Solo 2v2 3v3 RBG

Mal'Ganis US Solo Shuffle

3280 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
1 2730 Dogsoup Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost great 78 - 56 58.2%
2 2349 Kennie Mal'Ganis Horde Vulpera Male Warrior Protection Howl Harvest 124 - 126 49.6%
2 3164 Kamáhleñ Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Halo 144 - 91 61.3%
3 2347 Henry Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury mound 54 - 40 57.4%
3 3189 Caliph Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 562 - 472 54.4%
3 3011 Gulpin Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 243 - 208 53.9%
3 3138 Zentheon Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 90 - 54 62.5%
4 3146 Demoncouch Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Spike Flail 184 - 133 58.0%
4 3166 Anßu Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 148 - 104 58.7%
5 2888 Ocdgamer Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Stellâr 174 - 150 53.7%
6 3067 Notoriouz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 672 - 628 51.7%
7 2879 Doobieeh Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 103 - 63 62.0%
7 2849 Capstone Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Washed Up Scrubs 382 - 355 51.8%
8 3094 Buffboomy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance DIG DEEP AND SHlT GLASS 97 - 71 57.7%
8 2872 Kamahlên Mal'Ganis Alliance Kul Tiran Female Shaman Enhancement Addicted to the Shuff 146 - 112 56.6%
9 3033 Noobender Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 97 - 80 54.8%
9 3032 Vroomsurge Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 172 - 127 57.5%
13 1814 Peakautism Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Convergence 39 - 41 48.8%
13 2859 Rylissana Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 161 - 107 60.1%
14 2719 Hotheadbop Mal'Ganis Alliance Pandaren Male Mage Arcane 74 - 63 54.0%
15 2880 Gutso Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 128 - 94 57.7%
15 2854 Boomsurge Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 129 - 110 54.0%
16 2781 Sheepgodx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost stay toxic 194 - 166 53.9%
17 1755 Fatcack Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 150 - 155 49.2%
17 2436 Whinks Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Have a Pizza My Heart 101 - 75 57.4%
18 2841 Ocdgamer Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Stellâr 82 - 80 50.6%
18 2823 Kâmahlen Mal'Ganis Alliance Kul Tiran Female Warlock Demonology 92 - 67 57.9%
19 2838 Whinks Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Have a Pizza My Heart 123 - 110 52.8%
19 2750 Ixbrenxgodxl Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Big Where It Counts 110 - 80 57.9%
21 2723 Astartes Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental The Øld Gods 447 - 439 50.5%
22 1825 Frys Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Blood Liquor Store 50 - 54 48.1%
22 2763 Donßlack Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 76 - 41 65.0%
23 2790 Starske Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 185 - 168 52.4%
24 2773 Flipabrick Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 401 - 378 51.5%
25 1805 Amiros Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Blood 68 - 75 47.6%
26 2718 Crypomunkz Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Mistweaver Pandamonium 251 - 241 51.0%
26 2834 Kitegodx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance relax gobbo 75 - 25 75.0%
30 2849 Darkvagician Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow old man gaming 93 - 85 52.2%
31 2734 Nlmb Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc slash spit 414 - 381 52.1%
36 2762 Peterßigßeam Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 216 - 198 52.2%
36 1735 Wasambi Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Death Knight Blood Halls of Warcraft 44 - 53 45.4%
37 2692 Fof Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 114 - 95 54.5%
37 2405 Røbinhooe Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 130 - 118 52.4%
37 2602 Dagreatone Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Mage Frost 202 - 179 53.0%
38 1578 Bárbearìan Mal'Ganis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Balance True Grit 31 - 37 45.6%
39 2589 Doobieex Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 174 - 159 52.3%
40 2788 Jdbthyr Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Reunited 564 - 515 52.3%
45 2698 Shällazan Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 162 - 126 56.3%
45 1784 Kyyrah Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Protection Shugashack 52 - 63 45.2%
47 2768 Nutzz Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Aint Misbehavin 175 - 151 53.7%
50 2792 Croqp Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 140 - 118 54.3%
50 2680 Baxmoney Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 256 - 244 51.2%
52 2540 Groundme Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Ember Sands 271 - 262 50.8%
54 2728 Áethros Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Camera on Company 168 - 154 52.2%
54 2638 Willøws Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Priest Discipline 787 - 728 51.9%
55 2739 Timaeuz Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 189 - 166 53.2%
55 906 Skinnyfiend Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance Dangerous 18 - 18 50.0%
55 2585 Rmxd Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost ok 252 - 249 50.3%
55 2757 Zhiroh Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Hunter Marksmanship 89 - 57 61.0%
56 2776 Watchamebaba Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution Spike Flail 172 - 146 54.1%
56 1435 Cubie Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Celestials 15 - 21 41.7%
58 2361 Xdogpeehs Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 70 - 42 62.5%
58 2749 Despute Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 185 - 128 59.1%
59 2715 Evokuu Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation q it up 85 - 58 59.4%
59 384 Xblingtron Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Monk Mistweaver I N I Q U I T Y 4 - 2 66.7%
59 1411 Wingedknight Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Warrior Fury Dream Sport 33 - 51 39.3%
60 2640 Gooball Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury Kismet 145 - 138 51.2%
61 2628 Zetara Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Jeff Jeff and the Jeffs 729 - 730 50.0%
61 2706 Bmz Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation relax gobbo 76 - 55 58.0%
65 2119 Trackandkill Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Rogue Outlaw Blind Pick Heroes 122 - 119 50.6%
66 2558 Headbake Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Club Fu 66 - 61 52.0%
68 2737 Menaçe Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Project Dynasty 193 - 188 50.7%
69 2604 Remixdisc Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline u lost to a disc priest 70 - 59 54.3%
70 2685 Dogsoup Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost great 67 - 52 56.3%
71 2572 Nildryck Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy 66 - 54 55.0%
72 1278 Motates Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Protection 15 - 20 42.9%
73 2628 Pulp Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 299 - 265 53.0%
73 288 Kikx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Windwalker Militant 3 - 15 16.7%
74 2602 Projectalice Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc ok 188 - 175 51.8%
74 2438 Unicomx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 57 - 38 60.0%
75 2617 Cheetahkbye Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance relax gobbo 58 - 36 61.7%
75 2601 Moneylonger Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 176 - 190 48.1%
76 2702 Remisha Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Battle 149 - 145 50.7%
78 1888 Razarat Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Vandals 52 - 60 46.4%
80 1475 Redlogic Mal'Ganis Alliance Void Elf Male Death Knight Blood 23 - 37 38.3%
80 1879 Mãttyy Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Origin of Evil 42 - 46 47.7%
81 2580 Hellsparks Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Kapow 71 - 59 54.6%
81 2512 Deelzy Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Mage Frost Militant 69 - 63 52.3%
81 479 Skailynn Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance 5 - 7 41.7%
82 2575 Dottzie Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Revival 199 - 188 51.4%
82 468 Nanika Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc we blast tren 8 - 9 47.1%
83 2432 Lva Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Dampen Me Daddy 88 - 67 56.8%
83 2538 Pogress Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Couldnt be me 162 - 156 50.9%
83 2521 Famedslayer Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 53 - 35 60.2%
84 2576 Alumenlux Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Shadow Must Be Bugged 283 - 260 52.1%
86 2601 Cux Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Stand Unshaken 130 - 109 54.4%
86 2663 Spaidzdtf Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Behemoths 226 - 217 51.0%
87 2480 Mollyworld Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 54 - 60 47.4%
89 2560 Dirtboyy Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology 297 - 274 52.0%
89 2659 Megadrivesp Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Priest Shadow old man gaming 159 - 131 54.8%
89 864 Shigetó Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 9 - 3 75.0%
89 2639 Literalfreak Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 371 - 342 52.0%
91 2567 Demondckhead Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 136 - 115 54.2%
92 2650 Unloading Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Grief 109 - 98 52.7%
92 2492 Shockjoy Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration DTL 237 - 228 51.0%
92 2391 Manbeartree Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 103 - 99 51.0%
93 2436 Ugy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 77 - 70 52.4%
93 2630 Bmzz Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation relax gobbo 112 - 104 51.9%
94 2486 Okinn Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 72 - 62 53.7%
95 2557 Kåmahlen Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 71 - 55 56.3%
96 2559 Jdbthyr Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Reunited 95 - 79 54.6%
96 2008 Pajeet Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 37 - 34 52.1%
97 2483 Mistarklean Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration To Be Determined 895 - 892 50.1%
97 2560 Doobieedh Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 251 - 200 55.7%
98 2418 Rosess Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 58 - 55 51.3%
99 2042 Mojorisin Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost 60 - 54 52.6%
100 2672 Dwerfyhummus Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Catalysts 171 - 123 58.2%
101 2507 Bëowulf Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Catalysts 78 - 59 56.9%
101 2623 Jokysha Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship The Night Club 68 - 33 67.3%
102 2471 Bananaice Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Female Shaman Restoration NaCl 436 - 389 52.8%
102 2456 Loulock Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction we blast tren 59 - 53 52.7%
104 1806 Tacobellburp Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Pleasuretown Adventures 25 - 23 52.1%
104 2033 Shartstreak Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Death Knight Frost 45 - 42 51.7%
107 2532 Stluxy Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Dampen Me Daddy 217 - 170 56.1%
109 2534 Cowboydann Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction 54 - 42 56.3%
109 2440 Cux Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction Stand Unshaken 85 - 84 50.3%
109 2547 Spinagain Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 147 - 148 49.8%
111 2408 Unloading Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Grief 101 - 109 48.1%
112 2456 Motatekarate Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Mistweaver Guillotine 698 - 702 49.9%
117 2604 Tracershot Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship EXOÐUS 197 - 177 52.7%
118 2507 Evowo Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 61 - 41 59.8%
119 576 Vitarious Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Female Paladin Holy 6 - 0 100.0%
120 2506 Highlander Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Mythic Minus 165 - 143 53.6%
120 2512 Confuseds Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Isnt Guildless 455 - 422 51.9%
121 2220 Nahzxd Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 209 - 183 53.3%
122 2402 Ialone Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Stylish Thug Slayers 63 - 41 60.6%
122 479 Toxicboomy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance We take out the Trash 5 - 15 25.0%
123 1991 Dahaaka Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 38 - 44 46.3%
123 2565 Logibear Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 382 - 339 53.0%
125 1928 Berodach Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 113 - 102 52.6%
126 2397 Foudre Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Dark 318 - 324 49.5%
126 2507 Freakingout Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline ok 68 - 62 52.3%
126 2633 Valurex Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 264 - 250 51.4%
127 2561 Beerfridge Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 201 - 135 59.8%
128 2496 Razarat Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Vandals 196 - 169 53.7%
131 2566 Mustymuffler Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Doggo Dungeoneers 64 - 43 59.8%
131 2443 Aultys Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 78 - 52 60.0%
132 2504 Klydasoreass Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Priest Shadow gn 195 - 151 56.4%
132 2548 Flyboy Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Stellâr 157 - 151 51.0%
134 2523 Realtopg Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Stellâr 283 - 272 51.0%
136 1969 Deatherous Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy Eat Mulgore Beef 46 - 39 54.1%
138 415 Durotaug Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Protection 5 - 21 19.2%
139 384 Týlêrßlévïñs Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Protection 4 - 8 33.3%
139 384 Huxil Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury 4 - 2 66.7%
141 2493 Intrav Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Priest Holy 153 - 155 49.7%
141 2470 Itsmedirt Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Warlock Demonology 419 - 394 51.5%
142 2457 Promann Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Guillotine 69 - 57 54.8%
142 2533 Remedio Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Battle 60 - 36 62.5%
143 2443 Kâdé Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Captain Jack Swallows 57 - 45 55.9%
145 2405 Purpledaddy Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction LiveWire 127 - 120 51.4%
146 2487 Yrt Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 258 - 196 56.8%
146 288 Dàxx Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Guardian HawaiiFiveO 3 - 15 16.7%
147 2523 Hazbin Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Stellâr 74 - 72 50.7%
147 2476 Wombatform Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Wha Gwan Doe 56 - 46 54.9%
148 2542 Boomadiseone Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 56 - 22 71.8%
148 2542 Unicomx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 61 - 53 53.5%
152 2305 Littz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Raging Time 70 - 75 48.3%
155 2596 Slimeto Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 131 - 104 55.7%
161 2294 Nezrok Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Stormbound 192 - 195 49.6%
162 2468 Tsz Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 172 - 114 60.1%
163 2314 Nflmaster Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Pathogen 146 - 148 49.7%
164 288 Theworldboss Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Protection Key Me 3 - 3 50.0%
164 288 Ratbich Mal'Ganis Horde Vulpera Female Warrior Fury Feet Stabbers Inc 3 - 15 16.7%
164 2127 Badmind Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Always Sunny in Azeroth 93 - 96 49.2%
164 2286 Vincam Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Dampen Me Daddy 186 - 181 50.7%
165 2450 Unidragon Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 66 - 66 50.0%
169 2429 Basicwitch Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction Wha Gwan Doe 64 - 53 54.7%
169 1851 Gtbsb Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 158 - 153 50.8%
170 2124 Solidsneak Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 73 - 65 52.9%
170 2479 Umbrellaçørp Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc u lost to a disc priest 324 - 331 49.5%
170 2488 Ibonevoyagel Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 51 - 37 58.0%
172 2445 Wylddude Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance LTP 190 - 192 49.7%
177 192 Natee Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Druid Feral Have a Pizza My Heart 2 - 4 33.3%
178 1843 Nomics Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Outlaw Hellscreams Kitchen 36 - 43 45.6%
182 2340 Kyrmax Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 394 - 393 50.1%
182 2559 Eloinflated Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 91 - 72 55.8%
186 2434 Resorange Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 69 - 65 51.5%
187 2485 Trapstar Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 180 - 152 54.2%
190 2263 Headbake Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Club Fu 66 - 60 52.4%
191 2310 Fingerslock Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 555 - 546 50.4%
191 192 Caperx Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution OBSCURE REFERENCE 2 - 9 18.2%
191 2429 Guapanese Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Druid Balance The Fifth Affix 67 - 39 63.2%
191 192 Tyradin Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Incoherent Screaming 2 - 4 33.3%
197 2453 Mavrush Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 84 - 71 54.2%
198 2098 Zumaji Mal'Ganis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental Quatri Mensuram 97 - 96 50.3%
199 2441 Gravery Mal'Ganis Alliance Earthen Male Priest Holy PVP Pizza Party 285 - 226 55.8%
200 2552 Brosep Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 50 - 42 54.3%
203 2258 Ishotmydog Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival Pleasuretown Adventures 211 - 190 52.6%
203 2475 Bobthebad Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Big Where It Counts 56 - 45 55.4%
204 2536 Shigetó Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 68 - 34 66.7%
205 2465 Boltman Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost CTRL ALT ELITE 111 - 100 52.6%
205 192 Cathnaaron Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Warrior Protection 2 - 4 33.3%
207 2254 Unloading Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Grief 38 - 34 52.8%
207 2418 Duhvoker Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 206 - 201 50.6%
207 2472 Gemp Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Kapow 219 - 210 51.0%
210 2468 Rosess Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 60 - 30 66.7%
211 2397 Humzdindeh Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 382 - 376 50.4%
212 2428 Ðûde Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 79 - 65 54.9%
213 2068 Alablast Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Shaman Elemental Stellâr 65 - 65 50.0%
214 2432 Frogfrolic Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Female Priest Discipline The Priests of Cthulhu 934 - 949 49.6%
216 2415 Flyingmute Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 102 - 90 53.1%
219 2462 Sheepgodp Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow stay toxic 51 - 45 53.1%
219 2380 Molepersons Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Protection 268 - 270 49.8%
221 1852 Spaghettidrk Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost The God Hand 36 - 36 50.0%
222 2235 Lizßien Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 50 - 49 50.5%
222 2455 ßutthead Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 252 - 233 52.0%
225 2403 Jangbi Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 130 - 108 54.6%
227 2425 Crep Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 154 - 144 51.7%
227 1056 Duhvoker Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 11 - 7 61.1%
229 2402 Aulty Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 84 - 77 52.2%
230 2434 Borpachat Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc The Øld Gods 207 - 217 48.8%
232 2409 Tonetalityx Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation I Buff U Long Time 307 - 262 54.0%
234 1841 Deadflopper Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 75 - 81 48.1%
234 1911 Headbake Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Club Fu 24 - 27 47.1%
237 2408 Briggsybear Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Entity 71 - 67 51.4%
237 480 Padaga Mal'Ganis Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Death Knight Blood 5 - 19 20.8%
237 2357 Ozzthegreat Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction The Øld Gods 85 - 64 57.0%
239 2421 Thelizardman Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 55 - 41 57.3%
239 2427 Pisaki Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 66 - 40 62.3%
240 2382 Cubie Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Celestials 483 - 465 50.9%
242 1926 Rolent Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety WraithMace 296 - 308 49.0%
245 2441 Pluginuranus Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Third Leg Services 62 - 51 54.9%
246 2440 Ðash Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Stylish Thug Slayers 55 - 40 57.9%
247 2018 Crikee Mal'Ganis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Feral 164 - 151 52.1%
247 2439 Crossfxre Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Wave Check 343 - 295 53.8%
248 2202 Bobthebad Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Big Where It Counts 36 - 30 54.5%
250 2405 Realestmvp Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 630 - 637 49.7%
251 2433 Necrotixz Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy 172 - 162 51.5%
251 1998 Rumkin Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Female Shaman Elemental Nothing Else Matters 64 - 64 50.0%
255 2441 Chess Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow Worgen Spy 85 - 56 60.3%
258 2440 Dotopolis Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow old man gaming 163 - 171 48.8%
260 2414 Whirlydirly Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Stellâr 61 - 45 57.5%
260 2414 Abercromby Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 78 - 71 52.3%
260 2165 Katokal Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Mage Fire Decidedly Uncouth 110 - 78 58.5%
261 2370 Lartramos Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Female Shaman Restoration 126 - 87 59.2%
262 2367 Thexshàman Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration X Gonna Give It to Ya 84 - 81 50.9%
263 2195 Baxmoney Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 46 - 56 45.1%
264 2323 Dottzie Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Revival 87 - 88 49.7%
264 2412 Goursaud Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Guillotine 81 - 52 60.9%
265 2474 Tokeshtwo Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 67 - 53 55.8%
267 2470 Thebearscene Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian 77 - 65 54.2%
267 768 Gizzrdwizzrd Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Kismet 8 - 28 22.2%
268 96 Niemo Mal'Ganis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Warrior Protection Redeem 1 - 5 16.7%
268 2324 Dooming Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Stylish Thug Slayers 133 - 104 56.1%
269 2411 Madzxx Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 275 - 213 56.4%
269 1999 Bakedrice Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Notoriøus 39 - 38 50.6%
271 2411 Spaidzqt Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Priest Discipline 554 - 517 51.7%
271 2427 Hawkling Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Snacks 258 - 235 52.3%
273 2318 Corgiw Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Nothing But Trouble 152 - 110 58.0%
273 2400 Encryptictv Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 496 - 474 51.1%
273 2465 Lukeycoony Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Guardian Turn Down for WOD 568 - 500 53.2%
273 2419 Sittan Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Priest Shadow Revival 732 - 718 50.5%
274 2300 Threnody Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 236 - 255 48.1%
274 384 Caintoshó Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost Coded Chaos 4 - 8 33.3%
275 2426 Shinizor Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination old man gaming 58 - 59 49.6%
276 1961 Sunshine Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Warmart 115 - 118 49.4%
276 2461 Abstractsdad Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Militant 93 - 62 60.0%
277 2298 Aráshicage Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Roflcer of the Lawl 242 - 247 49.5%
277 2346 Pyongyang Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver Captain Jack Swallows 129 - 120 51.8%
278 2177 Ogr Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Stylish Thug Slayers 122 - 127 49.0%
278 2390 Elaeryn Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 170 - 173 49.6%
278 2409 Jwoker Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 130 - 91 58.8%
280 2458 Tokesh Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Nerf This 57 - 63 47.5%
282 2407 Crepz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 77 - 67 53.5%
284 2305 Reficul Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury One for One 149 - 138 51.9%
284 672 Vistrix Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Augmentation Challenger 7 - 11 38.9%
285 2387 Tacobellburp Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Pleasuretown Adventures 230 - 183 55.7%
285 2343 Dathomez Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 205 - 179 53.4%
288 2332 Risingsundic Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Vigors in Paris 189 - 181 51.1%
288 2422 Iso Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety low key crazy 82 - 68 54.7%
289 2336 Shllz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 231 - 207 52.7%
289 2134 Shockndrop Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Blind Pick Heroes 208 - 195 51.6%
290 2406 Powerwordwap Mal'Ganis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow Entity 113 - 97 53.8%
290 2406 Barkus Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 145 - 129 52.9%
294 2286 Wannanow Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 235 - 183 56.2%
299 2128 Mistaknn Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental Shiver 175 - 156 52.9%
301 1921 Totemclass Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 101 - 93 52.1%
302 2417 Maylria Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 101 - 71 58.7%
302 2126 Shamvisper Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Female Shaman Elemental gn 248 - 257 49.1%
303 2125 Pooshers Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Enhancement Wave Check 108 - 88 55.1%
304 2350 Manbeartree Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 100 - 102 49.5%
304 2412 Cowboydanpri Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow 97 - 83 53.9%
304 2412 Trívíüm Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Shadow Carlos and I 267 - 250 51.6%
306 2418 Shinini Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Societies Finest 58 - 49 54.2%
306 1848 Vanishedlol Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety The Øld Gods 28 - 26 51.9%
307 2443 Angielo Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 312 - 282 52.5%
307 2414 Shadowmanczr Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Male Priest Discipline Revival 132 - 123 51.8%
308 1949 Shmayba Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Coded Chaos 129 - 140 48.0%
311 1908 Adversabootr Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement PROS HORDE 35 - 33 51.5%
312 2410 Chimpanzee Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Wha Gwan Doe 54 - 41 56.8%
312 2410 Optimist Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc limbs 80 - 46 63.5%
312 2310 Chugmathunda Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Female Shaman Restoration The Turtles That Made It 71 - 78 47.7%
314 2415 Îøwñýøüçløwñ Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 58 - 38 60.4%
314 2411 Reiae Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Project Mayhem 295 - 261 53.1%
315 2390 Uppies Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 476 - 458 51.0%
318 2303 Babylonface Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration step dad 299 - 302 49.8%
320 2439 Wogbtw Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution Vandals 59 - 37 61.5%
321 2407 Nillee Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Priest Holy Pantless Dwarfs 113 - 81 58.2%
321 2125 Alvipser Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction gn 168 - 174 49.1%
321 2300 Shadochi Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Slightly Tilted 106 - 85 55.5%
322 2408 Joshallen Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Stellâr 204 - 209 49.4%
322 2119 Rocksbury Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental BeepBoopBeepBoopBeepBop 81 - 96 45.8%
326 2259 Sàndman Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury The Øld Gods 327 - 326 50.1%
327 2257 Lathien Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Warrior Fury Demon Street 122 - 117 51.0%
328 2410 Petdamage Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 105 - 95 52.5%
328 522 Augtistic Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Augmentation 7 - 15 31.8%
329 2410 Insanctus Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 123 - 104 54.2%
329 2410 Shini Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination old man gaming 59 - 55 51.8%
330 2246 Grimdreams Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction End 242 - 225 51.8%
330 2321 Chìckenlover Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 43 - 38 53.1%
331 512 Senordragon Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Worgen Spy 6 - 4 60.0%
333 2244 Puckle Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver The Øld Gods 89 - 72 55.3%
333 2250 Tríno Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy Cobalt 233 - 223 51.1%
334 480 Unidragon Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 5 - 1 83.3%
338 2251 Oktagon Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Warrior Protection With a Steel Chair 73 - 62 54.1%
341 2406 Shiniqua Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination Societies Finest 56 - 40 58.3%
342 2431 Ðuhvine Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 70 - 38 64.8%
344 2344 Ezq Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 65 - 46 58.6%
346 2082 Slutnaros Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Female Mage Fire Pandamonium 34 - 29 54.0%
346 2430 Zoeynixon Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution ok 356 - 364 49.4%
347 2242 Huxil Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury 61 - 53 53.5%
347 2404 Aligatorknee Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Rogue Assassination 93 - 63 59.6%
348 2338 Doobieevo Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Here for the Flowers 216 - 191 53.1%
350 2426 Cugehuck Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 144 - 140 50.7%
351 2275 Dranniks Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker stay toxic 349 - 355 49.6%
353 2405 Aldaryn Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Unholy True Grit 165 - 155 51.6%
354 2402 Çõvìd Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination God I miss her 111 - 83 57.2%
355 2229 Míni Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Pandamonium 190 - 190 50.0%
360 2276 Wrizzard Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Wha Gwan Doe 135 - 123 52.3%
361 2263 Obc Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Coded Chaos 109 - 94 53.7%
361 2383 Friedzilla Mal'Ganis Horde Earthen Male Priest Shadow 527 - 524 50.1%
362 2422 Kittyqueef Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Captain Jack Swallows 81 - 71 53.3%
363 2214 Pigmahz Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Female Warlock Destruction 49 - 53 48.0%
365 1638 Dahakarogue Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination Dream Sport 59 - 59 50.0%
369 2119 Strappedlol Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Hunter Survival Again 35 - 19 64.8%
372 1803 Gtbsb Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 47 - 42 52.8%
372 1627 Ttwixx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination The Øld Gods 199 - 186 51.7%
373 2276 Garaknd Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Guardian 163 - 135 54.7%
374 2399 Gumbro Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Kapow 182 - 171 51.6%
374 2097 Nahzxd Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 208 - 207 50.1%
375 2095 Hexxes Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement DT 164 - 158 50.9%
375 447 Flyingmute Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 5 - 18 21.7%
378 2396 Mathricks Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Dragons with Glaives 90 - 52 63.4%
380 1837 Hexxes Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement DT 51 - 48 51.5%
382 1622 Turec Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Rogue Assassination Pathogen 33 - 21 61.1%
383 384 Dxaugtwo Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Instant Dollars 4 - 2 66.7%
383 2085 Ottersquanch Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Mythic Minus 52 - 37 58.4%
383 384 Dracc Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 4 - 8 33.3%
384 2249 Himmyneutron Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 98 - 76 56.3%
384 2174 Ugy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 52 - 46 53.1%
385 2323 Wtbfriends Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms 167 - 156 51.7%
386 2211 Gargina Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 89 - 86 50.9%
386 2038 Stryçh Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Lost Heroes 44 - 39 53.0%
389 2399 Corgidk Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Third Leg Services 67 - 74 47.5%
389 2320 Bëowulf Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Catalysts 55 - 45 55.0%
390 2246 Motatos Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Shaman Restoration Guillotine 128 - 115 52.7%
391 2211 Badnboojie Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 148 - 147 50.2%
392 2209 Nobodymove Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 163 - 160 50.5%
393 1744 Wasambi Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Death Knight Blood Halls of Warcraft 38 - 48 44.2%
394 2333 Yrt Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 97 - 83 53.9%
395 2061 Diosban Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction La Horda 48 - 48 50.0%
395 1743 Imthebeefup Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost nVus 36 - 35 50.7%
395 2381 Gnomelutti Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Shadow Vigors in Paris 90 - 67 57.3%
399 2243 Ozmats Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Last Attempt 47 - 49 49.0%
399 2187 Evatar Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Elitist Jerks 48 - 57 45.7%
400 2068 Earthtwerker Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Wha Gwan Doe 36 - 35 50.7%
401 1738 Araknos Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Nexion 82 - 101 44.8%
402 2206 Nerf Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 41 - 48 46.1%
404 2253 Igorcs Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 36 - 6 85.7%
404 2349 Pistols Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 104 - 91 53.3%
404 2063 Daucus Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 68 - 42 61.8%
406 2321 Tsz Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Holy 96 - 73 56.8%
411 2411 Rawrhide Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Kickology 107 - 93 53.5%
411 2051 Vexxes Mal'Ganis Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction Lost Heroes 109 - 117 48.2%
414 1726 Sooshio Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Male Death Knight Unholy 52 - 59 46.8%
414 2341 Bëavîs Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 172 - 148 53.8%
415 2264 Novavoker Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Dark 100 - 85 54.1%
415 2410 Samooer Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Game of Throws 151 - 120 55.7%
418 2227 Evoketage Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation To Be Determined 73 - 74 49.7%
419 2409 Malthite Mal'Ganis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Restoration Void 92 - 81 53.2%
428 2226 Rollînçoàl Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Liquor Store 290 - 288 50.2%
429 2407 Rmunu Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 51 - 37 58.0%
429 2161 Sddbdchgbrur Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Warlock Demonology 47 - 29 61.8%
429 2338 Nh Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Death Knight Unholy 51 - 55 48.1%
430 2414 Jåxçolter Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 115 - 94 55.0%
432 2029 Ìmp Mal'Ganis Alliance Draenei Female Warlock Destruction Murderhobo 64 - 50 56.1%
432 2029 Corgiw Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Nothing But Trouble 39 - 33 54.2%
433 2406 Erral Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration Roflcer of the Lawl 302 - 289 51.1%
434 2044 Fsociety Mal'Ganis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental Stylish Thug Slayers 74 - 61 54.8%
438 1839 Zentheonx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 29 - 24 54.7%
438 2042 Boorsting Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental donttrustthem 62 - 78 44.3%
439 2291 Livity Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow Militant 77 - 75 50.7%
440 2284 Cleaveson Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Raise Your Eyes 41 - 25 62.1%
441 2300 Const Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 190 - 159 54.4%
442 1992 Equatíon Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Mage Arcane 124 - 110 53.0%
443 2340 Const Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 181 - 144 55.7%
443 2325 Vecnussy Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Pandamonium 301 - 283 51.5%
443 2340 Rdson Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 72 - 79 47.7%
443 2140 Fireonlyfans Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost 52 - 40 56.5%
444 1569 Zephyrvault Mal'Ganis Horde Vulpera Female Rogue Outlaw 36 - 42 46.2%
446 2246 Aiidan Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 62 - 58 51.7%
446 2246 Dbmxvoker Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 51 - 39 56.7%
448 2305 Noshot Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship ABAP 65 - 55 54.2%
449 2245 Evoketage Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation To Be Determined 153 - 135 53.1%
450 2215 Daucus Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 265 - 246 51.9%
452 2291 Binasbunda Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Kismet 188 - 163 53.6%
452 2099 Qbiee Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Celestials 431 - 417 50.8%
452 2279 Áres Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Wat R You Doing StepBro 89 - 75 54.3%
455 1684 Arcanemizzle Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Male Mage Arcane 83 - 83 50.0%
456 2239 Venitsu Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Those Nagas 47 - 41 53.4%
458 2211 Onlytides Mal'Ganis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 57 - 56 50.4%
462 2312 Paperroute Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 71 - 80 47.0%
464 2086 Curtalos Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery WKS 200 - 182 52.4%
465 2222 Billyrusso Mal'Ganis Alliance Worgen Female Druid Balance 59 - 26 69.4%
466 2409 Molepersons Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Protection 131 - 127 50.8%
466 2273 Berodach Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 139 - 111 55.6%
467 2004 Azazil Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction ScaryBadGuys 45 - 41 52.3%
467 2161 Holysnu Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 525 - 481 52.2%
468 2288 Abusedsheep Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship 205 - 196 51.1%
470 2140 Ilycm Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology 57 - 54 51.4%
471 2157 Aurallie Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 43 - 26 62.3%
475 2396 Pokeyy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance The Øld Gods 427 - 400 51.6%
476 1816 Pokeyy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance The Øld Gods 59 - 62 48.8%
477 2221 Floker Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Tegridy 213 - 175 54.9%
477 2281 Ialone Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Stylish Thug Slayers 47 - 30 61.0%
477 2157 Skotai Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Monk Mistweaver 2891 - 2907 49.9%
477 127 Voozian Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Blood Void 2 - 6 25.0%
480 2251 Sugarnspice Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Azeroth Special Forces 99 - 85 53.8%
481 2406 Malthaèl Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 113 - 69 62.1%
481 2155 Tigroll Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver Coded Chaos 55 - 56 49.5%
481 2262 Hatedtoon Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination old man gaming 346 - 335 50.8%
484 2154 Craziediemon Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Monk Windwalker 90 - 97 48.1%
484 2287 Gutterboy Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Death Knight Unholy Militant 195 - 182 51.7%
485 1529 Butterstab Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Kronic 27 - 43 38.6%
485 2176 Dxaugtwo Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Instant Dollars 49 - 29 62.8%
489 2142 Rëficul Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 72 - 54 57.1%
489 2261 Vicash Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms WereDoneHere 58 - 41 58.6%
490 2121 Tizzies Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Dampen Me Daddy 49 - 42 53.8%
490 2198 Nahzxd Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 97 - 109 47.1%
491 2271 Phludd Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Tet Cørporation 222 - 213 51.0%
493 2377 Perolel Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Balance Very Adorable 179 - 127 58.5%
494 2270 Stépbow Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Hunter Marksmanship Notoriøus 80 - 63 55.9%
496 2145 Sorwoe Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 85 - 107 44.3%
496 2051 Pantene Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival Unstable 38 - 31 55.1%
496 2268 Mswatermelon Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 107 - 106 50.2%
497 2170 Thedragussy Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 303 - 269 53.0%
502 1943 Nevercs Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane Kismet 77 - 62 55.4%
504 2140 Hojcakes Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Club Fu 40 - 43 48.2%
506 2187 Spamshuffle Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 646 - 642 50.2%
507 2272 Saco Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Nothing But Trouble 55 - 66 45.5%
507 2139 Chrisgrin Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution The God Hand 39 - 26 60.0%
509 2177 Wonsong Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Windwalker Stellâr 172 - 177 49.3%
510 1694 Stuck Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 30 - 30 50.0%
511 1802 Runestar Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance Stellâr 36 - 24 60.0%
512 2159 Alphawaltz Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 48 - 48 50.0%
512 2113 Partyzone Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost we go 62 - 57 52.1%
512 2268 Talksin Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Death Knight Blood Mythic Minus 593 - 568 51.1%
514 2254 Pureprotein Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 81 - 63 56.3%
516 2259 Fathersins Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline CTRL ALT ELITE 143 - 137 51.1%
516 2120 Mistrnesbitt Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Accession 35 - 25 58.3%
518 1998 Scramperson Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 63 - 37 63.0%
519 2258 Cowboydanpri Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow 52 - 37 58.4%
524 1755 Piffenstien Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Very Adorable 88 - 85 50.9%
524 2043 Chumpduck Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship MOM CREDIT CARD PLEASE 125 - 114 52.3%
525 2134 Holynipple Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 80 - 82 49.4%
526 2190 Itsmedirtt Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Intensify 510 - 449 53.2%
528 1993 Minishám Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Elemental Pandamonium 56 - 56 50.0%
529 2133 Trashstar Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 88 - 94 48.4%
530 2139 Lartridia Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver Danny Devito Fanclub 44 - 42 51.2%
531 1964 Jazzyfinzel Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Male Warlock Destruction step dad 43 - 20 68.3%
534 1920 Bighatsnu Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Fire 44 - 46 48.9%
536 2145 Otterdragon Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Mythic Minus 61 - 49 55.5%
538 1626 Gedsu Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Death Knight Frost 54 - 58 48.2%
539 1984 Starmaker Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 31 - 22 58.5%
541 2122 Terrarion Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Warrior Arms Blight Rain 67 - 57 54.0%
542 1590 Bokhee Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane The High Society 91 - 96 48.7%
544 2030 Xcrétions Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Blind Pick Heroes 117 - 94 55.5%
544 2268 Arête Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 82 - 74 52.6%
545 1954 Rockaway Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction BeepBoopBeepBoopBeepBop 53 - 47 53.0%
545 1733 Shamaramma Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Dark 58 - 49 54.2%
546 2119 Mistrnesbitt Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Accession 49 - 27 64.5%
547 2121 Kahuna Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Warrior Fury Im Throwing 55 - 45 55.0%
550 1909 Sheepyjoe Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 114 - 119 48.9%
550 2117 Deadlybolts Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 135 - 123 52.3%
551 1438 Jaledors Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Assassination do you need that 16 - 32 33.3%
554 2175 Mulato Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Druid Balance Shiver 213 - 188 53.1%
555 2280 Frogfrolic Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Female Priest Discipline The Priests of Cthulhu 127 - 92 58.0%
556 1970 Giantdbandit Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 61 - 57 51.7%
556 1970 Tunä Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Grief 162 - 163 49.8%
558 2174 Ninereeds Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Roflcer of the Lawl 339 - 346 49.5%
560 1664 Oculi Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Outlaw To Be Fayuhh 23 - 31 42.6%
560 2120 Minî Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Pandamonium 257 - 295 46.6%
562 2165 Weedmàps Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Elemental Ember Sands 122 - 95 56.2%
563 2257 Jietermeta Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 67 - 77 46.5%
563 2240 Holymohley Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Awakeníng 486 - 471 50.8%
564 2170 Beamzy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Project Dynasty 40 - 45 47.1%
567 2169 Watchmeclone Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance DIG DEEP AND SHlT GLASS 45 - 34 57.0%
568 2238 Uchifazzah Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Priest Discipline Stellâr 108 - 95 53.2%
570 2162 Ric Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 82 - 79 50.9%
571 2100 Aquajacuzzi Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane Burnt Coffee 56 - 49 53.3%
572 2275 Hunabi Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 132 - 106 55.5%
572 2346 Duhvine Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 164 - 168 49.4%
573 2164 Madzvoke Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 156 - 112 58.2%
574 2104 Dahakalock Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 47 - 45 51.1%
576 1960 Dathomez Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 73 - 80 47.7%
576 1960 Valurhex Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Unreal 21 - 20 51.2%
577 2114 Finalhero Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Grief 48 - 38 55.8%
577 2160 Gargrax Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Those Nagas 44 - 51 46.3%
577 2165 Sentiment Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 49 - 52 48.5%
577 2114 Dahakawar Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury The New Generation 59 - 66 47.2%
578 2006 Pwrranger Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Survival Stellâr 189 - 181 51.1%
578 2294 Azìz Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Druid Restoration 402 - 404 49.9%
579 2227 Johnwicc Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy The Øld Gods 87 - 67 56.5%
579 1394 Dolladaze Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 65 - 80 44.8%
579 2159 Tinster Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Dampen Me Daddy 45 - 39 53.6%
580 2247 Valurmeta Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Vengeance Improve 59 - 57 50.9%
582 2158 Sarojin Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Male Shaman Restoration Elitist Jerks 52 - 32 61.9%
586 2161 Yykz Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 67 - 69 49.3%
586 2109 Diosban Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction La Horda 66 - 62 51.6%
588 2227 Kâdé Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Captain Jack Swallows 42 - 42 50.0%
588 2230 Hunabi Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 125 - 96 56.6%
588 1884 Reeztusk Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Mage Frost 25 - 29 46.3%
589 2160 Magicsofa Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 64 - 75 46.0%
590 2196 Gankhill Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Retribution 59 - 60 49.6%
591 2220 Shartstreak Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Death Knight Frost 72 - 54 57.1%
592 96 Literalfreak Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 1 - 5 16.7%
592 96 Jwoker Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 1 - 5 16.7%
592 1926 Warlockalyps Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction 158 - 150 51.3%
594 2090 Jerms Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Unstable 41 - 49 45.6%
596 2203 Tonybalogne Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship Adult Day Care 556 - 544 50.5%
598 2265 Deathlullaby Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy Those Nagas 53 - 52 50.5%
599 2144 Loyâl Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Horde Immortal 65 - 51 56.0%
600 1575 Philslaps Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost ducks 62 - 82 43.1%
602 2264 Quiesh Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy yeah but who asked 60 - 47 56.1%
602 2153 Evokecum Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Catalysts 79 - 68 53.7%
604 2152 Totempokeqt Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 44 - 38 53.7%
605 1639 Stanelyjs Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Dream Sport 27 - 26 50.9%
608 1942 Shaymîn Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 57 - 67 46.0%
608 1692 Bugfacts Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Worgen Spy 28 - 21 57.1%
608 2211 Pushtostart Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 68 - 67 50.4%
610 2210 Dmtvapecart Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Pleasuretown Adventures 107 - 94 53.2%
611 2209 Miniwap Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Pandamonium 146 - 117 55.5%
612 1989 Pistols Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 43 - 52 45.3%
615 1337 Aluin Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Assassination The Sanctuary 16 - 16 50.0%
615 1726 Peteslimjim Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Female Druid Feral 27 - 21 56.3%
615 2217 Bjjorm Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Billionaire 68 - 64 51.5%
617 2151 Partylord Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance we go 172 - 172 50.0%
617 2117 Wòng Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver A Boring Dystopia 106 - 86 55.2%
622 2076 Kreynel Mal'Ganis Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Demonology 44 - 34 56.4%
625 2101 Gaza Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology and The Cool Kids 50 - 60 45.5%
625 2190 Valtard Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival I Buff U Long Time 103 - 75 57.9%
626 1993 Souperman Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Stellâr 136 - 121 52.9%
629 2131 Quelmonk Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker 159 - 156 50.5%
630 1927 Mazadu Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Full Circle 33 - 33 50.0%
630 2147 Realmvp Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Druid Feral 556 - 564 49.6%
630 2100 Purpledaddy Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction LiveWire 68 - 63 51.9%
630 1927 Spaceghøst Mal'Ganis Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Elemental Top Opp 45 - 46 49.5%
633 2068 Diosban Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction La Horda 38 - 48 44.2%
633 2250 Shadöwmeld Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Cuteboi Academy 46 - 35 56.8%
636 1287 Sweedman Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Rogue Assassination The God Hand 14 - 21 40.0%
637 2227 Sarynrae Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Catalysts 115 - 118 49.4%
637 2142 Lindnerx Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Guillotine 49 - 59 45.4%
640 1975 Kreeblinz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival WAR MODE 105 - 78 57.4%
646 2247 Runkle Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline High on Life 130 - 114 53.3%
648 1521 Solarran Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost Death Company 34 - 47 42.0%
648 2112 Magicsofa Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 36 - 27 57.1%
650 1451 Swaggyjay Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane 95 - 95 50.0%
652 2162 Msrogue Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Carlos and I 47 - 31 60.3%
654 1658 Akkoro Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Elemental cuties 23 - 31 42.6%
654 2134 Macdrag Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Bier League 82 - 92 47.1%
654 2110 Diane Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 58 - 66 46.8%
659 2109 Schloppy Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation PvP on u like R Kelly 52 - 42 55.3%
660 2076 Bladestörm Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury We So Hordie 129 - 114 53.1%
661 2122 Krazyfists Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Very Adorable 58 - 41 58.6%
663 2080 Alvipser Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction gn 51 - 47 52.0%
665 2108 Beamp Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Wave Check 113 - 94 54.6%
665 2108 Myxoma Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation The Sauce 34 - 27 55.7%
667 2156 Stayscheming Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Project Dynasty 114 - 91 55.6%
667 1893 Deaddadruss Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Wha Gwan Doe 218 - 204 51.7%
668 2130 Precogx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Grief 46 - 47 49.5%
668 1645 Laguru Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement WKS 36 - 36 50.0%
669 1435 Ugy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire 15 - 15 50.0%
670 2278 Trashstar Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 76 - 51 59.8%
671 1954 Previousleon Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 43 - 29 59.7%
671 2204 Scrapx Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Warrior Arms All Gear No Skill 288 - 285 50.3%
675 2075 Khâøs Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Very Adorable 51 - 41 55.4%
675 2227 Trollypolly Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Druid Guardian Stellâr 130 - 87 59.9%
677 1947 Takeashot Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival Stellâr 121 - 100 54.8%
677 2036 Taromilktea Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Warlock Affliction GUILD BUFFS TBH 223 - 218 50.6%
677 2273 Flashbaron Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Improve 50 - 28 64.1%
678 2035 Mocknee Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Warlock Destruction Did We Log 30 - 23 56.6%
680 2063 Theworldboss Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Protection Key Me 181 - 180 50.1%
684 2175 Broseh Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Notoriøus 55 - 66 45.5%
684 1971 Harntzertlek Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery 33 - 15 68.8%
685 2160 Doobieeh Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 42 - 12 77.8%
685 1471 Abbaba Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Unreal 22 - 53 29.3%
688 2085 Lindnerxo Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy Guillotine 42 - 52 44.7%
689 2103 Iammonkey Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Monk Windwalker 52 - 47 52.5%
692 2159 Corvie Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Aint Misbehavin 69 - 53 56.6%
693 1584 Razorvu Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety The New Generation 169 - 178 48.7%
695 2081 Raducanu Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Challenger 239 - 199 54.6%
695 2057 Xbutters Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Step Guild 79 - 67 54.1%
696 2101 Rollige Mal'Ganis Alliance Mechagnome Male Monk Mistweaver 375 - 401 48.3%
697 1580 Bauby Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 67 - 52 56.3%
698 2268 Fizzlewig Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution Stellâr 51 - 43 54.3%
698 1665 Thatcrazy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Dreadstorm 18 - 17 51.4%
698 2121 Partybeast Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral we blast tren 34 - 21 61.8%
699 2143 Drizzydizzy Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination Very Adorable 49 - 38 56.3%
699 1881 Sustainable Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Dampen Me Daddy 23 - 28 45.1%
699 1152 Btebtebte Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 12 - 6 66.7%
700 2232 Ricerot Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy Notoriøus 450 - 416 52.0%
701 2115 Sarynraé Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker Cinder and Ash 78 - 75 51.0%
702 2020 Fulloffist Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 69 - 73 48.6%
703 1930 Soami Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival Grizzly Hills Track Team 40 - 20 66.7%
705 2207 Glaivegasm Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 126 - 75 62.7%
712 2191 Rarelinew Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 85 - 72 54.1%
714 2098 Alphadragon Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 116 - 120 49.2%
715 2192 Disciplexo Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Female Priest Holy Club Fu 48 - 36 57.1%
716 1885 Zajashuna Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Bear With Us 32 - 38 45.7%
718 2203 Giselah Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance Dookers in Dornogal 49 - 49 50.0%
719 2096 Trogment Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Incoherent Screaming 53 - 41 56.4%
723 2065 Foxpal Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 83 - 58 58.9%
723 2189 Kudohlol Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Big Where It Counts 469 - 452 50.9%
726 2127 Krowley Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow We So Hordie 177 - 163 52.1%
727 1425 Progressivé Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 15 - 15 50.0%
728 2114 Starchickeñ Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 166 - 146 53.2%
729 2186 Holyxd Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow AFK Food 58 - 46 55.8%
732 1861 Trastham Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Sausage Party 23 - 19 54.8%
732 2255 Boyardaddy Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Protection Incoherent Screaming 59 - 50 54.1%
735 2199 Raindh Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Iron Remnants 81 - 73 52.6%
736 2059 Bigboybopper Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 45 - 36 55.6%
736 2110 Starwindsky Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 112 - 113 49.8%
737 2146 Gxo Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship ABGs 129 - 113 53.3%
740 2055 Toxicstomp Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution Tabbed Out 87 - 89 49.4%
742 2197 Cromega Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Strategic Miscalculation 45 - 63 41.7%
742 2117 Bigbananaman Mal'Ganis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Restoration 455 - 430 51.4%
744 2054 Arral Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Catalysts 136 - 145 48.4%
744 1989 Tahrash Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 39 - 27 59.1%
746 1645 Pandadruidf Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Easy Breezy 21 - 21 50.0%
746 2123 Valurvamp Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 46 - 31 59.7%
747 2109 Waflez Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Grief 68 - 62 52.3%
747 1550 Ttwixx Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination The Øld Gods 23 - 26 46.9%
750 2143 Bigbowbaginz Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Grief 57 - 57 50.0%
752 1980 Cowboydann Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction 32 - 27 54.2%
754 1979 Twidge Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Instigators 185 - 177 51.1%
756 1634 Pantsgrip Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 41 - 42 49.4%
757 1867 Obeanus Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Elemental Suboptimal 135 - 134 50.2%
759 2106 Drasaki Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 76 - 76 50.0%
759 1931 Wickyz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery The Øld Gods 26 - 37 41.3%
761 2177 Huxil Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury 122 - 113 51.9%
762 1893 Boomadiseone Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 25 - 22 53.2%
764 2187 Krekalo Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Catalysts 114 - 72 61.3%
766 2041 Valurex Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 111 - 87 56.1%
766 1865 Totémzz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Ember Sands 40 - 42 48.8%
767 2106 Stunkmunk Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Dave 124 - 125 49.8%
772 2104 Certifiedped Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Twelve Step Program 232 - 209 52.6%
773 2105 Badrattle Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker God I miss her 45 - 30 60.0%
773 2105 Kooves Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Monk Windwalker Avoidable Damage 89 - 85 51.1%
774 2141 Suffered Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Interrupted Like T Swift 64 - 52 55.2%
774 2212 Huussk Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy step dad 496 - 484 50.6%
778 1564 Gurusham Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Dumpster Babies 159 - 162 49.5%
780 2210 Begforheals Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Holy CRG 110 - 68 61.8%
780 2056 Btcbreath Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 159 - 148 51.8%
780 2210 Traski Mal'Ganis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 88 - 62 58.7%
781 2182 Deaforalive Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc The High Society 106 - 123 46.3%
784 1859 Valkyier Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Female Shaman Elemental Celestials 72 - 81 47.1%
785 2101 Formhub Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Retribution 45 - 25 64.3%
788 2102 Partythyme Mal'Ganis Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker we go 66 - 63 51.2%
788 2102 Handsee Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker The Guard 95 - 75 55.9%
789 2135 Youremad Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship God I miss her 53 - 42 55.8%
789 2135 Hellix Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship True Grit 144 - 114 55.8%
796 2167 Yarock Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Catalysts 66 - 70 48.5%
796 2167 Týlêrßlévïñs Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Protection 58 - 68 46.0%
796 2101 Yuckzz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 103 - 103 50.0%
796 2101 Deadlyfist Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Windwalker 68 - 73 48.2%
797 2095 Dragongobrr Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 81 - 68 54.4%
797 1856 Lavalinks Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental Imperio 56 - 50 52.8%
799 2098 Rennarsip Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 95 - 85 52.8%
801 1540 Chetterbung Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Floor Pov 20 - 26 43.5%
804 2167 Rtrdblizxd Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration REPENT SINNER 158 - 125 55.8%
806 1875 Orcthug Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Halls of Warcraft 57 - 42 57.6%
808 2114 Stuck Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination 105 - 83 55.9%
809 1836 Twidge Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Instigators 38 - 34 52.8%
809 1609 Druidcreme Mal'Ganis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Restoration Zero Below 55 - 65 45.8%
810 1294 Neverfelt Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Blood Nothing Else Matters 14 - 28 33.3%
810 1853 Sunshine Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Warmart 97 - 88 52.4%
813 1901 Neriko Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery Pathogen 265 - 254 51.1%
814 864 Wolfsokaga Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Rogue Outlaw 9 - 9 50.0%
814 2037 Thraw Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 164 - 151 52.1%
814 2162 Hojcrops Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Angry Mob 46 - 31 59.7%
817 2036 Jörmungander Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Prowlers of the Night 60 - 43 58.3%
817 1804 Quelmage Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 29 - 19 60.4%
821 2168 Meekedh Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc DEFIÄNCE 130 - 100 56.5%
822 2199 Çharlemagne Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 110 - 75 59.5%
822 2079 Citronaut Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation we go 134 - 119 53.0%
823 2112 Gtbsb Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 195 - 197 49.7%
829 2020 Careless Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy Kapow 37 - 61 37.8%
830 2111 Zerogap Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Grief 70 - 60 53.8%
830 2111 Sus Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 39 - 45 46.4%
830 2111 Xkami Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Incoherent Screaming 35 - 38 47.9%
833 2000 Plk Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Insight 41 - 47 46.6%
833 2018 Wankel Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy murlocs 28 - 23 54.9%
834 2036 Raymond Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Monk Windwalker Get Scrumped 29 - 25 53.7%
834 1800 Bøygenius Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Tet Cørporation 28 - 31 47.5%
841 2124 Lambofgöd Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Top Opp 97 - 81 54.5%
842 2016 Moxiesipper Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 41 - 46 47.1%
842 1826 Corruptus Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Sober 25 - 47 34.7%
844 1245 Alcea Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Goon Squad Gold 13 - 17 43.3%
845 1927 Deaddadruss Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Wha Gwan Doe 97 - 96 50.3%
846 1463 Bozmix Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Male Rogue Subtlety 48 - 64 42.9%
846 2214 Absouluute Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Doing It Live 213 - 186 53.4%
846 2214 Ilidân Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 117 - 108 52.0%
849 2144 Debussynjoyr Mal'Ganis Alliance Draenei Female Priest Discipline 53 - 54 49.5%
849 2070 Madzx Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 113 - 81 58.2%
850 1996 Blotsfordots Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology The God Hand 170 - 155 52.3%
852 2159 Ghadisbad Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Carlos and I 196 - 194 50.3%
855 2099 Chillkilla Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Broken Frontier 683 - 706 49.2%
856 2082 Fakehatt Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker MOM CREDIT CARD PLEASE 41 - 46 47.1%
857 2063 Vokerlyyfe Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Imperio 166 - 128 56.5%
858 816 Mhún Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Cadia 9 - 18 33.3%
860 2100 Phludd Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Tet Cørporation 51 - 48 51.5%
860 2011 Buddyguyy Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 29 - 13 69.0%
860 2100 Geriatricks Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Dampen Me Daddy 45 - 30 60.0%
861 2153 Reficul Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury One for One 165 - 187 46.9%
862 799 Business Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Rogue Outlaw Again 9 - 11 45.0%
863 1822 Imyuckzz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 29 - 25 53.7%
864 1572 Slobberz Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Feral The Fire Heals You 64 - 77 45.4%
867 2095 Minishám Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Elemental Pandamonium 270 - 213 55.9%
867 2011 Evoclipse Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Blind Pick Heroes 37 - 35 51.4%
867 2155 Tevodh Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 158 - 156 50.3%
870 1456 Makrad Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Stellâr 18 - 21 46.2%
871 1566 Bigpumpies Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Druid Feral 22 - 20 52.4%
874 2151 Whatsurbench Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 163 - 170 48.9%
876 2118 Ketenjoyer Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 85 - 95 47.2%
876 2020 Cdeez Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 51 - 47 52.0%
878 2073 Nject Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Nothing Else Matters 46 - 35 56.8%
879 1779 Cocoabutta Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Mage Frost The Øld Gods 25 - 24 51.0%
882 2136 Sxlanderx Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration The Øld Gods 118 - 126 48.4%
882 2089 Vraull Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Shaman Elemental Plus Two Elitists 308 - 316 49.4%
883 2148 Theworldboss Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Protection Key Me 128 - 98 56.6%
887 1980 Iamlockedin Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Warlock Affliction 53 - 49 52.0%
890 2087 Healuminati Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Priest Holy Entity 89 - 94 48.6%
892 1432 Cunchy Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Awakeníng 16 - 14 53.3%
894 2150 Ectemian Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 54 - 48 52.9%
894 1830 Shamaro Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement The Company II 31 - 32 49.2%
897 1956 Equatíon Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Mage Arcane 144 - 139 50.9%
897 2178 Priestmini Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Pandamonium 141 - 131 51.8%
897 2178 Bleazieblee Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Female Priest Discipline 135 - 117 53.6%
898 1976 Warlockalyps Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction 39 - 33 54.2%
898 2066 Trashstarx Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 132 - 130 50.4%
903 1869 Mîrak Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery All Gear No Skill 328 - 325 50.2%
906 2100 Dahakarogue Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination Dream Sport 124 - 102 54.9%
908 1811 Lewlock Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology we blast tren 31 - 13 70.5%
910 2148 Bwonwonsamdi Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Surrendering IRL 134 - 119 53.0%
912 1827 Macadelìc Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental 68 - 65 51.1%
915 1996 Injuring Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Catalysts 63 - 42 60.0%
916 1834 Daddyducks Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Survival 57 - 59 49.1%
918 2038 Unidragon Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 57 - 68 45.6%
920 735 Minì Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination Pandamonium 8 - 9 47.1%
921 2126 Bonedru Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian Back In My Day 52 - 71 42.3%
923 864 Nevercs Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane Kismet 10 - 13 43.5%
923 864 Jerms Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost Unstable 9 - 9 50.0%
923 2145 Themidnight Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Tet Cørporation 105 - 114 47.9%
924 2170 Giantloser Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 90 - 71 55.9%
924 2141 Imthemessup Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Crumbs 45 - 33 57.7%
924 2170 Okiinn Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 50 - 34 59.5%
924 1808 Nocturnâl Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Warlock Demonology The Fifth Affix 30 - 13 69.8%
924 2141 Meatpocket Mal'Ganis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Warrior Fury 83 - 77 51.9%
926 2002 Pyongyang Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver Captain Jack Swallows 346 - 375 48.0%
926 2093 Weston Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination We So Hordie 85 - 72 54.1%
927 2129 Bigdamfears Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 118 - 92 56.2%
928 2191 Tahonto Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution Washed Up Scrubs 51 - 45 53.1%
930 2169 Katanalol Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 95 - 81 54.0%
933 679 Mazzelant Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Male Rogue Subtlety The Øld Gods 11 - 31 26.2%
933 1984 Cremepal Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Holy DTL 54 - 55 49.5%
933 2144 Demonspark Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Trust Us We Have Candy 41 - 44 48.2%
934 672 Xkami Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Incoherent Screaming 7 - 5 58.3%
934 672 Piffnpoke Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Rogue Assassination Piff 7 - 7 50.0%
934 672 Stayscheming Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Project Dynasty 9 - 4 69.2%
936 2139 Schillaci Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 62 - 51 54.9%
936 1983 Boneadin Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Protection 64 - 76 45.7%
936 2168 Asteriskx Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 78 - 69 53.1%
937 1945 Aaronsanchez Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 43 - 45 48.9%
937 1741 Gamnbit Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane ScaryBadGuys 29 - 28 50.9%
938 2064 Dustybones Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Vandals 46 - 37 55.4%
941 2060 Jlargewood Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Subjectively Competent 108 - 91 54.3%
941 1820 Shocksendots Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental Non Factor 75 - 73 50.7%
942 1055 Buttbone Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Death Knight Frost Murloc Raiders 11 - 7 61.1%
949 2039 Zensmoke Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Windwalker Nak muay 39 - 32 54.9%
952 1977 Skilladinxd Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 118 - 108 52.2%
954 2037 Ricebtw Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Eternal Corruption 42 - 32 56.8%
954 1938 Cambio Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Male Mage Frost One Last Breath 104 - 93 52.8%
954 2117 Brosev Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration TEAM BROSEV 38 - 28 57.6%
954 2137 Sàndman Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury The Øld Gods 63 - 69 47.7%
957 1992 Slickb Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver Mythic Minus 39 - 44 47.0%
959 1729 Ionlysheep Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Mage Frost 22 - 15 59.5%
962 2136 Devrygrad Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 55 - 64 46.2%
962 2055 Brittnyfearz Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Missed My Kick 101 - 95 51.5%
962 1326 Unsöndo Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Enhancement All Gear No Skill 14 - 34 29.2%
963 1934 Dsgustipated Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warrior Fury Turtle Hermit Way 68 - 72 48.6%
965 1958 Hikamiro Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Pasta Party 29 - 19 60.4%
966 2075 Blongblong Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Instigators 54 - 48 52.9%
968 2106 Yourebooty Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 48 - 43 52.7%
969 2101 Mangosoda Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Male Hunter Marksmanship 46 - 50 47.9%
969 2122 Vineller Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Abyss 98 - 108 47.6%
969 2018 Rokitty Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance BeepBoopBeepBoopBeepBop 115 - 116 49.8%
971 1480 Ganodu Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral I N I Q U I T Y 45 - 50 47.4%
973 1987 Obc Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Coded Chaos 35 - 24 59.3%
973 2114 Madzx Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 100 - 75 57.1%
973 2137 Unkiteable Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Top Opp 52 - 65 44.4%
973 2018 Everlonger Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 141 - 121 53.8%
976 1471 Nellondd Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Guardian M E A T 38 - 45 45.8%
981 1927 Bebelf Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warrior Fury 220 - 217 50.3%
981 1859 Sacrificed Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology 29 - 18 61.7%
983 2016 Coolbears Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance old man gaming 39 - 21 65.0%
986 2014 Greenfuego Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation we blast tren 29 - 13 69.0%
988 767 Histryteachr Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Female Mage Frost Next 8 - 16 33.3%
989 2104 Dahaaka Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 58 - 61 48.7%
989 1335 Aluin Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Assassination The Sanctuary 25 - 41 37.9%
990 1715 Capsttwo Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Fire Washed Up Scrubs 21 - 26 44.7%
990 2120 Nastykamala Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Blind Pick Heroes 89 - 98 47.6%
992 2062 Happydayss Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 87 - 44 66.4%
993 2172 Lillm Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Stellâr 180 - 180 50.0%
993 2013 Rattyboy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance relax gobbo 33 - 21 61.1%
997 2152 Sugarnspice Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Azeroth Special Forces 41 - 24 63.1%
998 1963 Tiltedirl Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Female Paladin Holy Vigil 29 - 17 63.0%
1000 2010 Naumm Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Female Druid Feral Step Dad Power Play 340 - 333 50.5%
1000 2006 Sarkano Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 55 - 50 52.4%
1003 2151 Willøws Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Priest Discipline 259 - 226 53.4%
1004 2033 Doma Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Warm Soda 27 - 33 45.0%
1004 2056 Relaxbax Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Pleasuretown Adventures 128 - 134 48.9%
1005 1317 Kreeperlol Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety 14 - 22 38.9%
1006 704 Bogaboga Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Male Mage Arcane All Gear No Skill 8 - 14 36.4%
1007 672 Melekhaolam Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane 7 - 11 38.9%
1007 672 Cleon Mal'Ganis Alliance Draenei Male Mage Fire 7 - 5 58.3%
1010 2001 Dracardi Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 45 - 37 54.9%
1010 1800 Lackzh Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 61 - 49 55.5%
1010 2132 Legdays Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Grief 40 - 57 41.2%
1011 1917 Treecover Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 31 - 23 57.4%
1012 1939 Dabsmoke Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Coded Chaos 139 - 134 50.9%
1012 1707 Minimagë Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Female Mage Fire Pandamonium 28 - 36 43.8%
1014 1916 Freezze Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Firing Squad 52 - 53 49.5%
1020 2049 Diskoh Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination old man gaming 39 - 20 66.1%
1021 1955 Chillight Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Broken Frontier 194 - 202 49.0%
1022 1938 Threestar Mal'Ganis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 103 - 88 53.9%
1022 1938 Improvizer Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Retribution 131 - 101 56.5%
1028 1207 Icedogg Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Enhancement Ghost GS 187 - 213 46.8%
1030 2126 Strých Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 94 - 95 49.7%
1034 1802 Redseed Mal'Ganis Horde Vulpera Female Shaman Elemental Cleanup Crew 25 - 35 41.7%
1034 1935 Thiccgurl Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 151 - 147 50.7%
1036 1910 Lyintedcruz Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Blind Pick Heroes 38 - 46 45.2%
1039 1909 Herbshow Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Reapers Of Fate 40 - 40 50.0%
1040 2128 Nezidal Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Entity 116 - 100 53.7%
1040 1934 Nvenom Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction Nothing Else Matters 26 - 23 53.1%
1040 1988 Tommycheese Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation low key crazy 46 - 42 52.3%
1040 2128 Strafed Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Nothing Else Matters 94 - 72 56.6%
1041 2114 Mynaevis Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Danny Devito Fanclub 52 - 56 48.1%
1041 2125 Holruk Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warrior Arms True Grit 276 - 268 50.7%
1042 1414 Kalmaro Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Feral cuties 15 - 27 35.7%
1045 1933 Buterrss Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Chaotic Descent 38 - 35 52.1%
1046 1152 Baldblindbad Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 12 - 12 50.0%
1046 2142 Okiin Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Male Priest Discipline 94 - 57 62.3%
1051 2141 Whiteheal Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy 90 - 55 62.1%
1052 1930 Automationz Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction Falkor Delivery Service 175 - 160 52.2%
1052 1258 Spcz Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety 81 - 93 46.6%
1054 1942 Évanescence Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 54 - 47 53.5%
1054 1922 Beautifulevo Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Goodnight Moon 87 - 69 55.8%
1057 1991 Starboii Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance Sausage Party 80 - 82 49.4%
1057 2098 Mashrooms Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 414 - 399 50.9%
1058 1941 Eloinflated Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 69 - 66 51.1%
1059 1823 Jàzz Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 44 - 41 51.8%
1060 1394 Bowlcutdruid Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Guardian Mass Exodus 23 - 33 41.1%
1060 1750 Konghx Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 60 - 68 46.9%
1061 511 Kawner Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Male Rogue Assassination Oribros 6 - 8 42.9%
1062 1749 Raeraeluck Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Demonology Danny Devito Fanclub 19 - 10 65.5%
1064 2025 Biskitts Mal'Ganis Horde Goblin Female Shaman Restoration 266 - 249 51.7%
1065 2000 Cyr Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker 207 - 217 48.8%
1068 862 Frostsickle Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
1068 1831 Baxmoney Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 29 - 43 40.3%
1068 1949 Alekso Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 33 - 44 42.9%
1070 2023 Rogrim Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Danny Devito Fanclub 44 - 47 48.4%
1071 1830 Chaoscontrol Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Female Warlock Affliction The God Hand 31 - 34 47.7%
1073 2004 Superqt Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow Late Shift 39 - 20 66.1%
1074 2122 Nicesmells Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Tegridy 43 - 34 55.8%
1074 2062 Snipeysnu Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 61 - 58 51.3%
1075 1913 Rockion Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation BeepBoopBeepBoopBeepBop 77 - 81 48.7%
1075 2158 Macnabb Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 74 - 44 62.7%
1075 1921 Corgiw Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Nothing But Trouble 76 - 75 50.3%
1076 1828 Gankylock Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Just Wipe 22 - 22 50.0%
1079 2021 Chetterbung Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Floor Pov 54 - 37 59.3%
1080 1760 Redlogik Mal'Ganis Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 24 - 41 36.9%
1080 2157 Minî Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Pandamonium 102 - 106 49.0%
1080 1981 Sethcarter Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Kismet 26 - 40 39.4%
1081 2109 Brutha Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Priest Holy Roflcer of the Lawl 188 - 189 49.9%
1082 810 Bébøp Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Death Knight Unholy Hey Im Original 10 - 22 31.3%
1084 2156 Lejj Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Retribution 37 - 34 52.1%
1086 2000 Eladee Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow Bakery Boyz 1536 - 1529 50.1%
1086 1967 Tumulto Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Danny Devito Fanclub 62 - 47 56.9%
1086 2021 Johnonymous Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 72 - 72 50.0%
1090 2057 Xcrétions Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship Blind Pick Heroes 95 - 88 51.9%
1091 1965 Esq Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 35 - 27 56.5%
1092 1932 Clamhammer Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution ScaryBadGuys 42 - 41 50.6%
1096 1750 Dervish Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival Stellâr 37 - 22 62.7%
1097 2078 Grax Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 100 - 97 50.8%
1098 1988 Crackdabs Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 109 - 89 55.1%
1099 2154 Durámax Mal'Ganis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution 88 - 75 54.0%
1099 2018 Jayybot Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 68 - 44 60.7%
1099 1668 Sleazyvibez Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost True Grit 33 - 46 41.8%
1101 1205 Lerosi Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Project Dynasty 27 - 33 45.0%
1105 1901 Dragongobrr Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 40 - 29 58.0%
1105 1901 Barbain Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 33 - 22 60.0%
1106 1056 Scramperson Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 12 - 10 54.5%
1109 1815 Jæx Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 25 - 23 52.1%
1114 1889 Abusedmage Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Project Dynasty 30 - 29 50.8%
1116 1337 Corchy Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Feral Awakeníng 14 - 16 46.7%
1117 554 Spellsteål Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost High on Life 8 - 13 38.1%
1119 1987 Spookyman Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Priest Shadow The Apple Dumpling Gang 32 - 28 53.3%
1120 1937 Yezdaddy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver The Øld Gods 216 - 209 50.8%
1120 1954 Suzusaza Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Pathogen 29 - 36 44.6%
1120 1954 Salamancer Mal'Ganis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation ducked my parse 39 - 46 45.9%
1124 1818 Iamlockedin Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Warlock Affliction 19 - 17 52.8%
1124 2149 Syrza Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 91 - 71 56.2%
1129 2102 Zaxxriee Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline 77 - 61 55.8%
1129 2102 Zerthuul Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Reunited 47 - 29 61.8%
1129 2127 Jwxx Mal'Ganis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Shadow 72 - 34 67.9%
1130 2008 Rocksbury Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental BeepBoopBeepBoopBeepBop 61 - 69 46.9%
1130 1920 Pezeveng Mal'Ganis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 34 - 39 46.6%
1132 1883 Frwd Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost 60 - 61 49.6%
1133 1151 Wobblard Mal'Ganis Alliance Mechagnome Male Rogue Assassination 12 - 12 50.0%
1135 1980 Bicardi Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Full Murloc 44 - 36 55.0%
1138 1809 Jaåxx Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery Stellâr 94 - 72 56.6%
1139 480 Willon Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 5 - 7 41.7%
1139 480 Cambio Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Male Mage Frost One Last Breath 5 - 13 27.8%
1141 1917 Fathermike Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Kismet 65 - 73 47.1%
1141 2125 Chastfear Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow low key crazy 89 - 97 47.8%
1143 1904 Andalorà Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction Catalysts 37 - 29 56.1%
1143 1971 Elskron Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker High on Life 47 - 40 54.0%
1145 1873 Remami Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury 27 - 9 75.0%
1146 1812 Ciuma Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction The Øld Gods 36 - 38 48.6%
1146 1930 Sadio Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver Nexion 70 - 81 46.4%
1146 1913 Lilfingered Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy 60 - 80 42.9%
1146 1812 Zephyrchaos Mal'Ganis Horde Nightborne Female Warlock Demonology 25 - 22 53.2%
1146 1913 Supercutee Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Protection Azeroth Special Forces 47 - 40 54.0%
1148 1890 Pandawings Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Booyakasha 36 - 24 60.0%
1149 1947 Supercutei Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Dragonknight Elites 42 - 39 51.9%
1150 2100 Henrylicksyu Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Existential Dred Hotline 174 - 167 51.0%
1155 1877 Arcanefotm Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost Stormbound 97 - 85 53.3%
1156 2049 Araknos Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Nexion 98 - 93 51.3%
1156 2144 Abusedgoat Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 53 - 57 48.2%
1156 1908 Cubensis Mal'Ganis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Holy 68 - 45 60.2%
1157 2001 Joaqibuckley Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration EEFFOC 344 - 315 52.2%
1158 384 Bauby Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination 4 - 8 33.3%
1158 1705 Ozäi Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Wreckonize 51 - 56 47.7%
1158 384 Ihavehelmet Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Female Rogue Outlaw 4 - 2 66.7%
1158 384 Avrex Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Assassination 4 - 8 33.3%
1159 1926 Echospin Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver Militant 286 - 291 49.6%
1160 2114 Sanadras Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Shattered Serenity 111 - 106 51.2%
1161 1970 Sittan Mal'Ganis Horde Pandaren Male Priest Shadow Revival 143 - 160 47.2%
1162 1745 Shamaramma Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Dark 30 - 39 43.5%
1162 1956 Düglas Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Calm Down 71 - 63 53.0%
1165 958 Trufsade Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Female Shaman Enhancement GLHF 10 - 26 27.8%
1166 1924 Osteen Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Yup 75 - 76 49.7%
1167 1805 Barnicle Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Stellâr 39 - 43 47.6%
1169 1701 Avolish Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Militant 19 - 24 44.2%
1169 1922 Reks Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Stressed 56 - 44 56.0%
1172 1949 Yuhcy Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 41 - 37 52.6%
1174 1898 Niash Mal'Ganis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 35 - 18 66.0%
1175 2141 Choop Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Stellâr 50 - 52 49.0%
1175 1993 Rosineer Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 38 - 31 55.1%
1176 1073 Menabena Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Stressed 21 - 63 25.0%
1181 1992 Bilbobagginz Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination low key crazy 35 - 36 49.3%
1184 1869 Snuphie Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost SECURITY 109 - 92 54.2%
1187 895 Xehrulav Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 10 - 10 50.0%
1187 1874 Vokedeeznuts Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 31 - 26 54.4%
1187 895 Daucus Mal'Ganis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 10 - 10 50.0%
1188 2110 Dblfister Mal'Ganis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms Late Shift 42 - 32 56.8%
1189 1857 Rakudai Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury 32 - 34 48.5%
1189 1247 Eyebola Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 13 - 5 72.2%
1192 864 Mesothelloma Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Washed 9 - 9 50.0%
1194 1728 Alablast Mal'Ganis Horde Troll Male Shaman Elemental Stellâr 42 - 58 42.0%
1194 1953 Nevatel Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Kismet 41 - 37 52.6%
1195 2040 Rockheal Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration The High Society 31 - 25 55.4%
1198 1896 Noobishness Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution BridgeFour 53 - 43 55.2%
1199 1869 Raxdragon Mal'Ganis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Void 29 - 38 43.3%
1200 1913 Twoquick Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 27 - 26 50.9%
1200 1853 Guruwar Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Dumpster Babies 30 - 30 50.0%
1202 1951 Hotgurl Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker PvP on u like R Kelly 163 - 158 50.8%
1204 2109 Warrjonez Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Kitty Ascended 41 - 38 51.9%
1205 1941 Shufflebot Mal'Ganis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 21 - 21 50.0%
1210 1948 Omphalos Mal'Ganis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Massive Ego 65 - 49 57.0%
1213 2109 Pigmah Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Shes Got Big Crits 44 - 43 50.6%
1213 2109 Morbyis Mal'Ganis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Pvp Gangstaz 137 - 104 56.8%
1215 1890 Chenita Mal'Ganis Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 81 - 64 55.9%
1215 432 Astrophiliac Mal'Ganis Horde