592 1805 Snugglès Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 32 - 43 42.7%
3592 1475 Posn Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination New Gen 17 - 21 44.7%
3597 1143 Lildab Outland Horde Vulpera Male Warlock Affliction 12 - 12 50.0%
3601 1146 Dìnmor Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 12 - 24 33.3%
3605 1480 Bigchibrax Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 18 - 22 45.0%
3608 1727 Montababy Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 24 - 30 44.4%
3608 1727 Priestmanx Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Priest Discipline 18 - 6 75.0%
3611 1468 Smihito Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination FATES EMBRACE 166 - 168 49.7%
3612 96 Vhw Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 1 - 5 16.7%
3612 96 Amphetalock Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Honor Capped 1 - 11 8.3%
3612 96 Lockydavé Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction kkokk has friends 1 - 5 16.7%
3612 96 Lockheedbao Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Girl Scouts 1 - 5 16.7%
3612 96 Lilhmm Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction 1 - 5 16.7%
3612 96 Plaguee Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 1 - 5 16.7%
3612 96 Téfear Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Achievement Hunters 1 - 5 16.7%
3612 96 Kerway Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 1 - 5 16.7%
3612 96 Harakiridog Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 1 - 5 16.7%
3616 1056 Ayoubz Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Victory or Valhalla 11 - 25 30.6%
3616 1056 Icelatorr Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Wardance 11 - 7 61.1%
3617 1440 Thornyberryx Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 15 - 21 41.7%
3618 1464 Blackspice Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination NO TRYHARD NEEDED 29 - 39 42.6%
3628 1816 Canthár Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Holy Arena Corp Industries 46 - 33 58.2%
3629 1437 Shamuz Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 34 - 44 43.6%
3631 1754 Tangsen Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 52 - 44 54.2%
3633 1459 Stabmaster Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 17 - 13 56.7%
3634 1622 Khatty Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Female Druid Balance 19 - 22 46.3%
3636 1458 Bigsaper Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 19 - 41 31.7%
3640 1055 Zewaash Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Frost Influenza 12 - 16 42.9%
3647 1453 Zigarn Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Oxymore 28 - 11 71.8%
3649 1084 Pegatron Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Zeus 14 - 28 33.3%
3651 1461 Lastmark Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Sons of Elite 21 - 24 46.7%
3655 1448 Cphenke Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 16 - 24 40.0%
3657 1056 Eatmychaoss Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Ace Hood 11 - 13 45.8%
3657 1056 Malowix Outland Alliance Draenei Male Warlock Demonology KBROS 11 - 13 45.8%
3657 1056 Vixform Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 11 - 7 61.1%
3661 1813 Naaruchan Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Priest Holy Unified 43 - 38 53.1%
3662 672 Dovahkíin Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 7 - 12 36.8%
3663 1430 Thyregon Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 15 - 27 35.7%
3664 1444 Deumz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 94 - 110 46.1%
3664 169 Baeliz Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Children of Valhalla 4 - 15 21.1%
3666 1721 Burnalot Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Priest Discipline Chronos 18 - 24 42.9%
3667 621 Gnomefisted Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver Virtuoso 8 - 7 53.3%
3668 1455 Elbappo Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 41 - 48 46.1%
3672 1247 Makkelol Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 13 - 11 54.2%
3672 1748 Assnuker Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 95 - 108 46.8%
3672 1426 Pälpatine Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration 17 - 19 47.2%
3674 1812 Alnadaf Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 20 - 16 55.6%
3675 1617 Dambam Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 24 - 18 57.1%
3675 1617 Scarrymonsta Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Virtuoso 21 - 33 38.9%
3676 618 Alexholy Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy TPD 8 - 12 40.0%
3684 1746 Cloudboys Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Ascendum 102 - 99 50.7%
3684 1616 Bhupati Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration hey im farmer 56 - 49 53.3%
3684 1055 Hypërn Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 11 - 7 61.1%
3684 1055 Sêrafin Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 11 - 7 61.1%
3685 960 Smehunk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker Curry Curry Nam Nam 10 - 8 55.6%
3685 960 Fredbelushi Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver 10 - 8 55.6%
3687 1050 Exm Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 11 - 25 30.6%
3689 96 Smaúgg Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Ace Hood 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Joojan Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Kraali Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Taikaolennot 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Torthus Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Qmink Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Lurtax Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Divinotelma Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Vdrak Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Virtuoso 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Dragoncringe Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Zxv Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 1421 Thorúk Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Outland Elite 15 - 20 42.9%
3689 96 Jaylah Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Plug Inc 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Knutti Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Arkkidemoni Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 1 - 5 16.7%
3689 96 Judamjan Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 1 - 5 16.7%
3690 576 Shyyn Outland Horde Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver 6 - 12 33.3%
3690 576 Anqan Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Honor Capped 6 - 18 25.0%
3690 576 Fourinchmonk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Wipealot 6 - 0 100.0%
3690 1745 Beuktijd Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Order Of Assassins 109 - 107 50.5%
3690 576 Albinoswede Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Influenza 6 - 6 50.0%
3690 576 Fisteron Outland Horde Undead Male Monk Windwalker Weapon X 6 - 6 50.0%
3695 576 Handsomeguyx Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 6 - 6 50.0%
3695 576 Artvandelay Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Dunder Mifflin 6 - 6 50.0%
3695 576 Leshanté Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution The Green Falcon 6 - 6 50.0%
3695 576 Sookkee Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Wipealot 6 - 6 50.0%
3695 576 Unkxd Outland Horde Tauren Female Paladin Holy 6 - 6 50.0%
3695 576 Retroret Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Achievement Hunters 6 - 12 33.3%
3695 576 Phalex Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Hüljatud 6 - 6 50.0%
3695 576 Brõfist Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 6 - 0 100.0%
3697 1435 Parvadi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Free Onlyfans 16 - 18 47.1%
3698 1244 Jessiesmash Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy November Rain 13 - 11 54.2%
3699 1718 Licktheheal Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 87 - 85 50.6%
3700 1743 Cándy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 44 - 33 57.1%
3701 1743 Oathx Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 65 - 60 52.0%
3707 1439 Teanrile Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 53 - 76 41.1%
3707 1054 Napalmbolt Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Svea Rikes Livgarde 11 - 19 36.7%
3709 1742 Scarlettjo Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 25 - 29 46.3%
3717 1053 Knór Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 11 - 25 30.6%
3721 192 Krälarn Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Warrior Fury OMGWHATTHEHELLAREYOUDOIN 2 - 4 33.3%
3721 192 Battlewingz Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Outland Elite 2 - 4 33.3%
3721 192 Bullsack Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 2 - 4 33.3%
3721 192 Drawar Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Fragments 2 - 4 33.3%
3721 192 Jayjayww Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Taikaolennot 2 - 4 33.3%
3725 1740 Osopeligroso Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Konsolsport Grabbarna 145 - 146 49.8%
3726 575 Feoric Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Honor Capped 7 - 11 38.9%
3728 1609 Shapzz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Achievement Hunters 28 - 15 65.1%
3728 1008 Nåx Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Outland Elite 12 - 9 57.1%
3729 1808 Anderu Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy Soudný den 39 - 39 50.0%
3729 1808 Gled Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 19 - 23 45.2%
3730 1425 Hayàtè Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 15 - 21 41.7%
3731 1795 Álèc Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 141 - 121 53.8%
3735 1002 Blìnks Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Frost 13 - 18 41.9%
3737 1738 Thysen Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 94 - 95 49.7%
3737 1738 Leopoldx Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 157 - 155 50.3%
3740 671 Devokér Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 7 - 5 58.3%
3741 544 Skuggzter Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow EVO GAMING 8 - 6 57.1%
3744 1433 Hiddenstalk Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Peace Is Offline 15 - 15 50.0%
3746 1713 Mylar Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 43 - 47 47.8%
3748 959 Cubbiemonk Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 10 - 8 55.6%
3751 1792 Khalefateh Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution The Last Of the Alliance 57 - 48 54.3%
3751 1792 Bóómstér Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 41 - 39 51.2%
3752 1431 Annihilative Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Hunter Survival Make Outland Great Again 30 - 39 43.5%
3754 1606 Imnotvegan Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Atreides 36 - 54 40.0%
3755 1732 Riplocksz Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 31 - 31 50.0%
3759 1712 Holytrolls Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Priest Discipline 112 - 120 48.3%
3761 160 Napablink Outland Alliance Pandaren Male Mage Fire Svea Rikes Livgarde 2 - 8 20.0%
3763 1733 Citronsmör Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 20 - 19 51.3%
3764 319 Cobraskou Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 4 - 1 80.0%
3764 319 Milbarkb Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Ace Hood 4 - 12 25.0%
3767 1806 Checkmyback Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy Children of Valhalla 31 - 40 43.7%
3771 991 Xabdo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Twitch Kroatomist 11 - 12 47.8%
3773 1424 Badend Outland Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Marksmanship 59 - 88 40.1%
3773 1424 Angiella Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Achievement Hunters 253 - 240 51.3%
3774 1732 Fròzt Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 20 - 22 47.6%
3774 960 Sverigeslock Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology 10 - 14 41.7%
3774 960 Pubgmobile Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Ascendum 10 - 14 41.7%
3774 960 Dikzyzquad Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 10 - 14 41.7%
3774 960 Xdemons Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Scandic Raiding 10 - 20 33.3%
3775 606 Hellsent Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 7 - 25 21.9%
3776 480 Aeloria Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 5 - 13 27.8%
3776 480 Alteffour Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 5 - 7 41.7%
3776 480 Faithfful Outland Alliance Draenei Male Priest Shadow Ascendum 5 - 19 20.8%
3776 480 Fuosiah Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Shadow 5 - 19 20.8%
3776 480 Painz Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 5 - 1 83.3%
3776 480 Zapharau Outland Horde Nightborne Female Priest Shadow kkokk has friends 5 - 1 83.3%
3776 480 Antzary Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 5 - 13 27.8%
3777 1423 Drehunt Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 42 - 46 47.7%
3779 288 Biggestfan Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Timelost 3 - 3 50.0%
3779 288 Razgim Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 3 - 3 50.0%
3779 288 Lilsnuss Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 3 - 3 50.0%
3779 288 Kmart Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Honor Capped 3 - 9 25.0%
3779 288 Hnxx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 3 - 3 50.0%
3779 288 Phukjieuw Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 3 - 3 50.0%
3779 288 Zeerox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Ascendum 3 - 3 50.0%
3779 288 Haestvalp Outland Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship OMGWHATTHEHELLAREYOUDOIN 3 - 9 25.0%
3780 576 Modoodi Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 6 - 6 50.0%
3780 576 Dradooche Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 6 - 0 100.0%
3780 576 Gordita Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 6 - 0 100.0%
3780 576 Pistichi Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 6 - 6 50.0%
3780 576 Dragoneass Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 6 - 12 33.3%
3780 576 Títanwing Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 6 - 6 50.0%
3780 576 Weedonyevo Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 6 - 6 50.0%
3781 128 Vixblink Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 2 - 2 50.0%
3784 1805 Seviliez Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 98 - 97 50.3%
3784 1421 Spicyhunter Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Ancient Empire 65 - 73 47.1%
3786 960 Slickxoxo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 10 - 8 55.6%
3787 1730 Yigitaltar Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Fragments 29 - 39 42.6%
3789 1388 Glengo Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 15 - 14 51.7%
3793 105 Bigbuffboy Outland Horde Tauren Male Mage Fire Buried Alive 4 - 6 40.0%
3793 1602 Tålda Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 19 - 11 63.3%
3793 1602 Dedoid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 17 - 37 31.5%
3794 1726 Felicì Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc The Guild Of Forgiving 20 - 23 46.5%
3795 927 Chiburger Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Member Berries 10 - 7 58.8%
3795 96 Arenabull Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Fire NO TRYHARD NEEDED 1 - 5 16.7%
3795 96 Kilstine Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost ExplorersOfUranus 1 - 5 16.7%
3795 96 Mariebelle Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire Portal Trainer 1 - 6 14.3%
3795 96 Milmage Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Frost Wipealot 1 - 5 16.7%
3795 96 Snotball Outland Horde Orc Male Mage Arcane Third International 1 - 5 16.7%
3795 96 Kârl Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Atreides 1 - 5 16.7%
3799 1725 Jaexinn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 38 - 44 46.3%
3804 911 Serafinmonk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Fragments 10 - 7 58.8%
3805 1407 Cubswanson Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 27 - 27 50.0%
3813 1600 ßløøm Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 46 - 49 48.4%
3813 1600 Woltes Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 19 - 31 38.0%
3818 958 Calculuschi Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Mage Frost 10 - 14 41.7%
3823 564 Pettss Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 11 - 11 50.0%
3825 959 Possession Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Influenza 10 - 14 41.7%
3825 959 Carlss Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Warlock Affliction Oxymore 11 - 12 47.8%
3827 864 Miyåki Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 9 - 9 50.0%
3827 864 Mîzoy Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 9 - 15 37.5%
3828 1361 Zeduxino Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination epic hero 15 - 14 51.7%
3830 1359 Spillivinken Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Curry Curry Nam Nam 15 - 4 78.9%
3833 1088 Declàwn Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 12 - 16 42.9%
3835 1357 Asunasenpai Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 42 - 39 51.9%
3839 959 Drutiful Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Girl Scouts 10 - 14 41.7%
3839 1597 Zimpexx Outland Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration 17 - 19 47.2%
3839 1802 Umstritten Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 30 - 33 47.6%
3842 522 Mchustler Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy los pepes 7 - 7 50.0%
3843 48 Cdark Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 1 - 2 33.3%
3845 1704 Sélky Outland Alliance Mechagnome Male Priest Discipline 18 - 35 34.0%
3849 1390 Lilayjay Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 15 - 8 65.2%
3850 42 Vodookiller Outland Horde Troll Male Warlock Affliction 2 - 11 15.4%
3853 1801 Noctavion Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Holy The Exiled Army 55 - 35 61.1%
3853 1801 Lolîtà Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Achievement Hunters 28 - 35 44.4%
3853 1801 Shabbat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Smash Platoon 77 - 79 49.4%
3855 521 Verikann Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Accidentally Competent 7 - 13 35.0%
3857 1717 Moonone Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 19 - 17 52.8%
3858 956 Windforge Outland Alliance Worgen Male Warlock Affliction Eternal 11 - 9 55.0%
3858 956 Gurensan Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Plug Inc 10 - 20 33.3%
3860 957 Ðannesdruid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Horde Stole My Epics 10 - 8 55.6%
3862 503 Tékarma Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 7 - 31 18.4%
3865 480 Mer Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Oxymore 5 - 7 41.7%
3865 480 Flizzan Outland Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver 5 - 1 83.3%
3865 480 Halmcmonkson Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Windwalker Sundawn 5 - 7 41.7%
3865 480 Fatalityx Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 5 - 7 41.7%
3865 480 Meepx Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Disney 5 - 7 41.7%
3866 31 Vibelock Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 1 - 1 50.0%
3866 1720 Xeneton Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 56 - 55 50.5%
3866 1342 Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 14 - 4 77.8%
3869 1378 Zeropet Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 18 - 27 40.0%
3869 1800 Nymphaea Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline A p a t h y 28 - 25 52.8%
3870 480 Dopealot Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 5 - 5 50.0%
3870 480 Nedíum Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Outland Elite 5 - 19 20.8%
3870 480 Toukansam Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Rageborne 5 - 7 41.7%
3870 480 Sunbring Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 5 - 1 83.3%
3870 480 Mooblo Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 5 - 13 27.8%
3871 938 Fjärîll Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance The Green Falcon 10 - 25 28.6%
3872 864 Smthstoopid Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire 9 - 3 75.0%
3872 864 Staffupurass Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
3872 864 Spellbooks Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
3872 864 Floomxd Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost ingen aning 9 - 9 50.0%
3872 864 Floobz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
3872 864 Ellrio Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
3874 926 Asfasdfwdasd Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 11 - 21 34.4%
3875 1338 Ziibah Outland Horde Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 14 - 16 46.7%
3877 1770 Laaftmans Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Virtuoso 45 - 44 50.6%
3877 1340 Brunøst Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 14 - 4 77.8%
3879 16 Arryy Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction 1 - 6 14.3%
3883 906 Chamuels Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 11 - 9 55.0%
3885 1336 Carmén Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 15 - 22 40.5%
3887 910 Tomriddle Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 10 - 23 30.3%
3890 1585 Steelnuts Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 77 - 84 47.8%
3892 1767 Abiosis Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Ace Hood 57 - 51 52.8%
3892 1767 Blodiehell Outland Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution Achievement Hunters 35 - 39 47.3%
3894 1368 Arrown Outland Alliance Mechagnome Female Hunter Marksmanship Honor Capped 22 - 35 38.6%
3897 1798 Fadealot Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 21 - 15 58.3%
3898 64 Oplocky Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Make Outland Great Again 2 - 2 50.0%
3901 863 Ipunch Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 10 - 11 47.6%
3901 863 Gyaltzen Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker High Exiles 10 - 17 37.0%
3902 1714 Jcdr Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms OMGWTFUGOTPWND 128 - 116 52.5%
3906 1797 Schizophrens Outland Horde Goblin Female Priest Holy 24 - 30 44.4%
3906 48 Dizzypplhere Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Sythica Immortus 1 - 2 33.3%
3908 1582 Vylerea Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 24 - 24 50.0%
3910 864 Notkaphegyi Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance 9 - 9 50.0%
3910 864 Summerlovin Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 9 - 9 50.0%
3910 864 Xercas Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Achievement Hunters 9 - 3 75.0%
3910 864 Zmx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Disney 9 - 15 37.5%
3912 864 Momentro Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 9 - 9 50.0%
3912 864 Blekspel Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology Aversions Crown 9 - 9 50.0%
3914 1326 Jorembi Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 14 - 10 58.3%
3915 42 Bigmantingg Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement Honor Capped 2 - 6 25.0%
3915 1696 Nilvanilla Outland Horde Vulpera Female Priest Holy 53 - 55 49.1%
3924 1579 Ewélyn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 219 - 212 50.8%
3925 1695 Sinilind Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Discipline Hüljatud 106 - 117 47.5%
3929 1793 Williehiphop Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 37 - 38 49.3%
3929 480 Pukzz Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 5 - 13 27.8%
3929 480 Vdrak Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Virtuoso 5 - 7 41.7%
3929 480 Diamondwing Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Svea Rikes Livgarde 5 - 1 83.3%
3929 480 Meemerald Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 5 - 13 27.8%
3929 480 Drlord Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 5 - 19 20.8%
3929 480 Draconoid Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Honor Capped 5 - 7 41.7%
3929 480 Iosangeles Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Taikaolennot 5 - 19 20.8%
3929 480 Dragønite Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 5 - 7 41.7%
3929 1578 Bumbulbee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Achievement Hunters 20 - 32 38.5%
3930 31 Ilovelili Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental Chif 1 - 1 50.0%
3938 1576 Creamytaint Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 77 - 90 46.1%
3938 844 Munyax Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker pulsatrix 9 - 14 39.1%
3943 9 Meblue Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Rofl So Bad 2 - 4 33.3%
3944 1705 Shadowwisp Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 76 - 84 47.5%
3944 1575 Demonden Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 81 - 87 48.2%
3946 1693 Ojg Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline LOW IQ PVPERS 47 - 60 43.9%
3951 960 Æâéæëàqt Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy los pepes 10 - 14 41.7%
3951 960 Swòósh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Frost 10 - 10 50.0%
3951 960 Onmyones Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 10 - 8 55.6%
3951 960 Necroticast Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 10 - 20 33.3%
3952 1704 Illariya Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Left Hand Path 41 - 39 51.2%
3954 810 Mafuba Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 10 - 20 33.3%
3954 1758 Gsr Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Honor Capped 25 - 29 46.3%
3963 1788 Subzi Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy Zeus 128 - 112 53.3%
3967 1571 Droodood Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 273 - 307 47.1%
3969 1335 Lovacba Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship Forces of Lunatic Monkey 14 - 24 36.8%
3970 1701 Excess Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 20 - 22 47.6%
3971 447 Jumby Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Influenza 5 - 6 45.5%
3974 768 Fisteddate Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 8 - 4 66.7%
3974 768 Quabood Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 8 - 10 44.4%
3976 79 Cqcc Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Mage Fire Fragments 1 - 4 20.0%
3977 1700 Aegnå Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 72 - 93 43.6%
3979 1288 Marcelmonbof Outland Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Elemental Honor Capped 14 - 9 60.9%
3983 1689 Beanvo Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Absolute 132 - 111 54.3%
3983 1689 Woltas Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Make Outland Great Again 25 - 36 41.0%
3985 1703 Achala Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Warrior Arms 79 - 56 58.5%
3986 1280 Minicon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 14 - 8 63.6%
3990 1784 Grandezouill Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 24 - 18 57.1%
3991 959 Skyex Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 10 - 14 41.7%
3992 1752 Lilpiggy Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 32 - 15 68.1%
3995 1702 Birthdayboy Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms Svea Rikes Livgarde 30 - 32 48.4%
3996 384 Prästmin Outland Horde Goblin Male Priest Shadow 4 - 2 66.7%
3996 384 Faewyn Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow Fragments 4 - 2 66.7%
3996 384 Xstylebender Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 4 - 2 66.7%
3996 384 Éxy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow The Flat Azeroth Society 4 - 8 33.3%
3996 384 Veebro Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 4 - 2 66.7%
3996 1317 Killthat Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Survival Chest Hunters 15 - 21 41.7%
3996 384 Sinilind Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Discipline Hüljatud 4 - 14 22.2%
3996 384 Stekthealer Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 4 - 8 33.3%
4000 862 Zyym Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Druid Balance 9 - 21 30.0%
4005 1269 Vratch Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Restoration Ascendum 43 - 57 43.0%
4007 958 Moonlightdk Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 10 - 14 41.7%
4017 31 Gfkjgkjghkg Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 1 - 1 50.0%
4019 479 Aheroisborn Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver DUNGEON PLUS RBG 5 - 7 41.7%
4019 768 Grimxxq Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 8 - 4 66.7%
4019 768 Zelimeth Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire 8 - 10 44.4%
4021 851 Vengí Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 14 - 24 36.8%
4026 1748 Dodgerwilly Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Peace Is Offline 19 - 23 45.2%
4030 1247 Shamins Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Make Outland Great Again 13 - 17 43.3%
4030 926 Lovemachinex Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 11 - 15 42.3%
4034 923 Marikol Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Dawn of the Alliance 11 - 20 35.5%
4034 1558 Fatfreya Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 53 - 44 54.6%
4034 815 Ohpfo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 9 - 8 52.9%
4035 447 Dodgerwill Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Peace Is Offline 5 - 12 29.4%
4037 1247 Idsapdatx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Outland Elite 13 - 17 43.3%
4037 138 Vinzzy Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Protection 3 - 7 30.0%
4040 1746 Shevy Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 22 - 14 61.1%
4040 431 Triquetro Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Fellowship of the Hole 5 - 12 29.4%
4045 1745 Malloween Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 32 - 30 51.6%
4045 426 Elians Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Even Gods Bleed 6 - 16 27.3%
4048 1687 Goxish Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 126 - 123 50.6%
4048 1687 Amveraid Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 23 - 17 57.5%
4053 127 Nickiiminajj Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 2 - 6 25.0%
4054 1555 Zerosecx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 34 - 32 51.5%
4057 768 Stickyyicky Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 8 - 4 66.7%
4057 96 Jarxus Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Virtuoso 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 96 Smoksa Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Protection Britney Spears Fan Club 1 - 11 8.3%
4057 864 Majlus Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Welcome To My HOOD 9 - 9 50.0%
4057 96 Menestéé Outland Alliance Worgen Male Warrior Fury Ancient Empire 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 96 Kúros Outland Alliance Draenei Male Warrior Fury 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 96 Paulyjr Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Weapon X 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 96 Devidz Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Make Outland Great Again 1 - 11 8.3%
4057 768 Begiweiser Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Reckoning 8 - 16 33.3%
4057 96 Incité Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Great Success 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 96 Tangsen Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 96 Preliator Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Six Eggs 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 768 Omnium Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Två kaffe på det då 8 - 4 66.7%
4057 96 Zeppo Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms BIG 1 - 5 16.7%
4057 864 Vathos Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Mayor of Goldshire 9 - 9 50.0%
4058 1680 Drakanor Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Atreides 34 - 32 51.5%
4058 1680 Fearing Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 164 - 164 50.0%
4059 1692 Djclabbé Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 36 - 26 58.1%
4063 384 Lildarkbro Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 4 - 8 33.3%
4063 384 Bwez Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy TNW 4 - 8 33.3%
4063 1685 Haes Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 34 - 49 41.0%
4063 384 Zixxo Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Corrupted Dawn 4 - 2 66.7%
4063 384 Darl Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy Phantom Rats 4 - 2 66.7%
4063 384 Gødfist Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Outland Elite 4 - 8 33.3%
4063 384 Domeijs Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy NO TRYHARD NEEDED 4 - 8 33.3%
4064 384 Persix Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 4 - 14 22.2%
4064 384 Jerold Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 4 - 2 66.7%
4065 447 Nerfmeplze Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 5 - 12 29.4%
4067 1244 Géorgécloony Outland Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination Fragments 13 - 17 43.3%
4068 1242 Hálèx Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Sons of Elite 13 - 17 43.3%
4071 1684 Illraleth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance Ascendum 55 - 71 43.7%
4072 1741 Skålf Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Protection 27 - 29 48.2%
4076 1771 Âligé Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Arahnida 35 - 50 41.2%
4076 1771 Covidisc Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 20 - 13 60.6%
4078 1254 Aroq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 16 - 20 44.4%
4080 1689 Noccocharged Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms Ace Hood 45 - 31 59.2%
4081 768 Hauhau Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Demonology 8 - 10 44.4%
4081 768 Redwomen Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 8 - 10 44.4%
4081 768 Iel Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 8 - 10 44.4%
4087 416 Charizzard Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation We Were Not Prepared 5 - 17 22.7%
4092 1549 Nalgesin Outland Alliance Worgen Female Druid Balance 34 - 38 47.2%
4092 1677 Bulldozerú Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy 48 - 65 42.5%
4094 1234 Epikrizata Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety 15 - 31 32.6%
4095 1737 Bigmacdaddy Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 23 - 22 51.1%
4098 714 Fistenjoyer Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker 9 - 17 34.6%
4098 384 Spyrogodx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 4 - 2 66.7%
4098 384 Xferrari Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Rofl So Bad 4 - 2 66.7%
4098 384 Luderx Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 4 - 2 66.7%
4098 384 Dractis Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Achievement Hunters 4 - 8 33.3%
4098 384 Alldru Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 4 - 8 33.3%
4098 1687 Tonneks Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Ascendum 32 - 28 53.3%
4098 384 Kevmafaka Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation The Green Falcon 4 - 8 33.3%
4098 384 Fllo Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Ascendum 4 - 2 66.7%
4103 1217 Samolse Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 30 - 71 29.7%
4109 1246 Jaxxoo Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Survival 13 - 11 54.2%
4109 1246 Neverdie Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 14 - 12 53.8%
4110 863 Sovietputinn Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Brute Force NL 10 - 24 29.4%
4113 1675 Stayalivex Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline Outland Elite 68 - 77 46.9%
4116 672 Zwet Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 7 - 5 58.3%
4116 672 Fistfestival Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Resisposse 7 - 5 58.3%
4116 672 Grapesan Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Fragments 7 - 11 38.9%
4116 672 Myfistcrit Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 7 - 11 38.9%
4116 672 Anurá Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Argent Verdict 7 - 5 58.3%
4116 672 Handjab Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Atreides 7 - 11 38.9%
4117 1215 Foresstt Outland Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 32 - 22 59.3%
4119 1685 Kliñdá Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Warrior Arms Oxymore 29 - 39 42.6%
4120 1245 Ratir Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 13 - 23 36.1%
4125 1674 Pancrea Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow 21 - 21 50.0%
4127 1194 Watashij Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 14 - 14 50.0%
4135 234 Elmez Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 5 - 11 31.3%
4137 1764 Rexelle Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 25 - 20 55.6%
4138 831 Dyrty Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 9 - 8 52.9%
4140 1240 Ominous Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 13 - 11 54.2%
4142 830 Superdavé Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 10 - 14 41.7%
4146 1763 Syranox Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 24 - 18 57.1%
4146 1730 Dínze Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution SugGråUll 39 - 41 48.8%
4146 1763 Shâll Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy FATES EMBRACE 32 - 41 43.8%
4152 208 Argoras Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery Make Outland Great Again 3 - 4 42.9%
4152 1537 Whyzza Outland Horde Tauren Female Druid Restoration 149 - 153 49.3%
4153 1762 Wynda Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 27 - 32 45.8%
4154 1671 Vestrit Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline Ascendum 58 - 79 42.3%
4156 702 Gfkjgkjghkg Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 8 - 18 30.8%
4159 192 Arrowmane Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Focushunter Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Filaliel Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Boykraft Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery Happy Hour 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Rawyn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Tovalish Outland Horde Goblin Male Hunter Marksmanship Blood Bath 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Gidé Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 3 - 12 20.0%
4159 192 Corrupth Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Varaghr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Earnzie Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship PressDown 2 - 14 12.5%
4159 192 Knokkelmann Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival Atleast We Have Farm 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Ünlost Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Shadow Hammer 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Huntahrw Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Hunter Survival kkokk has friends 2 - 4 33.3%
4159 192 Nazefeero Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery SFR 2 - 4 33.3%
4160 688 Froztynuts Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 8 - 5 61.5%
4162 1169 Tadendå Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Eye of storm 21 - 26 44.7%
4163 798 Béán Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy Legio Mortis 9 - 11 45.0%
4166 672 Alyz Outland Alliance Gnome Female Mage Arcane Atreides 7 - 11 38.9%
4166 672 Superleggerä Outland Alliance Mechagnome Female Mage Frost 7 - 19 26.9%
4166 672 Infini Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane 7 - 5 58.3%
4166 672 Allecoq Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Taikaolennot 7 - 5 58.3%
4166 672 Minoulina Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Fragments 7 - 11 38.9%
4166 672 Highbornlir Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Ace Hood 7 - 5 58.3%
4166 672 Bigmeanmage Outland Horde Troll Male Mage Frost 7 - 5 58.3%
4166 672 Säradok Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Fire 7 - 5 58.3%
4166 672 Yénnie Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 7 - 11 38.9%
4166 672 Ðxs Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 7 - 5 58.3%
4169 768 Jetset Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 8 - 5 61.5%
4170 1535 Clonesy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 16 - 20 44.4%
4170 1670 Morgama Outland Horde Nightborne Female Priest Discipline Lost Soul 40 - 46 46.5%
4172 1759 Niveltyra Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy Ascendum 313 - 306 50.6%
4172 1152 Bananis Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 12 - 12 50.0%
4174 1678 Devidz Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Make Outland Great Again 19 - 23 45.2%
4176 1726 Dathwings Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 153 - 134 53.3%
4177 1534 Dudinka Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance SLAVEIKOV 43 - 59 42.2%
4178 1669 Skillér Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Discipline 92 - 80 53.5%
4181 1152 Nokeysbound Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 12 - 6 66.7%
4182 1725 Pissop Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 30 - 38 44.1%
4190 1723 Immortality Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 46 - 52 46.9%
4191 1667 Deanam Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 144 - 154 48.3%
4191 1755 Oniakusa Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 22 - 5 81.5%
4194 767 Felliok Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 8 - 10 44.4%
4196 1151 Floomx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw ingen aning 12 - 6 66.7%
4196 1754 Ayabambihana Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 35 - 47 42.7%
4200 703 Cía Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 8 - 24 25.0%
4204 1753 Amitofo Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Discipline 284 - 261 52.1%
4204 1194 Arlune Outland Alliance Gnome Female Hunter Marksmanship Order Of Assassins 23 - 26 46.9%
4206 1721 Parädise Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution The Green Falcon 23 - 28 45.1%
4208 672 Estico Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 8 - 19 29.6%
4208 672 Shíftháppens Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance GØÐMØDE 7 - 5 58.3%
4208 672 Hahayes Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance idiot 7 - 5 58.3%
4210 1665 Aethritas Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Ascendum 34 - 37 47.9%
4215 1150 Shädö Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Influenza 13 - 2 86.7%
4229 1664 Tombombadil Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Discipline 18 - 20 47.4%
4230 1145 Harambeii Outland Horde Pandaren Male Shaman Restoration Conspiracy Theory 12 - 18 40.0%
4232 1525 Thunderia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 16 - 14 53.3%
4234 1662 Mogen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 44 - 58 43.1%
4238 1669 Originel Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms azerty 31 - 35 47.0%
4238 1669 Dleuge Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Les loulous 36 - 34 51.4%
4238 1669 Jessìe Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Consideration 63 - 75 45.7%
4239 1524 Niandra Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 98 - 82 54.4%
4240 1141 Fascinate Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement Honorata 12 - 54 18.2%
4245 336 Arthêon Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Nøob 4 - 5 44.4%
4245 1748 Stekthealer Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 47 - 42 52.8%
4246 1522 Milkydáve Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 29 - 34 46.0%
4248 1662 Nathagastx Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 40 - 38 51.3%
4250 1747 Eslo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Wardance 24 - 26 48.0%
4252 1137 Shinrow Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 12 - 18 40.0%
4252 330 Jimpá Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 6 - 13 31.6%
4253 336 Immorter Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 4 - 11 26.7%
4253 336 Monkidk Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 4 - 5 44.4%
4253 336 Ticklypriest Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow 4 - 5 44.4%
4255 1133 Flamingoqt Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 13 - 13 50.0%
4256 1716 Bubbleanlol Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Genetics 27 - 27 50.0%
4258 1131 Holten Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 12 - 18 40.0%
4259 1519 Olajohn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 17 - 30 36.2%
4261 330 Gjordel Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 5 - 16 23.8%
4262 1128 Mecr Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 15 - 34 30.6%
4264 1518 Beanqt Outland Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration Blood Bath 113 - 132 46.1%
4266 1745 Pæse Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 22 - 33 40.0%
4266 1745 Quvadex Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Priest Holy 112 - 117 48.9%
4267 672 Yïota Outland Alliance Mechagnome Male Warlock Affliction 7 - 6 53.8%
4267 672 Zevislock Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction TNW 7 - 11 38.9%
4267 672 Exboss Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Exgenius 7 - 5 58.3%
4267 672 Muzlock Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 7 - 11 38.9%
4267 672 Sleepybeard Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction 7 - 5 58.3%
4274 1713 Verikann Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Accidentally Competent 45 - 27 62.5%
4274 1744 Takemeplsx Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Plug Inc 22 - 20 52.4%
4275 288 Shockzillà Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution Achievement Hunters 3 - 3 50.0%
4275 288 Valórr Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Fragments 3 - 3 50.0%
4275 288 Qurator Outland Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Holy Accidentally Competent 3 - 9 25.0%
4275 288 Poìntbreak Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 3 - 3 50.0%
4275 288 Dvdholy Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 3 - 3 50.0%
4275 288 Risdon Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 3 - 3 50.0%
4275 288 Jyrgeenos Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 3 - 3 50.0%
4275 288 Badpally Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Afflicted 4 - 11 26.7%
4276 1659 Leffie Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Hüljatud 19 - 25 43.2%
4279 288 Verto Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 3 - 3 50.0%
4279 288 Cutepandaren Outland Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver 3 - 3 50.0%
4279 288 Rhaeox Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 3 - 3 50.0%
4279 288 Rayen Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 3 - 3 50.0%
4279 288 Fistandfury Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 3 - 9 25.0%
4279 288 Alzabox Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver 3 - 3 50.0%
4281 1515 Milkydave Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 30 - 27 52.6%
4281 1098 Swipper Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 13 - 14 48.1%
4282 1712 Bravewings Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Fragments 25 - 17 59.5%
4287 64 Waleras Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 1 - 3 25.0%
4290 1150 Kirindale Outland Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 14 - 12 53.8%
4291 288 Phuks Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline The Predators 4 - 5 44.4%
4291 288 Scarelett Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Hjns Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Skraalma Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Syfy Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow Order Of Assassins 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Recast Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy We Were Not Prepared 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 1513 Cllock Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Honor Capped 28 - 26 51.9%
4291 288 Jyystöhöylä Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Resisposse 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Galvialss Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Frälsarn Outland Horde Troll Female Priest Shadow Oxymore 3 - 3 50.0%
4291 288 Ankhepope Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Fragments 3 - 3 50.0%
4293 751 Deathsack Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 9 - 12 42.9%
4295 288 Tissisisilis Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Neo Tokyo 3 - 9 25.0%
4295 288 Vhaalar Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 3 - 19 13.6%
4295 288 Dragesteinen Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 3 - 3 50.0%
4295 288 Ohhmytralala Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 3 - 9 25.0%
4295 288 Bigfour Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 3 - 5 37.5%
4298 1661 Goldèr Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Chronos 63 - 73 46.3%
4299 1656 Quvadex Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Priest Holy 52 - 55 48.6%
4303 576 Synqd Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 6 - 0 100.0%
4303 576 Pulslaperson Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Brewmaster Allurium 6 - 0 100.0%
4303 576 Hertym Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Lost Soul 6 - 6 50.0%
4304 42 Zíi Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Influenza 2 - 7 22.2%
4305 1740 Naphelia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Hootsforce 29 - 36 44.6%
4309 1056 Subkíng Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Welcome To My HOOD 11 - 7 61.1%
4309 1056 Loznah Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 11 - 7 61.1%
4311 1146 Jobbijäkel Outland Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 12 - 18 40.0%
4313 1659 Sadisticglee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms 22 - 17 56.4%
4320 1510 Ågnae Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 55 - 55 50.0%
4323 672 Thepunishér Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 7 - 11 38.9%
4323 672 Nalkira Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Death Knight Frost 7 - 17 29.2%
4323 672 Lavlolx Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 7 - 5 58.3%
4323 672 Borpleknigh Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Blood Fragments 7 - 11 38.9%
4323 1056 Voodoohex Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Svéa Rikes Livgarde 11 - 13 45.8%
4323 672 Altaär Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Frost 7 - 5 58.3%
4328 1648 Inception Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 22 - 33 40.0%
4332 671 Droodood Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 7 - 25 21.9%
4334 1704 Hörse Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution mebs 31 - 48 39.2%
4336 1506 Teekow Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 241 - 239 50.2%
4340 1055 Djmeldqt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 11 - 7 61.1%
4340 1055 Töbu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 11 - 13 45.8%
4341 1656 Shorrag Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 22 - 26 45.8%
4341 670 Deldarius Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 7 - 29 19.4%
4345 1702 Palleberry Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 18 - 24 42.9%
4347 1055 Tínderx Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 11 - 13 45.8%
4347 1055 Sinistrassa Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration ARROGANT SCUMBAGS 11 - 13 45.8%
4356 1701 Latnoc Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Fragments 24 - 36 40.0%
4364 592 Pyromancerr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Ascendum 7 - 18 28.0%
4370 576 Crypdex Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane Wardance 6 - 12 33.3%
4370 576 Burningbrain Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire NO TRYHARD NEEDED 6 - 12 33.3%
4370 576 Oyeex Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Fire 6 - 0 100.0%
4370 576 Miliin Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Outland Elite 6 - 6 50.0%
4370 576 Thickysan Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire 6 - 12 33.3%
4370 576 Lmaohaha Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 6 - 6 50.0%
4370 576 Eldigman Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Mage Frost 6 - 6 50.0%
4370 576 Shallblast Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Arcane FATES EMBRACE 6 - 6 50.0%
4370 576 Naskyuea Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 6 - 7 46.2%
4373 1731 Monkidk Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 25 - 25 50.0%
4375 1699 Noccolife Outland Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution socialbidrag 21 - 21 50.0%
4375 1699 Jorgno Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 62 - 59 51.2%
4375 1699 Hartisiona Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 22 - 26 45.8%
4375 1699 Blizalka Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 77 - 89 46.4%
4377 1498 Tettesòde Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral VELENO 16 - 14 53.3%
4379 607 Kagera Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Reckoning 7 - 7 50.0%
4383 1496 Pleasedont Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration darkdps 51 - 61 45.5%
4383 1698 Âtom Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 26 - 28 48.1%
4384 576 Soultone Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Influenza 6 - 12 33.3%
4384 576 Dòúbledãsh Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 6 - 6 50.0%
4384 576 Arogane Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 6 - 7 46.2%
4384 576 Humleraev Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Wardance 6 - 6 50.0%
4384 576 Zandaz Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Balance 6 - 6 50.0%
4384 576 Suponjibobu Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 6 - 6 50.0%
4384 576 Smärtohärd Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Colony 6 - 6 50.0%
4384 576 Spínksy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 6 - 12 33.3%
4384 576 Siwelsiw Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Legio Mortis 6 - 6 50.0%
4384 576 Chenarius Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 6 - 7 46.2%
4390 1062 Huntexi Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Honor Capped 14 - 19 42.4%
4391 1697 Øttøø Outland Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution 24 - 27 47.1%
4392 1650 Slakteman Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms NO TRYHARD NEEDED 107 - 92 53.8%
4398 1492 Savageash Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 24 - 31 43.6%
4401 1727 Antrei Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy Virtuoso 117 - 103 53.2%
4406 1490 Socat Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 151 - 161 48.4%
4410 1647 Urvym Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms 50 - 33 60.2%
4416 1002 Lzrdim Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 12 - 13 48.0%
4417 1055 Rumpelstilts Outland Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Marksmanship 11 - 7 61.1%
4419 1633 Tragikk Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc C H A M P I O N S 19 - 17 52.8%
4424 1632 Daheck Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Wardance 21 - 20 51.2%
4431 617 Gokhan Outland Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Make Outland Great Again 8 - 25 24.2%
4436 1692 Miguelmuñoz Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 34 - 29 54.0%
4436 975 Crillex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 11 - 0 100.0%
4439 960 Knivkurt Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Assassination Virtuoso 10 - 8 55.6%
4443 576 Kaflock Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction We Were Not Prepared 6 - 6 50.0%
4443 576 Rogerkula Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Make Outland Great Again 6 - 12 33.3%
4443 576 Jumskerbolts Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction CKMI 6 - 6 50.0%
4443 576 Plaguee Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Outland Elite 6 - 6 50.0%
4443 576 Aaraxe Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Virtuoso 6 - 12 33.3%
4443 1481 Shanex Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Influenza 21 - 32 39.6%
4443 576 Løckëd Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Warlock Affliction 6 - 12 33.3%
4443 576 Bougatsoula Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 6 - 20 23.1%
4443 576 Beanlock Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Legio Mortis 6 - 12 33.3%
4446 1629 Wozzdh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance 36 - 48 42.9%
4446 1629 Osita Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 34 - 47 42.0%
4449 1722 Xstylebender Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 18 - 18 50.0%
4451 1690 Lightll Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 76 - 75 50.3%
4451 1640 Matejczyk Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Discipline 18 - 20 47.4%
4452 960 Wadranaa Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental Hootsforce 10 - 14 41.7%
4452 960 Weenzy Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Outland Elite 10 - 19 34.5%
4452 960 Zulylolz Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Metal Crüe 10 - 14 41.7%
4455 1721 Feoric Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Honor Capped 29 - 43 40.3%
4466 1627 Tvflexraken Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Dark Phoeníx 29 - 31 48.3%
4466 1627 Cringedh Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 21 - 21 50.0%
4474 1718 Cøffêe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 25 - 16 61.0%
4476 1474 Jabbari Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 19 - 30 38.8%
4484 1637 Pyrokahr Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 56 - 92 37.8%
4489 608 Nolíferx Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Outland Elite 7 - 3 70.0%
4492 959 Whopsy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Honor Capped 10 - 14 41.7%
4493 1623 Hornsbabe Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 18 - 7 72.0%
4495 1636 Auntbessy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Fragments 24 - 25 49.0%
4503 1023 Neith Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship GET REKT SON 11 - 17 39.3%
4503 234 Cutzidragon Outland Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 4 - 16 20.0%
4504 576 Victura Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Zeus 6 - 6 50.0%
4504 576 Virginsbane Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 6 - 18 25.0%
4504 576 Unclejames Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 6 - 18 25.0%
4504 1621 Skravan Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Ascendum 95 - 108 46.8%
4504 576 Pøket Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy The Flat Azeroth Society 6 - 12 33.3%
4506 1714 Pfred Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 38 - 49 43.7%
4506 1634 Pumper Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms 21 - 20 51.2%
4506 1022 Buffhunt Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Fragments 11 - 18 37.9%
4507 1635 Holyshadøws Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy Zeus 21 - 21 50.0%
4508 271 Korié Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker hey im proccing 3 - 8 27.3%
4516 958 Làrii Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 10 - 20 33.3%
4516 958 Nntwo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Ascendum 10 - 26 27.8%
4518 192 Trillebårtöm Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 3 - 1 75.0%
4518 192 Imend Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 2 - 4 33.3%
4518 192 Budrgh Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 2 - 4 33.3%
4518 192 Muzoker Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 2 - 10 16.7%
4518 192 Astralscales Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Honor Capped 2 - 4 33.3%
4518 192 Gigachadess Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 2 - 4 33.3%
4521 480 ßúrns Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 5 - 1 83.3%
4521 480 Kungfatu Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Monk Windwalker 5 - 7 41.7%
4521 480 Kamishiro Outland Alliance Gnome Female Monk Windwalker 5 - 13 27.8%
4521 480 Teekster Outland Horde Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver 5 - 7 41.7%
4521 480 Karmadotkom Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Oxymore 5 - 1 83.3%
4521 480 Nawtymz Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 5 - 1 83.3%
4521 480 Windfuh Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 5 - 13 27.8%
4521 480 Monokel Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 5 - 7 41.7%
4521 480 Ønæ Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Fragments 5 - 7 41.7%
4524 159 Noccohunt Outland Alliance Draenei Female Hunter Beast Mastery Fragments 2 - 3 40.0%
4525 276 Toustiepie Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Eastern Cobras Mafia 8 - 12 40.0%
4526 1682 Holyboomer Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Virtuoso 31 - 36 46.3%
4528 572 Kaptanati Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Frost Wardance 6 - 6 50.0%
4534 1710 Dlfï Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Feu Vert 25 - 34 42.4%
4534 1616 Jumbydeya Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 25 - 38 39.7%
4535 1461 Bruttofaget Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 32 - 31 50.8%
4537 958 Vomncho Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 10 - 8 55.6%
4537 958 Valdimvp Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 10 - 8 55.6%
4538 1630 Warppl Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Legends of Legion 100 - 130 43.5%
4543 192 Saitamä Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Ace Hood 2 - 10 16.7%
4543 192 Tdumes Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 2 - 4 33.3%
4543 192 Jonbernthal Outland Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 2 - 4 33.3%
4543 192 Weonculiado Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 2 - 4 33.3%
4543 192 Xloxloxloxy Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 2 - 4 33.3%
4547 1630 Svrcka Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 187 - 190 49.6%
4550 953 Kaiimsh Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Amsterdam Genetics 13 - 19 40.6%
4550 1628 Ayrxen Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 51 - 58 46.8%
4553 951 Klaric Outland Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental Outland Elite 13 - 24 35.1%
4556 522 Klárix Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Outland Elite 7 - 9 43.8%
4558 1627 Flürix Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 21 - 18 53.8%
4558 1677 Saintluke Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Wardance 23 - 31 42.6%
4562 96 Aroq Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 1 - 11 8.3%
4562 96 Trømblon Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Achievement Hunters 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Ezuf Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery Achievement Hunters 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Drehunt Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Napada Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Livgardét 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Jäinenool Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Hüljatud 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Teanrile Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 1 - 11 8.3%
4562 96 Xeld Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Triscele Mistico 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Bigbmhunter Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Smells Like Chloroform 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Hunteed Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Skrotlyftare Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 1 - 5 16.7%
4562 96 Skyh Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Outland Elite 1 - 5 16.7%
4563 918 Joxxíi Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination 11 - 9 55.0%
4566 1705 Sonicx Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 102 - 106 49.0%
4566 1705 Bulldozerú Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy 44 - 44 50.0%
4567 512 Drakiki Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost 6 - 4 60.0%
4580 480 Krackie Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Elite Of Sweden 5 - 13 27.8%
4580 480 Tallboy Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Honor Capped 5 - 7 41.7%
4580 480 Freezemysock Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost YEARS BEHIND 5 - 7 41.7%
4580 480 Wutøpix Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 5 - 7 41.7%
4580 480 Tmneqt Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 5 - 1 83.3%
4580 480 Farleyz Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Fire 5 - 7 41.7%
4580 480 Kloobie Outland Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost 5 - 7 41.7%
4582 192 Tiguisy Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Sneakattack 2 - 5 28.6%
4582 192 Greyard Outland Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution Children of Valhalla 2 - 10 16.7%
4582 192 Dirkovic Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 2 - 16 11.1%
4582 192 Lherio Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution The Venomspit 2 - 6 25.0%
4582 192 Heligarobin Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 2 - 4 33.3%
4582 192 Zealôt Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 2 - 10 16.7%
4582 192 Risbørg Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 2 - 4 33.3%
4582 192 Caible Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 2 - 4 33.3%
4582 192 Pallawin Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 2 - 4 33.3%
4587 1607 Blackwarior Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc NO TRYHARD NEEDED 33 - 24 57.9%
4592 1673 Flúke Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution NO TRYHARD NEEDED 29 - 39 42.6%
4594 864 Heokthx Outland Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Outland Elite 9 - 15 37.5%
4594 864 Fatfredsham Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 9 - 9 50.0%
4594 864 Tvättborste Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 9 - 3 75.0%
4594 864 Tmsh Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 9 - 10 47.4%
4594 864 Rimmyjiddler Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Outland Elite 9 - 9 50.0%
4596 1606 Dehå Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Achievement Hunters 33 - 39 45.8%
4596 1606 Iamdestroz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 20 - 7 74.1%
4597 864 Cheapmate Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 9 - 9 50.0%
4597 1444 Ankhenature Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 92 - 94 49.5%
4597 864 Scarbangs Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination huh 9 - 3 75.0%
4602 1625 Buffsublety Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 17 - 7 70.8%
4602 1625 Rightx Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Outland Elite 28 - 37 43.1%
4602 1625 Avalonn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 65 - 67 49.2%
4604 959 Makavelee Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Allurium 10 - 8 55.6%
4604 959 Flazana Outland Horde Troll Female Hunter Survival 10 - 14 41.7%
4607 1701 Flèalol Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 32 - 31 50.8%
4610 522 Hoorus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Holographic 7 - 17 29.2%
4618 1620 Pussá Outland Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms 26 - 28 48.1%
4618 1620 Båshor Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Chest Hunters 110 - 115 48.9%
4624 480 Køha Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 6 - 9 40.0%
4624 480 Tawaraki Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance EVO GAMING 5 - 7 41.7%
4624 480 Dictátor Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 6 - 15 28.6%
4624 1602 Einiiz Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 30 - 45 40.0%
4624 480 Ævus Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 5 - 1 83.3%
4624 1602 Mbi Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Outland Elite 19 - 23 45.2%
4624 480 Starset Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 5 - 7 41.7%
4624 480 Ðárcý Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Confidential 5 - 1 83.3%
4624 480 Kittyconcarn Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance NO TRYHARD NEEDED 5 - 7 41.7%
4624 480 Myahh Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 5 - 1 83.3%
4626 1669 Annyaiva Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution The Flat Azeroth Society 128 - 132 49.2%
4627 1697 Muzpriest Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 40 - 26 60.6%
4634 1668 Kumbubble Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution The Reach Around 19 - 23 45.2%
4641 1667 Triquetro Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Fellowship of the Hole 23 - 25 47.9%
4644 1436 Fiendess Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 44 - 77 36.4%
4647 1617 Unagold Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Reckoning 28 - 22 56.0%
4648 1694 Faithfful Outland Alliance Draenei Male Priest Shadow Ascendum 44 - 54 44.9%
4649 1599 Illidåri Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Fragments 124 - 125 49.8%
4656 1692 Whitemyst Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy in MYSelf i Trust 149 - 108 58.0%
4661 192 Notadrood Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 2 - 4 33.3%
4661 192 Earnzy Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Salvation Army 2 - 4 33.3%
4661 192 Nerfpala Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 2 - 6 25.0%
4661 192 Sqward Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Pumped PvP 2 - 4 33.3%
4661 192 Toritsuna Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Fragments 2 - 4 33.3%
4661 192 Shadau Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Skill Issue 2 - 4 33.3%
4661 192 Checkmyback Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Holy Children of Valhalla 2 - 4 33.3%
4661 942 Riprurne Outland Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 16 - 60 21.1%
4661 192 Meliodasa Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Discipline Nightmare Empire 3 - 6 33.3%
4661 192 Mazikeèn Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline Outland Elite 2 - 6 25.0%
4661 192 Cankurtaran Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow 2 - 10 16.7%
4665 1595 Brisingamen Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc HARD TRUTH 85 - 84 50.3%
4668 511 Kleinkutkind Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction 6 - 20 23.1%
4672 1620 Holydave Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 78 - 69 53.1%
4675 1690 Slvena Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Sverige 132 - 112 54.1%
4680 1430 Quercus Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Achievement Hunters 160 - 175 47.8%
4681 1689 Vexxdd Outland Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Fragments 31 - 23 57.4%
4683 480 Lilbolty Outland Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction 5 - 7 41.7%
4683 480 Theunwanted Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction Ascendum 6 - 3 66.7%
4683 480 Indicon Outland Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Conspiracy Theory 5 - 7 41.7%
4683 480 Desrak Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 5 - 1 83.3%
4683 480 Dreamdaisy Outland Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction DUNGEON PLUS RBG 6 - 4 60.0%
4690 1428 Asfasdfwdasd Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 29 - 36 44.6%
4690 863 Drygotup Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Rogue Assassination 9 - 15 37.5%
4690 1428 Tarmara Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 19 - 22 46.3%
4694 1660 Tonysparkler Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Fragments 18 - 16 52.9%
4694 1660 Gwimbly Outland Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 30 - 22 57.7%
4701 1588 Diavolita Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 84 - 104 44.7%
4708 480 Arkaós Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 5 - 13 27.8%
4708 480 Lobothom Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Influenza 5 - 7 41.7%
4708 480 Felr Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 5 - 7 41.7%
4708 480 Kcl Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy And What Guldan 5 - 7 41.7%
4708 480 Psychas Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 5 - 7 41.7%
4708 480 Thuzadd Outland Alliance Void Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 5 - 7 41.7%
4708 480 Immodeath Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 5 - 1 83.3%
4710 1425 Edhelran Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 26 - 28 48.1%
4712 1657 Aridamaru Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 56 - 58 49.1%
4715 1424 Hellanios Outland Alliance Worgen Male Druid Restoration Honor Capped 15 - 21 41.7%
4720 864 Syllvanna Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 9 - 3 75.0%
4720 864 Cihiro Outland Alliance Draenei Female Hunter Marksmanship 9 - 21 30.0%
4720 864 Hvaskøduenme Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 9 - 15 37.5%
4720 864 Razgim Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 9 - 9 50.0%
4720 864 Jeeves Outland Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Marksmanship Laughing Popcorns 9 - 9 50.0%
4725 1609 Høppus Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Internet Warriors 20 - 16 55.6%
4733 1421 Ayàhuasca Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Outland Elite 27 - 34 44.3%
4736 1614 Orkrizt Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Priest Discipline 22 - 32 40.7%
4740 1607 Unpurex Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 44 - 35 55.7%
4742 1613 Blurryblue Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 20 - 16 55.6%
4743 384 Muzonk Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 4 - 8 33.3%
4743 384 Jètchi Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 4 - 8 33.3%
4743 384 Greytalla Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Brewmaster Zeus 4 - 2 66.7%
4743 384 Jimjo Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Eternal 4 - 2 66.7%
4743 384 Jazzyjim Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver Nightstriders 4 - 8 33.3%
4749 768 Sixinchwilly Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Eastern Cobras Mafia 8 - 10 44.4%
4749 768 Ragnarloth Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Fragments 8 - 16 33.3%
4749 768 Roverlos Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 8 - 4 66.7%
4749 768 Ravd Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Restoration UWU GANGZ 8 - 4 66.7%
4751 1577 Zaruk Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Provoked Awakenings 204 - 197 50.9%
4754 96 Dragonblue Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 1 - 5 16.7%
4754 1612 Akimura Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 18 - 16 52.9%
4754 96 Aknologiya Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Take last dying breath 1 - 5 16.7%
4754 96 Enderu Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Soudný den 1 - 5 16.7%
4754 96 Trenn Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation ExplorersOfUranus 1 - 5 16.7%
4767 1650 Rilindor Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 47 - 61 43.5%
4768 1678 Blockchainx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy huh 22 - 22 50.0%
4768 1678 Dyngful Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Wipealot 61 - 67 47.7%
4775 768 Ayjayr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 8 - 10 44.4%
4775 768 Ziegss Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 8 - 4 66.7%
4775 768 Damador Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 8 - 4 66.7%
4775 768 Yeahboy Outland Horde Undead Female Rogue Assassination 8 - 10 44.4%
4775 768 Fruntimme Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Blood Bath 8 - 16 33.3%
4775 768 Cutaliscis Outland Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination November Rain 8 - 10 44.4%
4788 1569 Zædanius Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 19 - 21 47.5%
4789 185 Incapme Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 4 - 8 33.3%
4789 447 Aethelflaed Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Achievement Hunters 5 - 6 45.5%
4799 1600 Furiousone Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms NO TRYHARD NEEDED 20 - 23 46.5%
4803 426 Fatimax Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 6 - 10 37.5%
4806 138 Mcpexuga Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Kentucky Fried Midgets 3 - 11 21.4%
4819 415 Fistard Outland Horde Undead Female Mage Frost 5 - 21 19.2%
4820 1597 Leokin Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Eternal 64 - 65 49.6%
4820 1605 Tiatí Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 657 - 692 48.7%
4824 1561 Oamnesia Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 20 - 29 40.8%
4827 127 Pewep Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 3 - 9 25.0%
4829 384 Selky Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 4 - 2 66.7%
4829 384 Blinkonic Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 4 - 2 66.7%
4829 384 Kirokiri Outland Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Ascendum 4 - 8 33.3%
4829 384 Shakéx Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Saviour 4 - 2 66.7%
4829 384 Sickmind Outland Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane 4 - 8 33.3%
4829 1604 Qoqoa Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Outland Elite 29 - 40 42.0%
4829 384 Uugnak Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Frost Taikaolennot 4 - 2 66.7%
4829 384 Yorie Outland Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 4 - 2 66.7%
4829 384 Lumisä Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 4 - 8 33.3%
4829 384 Onlymage Outland Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane 4 - 2 66.7%
4830 1594 Dreamate Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 61 - 62 49.6%
4832 96 Wreckrolled Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Fallen Immortals 1 - 5 16.7%
4832 96 Jumbyroll Outland Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 1 - 5 16.7%
4832 96 Öhlinsmonk Outland Alliance Gnome Male Monk Mistweaver 1 - 5 16.7%
4832 96 Shínu Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Trumcirkeln 2 - 12 14.3%
4832 96 Rhaà Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 1 - 5 16.7%
4832 96 Klaríc Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Outland Elite 1 - 10 9.1%
4832 96 Truculent Outland Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker BACKPADDLE 1 - 5 16.7%
4832 96 Icx Outland Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Det löser sig 1 - 5 16.7%
4833 79 Lenoire Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival huh 1 - 4 20.0%
4850 479 Spicydruid Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 5 - 19 20.8%
4850 48 Grytax Outland Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Horde Stole My Epics 1 - 2 33.3%
4854 1391 Coitza Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration World Government 17 - 25 40.5%
4860 1551 Nodaddynoo Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Taikaolennot 17 - 21 44.7%
4860 1601 Isushristos Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Discipline Ascendum 25 - 16 61.0%
4861 1667 Licktheheal Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline 33 - 39 45.8%
4861 1667 Jaxxonn Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy 23 - 14 62.2%
4866 1588 Spartake Outland Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms 17 - 25 40.5%
4867 144 Mastara Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Protection Virtuoso 4 - 7 36.4%
4867 144 Hartisiona Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 3 - 0 100.0%
4871 138 Ålynalol Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Fragments 5 - 12 29.4%
4871 138 Flexraken Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 3 - 4 42.9%
4871 426 Sóulbóund Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 6 - 10 37.5%
4871 426 Hashiper Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 8 - 7 53.3%
4871 138 Dyna Outland Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution Oxymore 3 - 12 20.0%
4878 1385 Bíbì Outland Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration OMGWHATTHEHELLAREYOUDOIN 20 - 28 41.7%
4879 719 Êmêrgêñcÿx Outland Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 8 - 9 47.1%
4880 1546 Rökaholk Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance TRIKE GANG 39 - 33 54.2%
4882 1665 Hjerteløs Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Fragments 47 - 43 52.2%
4885 1583 Gutsu Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 20 - 22 47.6%
4887 703 Déclawn Outland Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 8 - 18 30.8%
4889 1598 Anøx Outland Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 73 - 69 51.4%
4893 1663 Àâäàâàääâàâà Outland Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 18 - 10 64.3%
4899 672 Rainwave Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 7 - 5 58.3%
4899 672 Lozana Outland Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration Shadow Hammer 7 - 5 58.3%
4899 1581 Earny Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Svea Rikes Livgarde 118 - 137 46.3%
4900 1662 Isiis Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Discipline 283 - 248 53.3%
4900 1662 Wórstpx Outland Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 26 - 38 40.6%
4902 384 Ekologiskxx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 2 66.7%
4902 384 Oxylus Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Honor Capped 4 - 3 57.1%
4902 384 Camburger Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 2 66.7%
4902 384 Achilletalon Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 8 33.3%
4902 384 Blazeinstars Outland Alliance Worgen Male Druid Balance 4 - 2 66.7%
4902 384 Zayyx Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Roast My Chicken 4 - 8 33.3%
4902 384 Evsbull Outland Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance Dyslexiks are Teople Poo 4 - 8 33.3%
4902 384 Motions Outland Horde Troll Male Druid Balance 4 - 20 16.7%
4902 384 Clonedr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Bros in the MMOs 4 - 8 33.3%
4902 384 Taurvid Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 8 33.3%
4902 384 Fruitiloops Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Outland Elite 4 - 2 66.7%
4902 384 Clâstrô Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 8 33.3%
4902 384 Cam Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 4 - 2 66.7%
4902 384 Badastàbbè Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 4 - 8 33.3%
4904 96 Roguemainz Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Fragments 1 - 5 16.7%
4904 96 Skålf Outland Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Protection 1 - 5 16.7%
4904 96 Hotchíck Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Outland Elite 1 - 5 16.7%
4904 96 Oddys Outland Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy Blueprint 1 - 5 16.7%
4904 96 Vesa Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 1 - 5 16.7%
4906 1540 Slayerr Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Atreides 37 - 26 58.7%
4908 768 Lilsnipè Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Eastern Cobras Mafia 8 - 10 44.4%
4908 768 Eppíx Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 8 - 10 44.4%
4908 768 Hollabackgrl Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship 8 - 16 33.3%
4908 768 Tryed Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Survival 8 - 16 33.3%
4915 766 Nerotic Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 9 - 7 56.3%
4917 1660 Tiatí Outland Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 251 - 243 50.8%
4917 447 Drainlol Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Outland Elite 5 - 6 45.5%
4917 1660 Ronnygmafkr Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy GAMESENSE 28 - 15 65.1%
4927 1536 Ohgodmyeyes Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 20 - 30 40.0%
4929 431 Axorr Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 5 - 12 29.4%
4929 1575 Maihes Outland Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms 36 - 36 50.0%
4931 1593 Faithfful Outland Alliance Draenei Male Priest Shadow Ascendum 26 - 29 47.3%
4935 745 Stóvóbró Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 10 - 15 40.0%
4940 1628 Verturis Outland Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 24 - 29 45.3%
4940 1628 Caribbean Outland Alliance Human Male Paladin Protection Influenza 46 - 62 42.6%
4941 1592 Darkrays Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Holy THINK IN GREEN 106 - 111 48.8%
4945 64 Ispitfire Outland Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Outland Elite 1 - 3 25.0%
4949 1572 Glauxy Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Fragments 19 - 66 22.4%
4950 384 Hakanpeker Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 4 - 2 66.7%
4950 384 Demodoge Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Demonology 4 - 2 66.7%
4950 384 Jøllebølle Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction Rolig Records 4 - 8 33.3%
4950 384 Zuplex Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 4 - 2 66.7%
4950 384 Ðeathshead Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy mebs 4 - 8 33.3%
4950 384 Tasuranmi Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 4 - 8 33.3%
4950 384 Foxî Outland Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 4 - 8 33.3%
4950 384 Dragous Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 4 - 7 36.4%
4950 384 Crtlaltdel Outland Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 4 - 2 66.7%
4950 384 Darthdotz Outland Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction 4 - 8 33.3%
4950 384 Siinztko Outland Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy POOMP THE MOOSCLES YISS 4 - 8 33.3%
4950 384 Alátar Outland Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction 4 - 14 22.2%
4950 384 Aswasfasga Outland Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 4 - 2 66.7%
4950 384 Meadow Outland Alliance Draenei Female Death Knight Unholy Hüljatud 4 - 2 66.7%
4950 384 Legiondklol Outland Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 5 - 4 55.6%
4950 384 Jorgnine Outland Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 4 - 8 33.3%
4953 1531 Tombson Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Taikaolennot 17 - 30 36.2%
4954 1571 Smílla Outland Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Nox Aeterna 67 - 77 46.5%
4956 42 Îmissmop Outland Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 2 - 5 28.6%
4971 31 Flightbeast Outland Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation DUNGEON PLUS RBG 1 - 1 50.0%
4973 1567 Wölfgång Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Legio Mortis 48 - 42 53.3%
4980 672 Siee Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 11 38.9%
4980 1566 Gigamuff Outland Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Achievement Hunters 67 - 56 54.5%
4980 169 Cérx Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow 4 - 5 44.4%
4980 672 Chessevent Outland Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 17 29.2%
4980 672 Onechance Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 17 29.2%
4980 672 Kaelthar Outland Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Fragments 7 - 5 58.3%
4980 1566 Waleras Outland Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 117 - 124 48.5%
4980 672 Félblade Outland Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Phantom Rats 7 - 5 58.3%
4980 672 Jorgniae Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 7 - 11 38.9%
4984 159 Antistita Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Edge Of Tomorrow 2 - 3 40.0%
4984 1623 Fannynicole Outland Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 17 - 7 70.8%
4985 1344 Seedspreader Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Genetics 14 - 16 46.7%
4991 1343 Stuncyclone Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Honor Capped 14 - 22 38.9%
4991 1343 Zòóf Outland Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration A Perfect Circle 14 - 28 33.3%
4998 1562 Dekooi Outland Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms 49 - 46 51.6%
5000 1649 Kirai Outland Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Outland Elite 73 - 84 46.5%

Last updated 23 Jul 2024 09:10:41 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).